Library success story is a tale worth telling


Edinburgh’s libraries are thriving – more people are using our city’s library services than ever before.

report to the Council’s Culture and Sport Committee tomorrow (Tuesday 18 August) will detail achievements such as a 2% increase in visits to libraries and 16% increase to special events, a 4% rise in transactions, significant upgrades to buildings and an expansion of digital services.

The Next Generation Library Strategy 2012–2015, based on a major public consultation involving customers, staff, local communities, partners and stakeholders, was approved in March 2012 and sets out key objectives for the development of the service.

Achievements include:

• The doubling of membership of the Central Children’s Library since the new service began in 2014;
• The launch of Level-UP, an innovative reading and gaming scheme for boys aged 11-14;
• The award-winning Digital Toybox project at Drumbrae;
• Free books for four-year-olds of high social need through Reading Rainbows Literacy;
• The first MoreFun Book Festival in Moredun in June this year;
• New buildings at Drumbrae and Craigmillar;
• Eleven libraries earning the in-house Gold Standard Programme.

The strategy’s eight objectives are: 

• Access to library and information services through a community based network of small libraries, neighbourhood libraries and larger neighbourhood hubs;
• Buildings fit for purpose, in the right place;
• Innovative and excellent 24/7 electronic access to library services;
• Improved literacy and digital skills and enhanced love of reading;
• Effective use of technology to deliver service improvements;
• Empowered and motivated staff delivering excellent customer service;
• Best Value from resources and assets through partnership, innovation, income generation and new ways of working;
• Increased customer base supported by clear marketing and promotion of the service.

Edinburgh has 28 public library buildings, a mobile library service and outreach library services for looked after children, hospitals, care homes, and HMP Edinburgh.

Councillor Richard Lewis, Culture and Sport Convener, said: “I am delighted that all of the hard work put in by staff to make libraries so appealing is paying off, and that so many people have discovered what wonderful places they are.

“Our libraries are fantastic, inclusive facilities that can be enjoyed by all ages and backgrounds. They cater for all, whether you want to borrow books or read newspapers, or if you’d rather play computer games or take your children to a rhyme time session. Best of all, these services are either free or at a very low cost.

“We will keep delivering on the objectives of the strategy, so that we can continue to develop the diversity of services provided by libraries.”

No tie required

 arms-length company won’t be resurrected for trams inquiry

trams mess

The City of Edinburgh Council has today written to the Edinburgh Tram Inquiry to state that, while it will continue to participate fully in the process, it will not revive the dormant company formerly known as tie Ltd.

The Inquiry has asked the Council to consider whether tie, which operated from 2002 until 2011 as an arm’s length company and is ultimately owned by the Council, should be a core participant in the Inquiry.

However, the revival of the company would involve appointing new officials who would require legal representation at the Inquiry, leading to significant additional cost, which the Council does not believe to be in the public interest.

The Council has committed to full participation in the Inquiry, and to providing information to the Inquiry in relation to the role of tie, which was under its ownership.

Council Leader, Andrew Burns, said: “The Council continues to support the Inquiry, as it has done throughout, and to be fully open and accountable. By applying to be a core participant we have committed to playing our part in the proceedings and co-operating fully with the Inquiry.

“However, we do not believe that the considerable cost of reviving (tie) for the sake of the Inquiry is a justifiable expense; one which would ultimately be borne by the Edinburgh tax payer.

“The Council is the ultimate parent body of tie, and we have communicated our willingness to provide information about its role to the Inquiry.”

The Council will make independent legal advice available to current and former Council employees and elected members, should they wish it, when giving their written statements to the Inquiry.

Former tie employees will be able to give evidence about the role of tie to the Inquiry, if they are called on by the Inquiry to do so. However, the Council will not be funding legal advice to these individuals, although they will of course be free to appoint their own lawyers.

The Council’s participation in the Edinburgh Tram Inquiry will be detailed in a report to Council next Thursday (20 August).

The Edinburgh Tram Inquiry, chaired by Lord Hardie, was commissioned by Scottish Ministers and has been ongoing since June last year.

The Inquiry aims to establish why the Edinburgh Trams project incurred delays, cost more than originally budgeted and through reductions in scope delivered significantly less than projected. The official terms of reference for the Inquiry are to:

  • Inquire into the delivery of the Edinburgh Trams project, from proposals for the project emerging to its completion, including the procurement and contract preparation, its governance, project management and delivery structures, and oversight of the relevant contracts, in order to establish why the project incurred delays, cost considerably more than originally budgeted for and delivered significantly less than was projected through reductions in scope.
  • Examine the consequences of the failure to deliver the project in the time, within the budget and to the extent projected.
  • Review the circumstances surrounding the project as necessary, in order to report to the Scottish Ministers making recommendations as to how major tram and light rail infrastructure projects of a similar nature might avoid such failures in future.


What should we do with George Street?

Have your say on the future of George Street


Edinburgh residents are being invited to help shape the future of one of the city’s best-known streets. An open day to be held tomorrow will offer an opportunity to meet the designers working on a long-term vision for George Street.

Participants can give their views on a year-long trial in the street, which has seen the introduction of a dedicated two-way cycle lane and a one-way system for general traffic and buses.

They will also be invited to contribute ideas and opinions on a permanent layout, with the drop-in session featuring four themes for George Street: A Civic Place, A Place for Living, A Place for Enterprise and A Place for Movement.

Transport Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, said: “Throughout this trial we have involved the public to ensure changes take into account the users of the street, and I think that’s reflected in the positive feedback we’ve received along the way.

“Now, as the trial draws to a close, we want to include those who live, work and travel on George Street to help us decide its future, and that’s why it’s so important that people come along to our open day to give their views on a long term plan.

Making the city centre a great place to be is about striking a balance between work and leisure, practicality and atmosphere – and I think that by working together we can achieve that.”

Throughout the trial, regular ‘stakeholder engagement’ and on-street interviews with passers-by (approximately 100 per month) have gathered feedback from the public.

Amongst the findings were the importance of cycling facilities to the future of the street to respondents, the need for George Street to be accessible to all and the preference for symmetry in any long-term designs.

Ironside Farrar have been appointed until October 2015 to turn the information gathered into design principles, which will be presented with the concluding report on the George Street Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) to Committee in November.

The George Street ETRO finishes on 6 September, when the street’s layout will revert to that of pre-September 2014, when the trial began. This means both sides of carriageway will be open and the cycle lane removed, as will all marquees and decking.  An interim cycle facility will then be introduced, as approved by Transport and Environment Committee on 2 June.

The open day will be held at the Roxburghe Hotel

on Thursday 13 August, from 3pm to 7pm.


Leith Walk candidates confirmed

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The candidates standing in the Leith Walk by-election, which will elect two councillors on Thursday 10 September 2015, have been confirmed.
They are:

Marion Donaldson – Scottish Labour Party
Mo Hussain – Scottish Liberal Democrats
Tom Laird – Scottish Libertarian Party
Alan Gordon Melville – UK Independence Party (UKIP)
Gordon Murdie – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Susan Jane Rae – Scottish Green Party
Natalie Reid – Scottish Socialist Party
John Lewis Ritchie – Scottish National Party (SNP)
John Ferguson Scott – Independent
Bruce William Whitehead – Left Unity

Voters in this ward have until Tuesday 25 August to register to vote or apply for a postal vote for the by-election. To register to vote or apply for a postal vote people should contact theElectoral Registration Office or phone 0131 344 2500.

Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm. Voters should check their polling cards carefully to find out where to vote.

Polling Places:

  • Pilmeny Youth Centre
  • Norton Park Conference Centre
  • London Road Church Hall
  • Holy Cross RC Primary School
  • Ebenezer United Free Church Hall
  • Royal Navy & Royal Marine Association & Club
  • Broughton Nursery
  • Pilrig St Paul’s Church Hall
  • Lorne Primary School
  • McDonald Road Library
  • Leith Walk Primary School

The by-election will use the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system where voters can rank candidates in order of preference using numbers rather than a single cross. Voters can choose to vote for as many or as few candidates as they like. The result of the by-election will be announced once the votes are counted after polls close at 10pm on Thursday 10 September.

Unusually, TWO councillors will be elected in this by-election. Former SNP councillor Deidre Brock stood down after being elected as the Member of Parliament for Edinburgh North and Leith in May, and Green councillor Maggie Chapman resigned her Leith Walk seat in June to focus on winning a Green seat in the North East of Scotland in the 2016 Scottish Parliament elections.



For more information on the Leith Walk by-election, visit the Council website.

Trusted Trader: choosing contractors with confidence

Trusted Trader

A new online directory, Edinburgh Trusted Trader, has been launched to help residents choose contractors with confidence.

Thirty-six traders and businesses have already signed up to Trusted Trader, creating a new ‘go-to list’ for people looking for services such as home repairs. After being checked by the Council’s Trading Standards team to ensure that they are compatible with the principles of the scheme, contractors are then accepted as members and their details added to the website. Customers can use the directory to find local contractors’ details with the reassurance that they are reliable and have been fully vetted.

Community Safety Leader, Councillor Cammy Day, was joined at the launch by representatives from Trusted Directory Services, who will manage the scheme along with Trading Standards, Police Scotland and trade members to mark the new site going live.

Cllr Day said: “Edinburgh Trusted Trader is an excellent resource for people who need work carried out on their home or communal area but want to make sure they are hiring reputable, reliable contractors. It’s not only good news for residents but also the businesses and traders listed who can promote themselves as members of the scheme and receive expert advice from our Trading Standards team.

“I am confident that this scheme will help build on consumer confidence in trades across the city and look forward to seeing more businesses and individuals signing up to be a Trusted Trader.”

Edinburgh Trusted Trader could reach more than 225,000 households and all members will be able to use the scheme’s logo on materials and vehicles. Residents who use the services can rate them afterwards and leave comments on the site for other users to read. The scheme also includes a dispute resolution process should there be any disagreements between customers and member businesses.

Similar directories have been successfully introduced in Dundee, West Lothian, East Lothian and Fife.

Edinburgh’s scheme was created after a public consultation found that many home owners are hesitant about organising shared repairs in common areas as that they don’t know how to find a trustworthy trader.

Any businesses or individuals interested in being listed with Edinburgh Trusted Trader can sign up online.

Inverleith’s Summer Programme’s here!


The Inverleith Summer Programme is packed with things to do over the summer holidays (see details below)

Registration is on Monday 22 June 6pm at Broughton High School so get your skates on!

Summer Programme 2015

Museum opens up window to the past

The Museum of Edinburgh, located on the Royal Mile in a series of 16th and 17th century houses, has unveiled two new interactive exhibits.curator

The City of Edinburgh Council owned and managed Museum has partnered with Edinburgh-based Insurgent Studios to bring the stories behind some of the city’s treasured artefacts to life.

Designed to faithfully recreate historical locations to provide an original addition to the city’s museum collection, the free-to-enter exhibits blend history and technology to enhance the overall enjoyment of a trip to the Museum.

Visitors can discover the life and times of Edinburgh-born WW1 British Commander Earl Haig, who created The Royal British Legion and raised funds for the welfare of ex-servicemen after the war. A second installation focuses on the Museum’s secret Courtyard which opens to the public for the first time in more than a decade.

The Courtyard has been landscaped with the help of local volunteers and community service workers, and a digital window onto the re-opened Courtyard will allow visitors to view life in the Canongate through the centuries.

Councillor Richard Lewis, Convener for Culture and Sport said: “With the exciting addition of these interactive exhibits and the pull of the popular Greyfriars Bobby collection, the Museum of Edinburgh is going to be a must-visit this summer.

“This digital trial is a first for the Council’s museums and galleries service and will be an exciting opportunity to discover how our cultural offering might be able to use new technology to shape our knowledge of the past. Appealing to visitors of all ages, the hands-on experience will allow anyone with an interest in Edinburgh’s history to physically connect with some of the Museum’s artefacts.”

Craig Hunter, Managing Director of Insurgent Studios, said: “The Council shares our enthusiasm to use the latest technology to enable the telling of old stories in new ways. We worked carefully to put the visitor at the centre of the experience, allowing them to ‘touch’ the objects we recreated in virtual form, to experience the installations at their own pace and in a variety of languages.

“The visitor is rewarded for engaging closely with the collection by the award of ‘achievements’ throughout the experience. Our approach to digital conservation allowed us to work with the team at the Council’s Museum of Edinburgh to showcase some items from the collections which would not otherwise be on display. We believe that these installations will appeal to everyone by literally putting history at their fingertips.”

Insurgent has also launched a microsite to detail the experience of creating the exhibits and using them.

The Museum of Edinburgh is open Monday to Saturday 10am-5pm and in August it is also open on Sundays 12 noon-5pm.

And it’s FREE!

Capture Lauriston Castle with the Edinburgh Sketcher

Lauriston Castle

Families will be invited to get sketching this summer with lessons from the Capital’s finest when the Edinburgh Sketcher takes residence at Lauriston Castle.

Mark Kirkham, who regularly entertains readers of his blog with his  drawings of the city, will offer two sketching masterclasses in the beautiful grounds of the 16th century castle situated on the banks of Cramond.

As part of Lauriston Castle’s packed Spring/Summer programme of arts and crafts, lectures, theatre and events, budding artists of all ages and levels will get the chance to learn Mark’s trademark ‘speed sketching’ skills. This quick method of doodling allows artists to capture images almost as quickly as a photograph. Visitors will sketch in and around the Castle grounds, including the tranquil Japanese Gardens and inside the old castle kitchen, using pens and watercolour before working on a final sketch to take home.sketch1Councillor Richard Lewis, Edinburgh’s Culture and Sport Convener, said: “From popular Edinburgh cityscapes to modes of transport, it is difficult to think of an iconic place or object in the city that hasn’t been captured by Mark’s keen eye for detail.

“These classes will be an opportunity to get sketching in one of Edinburgh’s most beautiful settings and get working with a local artist. What a fantastic family day out this summer.”

Originally from Lancashire and the son of a painter father and photographer mother, Mark has called Edinburgh home for the last 15 years. He gives his top three pieces of advice to budding sketchers: “First is get sketching! You can plan and plan but in the end you just need to get out there and do it. Hopefully these workshops at Lauriston Castle will tempt you to do just that.


“Tip two is don’t be shy. You can feel very self aware pulling out a pen and pad in a busy street but don’t let that put you off. Once I begin I get into the zone and usually forget people are passing by.

“My third piece of advice is to be prepared. I always carry the bare essentials, but sometimes I have resorted to sketching on napkins and receipts. I promise these classes at Lauriston Castle will be well stocked, all visitors need to do is book their ticket and turn up on the day.”

Dementia Awareness week creates a splash!


Edinburgh’s biggest ever Dementia Awareness week was brought back to earth with a bump with a charity abseil down the Forth Bridge yesterday. It was a dramatic end to a week organised to encourage people to talk about dementia in a bid to dispel myths and to help those who are affected.

A wide range of awareness-raising events were held at a range of venues all across the city last week. These included: Currie Rugby Club at Balerno Gala Day, St James Centre, Drumbrae Hub, Royal Infirmary Hospital, Queensferry Library, Morningside Library, Barnton Pharmacy, Liberton Hospital, Ocean Terminal Shopping Centre’s Living Memories Shop Unit, Cameron Toll Shopping Centre Currie Library CommunityRoom, The Mill at St Joseph’s Balerno and Portobello Farmers Market.

On Monday there was a Café and meeting place with information and advice for people with dementia and their carers from dementia advisors at Cramond Kirk Hall and Barnton & Cramond Dementia Friendly community forum held an information meeting on Tuesday.

Social media was also used to raise awareness. A blog, Let’s talk about Dementia (#AHPDementia), hosted different themes each day, with an opportunity for visitors to post questions to a range of experts including occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists and dieticians.

Dementia Week event organisers were also asked to use #dementia6littlethings on Twitter, and by liking and sharing messages posted on Facebook by the Council.

Reflecting on a busy week, a spoksesperson for Alzheimers Scotland said: “Phew! Seven days of celebration, awareness raising, conversation, fundraising and support. Thanks so much to everyone who has been a part of Dementia Awareness Week!

“Your stories, you kindness and enthusiasm have made for a fantastic week. Your passion has helped make Scotland a better place for people with dementia, their families and carers.”


So all in all it was a very successful week, but the work doesn’t stop there. The number of people who have the illness is set to double over the next 20 years, and  there’s an ongoing drive to make Edinburgh a dementia friendly city by a partnership of the city of Edinburgh Council, Alzheimer Scotland and NHS Lothian.

The group launched the “6 little things” campaign in February, which tells people how to cure the stigma of dementia by knowing six simple facts. 

Speaking before the lauch of dementia awareness week, Councillor Ricky Henderson, Health, Social Care and Housing Convener, said: “The awareness week is the ideal opportunity for us all to get involved in conversations about the illness. While it’s great that we’re living longer, this is leading to increasing numbers of people experiencing dementia. Let’s get conversations going with loved ones about dementia and together we can beat the stigma and also support those who have it.”

The conversations have started – now let’s keep talking!






Convener sets High School challenge

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High school pupils are battling it out in a unique activity challenge across Edinburgh today. The Convener’s Challenge is designed to encourage teams of school pupils to develop strategies that will enable them to complete a series of activity events.

Twelve schools are taking part and each team has four S5 pupils who set off from their own school at 9am, equipped with a GPS route tracker, a map of the city and a bus ticket. The teams will then complete a number of core challenges ­– climbing/abseiling, cycling, canoeing, orienteering and team building/problem solving at various locations across the city.

As opposed to the traditional ‘first past the post’ format, teams will be awarded points based on their collective performance in each of the challenges. They will also be given the opportunity to undertake one of a list of 50 further challenges, situated at various locations throughout the capital.

Competing teams will be issued with a pack containing competition rules and the itinerary, a cycle map of Edinburgh, a Lothian Buses route map, and five One Day tickets for use on both buses and trams.

They will also receive a sealed envelope containing grid reference locations and the nature of each challenge, which will fall into one of three categories:

  • Activity Challenge, where competitors must complete a physical, outdoor challenge;
  • City Challenge represents a series of information-gathering challenges designed to test competitors’ navigation and observation skills and
  • Super Summit Challenge, where the aim is to get to the top of as many of Edinburgh’s seven hills as is possible.

Each activity will be led by a qualified member of staff, whose signature is required to guarantee completion.

Cllr Paul Godzik, Education, Children and Families Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, will present prizes at the finish line.

He said: “Last year was a fantastic year for sport in Scotland and I’m delighted this new exciting challenge has been created. After the success of last year’s City 2 City relay event, this type of model is being used to encourage senior pupils to work as a team in a range of activities.

“This will hopefully encourage increased participation in some of these outdoor pursuits and enhance the life skills of our young people. I am flattered that this will be called the Convener’s Challenge and will look forward to presenting the trophy to the winning team at the City Chambers.”

The climbing/abseiling challenge will take place at Blackford Quarry, the cycling at Holyrood Park and around Arthurs Seat, the canoeing at the Union Canal Basin, and the orienteering on Corstorphine Hill, while the team building/problem-solving activities will be held at the Bangholm Outdoor Centre.