More than one in a hundred Edinburgh families are affected by autism, and a range of events are being held across the city next Wednesday (2 April) to mark World Autism Awareness Day.
The Awareness Day follows the launch last week of Autism Edinburgh, a campaign to raise awareness about the symptoms of autism and how best to support individuals and families.
Among the events planned to raise awareness and understanding of autism are:
‘Surroundings’ art exhibition
Exhibition of work by trainees at the Gallery on the Corner.
2-30 April 2014, 34 Northumberland Street, EH3 6LS
Contact: 0131 557 8969, www.thegalleryonthecorner.org.uk
Scott v Zombies discussion with Alan Grant author and Scott Davidson
With dvd and auction of art work by Robin Smith. Preview artworks at www.art.linkedinburgh.bigcartel.com
2 April 2014, 6-7 pm, Stockbridge Library, 11 Hamilton Place. Book in advance by phoning 0131 229 3555 or info@artlinkedinburgh.co.uk
Open information event
With complimentary therapy for carers, cake sales and cake decorating, craft workshop, quiz run by PASDA and Lothian Autistic Society.
2 April 2014, 4-7 pm, Conference Centre, Norton Park, 47 Albion Road. Contact: 0131 475 2416 or info@pasda.org.uk
Sponsored walk raising money for Autism Initiatives Scotland
2 April 2014, 7-9 pm
Contact for information – 0131 551 7260 or hos@aiscotland.org.uk
Upward Mobility celebrates World Autism Awareness Day
film/art work/live music and nibbles – open event
3 April 2014, 2-4 pm, Floor B1, St Margarets House, 151 London Road.
‘Swing into Spring’: Season opening of Hermitage Golf Course
Open to all. Crazy golf, disk golf display, “build your own birdfeeder” and more.
6 April 2014, 10am-4 pm, 11 Braid Hills Drive EH10 6GZ
Contact: 0131 5517260 or hos@aiscotland.org.uk
Autism Life in Colour exhibition
10 March – 2 April, Stockbridge Library, 11 Hamilton Place.Contact: 0131 529 5665 or stockbridge.library@edinburgh.gov.uk
3 April-17 April, Craigmillar Library, 101 Niddrie Mains Road EH16 4DS
Contact: 0131 529 5597 or craigmillar.library@edinburgh.gov.uk
Find out more:
You can find out more about any or all of these events at a World Autism Awareness Day Information Point. They will be open from 10-3 pm on Wednesday 2 April at:
Edinburgh University – outside the main library, 30 George Square, EH8 9LJ
North Edinburgh council Office – 8 West Pilton Gardens, EH4 4DP
South Neighbourhood Centre – 40 Captains’ Road, EH17 8QF
Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre, 30 Harvesters Way, Edinburgh EH14 3JF
Norton Park, 47 Albion Road EH7 5QY.
Coffee Cups
Watch out for coffee cups in cafes with messages about autism
Contact 0131 661 3834 or office@lothianautistic.org to find out more

A campaign to raise awareness about the symptoms of autism and how best to support individuals and families was launched in Edinburgh last week. Autism Edinburgh has been set up by the City of Edinburgh Council and partner organisations in a bid to support people in the capital who have the disorder.
The city council has also launched it’s autism plan, which highlights the importance of getting the right service at the right time for people with autism, and their carers. Anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of autism can take part in the specialised online training programme.
Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder which can affect people with or without a learning disability– sometimes known as Aspergers Syndrome. It affects both children and adults, and can have a profound effect on the way a person understands and interacts with the world around them.
Councillor Ricky Henderson, Health and Social Care Convener, (pictured above) said: “Autism affects people differently, some people are able to live successful and independent lives whilst others will need very specialist support.
“A wide range of services are already available in Edinburgh and the way in which we will keep delivering these in the future is described in the autism plan. The Autism Edinburgh campaign is a great example of working in partnership with other organisations, which will let us offer the very best in care and support.”
Autism Edinburgh is being delivered in partnership with Autism Initiatives, Upward Mobility, Parents of Autism Spectrum Disorder Adults (PASDA), Lothian Autistic Society, Edinburgh University, NHS Lothian, Intowork, Edinburgh and the Lothian’s Aspergers Society and the Action Group.
Visit www.edinburgh.gov.uk/autism for further information, or contact the Autism Advice Line on 01259 720 044.