Muirhouse youth group plan to make a splash


Support MYDG’s swimathon!

Muirhouse Youth Development Group (MYDG) will be taking part in a 24 hour fundraising Swimathon on Thursday 3 April and they could use your support.

MYDG’s Operational Manager Dean Shanks explained: “Money raised will support field trips, outdoor activities and MYDG’s commonwealth summer sports programme.

“You can pick up a sponsor form from MYDG’s office in Craigroyston Community High School or the Community Shop on Pennywell Road. Alternatively, you can make a donation online at our justgiving site which will be up and running tomorrow and I will forward on a link to everyone then. You can also come along and swim or volunteer to help with the running of the event!”

MYDG is based at Craigroyston Community High School

Telephone: 0131 332 3356



Full house for North Edinburgh’s Big Night Out

There wasn’t a spare seat in the theatre for North Edinburgh’s Big Night Out, organised by local group Power to the People, at North Edinburgh Arts last week. Over a hundred people from North Edinburgh and beyond enjoyed an evening of song, poetry, dance and drama.

Power to the People evolved from North Edinburgh Social History Group, local people who trawled through a huge volume of archive material to produce ‘Never Give Up’, a history of community activism in North Edinburgh.

Power to the People took this a stage further, and last Friday’s event was not only a celebration of the succesful conclusion of the course but also an opportunity to encourage wider activism.

Guests and visitors had an opportunity to visit art and photography exhibitions and view a video slideshow in North Edinburgh Arts’ galleries and cafe area before taking their seats in the theatre

There was a raft of strong performances on a special evening. North Edinburgh’s very own Timebank Choir got the show off to a rousing start and this was followed by poetry from Ian Moore and Anna Hutchison, two founding  members of both the Social History and Power to the People groups.

If the early part of the programme was dominated by North Edinburgh’s more mature activists, the stage belonged to the next generation when students from Craigroyston Community High School performed a medley of music, prose and drama which almost brought the house down. The future’s bright …

The Craigroyston kids were a near impossible act to follow, but North Edinburgh’s Womens International Group did just that with a moving interpretation of a work by Pastor Niemoller.

The evening was not limited to performers from North Edinburgh, of course, and Scots machair Liz Lochhead was a very welcome guest. Scotland’s national poet remains as popular as ever and national treasure Liz delighted an appreciative audience with some of her earliest poems as well as her latest epistle – written especially for a cinema opening the following evening and hot off the press. North Edinburgh heard it first!

The talented Penny Stone brought a memorable evening to a fitting finale by leading the audience – young and not quite so young – in a medley of popular protest songs.

CLD worker Lynn McCabe, who supports the Power to the People group, said: “The group wanted the Big Night Out to achieve a number of things: celebrate the end of the Power to the People course and share what we’ve learned with a wider audience. We also wanted people to have a good night out and to  enjoy the entertainment.

“The Big Night Out also gave us an opportunity to promote the arts and to raise awareness about the Referendum – we hope the event will promote further discussion and debate.

“It was great that the young people from Craigroyston played such an active part on the night and we would like to attract more young people as well as others of all ages who are not already involved.

Our hope was that the audience would leave feeling inspired, motivated to get involved and more committed to equality and defending what’s important. The Power to the People group wanted to get the message across that change is possible, that there is an alternative and that we can change the world!”

The group would like to thank:

  • Jade and Subie for giving up their free time to produce their art work for the big night out   (this was done on a voluntary basis outwith their course)
  • Helen Foster at Scran  and Claire the IT  tutor at Royston Wardieburn for supporting the Power to the People group learn how to use this important resource to prepare the exhibition
  • The Scotsman Publications, Gerry McCann and Duncan Brown for allowing us to use their photos for free
  •  Craigroyston Community High School for encouraging and supporting their pupils to participate in this community event
  • The timebank choir
  •  All the staff at North Edinburgh Arts
  • Royston Wardieburn Community Centre for paying for the transport to get people here and back tonight
  • CLD for  providing worker support  and finance towards the cost of the event
  • Plton Central Association
  • Liz Lochhead for giving up her time to join us here tonight
  • Joel Venet for filming the event
  • Dave Pickering, MC for the night
  • And finally, the Power to the People group for organising the event

The group will evaluate the Big Night Out when they next meet – changing the world may take a little longer!

Some Big Night Out pictures:












































STOP PRESS: Joel Venet has prouced a short Big Night Out highlights video. You’ll find it on YouTube at North Edinburgh Fights Back – it’s called Celebrate2

Tonight’s the night it really Matters

NEYPF’s latest ‘Matters2Us’ newspaper focuses on anti-bullying

ForumThe second edition of the North Edinburgh Young People’s Forum Matters2Us (anti-Bullying issue) is being launched tonight in Craigroyston Community Hgh School at 5.30pm.

CLD worker Clare Gibson, who supports the group, said: “North Edinburgh Young People’s Forum have put a lot of work into this research, the publication and the launch itself and would really appreciate it if you could let them know if you intend to be there tonight for the launch of the second edition of their version of The Matter: Matters2Us; this issue will focus on Anti-Bullying.

In July 2013, the Young People’s Forum were successful in their application to the Respectme Anti-Bullying fund to produce a second edition of their newspaper, this time asking the question:

‘How would you like to be supported if you were being bullied or see someone else being bullied?’

The group then consulted with over 100 pupils across two primary schools in North Edinburgh, going into classrooms over two days, spending time with the young people and finding out their thoughts on bullying.

The Young People’s Forum would now like to share what the young people who they met with said and would like to invite you to attend the launch of this second edition tonight at Craigroyston Community High School at 5.30pm.

There will also be an opportunity to hear from a local parents group on how they have made a user friendly guide to their schools Anti-Bullying Policy to support parents, young people and the community to understand it.”

If you plan to attend, or require further information, contact


The Scottish Government is to introduce guidance to help give pupils better protection online and in the classrooms, it has been announced.

Schools will get advice on promoting the safe and responsible use of mobile devices to protect pupils and staff from the potentially harmful consequences of misuse.

Speaking at the Respectme conference during National Anti-Bullying Week 2013, Minister for Learning Alasdair Allan unveiled the guidance on responsible use of phones, tablets and other mobile devices and an e-safety website. He said:

“We want everyone in Scotland to grow up free from bullying and to have respect for each other. All bullying behaviour is unacceptable but no one reading the recent horrific accounts of cyber-bullying, blackmail and exploitation can help but be outraged.

“It is unrealistic to expect young people to turn away from technology. We need to look practically at what can be done to change attitudes and stop people using these resources for abuse.

“All schools must have anti-bullying policies that are regularly updated to ensure that pupils are safe and protected from potential harm, both within and outside school.

“That is why I am launching guidance to help schools develop and update policies to promote the safe and responsible use of mobile technology in schools along with an e-safety review tool – an interactive way for schools to review their e-safety provision and to develop an action plan for improvements.

“This guidance and tool will help schools find the right balance between the use of mobile devices in the classroom without them causing disruption or being misused.”

Dr Allan also confirmed that a summit of internet providers and anti-bullying partners such as Respectme would go ahead on December 4.

He added: “Technology moves on leaps and bounds very quickly and teachers and parents need support to help keep up with it. That is why my colleague, Minister for Children and Young People Aileen Campbell, and I are hosting a summit in December to see what more can be done to help everyone feel that they can go online without fear.”

David Wright, Director of the UK Safer Internet Centre at the South West Grid for Learning Trust, said: “It is fantastic that schools across Scotland will have access to a reflective, non-moralising and empowering tool to review and improve their own Internet safety policy and practice.”

National Anti-Bullying Week 2013 takes place from Monday 18 to Friday 22 November.

Advice for parents, young people and schools is available from the national anti-bullying service Respectme and CEOP’s thinkuknow

A Centipede spectacular: Muirhouse to light up on Friday!


I work with a community project called Centipede Project. We work with the community of Muirhouse to organise fun events that they would like to see take place. Our upcoming event is Luminous Muirhouse, please find all the information below.

What: Luminous Muirhouse will take place over one evening on 22 November between 4 – 6pm. It is a Glow in the Dark to scale blueprint of an ideal home spray-painted on the ground of a disused car park in the heart of Muirhouse.

This has been designed by Eileen Hall, Edinburgh-based architect in conjunction with pupils from Craigroyston High School. Glow in the dark flat wood furniture will be added to reflect some of the community’s creativity and desires for their area.

Kenny Bean, Scottish photographer has been taking portraits of locals in hands on workshops which will be projected on the church walls (outside).

A local Baton Twirling group will be performing with glow in the dark batons, group taught by Claire Chalmers.

Local musician, James Campbell, will be playing guitar.

Refreshments will be served.

Where: Opposite Muirhouse St. Andrew’s Parish Church on the brown field site, earmarked for development in 2014 Pennywell and the Church itself. Pennywell Medway as Pennywell Gardens is closed for roadworks.

When: Friday 22nd November 4 – 6pm.

Who: Centipede Project a locally based participative organisation, funded by Go For It fund. Artist Natalie Taylor, Project Co-ordinator Jo McArthur

Why: To bring the community together for fun events and empower local people to be active in their area.

With Thanks to: North Edinburgh Arts, Blacklight, Craigroyston Community High School, Edinburgh City Council, Zoo Arts, Tomorrow’s People, Muirhouse Youth Development Group, Muirhouse Millennium Centre, Don Bosco Club, Borja Prada, Muirhouse Library.

Joanne McArthur, Centipede Project

Liz Lochhead to be part of North Edinburgh’s Big Night Out

lochheadScotland’s national poet Liz Lochhead will be among the participants at a major community event to be held in North Edinburgh later this month. ‘The Big Night Out’, an evening of songs, fun, poetry and protest, is being organised by the local Power to the People group.

The programme is yet to be finalised, but the event will also feature a photography and artwork exhibition.

CLD worker Lynn McCabe, who supports the group, explained: “There’s going to be a couple of exhibitions on the history of protest (one is a photographic exhibition, the other is being put together by arts students from Edinburgh (Telford) College.  The main part of the night will be in the theatre and will include  protest poems and protest poetry.   We have just had word  that Liz Lochhead will be doing a turn which is great, and it’s likely that some  pupils from Craigroyston High School will also be participating in the event – I’m meeting with their teacher to discuss this further. There’s still a lot to organise and confirm but the Power to the People group are very excited about The Big Night Out.”

Power to the People’s Big Night Out will be held in

North Edinburgh Arts on Friday 29 November from 6.30 – 9.30pm.

Tickets £3. All welcome.


What’s The Matter now?

Matters 2us invite

North Edinburgh Young People’s Forum would like to invite you to the launch of the second edition of their version of The Matter: Matters2Us, and this issue will focus on Anti-Bullying. 

In July 2013, the Young People’s Forum were successful in their application to the Respectme Anti-Bullying fund to produce a second edition of their newspaper, this time asking the question:

How would you like to be supported if you were being bullied or see someone else being bullied?’

The group then consulted with over 100 pupils across two primary schools in North Edinburgh, going into classrooms over two days, spending time with the young people and finding out their thoughts on bullying.

The Young People’s Forum would now like to share what the young people who they met with said and would like to invite you to attend the launch of this second edition.

This will take place on Wednesday 20 November at Craigroyston Community High School at 5.30pm.

There will also be an opportunity to hear from a local parents group on how they have made a user friendly guide to their schools Anti-Bullying Policy to support parents, young people and the community to understand it.

We would be delighted if you could attend.

ForumClare Gibson (Youth Work Organiser, CEC Community Learning & Development) on behalf of North Edinburgh Young People’s Forum


Scottish champions Craigroyston compete in USA

F1 in Schools Scottish champions Craigroyston Community High School are currently competing at the World Championships in Austin, Texas.  They flew out last Thursday and have spent the past few days settling in and preparing to do battle with teams from around the world.

The team comprises of Ciaran Harrison, Joe Dudgeon, Gavin Singleton, Stephen Ramsay and Thomas Paget (pictured below) supported by staff Ms Carrie Anderson and Mr George Thomson. The news is that the boys are doing the school, Edinburgh and Scotland proud!

See what happened on Day 1 Sunday 10th November – at the Opening Ceremony & Time Trial Racing  <>

Day 2 yesterday saw the Reaction Racing <>

The team now competes in the Knockout Competition, and we will keep you posted as news wings its way from the USA.

If you would like to see more about the F1 in Schools Competition then follow this link:<>


Desmond Spiers

Craigroyston Community High School

Craigroyston marks Remembrance Day

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACraigroyston Community High School commemorated Remembrance Day by holding two special assemblies led by the pupils.  A selection of words, hymns, songs, and poetry, along with a moving video featuring the stories of a variety of veterans were presented to pupils and staff.

At 11am precisely the whole school came to a standstill as everyone stood for the two minute silence.  The wreath laying was carried out by two representatives from each year group accompanied by a piper playing Flowers of the Forest. Honoured guests included local councillors, veterans, parents and council officials.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Desmond Spiers, Craigroyston Community High School


What does ‘home’ mean to you?

21c art compThe city council is running an art competition for schoolchildren from Muirhouse, Pilton and Pennywell to mark the start of construction of new homes in West Pilton Crescent – and the closing date for entries is fast approaching.

‘What does home mean to you?’ is the appropriate theme of the competition which is open to pupils of Pirniehall, St David’s, Craigroyston and Forthview, Oaklands and Craigroyston Community High School. Entries can be drawings, paintings, a collage or photographs – but your artwork must be submitted by the closing date of next Friday, 25 October.

Winners of the various categories (see the attached poster) will be announced on

Thursday 21 November. Good luck!

Home Sweet Home

Author Matt Cartney enthralls Craigroyston

Author and adventurer Matt Cartney (pictured below) visited Craigroyston High School on Friday (4 October) to talk to the S1 pupils. 

He entertained us all for 90 minutes with tales of his adventures to Morocco and Norway that were the inspiration for his first two novels in the Danny Lansing adventure series: ‘The Sons of Rissouli’ and ‘Red, White and Black’.  Matt gave us an insight into how his love for adventure has been with him since childhood, and that he wanted to write the sort of books he loved reading as a boy.

The pupils sat enthralled for an hour, before quizzing Matt with a series of penetrating questions – we found that Tin Tin was his favourite book at school, though he also loved books by H. Rider Haggard and Arthur Ransome.  It can take him a year of researching and travelling before he starts to write a book.  He has also taken some of his childhood friends and used them as the basis for Danny’s friends.  We found out that of all the countries in the world that he has visited, his favourites are Morocco, Tibet and New Zealand.

His next novel due out in 2014 will be set in a tropical jungle and the fourth Danny Lansing adventure – which he has just started – will be set in Russia.

Well, we can’t wait to read these when they are published!

Craigroyston Community High School
