Edinburgh’s new museums website goes live

Museums & Galleries Edinburgh, the collection of 14 venues owned and managed by the City of Edinburgh Council, has a new website.

New website 1

Highlights and hidden gems of the city’s collections will be brought to life and showcased through engaging, new content with top tips and guides on how best to discover and explore each venue, many of which are free to enter. Continue reading Edinburgh’s new museums website goes live

Council to launch Electric Vehicle Action Plan

Strategic charging zones for electric vehicles could be rolled out across the Capital as part of Edinburgh’s first Electric Vehicle Action Plan. The innovative zonal approach to charging hubs – believed to be the first of their kind in Scotland – are one of five key strategic objectives in the Council’s Action Plan, which will be considered by members of the Transport and Environment Committee today. Continue reading Council to launch Electric Vehicle Action Plan

‘shop small’ this Small Business Saturday

  • government ministers out in force to support their local independent businesses this Small Business Saturday (2 December)
  • the UK is home to a record 5.7 million small businesses
  • Edinburgh shoppers urged to support our small independent shops this weekend

Government ministers are visiting independent businesses across the UK today in celebration of Small Business Saturday. Continue reading ‘shop small’ this Small Business Saturday

WHEC and Currie Community High Schools to go? New schools proposed for West Edinburgh

City schools review kicks off in West Edinburgh 

Plans to tackle the expected increase in pupil numbers in the west and south west of Edinburgh have been drawn up by the City of Edinburgh Council. Proposals for West Edinburgh would see Wester Hailes Education Centre and Currie Community High Schools closed and replaced by two new High Schools.

Continue reading WHEC and Currie Community High Schools to go? New schools proposed for West Edinburgh

Caring in the City: New Edinburgh Hub for Family Carers


Today – 24 November 2017 – is national Carers’ Rights Day and VOCAL, a charity that supports unpaid carers, is using the day to highlight the development of a new Edinburgh Carers’ Hub and launch an appeal for £100,000 to prepare for its opening in spring of next year. Continue reading Caring in the City: New Edinburgh Hub for Family Carers

Councillor Neil Gardiner is new Planning Convener

Councillor Neil Gardiner has been appointed as the new Convener of the city council’s Planning Committee. Following approval at today’s full Council meeting, the SNP Pentlands councillor will oversee the development of citywide planning strategies, as well as decisions on individual planning applications and related issues.

Continue reading Councillor Neil Gardiner is new Planning Convener