India Buildings to become Virgin hotel

Councillor Gavin Barrie, Housing and Economy Convener, has welcomed the announcement that Virgin Hotels has chosen Edinburgh for their first hotel outside America.

Virgin Hotels, the luxury lifestyle hotel brand by Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson, has announced plans to open at India Buildings in Edinburgh’s Victoria Street. Expected to open in 2020, the development marks an important moment in Virgin Hotels’ history and is expected to be joined by more UK and European projects in the coming years.

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Tourist tax “far from welcoming”, says Timberbush Tours boss

Think again, pleads tour operator

The chief of a local tour company has appealed to councillors to reconsider plans to introduce a ‘tourist tax’. The city council estimates it must make savings of £150 million over the next five years and will propose a range of measures to address this in in next month’s budget. Councillors see the introduction of a ‘tourist tax’ as one way of avoiding even deeper cuts to council services, but business leaders have warned that any new surcharge on visitors to the city would see them vote with their wallets and choose to go elsewhere. Continue reading Tourist tax “far from welcoming”, says Timberbush Tours boss

No more B & Bs for homeless families, says council task force

Homeless families will no longer be living in bed and breakfast accommodation by June this year. That was one of the outcomes agreed at the first meeting of the city council’s homelessness task force at the end of last year, and a report outlining next steps has now been agreed by councillors at the Housing and Economy Committee.

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Second phase of flood prevention scheme completed

Community members have officially marked the completion of phase two of Edinburgh’s major Water of Leith Flood Prevention Scheme.

Water of Leith Murrayfield

Pupils from Roseburn Primary School joined Transport and Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Macinnes, to cut the ribbon on a new bridge across the river, built as part of the City of Edinburgh Council’s multi-million pound project, which has been delivered significantly under budget. Continue reading Second phase of flood prevention scheme completed

Tattoo Culture Fund cash for North Edinburgh project


The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo and City of Edinburgh Council have announced the latest  beneficiaries of the city’s Culture Fund. Among them is North Edinburgh Arts, who receive £5000 to work in a new collaboration with Magnetic North to develop a new piece of family music-theatre.

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Councillors to discuss ‘pedestrian-friendly’ Picardy Place plans

A new landscaped public space would be created in Edinburgh’s east end under revised plans going before councillors next week. The latest plans for the Picardy Place junction, produced following an extended period of consultation, will be considered at a special meeting of the Transport and Environment Committee on Thursday.

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