Have your say on vision for new Queensferry community hub

A consultation has opened on proposals to deliver new, fit for purpose services and more school places that support Queensferry’s growing population

Residents are being asked to share their feedback on new ideas to create a community campus on Burgess Road, bringing together more modern services in a central location for the whole of Queensferry.

Plans for the new project, which have been designed using the findings of past consultations and reports, focus on:

  • A new Early Years Centre on the north end of Burgess Park, providing children with better quality outdoor space and a modern environment for learning and development. 
  • Enhancing greenspace and extending Burgess Park by removing the Road Depot on adjacent land.
  • Moving an improved and larger Queensferry library to the campus, with more community spaces and provision to deliver expanded services with our partners.
  • Providing additional classrooms at Queensferry Primary School by moving the Early Years facility to a new building and repurposing space within the school.
  • Expanding playground space at Queensferry Primary School, replacing existing buildings in poor condition.

The proposals for the hub are part of the Queensferry Living Well Locally project to help make Queensferry greener, healthier and safer for everyone.

The project aligns with the 20-minute neighbourhood strategy to help local people meet most of their daily needs within a short walk, wheel or cycle from their home.

Information on further plans to improve walking, wheeling and cycling connections to shops, services, and facilities in the local area will follow as related projects are developed.

Councillor Val Walker, Culture and Communities Convener, said:With Queensferry’s population continuing to grow, we need more school places to meet demand, while some of our existing community buildings are reaching the end of their usable life and are no longer fit for purpose.

“We firmly believe that doing nothing is not an option, and we need to invest in local community facilities for today and tomorrow. We are looking to deliver this through a place-based approach that reflects what people in the area want and need.

“We are keen to hear from as many people as possible who use services in the area. The proposals have been designed partly using the feedback from previous engagement, but we need to make sure they work for everyone.

“This consultation is a fantastic opportunity to make sure people’s views are heard and considered when plans are developed in more detail.”

Councillor Joan Griffiths, Education, Children and Families Convener, said: “We know from previous engagement that people would like modern community services and facilities in a central location that is easy for people from all over the local area to access. Our ideas for a new community hub on Burgess Road address these issues.

“The proposals for the new early years centre and expanded primary school have the potential to create a modern learning and development environment for children in Queensferry, while allowing us to provide vital new classroom spaces.”

The survey is now live on the Consultation Hub and will run until Monday 21st April. A number of in-person events will be held in venues across Queensferry, where officers will be available to discuss plans and listen to people’s views. 

The first of these will take place on Thursday 6th February at Queensferry Library (12pm – 2pm) and Scotmid Co-Op (4pm – 6pm). Details of further dates and times will be published on the Council’s website and Consultation Hub. 

Beyond this, the project team is also meeting with local community groups and organisations as part of the consultation process. 

EIJB: Draft Strategic Plan consultation

Edinburgh Integration Joint Board draft strategic plan – HAVE YOUR SAY

A consultation on the EIJB’s draft strategic plan is now open:


We would like you to share your views on Edinburgh Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) Draft Strategic Plan.

This plan covers the three financial years running from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2028.

Our purpose as an IJB is to provide the best health and social care services that we can with the resources we have available.

This means working to make Edinburgh a safer, healthier and fairer place to live for everybody.

This latest version of the plan has been produced with extensive input from the citizens of Edinburgh and the many organisations and teams that serve our communities.  

We would like to know if you think we have the right priorities, if you agree with what we are planning to do and if you think the way we plan to measure our success is right. Please use the form on the following pages to tell us what you think. You can answer as many or as few of the questions as you like.

Give us your views:

Online Survey

We are also holding two events where you can share your views with us:

You can download a copy of the draft plan document at the bottom of this page.

If you need help accessing the documents or completing the form, please email ehscp.communications@edinburgh.gov.uk.

Have your say on the priorities, planned actions and measures of success.


Democracy Matters: Community Councils update

Still time to sign up for our Community Councils webinar at 6pm on Wed 29 January, when we will get an update on the Democracy Matters consultation from the Scottish Government.


The Democracy Matters engagement process asked communities to consider what the future of community decision making should look like where they live. 

On 19 September 2024, COSLA and the Scottish Government published the Democracy Matters National Conversation report alongside a joint statement reaffirming their commitment to this work.

In this session Scottish Government officials will be presenting the process findings and outlining next steps for this important work.

Double-jobbing no more?

Draft regulations to be laid at Holyrood in autumn

Views are being sought on the implementation of the ban on MSPs from also serving as MPs or in the House of Lords.

Following the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill being passed unanimously by the Scottish Parliament in December, a consultation seeking views on the principles and practical issues of ending dual mandates has launched.

The consultation, which runs until 23 March, looks at issues such as grace periods once elected and salary or parliamentary limitations during this period.

The Bill places a duty on Scottish Ministers to bring forward regulations which prohibit MSPs from also serving in the House of Commons or the House of Lords, and may additionally prohibit MSPs from also serving as councillors.

The regulations will be laid in autumn 2025 so they are in place for the 2026 Scottish Parliament election, and will be subject to scrutiny and a vote by MSPs.

Minister for Parliamentary Business Jamie Hepburn said: “Following the unanimous passage of the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill in December, MSPs will be barred from also being an MP or Peer through regulations to be brought forward in autumn 2025.

“This consultation on the issue will allow political parties, local government and most importantly the public to comment on the details of how that will work in practice, ahead of the practice being ended before the 2026 Scottish Parliament election.”

The consultation paper is available at Consultation on Dual Mandates

Regulation and licensing of non-surgical cosmetic procedures

Consultation launched on improving safety in the sector

The public is being asked for their views on how best to further regulate non-surgical cosmetic procedures to improve client safety.

Independent healthcare clinics in Scotland are already regulated by Healthcare Improvement Scotland, but the sector across the UK is not fully regulated.

The number of procedures which pierce and penetrate the skin is increasing and the Scottish Government is considering what requirements can be put in place to reduce the potential for harm from riskier procedures.

The new consultation builds on a previous one in 2020 and puts forward more detailed proposals for what that further regulation could look like.

Minister for Public Health and Women’s Health Jenni Minto said: “It is distressing to hear of cases where people have suffered as a result of non-surgical cosmetic procedures going wrong. 

“The current gaps in regulation means that anyone can perform most of these procedures without the need for any formal training or qualifications and this consultation aims to gather a wide range of views on how best to address this.

“We want to make sure procedures are carried out by appropriately qualified and skilled practitioners so that clients have peace of mind. We are aware of the potential impact on businesses and we are working with a range of stakeholders to make sure we get those details right. 

“Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that robust and proportionate regulation is introduced to ensure that people who choose to have these procedures, can do so with the confidence they will be safe so please let us know your views.”

Chair of the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners, Professor David Sines CBE said: “I warmly welcome the Scottish Government’s decision to consult on this new, proposed scheme of regulation and licensing.

“In my opinion the proposals included in this consultation document will dramatically improve consumer safety and reduce the risk of injury and harm arising from improperly performed cosmetic treatments. Nothing is more important than public protection and patient safety.

“I would urge everybody to support this move towards sensible and proportionate regulation in this important sector.”

Protecting Scottish Seabirds

Action to restore seabird populations

Actions to protect some of Scotland’s most vulnerable marine species are being consulted on by the Scottish Government.

Climate change, invasive non-native species such as brown rat, food shortages and other pressures are contributing to the dramatic declines seen in seabird numbers. Almost two thirds of Scotland’s seabird species have declined over the last 20 years, with eight including the Arctic tern, kittiwake and black-headed gull declining by more than 50%.

The draft Scottish Seabird Conservation Action Plan has been developed to protect Scotland’s seabird species for future generations. 

Developed in partnership with NatureScot, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and British Trust for Ornithology, the plan sets out over 50 actions including:

  • Enhancing food availability by improving conditions for prey
  • Providing safe nesting areas by eradicating non-native invasive predators
  • Increasing survival prospects by minimising bycatch 
  • Key research and monitoring of Scottish Seabirds
  • Promoting awareness and international engagement by working in partnership with local and international communities, marine and coastal sectors, and environmental organisations.

Acting Net Zero and Energy Secretary Gillian Martin said: “Launching the consultation on the Scottish Seabird Conservation Action Plan marks a vital step forward in protecting some of our most iconic and vulnerable marine species.  

“It’s important that we all play our part in protecting seabirds which is why this action plan is for everyone with an interest in our marine and coastal environment. I’m confident that with concerted effort and shared responsibility, we can stop the declines we are seeing in our seabird populations and increase their resilience to a changing climate thereby securing their future.  

“As top predators, seabirds are indicators of the health of marine ecosystems, playing a crucial role in maintaining balance within marine food webs. Seabirds also have a significant role in the economy supporting a thriving tourism industry that is vital to local economies, particularly in rural and island communities.

“I encourage everyone with a stake in Scotland’s natural environment to respond to the consultation. Your views are important. Together, we can ensure that Scotland remains an international stronghold for seabirds, now and in the future.” 

NatureScot Chair, Colin Galbraith, said: “Scotland provides vital breeding and foraging grounds for internationally important and much-loved populations of seabirds.

“As the latest research has shown, our seabirds are in trouble. This new Action Plan is essential to both protect seabirds and safeguard the wider marine environment. The work we do now and in the near future must stop the declines we’ve seen over the last 20 years – and help tackle broader nature and climate emergencies. 

 “There is nothing quite like watching a gannet dive, a cormorant spread its wings or a puffin with a beak full of sandeels. We all need to help protect nature, playing our part where we can, including having a say about how we protect the wildlife we cherish.” 

Susan Davies, CEO of the Scottish Seabird Centre said: “Scotland’s seabird colonies are a world-renowned natural treasure, offering a spectacular wildlife experience for communities and visitors alike. However, many of these iconic species are in steep decline.  

“We welcome the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Seabird Conservation Action Plan and look forward to collaborating on priority actions. Central to this effort is raising awareness and inspiring everyone to protect and care for our seabirds to secure their future”. 

Have your say on ‘ambitious vision’ for Edinburgh’s city centre

Residents, businesses and other interested groups in the Capital are being asked to comment on a strategy to revitalise Princes Street and the wider ‘Waverley Valley’ to be more vibrant and welcoming.

The new vision will guide the long-term regeneration of this part of the city centre, providing a mix of shops and services for residents and visitors, attracting investment and jobs and supporting businesses within an exceptional historic and climate resilient environment. 

12-week consultation on the Council’s draft Princes Street and Waverley Valley Strategy began this week. It aligns with Edinburgh’s Net Zero 2030 ambitions, City Mobility Plan, Edinburgh City Centre Transformation (ECCT) and City Plan 2030.

The Princes Street and Waverley Valley draft strategy is part of our bold plans to transform the city centre. The ECCT was approved in 2019 and includes the George Street and First New Town, Meadows to George Street projects. www.edinburgh.gov.uk/citycentretransformation

As well as Princes Street the Waverley Valley area covers East and West Princes Street Gardens, Waverley Station, Waverley Market and East Market Street. 

 The draft strategy aims to:

  • Create a more accessible city centre

The masterplan for comment recommends guiding the area from the West End of Princes Street along to Waverley Station to become more accessible, with improvements such as additional ramp access to Princes Street Gardens, a footbridge over the Waverley Valley, more public spaces to enjoy, an improved crossing and pedestrian improvements to Castle Street, the Mound Precinct, and Waverley Bridge.

  • Protected green spaces

The strategy looks to integrate climate resilience and biodiversity measures to protect the existing Waverley Valley and Gardens from climate change and to plant more trees and flowers – also promoting sustainable transport options and the retrofitting of historic buildings in line with Edinburgh’s net zero aims.

  • Revitalise Princes Street

Working with developers, the strategy suggests improvements to Princes Street with temporary pop-up premises, building wraps and artwork and encourages mixed-uses for the prominent high street. Improvements to historic buildings, including the Ross Bandstand, are also suggested to create better opportunities for residents and visitors to enjoy the area.

  • Make improvements to Waverley Station

Shape the future of Waverley Station and the area around it. Its key position between the Old and New Towns makes the station a vital connection between the Old and New Towns. Network Rail’s Waverley Masterplan recognises the need to restore and modernise the station.

Councillor James Dalgleish, Planning Convener, said: “We have published a draft ambitious vision for the Capital’s iconic Princes Street and surrounding area which sits within our internationally renowned World Heritage Site.

“I’d encourage everyone living in or interested in our beautiful Capital city to comment on it by answering the questions we’re asking around accessibility and public space in area, the future of the Gardens and the area in and around Waverley Station.

“As we put together the draft vision we listened to views about all of these important sites for Edinburgh. And as we move forward developing it, we need to make sure we balance our city’s rich heritage with the urgent need for sustainable and accessible spaces, and with new development. This will allow us all to continue to appreciate the charm of our city centre as well as the facilities it provides.

“The area is well used by Edinburgh residents, businesses and visitors from across the world and we plan to breathe new life into it, protecting and invest in it, to make sure that this will be the case for many years to come.”

Roseburn Path tram consultation set for Spring 2025

The public consultation on the route for Edinburgh’s proposed new North-South tramline from Granton to the Royal Infirmary and beyond is being planned for spring 2025.

Two main options are being considered for the section between Granton and the city centre – one using the former railway line which is now the Roseburn Path, a favourite cycle and walking route; the other taking the trams via Orchard Brae and across the Dean Bridge.

A variation on the Roseburn Path route would see the tramline leave the Roseburn Path and go along Telford Road for a bit to get nearer to the Western General Hospital.

Grangemouth’s just transition?

Workforce and community asked for views

Grangemouth’s industrial workforce and community are being asked to contribute their views on the future of the area.

A draft plan has been published as part of work to support a just transition to net zero and support the growth of the area towards a decarbonised economy.

The regional just transition plan is the first of its kind. It sets out the Scottish Government’s vision for the future of the Grangemouth industrial cluster and how the local community could benefit as a result.

By successfully decarbonising, Grangemouth can become a global leader in sustainable manufacturing and production, attracting investment and supporting both the existing and future workforce, and the community, long into the future. 

The Scottish Government has worked in partnership with the Grangemouth Future Industry Board to develop the Grangemouth Industrial Just Transition Plan which supports industrial decarbonisation, low-carbon manufacturing, net zero community wealth building and reskilling and developing the local workforce.

Proposed actions include:  

  • developing an industry-led technical and commercial investment strategy which includes a decarbonisation pathway to secure investment for scale up
  • creating a Grangemouth Industrial Skills offer to help tailor training needs for the existing and future workforce
  • improving the co-ordination of initiatives across the Forth Valley to ensure targeted interventions match needs
  • funding a recognised Community Engagement and Participation Manager as a first step in supporting the community to play a role in decision making 
  • establishing a Grangemouth Regulatory Hub to support a just transition and understand how regulation can unlock industrial decarbonisation

Acting Minister for Climate Action Alasdair Allan said: “Grangemouth has long played a vital role as Scotland’s leading industrial cluster and it is right that the area continues to help lead the way in our journey to net zero by 2045.

“Our first regional Just Transition plan published today sets out our approach to support the growth of a decarbonised economy that puts local communities at its heart. It makes clear our vision for the future and gives specific actions across a number of areas to help achieve a just transition for Grangemouth.

“The plan complements our ongoing activity focused around Grangemouth, including our support package in response to the proposed closure of the refinery and the work we are doing to explore low carbon transition opportunities for the refinery workforce.  

“We are working hard to secure a sustainable, long-term future for the wider industrial cluster and its skilled workforce, and this plan will be vital in helping us to deliver this.

“The consultation is an opportunity to help shape the development of the plan, and Grangemouth’s future. I encourage all who have a vested interest to participate.”

CVS Falkirk and District Chief Executive Officer, Victoria McRae said: “The voice of local communities must be heard in relation to the plans for a Just Transition for Grangemouth.

“As the Third Sector Interface for the local area, CVS Falkirk and District are pleased to be able to take forward, support and facilitate these important conversations. We look forward to hearing a range of views and we have opened a Hub in Grangemouth’s Town Centre to provide a base for this discussion and engagement.”

Syngenta Head of Corporate Affairs UK, Luke Gibbs said: “Syngenta is a large scale fine chemical manufacturer anchoring the Grangemouth Chemical Cluster. 

“We believe that the Grangemouth Just Transition Plan is an important part of achieving a sustainable future across the range of activities that together form the wider Grangemouth industrial area – fine chemicals, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.

“As such, this consultation provides a key opportunity for companies in Grangemouth to input their views and highlight needs, and collectively achieve a sustainable, enabling, investable, and viable future for all.”

Join Unite on Thursday 28 November 2024 and help Save Scotland’s last oil refinery. 

Get your work colleagues, friends and family to come too. From the Workplace to the Capital, join the rally on Thursday 28 November 2024.

Assemble at 10:00 at Johnston Terrace (top end), Edinburgh, EH1 2PW and at 10.20 march to Holyrood for a rally with Sharon Graham, Unite general secretary. 

Grangemouth Industrial Just Transition Plan – Supporting a fair transition for Scotland’s core manufacturing cluster – Draft for Consultation

Following the announcement of Petroineos’ decision to close refinery in September 2024, The Scottish and UK Governments announced a joint plan to secure industrial future of Grangemouth.