More traffic chaos looms: Haymarket Terrace to close until NOVEMBER

Yet more misery for businesses and residents

Haymarket Terrace will be temporarily closed eastbound from 3 April as part of a project to transform the area for people walking, wheeling and cycling. The road will be closed eastbound between its junctions with Rosebery Crescent and Magdala Crescent until November.

The traffic disruption is dreadful news for local traders who have already seen their trade hammered during the city council’s controversial City Centre West to East link (CCWEl) works. The work was planned to take seven months but has seriously overran and some businesses fear that the latest disruption could be the final straw.

The local gas network will be upgraded by SGN at the same time.

The Council has requested SGN divert a gas main to allow for City Centre West to East link (CCWEL) construction. SGN will carry out the necessary diversion and renewal of the gas main at the same time, to minimise disruption as much as possible. SGN’s work is scheduled to last 12 weeks, while CCWEL construction in the area is expected to finish in January 2024.

Haymarket Terrace will be closed eastbound between its junctions with Rosebery Crescent and Magdala Crescent until November 2023. A signed diversion route will be put in place for traffic travelling eastbound via Magdala Crescent, Eglinton Crescent, Palmerston Place, Lansdowne Crescent and Grosvenor Street. Temporary bus stops will be placed along this route.

Once complete, CCWEL will connect Roseburn to Leith Walk via Haymarket and the West End with a safe and direct cycle route, as well as significantly enhancing streets for those walking, wheeling and spending time there.

This will tie into a new George Street cycling route delivered as part of the George Street and First New Town project.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said:In consultation with Lothian Buses, we’ve worked closely with SGN to make sure these two major projects are carried out together to reduce disruption as much as we can for residents, visitors and people travelling through the area.

“CCWEL is a landmark scheme for the city, providing a safe, welcoming route for all those travelling from the east to west by foot, wheel or bike, as well as transforming public spaces along the way to help support local businesses. Using funding from Sustrans to invest in active travel projects like this supports our net zero goals, boosts the local economy, and helps improve people’s health and wellbeing.

“I’d like to thank all those who live, work or run a business along the route for their patience as we carry out these improvements.”

SGN Project Manger Matthew Ferguson said: “Carrying out our gas main diversion and renewal work at this time will both allow the CCWEL project to progress and reduce disruption for the local community and commuters in future.

“Our work involves replacing our existing metal gas pipes with new plastic pipe, which will ensure a continued safe and reliable gas supply to the local area for many years to come.”

During the closure, eastbound bus stops will be relocated to Magdala Crescent and Grosvenor Street and the Haymarket taxi rank will be removed with alternative locations available nearby.

Information on bus diversions can be found on Lothian Buses’ website.

CCWEL is funded by Places for Everyone, an active travel infrastructure scheme backed by Transport Scotland and administered by Sustrans. Find out more about the CCWEL project.

Make Edinburgh greener: Vote for your favourite environmental projects


You have five votes – but you must vote by 12th March.

Dozens of organisations have applied for a share of the £100,00 budget. Here are just a few of the projects looking for your support:

Seedlings to Seniors (Corstorphine Community Centre)

We need your votes for the CCC project ‘Seedlings to Seniors’ to get a share in the Edinburgh Community Climate Fund.

Full details of how to vote are on our website here :

or go straight to the Council page listing the projects at:

Note: registration with mygovscot is required in order to vote.

Edinburgh Climate Festival (ELREC)

Hey Edinburgh community!

The voting for the Edinburgh Community Climate Fund from The City of Edinburgh Councilis open and our project, Edinburgh Climate Festival is a part of it.

We need your help to make The Edinburgh Climate Festival a reality, so please vote for our project today!

You have 5 votes to support not only our project but other outstanding ones as well.

Here’s a guide on how to vote for The Edinburgh Climate Festival:

Step one: If you’re an adult, register on myaccount to cast your vote. This is a secure online portal that provides access to various public services using a single login ID and password. You can find a registration guide on the Edinburgh Council website. Young people under 18 can vote through Young Scot using their Young Scot NEC number.

Step two: Once your account is active, visit Your Voice website : and sign in using your myaccount details.

Help us create a sustainable future for Edinburgh!🌎🌲🍃


Community wellbeing for climate impact (Ferryhill Parent Council)

We are a parent council groups that’s passionate able helping the children learn and thrive in the community.

This project will enable us to create a forest school within the school grounds, giving the whole school the ability to learn more about climate through hands on learning.

We will also be looking to add to the schools existing orchard with some raised beds for the children to grow food and learn about sustainable practice. We also plan on linking up with the local community centre to support the garden project.

Starter Packs Project (Fresh Start)

Since 1999 Fresh Start has been supporting people moving on from homelessness to ‘make a home for themselves’ across Edinburgh. Responding to people with lived experience of homelessness we provide practical support as people move on from temporary accommodation into new unfurnished tenancies.

Our service-users typically are allocated unfurnished properties and do not have the means to purchase the goods that make a home. Fresh Start provides Starter Packs of essential household goods – crockery, pots/pans, bedding, towels – to homeless households within the first 3 days of them moving in to their new tenancies, relieving financial burden and ensuring they have the essentials they need to settle in their new home.

We supply 13 different Starter Packs of quality used-household goods which are donated by the public and local businesses. Teams of volunteers gather in these donations and sort them in our warehouse for distribution.  

In 2022 we distribute 14,430 packs and helped over 2,000 people moving out of temporary Housing. We diverted 75,500 kg (75.5 t.) of goods from landfill.

Community Shed (North Edinburgh Arts)

Vote for the North Edinburgh Arts Community Shed and support our ambitions for a more sustainable future!

Our Community Shed has been nominated for The City of Edinburgh Council‘s Edinburgh Community Climate Fund, and you can vote for it as part of the public participatory budgeting process until 12th March.

The primary focus of the Community Shed is to reuse wood and wooden furniture to enable our members to make and mend things for their homes, gardens and communities. Each year in Scotland we throw away tons of stuff into landfill, including wood and furniture, that should be recycled, reused, mended or made into something completely different and the Community Shed does its bit to convert this waste into useful and beautiful things.

Since its launch four years ago, the Shed has become a key community project in North Edinburgh with over 150 members. Being part of the Community Shed has a significantly positive impact on our members’ lives by improving their self-confidence, giving them meaning and purpose, making new friends and social connections, as well as providing them with an informal support network.

The Edinburgh Community Climate funding will enable us to purchase new much-needed technical equipment to cut and process wood, which will help speed up our processes while also significantly improving the quality of our output.

Please support our work and help create a greener community by casting your vote today!

This is a chance for you to decide how the Edinburgh Council money is spent on things that matter to you and your community.

Vote online at by using/creating your own account.

For those under 18 wishing to vote this can be done through Young Scot using your Young Scot NEC number. School libraries will be offering supported voting too.

If you would like to vote in person, please visit your local library.

For information for our local residents, Muirhouse Library is currently located in the foyer of Edinburgh College Granton campus near Morrisons (350 West Granton Road), and its opening times are as follows:

Monday – Friday: 10am to 5pm

Saturday: 10am to 4pm

Make sure you vote before 12 March.

Thank you for your support, and please share with your friends and families as every vote counts! 💙💙💙

All Aboard for Climate Action (People Know How)

The All Aboard canal boat run by People Know How and Polwarth Parish Church has been shortlisted in the Edinburgh Climate Community Fund to receive funding to run climate change sessions with children and young people on the Union Canal.

These organisations are now looking for votes from the public, which will decide the final projects that will receive the funding. 

The climate change sessions will focus on engaging children and young people with nature and the local environment and exploring the impact of climate change. Using fun and engaging activities, we will introduce them to small everyday actions that they can take at home and in their community to help tackle climate change. 

The sessions will be open to pupils from local primary schools that People Know How work with as part of their Positive Transitions service, supporting children, young people and families in the transition to secondary school.

They will draw on the charity’s established experience of running groups across Edinburgh and East Lothian, including previous sessions on All Aboard that have introduced young people to a green space in the heart of their community, seeing plants and wildlife up close. 

All Aboard was launched in 2021 and aims to nurture community cohesion and wellbeing in an innovative space on the Union Canal. It is open to the community, serving as a safe space in which to explore the canal, find new experiences and socialise, while surrounded by nature. 

To vote, visit the webpage below and select All Aboard for Climate Action as one of your five projects. Voting is open to all Edinburgh residents over the age of 8 and can be done online or at your local public library. Please note, you must use all 5 votes for your selections to be valid.

Further instructions can be found via the link below.

Vote today:

Work underway for new Controlled Parking Zones in Leith and Pilrig

Signs and road markings are set to be installed in some streets in Leith ahead of the introduction of parking controls to help alleviate parking pressures.

From tomorrow (Monday 6 March), work will begin on a street by street basis to implement the changes around Leith Walk, Pilrig and Leith/North Leith, where the first phase of new Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) is being established.

The city council has written to residents to let them know about the planned work and how it will affect them, and to advise that parking permits are not yet required. They will provide another update once installation is complete, expected in two-three months, about applying for a permit and when it will be needed.

Later this year, signs and road markings will be introduced in Abbeyhill, Shandon and Gorgie, which are also part of the first phase of new CPZs, and we’ll be writing to update residents in these areas nearer the time.

This is the first of up to four phases of implementation of parking controls around the city, developed as part of the Strategic Parking Review. This responded to concerns from communities across Edinburgh, who asked us to tackle parking problems. The review led to the identification of areas where parking controls may be required to resolve challenges facing residents, in particular from non-residential parking.

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “These new parking controls are designed to help residents park more easily near their homes, and aim to address issues like commuter parking, which people across the city have told us is a problem in their neighbourhoods.

“In developing these plans officers have spent a great deal of time speaking to residents and gathering information on each area. Once in place, they’ll also be monitoring the impact of the changes to make sure they work for everyone.

“Of course, the restrictions haven’t come into force yet and we’ll be keeping communities up to date with progress and advice on applying for permits.”

The council began the Strategic Parking Review in 2018 in response to comments from residents, community councils and ward councillors. The in-depth review identified parking pressures by street and helped inform a series of new parking controls approved in 2019, to be implemented in four phases.

The process to introduce parking controls for phase three (including Fettes and Prestonfield) and phase four (including Newhaven, Trinity and Portobello) is expected to begin soon, while phase two (including Easter Road, West Leith, Bonnington, Willowbrae and the A8 Corridor) remains on hold pending further monitoring and engagement. 

Progress information is available on the Council website.

Monitoring is being carried out before, during and after the implementation of parking controls to help us to understand the impact on surrounding areas.

Find out more about the Strategic Parking Review on the Council website.

EVOC to lead project to save Gorgie City Farm

One of Edinburgh’s leading third and voluntary sector organisations is set to take forward plans to find a sustainable community-led future for the Gorgie City Farm site.

Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council (EVOC) has agreed to manage a community-led project to find a possible solution, following discussions with the City of Edinburgh Council after the closure of the site last month.

EVOC is one of three partners that make up Edinburgh’s TSI (Third Sector Interface), helping to support and develop the city’s community and voluntary sector, with a role to develop robust solutions and approaches that underpin strong organisations.

Their role will not be to run the farm, but to work with local community, and all stakeholders. This will result in a stronger plan for Gorgie City Farm to re-open, with a strong sustainable plan for the future.

The first step will be for EVOC to bring together a Steering Group – expected to include representatives from the local voluntary sector, campaign groups, the local community and the Council – to work on identifying proposals that could secure its future.  

The partnership Steering Group will start from the principle that it will bring together city experts in key respective fields, to support local volunteering through to organisations who have social enterprise aspirations, and connect these together.

Bridie Ashrowan, Chief Executive of EVOC, said: “We understand that Gorgie City Farm is very important to the Gorgie and the wider Edinburgh community, the many people who have visited, volunteered or worked there, and the City of Edinburgh Council.

EVOC has a long history of supporting community and voluntary organisations, helping them to get established, to grow and assess how to develop, and being the honest broker, to focus minds on the task ahead. 

“We are committed to taking a community led approach to this project, learning from other successful collaborations in the City.

!We have no vested interest in the future of the Gorgie Farm site and will step back if and when a community-led partnership has been established, through the work of the steering group. This will lay the ground work for Gorgie Farm site having a fighting chance of long term viability.”

Council Leader Cammy Day said: “I’m delighted we’ve got EVOC on board for the Gorgie City Farm site as they have a proven track record in supporting local organisations that need expert advice. At the heart of the work they will be taking forward are options for a community-led, collaborative and financially sustainable future for the site.

“I want to thank everyone who has been working so hard both publicly and behind the scenes to find a solution. The work by the campaign groups, volunteers and other partners has been really impressive and shows the strength of feeling towards this valuable community asset which benefits all communities across the city.

“I’m sure the coming months will be exciting times as EVOC brings people, groups and organisations together to look at options for a sustainable future for the Gorgie City Farm site.  I look forward to them presenting a sustainable vision for the future of Gorgie City Farm to the local community soon so everyone in the city can enjoy all it has to offer for years to come.”

Granton Primary Early Learning and Childcare Building opens

Cllr Joan Griffiths, Education, Children and Families Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, officially opened the new Granton Early Learning and Childcare building with Head Teacher Lorraine Cusack and Senior Early Years Officer Lesley Watt yesterday.

Five new settings based on primary school sites – Craigentinny, Granton, Nether Currie, St John Vianney and St Mark’s – have opened up in the Capital in the past few months providing places for an additional 500 children.

Cllr Griffiths said: “This is an exciting time for early learning and childcare in Edinburgh with five new settings opening recently providing places for over 500 children.

“As a Council we will do everything we can to ensure our children get the best possible start in life on their journey to becoming successful learners and confident individuals.”

PICTURES: Greg Macvean

“Wee Forest” heading to Granton Crescent 

Call for volunteers to join tree planting

LOCAL residents are being encouraged to sign up for a community tree-planting session next week to help create a new woodland in Granton.

Granton Crescent is to be home to Edinburgh’s latest Wee (or Tiny) Forest as part of the Council’s work to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030. The creation of the new Wee Forest has been made possible by funding from Banister Charitable Trust.

The City of Edinburgh Council, in partnership with Earthwatch Europe and Edinburgh Lothian Greenspace Trust, is hosting a special planting day on Thursday 2 March from 1pm – and all are welcome.

A Wee Forest is a dense, fast-growing, native woodland about the size of a tennis court and is capable of attracting over 500 animal and plant species within the first three years. It also provides rich opportunities for engaging young and old alike with the environment and sustainability.

Earthwatch is pioneering the initiative in the UK, using a forestry management technique developed in Japan by Dr Miyawaki in the 1970s. By encouraging the trees to grow in tightly packed formation, fighting each other for sunlight and nutrients, they will grow ten times faster than a traditional forest.

The new Wee Forest – which will be planted at Granton Crescent by local residents and local primary school pupils – will not only be attractive locations for wildlife, but for people too, and will provide a range of benefits in the fight against climate change.

Volunteers can book a place on any of these dates via Eventbrite.

Culture and Communities Convener, Cllr Val Walker, said: “Our newest “Wee Forest” allows residents to be directly involved in tackling the nature and climate crises by being involved in the planting, maintaining and development of the forests in their own community. The Wee Forests will also help us work towards our goal of being a Million Tree City by 2030 and to be net zero.

“A Wee Forest brings the benefits of a forest – connecting people with nature, raising awareness of the environment, helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change, and supporting urban wildlife – right in the heart of our community within urban spaces in the city.

“For each Wee Forest, we look to engage a core group of volunteers called Tree Keepers to act as ambassadors for their local forest. Volunteering as a Tree Keeper is a great chance to get more involved in your Wee Forest’s development and track the amazing environmental impact of the site and I would encourage everyone to find out more by contacting Earthwatch.

“I hope residents will join the planting on 2 March. The planting is free to attend and open to all ages. Equipment is provided on the day but feel free to bring along your own gloves and spade.”

Louise Hartley, Tiny Forest Programme Manager at Earthwatch Europe, said: “Tiny Forest provides rich opportunities for connecting young and old alike with the environment and sustainability.

“It’s vital that we give people the knowledge and skills to protect our natural world and inspire them to take positive action. We are delighted to be working with City of Edinburgh Council to bring these inspiring spaces to the Capital.”

Tree Time! Free trees at Inverleith Park this weekend

Pick up your free garden tree this week at Inverleith Park!

We will be there from 12pm-3pm on Friday and 10am-2pm on Saturday giving away free trees for Edinburgh residents.

Just drop-in and get your free tree while stocks last!




Help available to boost family incomes

Edinburgh parents urged to seek help with employment

A new campaign will encourage families living on a low income to access local support with finances and work.

It encourages people to take the first step towards relieving these pressures with help from the Parent Club website. This can guide them towards tailored support to help them improve their situation by starting work after unemployment, returning to work or improving earnings.

The campaign which includes TV, radio and online advertising, highlights the pressures of everyday life and shows parents feeling the ‘walls closing in’ on them as they juggle family life with bills and other costs.

Cllr Joan Griffiths, Education, Children and Families Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “We know that many families in Edinburgh are finding it hard to make ends meet at the moment and are looking for advice on things like finding work and applying for benefits.

“Taking the first step at can help find services that offer free, confidential and tailored advice that can really make a difference for families across Scotland.

“For anyone that’s feeling worried, stressed and overwhelmed, but aren’t sure where to start, please know you’re not alone and that help is available.”

Social Justice Secretary Shona Robison said: “We understand the anxiety and stress, that low-income families could be living with and the impact of the cost-of-living crisis is likely to be making even worse.

“Parent Club can guide people to free and confidential tailored advice from local authority employment services, where they can access support relevant to their own work and family situation.

“It also offers information on how to get help from the Money Talk Team who can advise on areas such as maximising income and dealing with debt. Parent Club also provides sources of support with mental health and stress. 

“Tackling child poverty is our national mission. We want to make sure parents know what help is out there and claim any support they should be getting.” 

Citizens Advice Scotland CEO Derek Mitchell said: “When times are difficult it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by bills mounting up – but our advice is free, confidential, and impartial.

“The Citizens Advice network is working with the Scottish Government to deliver the Money Talk Team service. We can check to see what payments you might be missing out on or any cheaper deals are available to you. If you are struggling with debt we can help with that too.

“Don’t delay, you could be missing out on money that could make a huge difference to you and your family’s finances.”