Warm welcome at The Pregnancy Cafe


Are you pregnant? Live locally? Come along to the


at The Haven, next to Craigroyston Primary School

Every Tuesday 10.0 – 11.30


Friendly company

Help and advice

Pregnancy information


Baby stuff

Interested? Ask your midwife or call Jo 537 4230 Julie 332 9269 or just turn up! 

Circle Scotland’s Haven Project, Craigroyston Primary School

Muirhouse Place West, EH4 4PX



Total-ly delighted!

£84,000 will establish a Community Leadership College

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The STV Appeal is the fund that just keeps on giving to projects in North Edinburgh – Total Craigroyston became the latest local beneficiary when it received almost £84,000 from the charity programme.

STV CEO and trustee of the STV Appeal Rob Woodward and Chris Wilson managing director, Retail and Private Banking, RBS, presented the cheque for £83, 980 to Total Craigroyston manager Christine Mackay yesterday.

The STV Appeal raised £2.6million in 2014 – £305,689 of this was raised by RBS branches.

Total Craigroyston is an initiative set up by the Edinburgh Partnership to improve outcomes for children and families in the neighbourhood around Craigroyston Community High School. The project is doing this by taking a three pronged approach –

  • strengthening services that are open to all like health, early years and schools;
  • strengthening support for families;
  • supporting local people to organise their own activities.

Now, working in partnership with charities Circle Scotland and the Link-up Muirhouse project, an idea has been developed to establish a Community Leadership College. This will help Total Craigroyston expand leadership capability amongst local residents.

Julie Crawford, Muirhouse Link Up development worker, said: “We are really excited about the opportunity that the STV Appeal has given us to turn our idea into reality. This project will help us work with local people to build on the excellent local leadership that exists at the moment and take it to the next level.”

Chris Wilson, managing director, Retail and Private Banking, RBS, said: “It’s fantastic to see first-hand the work of projects like Total Craigroyston and understand the real impact that the money from the STV Appeal will have on them. RBS is proud to support the STV Appeal and help change the lives of vulnerable children and young people in Scotland.”

The STV Appeal is committed to making a difference in the lives of children and young people living in poverty in Scotland. Across the country, 220,000 children live in poverty and figures from the Campaign to End Child Poverty show that in the city of Edinburgh it’s actually 21.1% of children – more than one in five.

Total Craigroyston is just one of the projects the STV Appeal is supporting in North Edinburgh – Pilton Youth & Childrens Project, Changeworks and Fresh Start have all received grants from the funder.

Since launch in 2011, the STV Appeal has raised over £8.2 million with 297 big and small grants distributed to projects across all 32 local authority areas in Scotland, providing much needed support to over 37,000 children. The money raised is distributed to provide practical help like food and warm clothes; create opportunities for training and employability; and enable social and emotional support for those who need it most.

Rob Woodward, STV CEO and trustee of the STV Appeal, said: “The money donated to the STV Appeal remains in Scotland and will help bring about a positive change to the lives of vulnerable children and young people on our doorstep.  With the help of the extraordinary fundraising efforts taking place in communities across the country we have raised an incredible £2.6m in 2014 allowing us to make grants to 297 projects.  We are extremely grateful to everyone who supported the Appeal.”


Circle celebrates launch of The Sandpit Volcano

‘No-one really knew what it was. People walking past stopped and stared …’ 

sandpit volcano5Local familes celebrated the launch of their latest book ‘The Sandpit Volcano’ at North Edinburgh Arts Centre yesterday. The group from Circle’s Haven project wrote the story during Haven’s Storytelling Week project in August, and this was the first opportunity to see the end product. 

The Sandpit Volcano tells the tale of brave kangaroos, crabbit crustaceans and creepy castles with flags made from used underpants – delightful!  Children who were involved in the creation of the story read and performed it at North Edinburgh Arts and it really is a fantastically fun tale!

The Haven Project was again supported by Edinburgh-based author Mike Nicholson, who worked with the group on a similar project last year – a swashbuckling tale of pirates on the seven seas.

The Sandpit Volcano was created during an intensive week for all involved – from a day of ideas and discussions following a trip to Cramond, working with Mike to develop story ideas and then producing artwork and storyboards – but it was both interesting and fun for all involved and everyone is delighted with the finished product.

Angela Austin worked on the artwork with the group. “This was a great group to work with – everyone was really enthusiastic and there was lots of energy and ideas”, she said. “People can be creative and really good at art without realizing the talent they have, and I think this project has shown that”.

One proud mum said: “The project was interesting and it was a good laugh too. We’re all really pleased to see the way the book has turned out – my bairns will be reading it as a bedtime story tonight!”

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Circle joins #GivingTuesday: 'communities not consumerism'

Circle joins the UK’s #GivingTuesday movement to boost giving


 Circle has joined #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving, which encourages people and businesses to give their time, money or voice to charity for one day.

#GivingTuesday – 2 December – will provide a charitable antidote to the pre-Christmas consumer boom, falling directly after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It will ask people to follow two of the big pre-Christmas shopping days with a day of doing good, asking them to do one simple charitable act on the day and it is hoped that #GivingTuesday in the UK will replicate the successes of the US, where they have seen a huge spike in donations on the day.

With this being the first year of Giving Tuesday in the UK, we decided to launch a Christmas Campaign alongside Giving Tuesday and are asking for donations to allow us to host Christmas parties for marginalised children and families across Scotland.

We are running a social media campaign to raise awareness of our cause and have an exciting video clip highlighting our campaign, featuring our patron, David Tennant. 

“#Giving Tuesday highlights the importance of giving back and allows people to reflect upon the consumerism that can often overshadow community spirit at Christmas. This year we are hoping to raise money to allow Circle to organise Christmas celebrations for the children and families supported across Scotland. We’re delighted to be involved with Giving Tuesday and hope that the movement continues to grow next year,” said Circle CEO Liz Dahl.

#GivingTuesday is led in the UK by the Charities Aid Foundation, with support from Blackbaud. Leaders from businesses, charities and the media have joined them to explore how they can boost donations to charity and volunteering and create a giving movement in the UK.

Corporate and charitable organisations are constantly signing up to be partners and participate in the initiative this year. The campaign was launched in the US in 2012 by 92nd Street Y, in partnership with the United Nations Foundation and has since become a global movement, with Canada, Mexico, Israel, Australia, Singapore and Latin America all getting on board in 2013. Last year the campaign had 10,000 partners worldwide.

John Low, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, said: “We’re really excited to be bringing #GivingTuesday to the UK and it is fantastic that so many brilliant businesses and charities are getting involved.

“We’re bringing #GivingTuesday to the UK to provide a contrast to the peak shopping days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, to remind us that the spirit of the festive season should be about community and not just consumerism. We hope that we can capture the imagination of the British public and permanently establish a day in the calendar to celebrate giving and the fantastic work charities are doing all over the country.”

Henry Timms, 92Y’s Executive Director, said: “It’s been a privilege to work with remarkable leaders all over the world building a movement around #GivingTuesday. This initiative has been crowdsourced by some of the smartest and most connected minds among the next generation of philanthropists and entrepreneurs.”

Those interested in joining Circle’s #GivingTuesday initiative can view our promotional video: http://bit.ly/CircleGivingTuesday and can share/retweet our campaign materials over the coming days and encourage people to donate. 

Facebook /CircleScotland

Twitter @CircleScotland



For more details about the #GivingTuesday movement, visit #GivingTuesday

website: www.givingtuesday.org.uk, Facebook page

or follow @givingtuesdayuk and #GivingTuesday hashtag on Twitter.


North Edinburgh shines at Achievement Awards


North Edinburgh projects have been highly praised at the 2014 Children & Families Achievement Awards, with local organisations Stepping Stones, Forthview Primary  and Circle Scotland among the prize winners.

Winner of the Working Effectively with Others category was  the PrePare Fathers’ Group, comprising PrePare, Stepping Stones, South West Children and Families Team and Circle PrePare

Fathers were consulted on what additional support they would like and group work was identified. The aim is to increase paternal involvement in their child’s plan. A collaboration was established between Circle, Stepping Stones, PrePare and SW C&F Team. Together a group work programme was established within the framework and goals set out by the Early Years Collaboration.

Fathers learned about child development and the impact of parental substance use; attachment and resilience; stress and containment and gained a clearer understanding of where they can access support.

Morag Wilson, depute manger at Stepping Stones, said: “A massive congratulations to our Parenting Outreach worker, Anna Chrystal, who alongside her colleagues  from PrePare, Circle Scotland and South West Children and Families team won the 2014 Children and Families Achievement Award in partnership working. The judge commented that ‘this innovative project is making a real difference to fathers, and their families.’ They have now been encouraged to put themselves forward for the Pride in our People awards 2014.”


Read all about it: Forthview to the Fore!

West Pilton’s Forthview Primary School won the Improving Literacy Outcomes category for their ‘West Pilton Reads: Developing a Community Reading Culture’ initiative.

The Forthview submission read: ‘Research shows that we only get better at reading by reading, and that we will only read if we want to read. After looking at this research and considering best practice, we investigated ways in which we could create a reading culture around Forthview Primary.

‘The teaching of reading has been unchanged for decades, with no significant improvement in achievement, especially in areas of disadvantage. We decided that it was time for a radical change of approach to fostering the enjoyment of reading.’

Judges were clearly impressed with the Forthview approach, and commented: ‘This innovative project provides help for the whole household, not just for children. An educational support for whole families, it benefits everyone.’


The Director’s Award for Outstanding Achievment went to the Active Schools Team and the Speak Up Speak Out campaign picked up the Convener’s Award.

Children and Families Director Gillian Tee said: “This is our 15th annual achievement awards and, yet again, I have been impressed by the high standard of applications. This year we have had an exceptionally high number of nominations reflecting the huge amount of work that is going on across a wide variety of services. The professionalism and commitment shown in providing the highest level of service for every child and family across Edinburgh was clearly evident.”

A full list of winners and nominees can be found below:


Circle’s storytellers ‘writely’ pleased with new book!

‘No-one really knew what it was. People walking past stopped and stared …’

DSCF0059Children and parents from Circle’s Haven project created their own book, ‘The Sandpit Volcano’, during Haven’s Storytelling Week project, which ran from 28 July – 2 August.

The Sandpit Volcano tells the tale of brave kangaroos, crabbit crustaceans and creepy castles with flags made from used underpants – delightful!  Children who were involved in the creation of the story read it in public for the first time on Friday and it really is a fantastic tale!

The Haven Project group was assisted by Edinburgh-based author Mike Nicholson (pictured below with ten-month old ‘helper’ Caleb!), who writes children’s fiction. He has two novels published; mystery adventures packed with past secrets, colourful characters and fiendish plots! Based on his writing experience, Mike runs events for all ages in schools and at book festivals, often based on encouraging children to create their own story ideas. Mike worked with the Circle project on a similar project last year – a swashbuckling tale of pirates on the seven seas – and he was delighted to return for what it’s hoped may become an annual event.

DSCF0033It was an intensive week for all involved – from a day of ideas and discussions following a trip to Cramond, working with Mike to develop story ideas and then producing artwork and storyboards – but it was both interesting and fun for all involved.

One mum said: “It really was good fun and we’re all looking forward to seeing the book when it’s printed – oh, and the bairns enjoyed it all too!”

North Edinburgh Arts Angela Austin worked on the artwork with the group. “This was a great group to work with – everyone was really enthusiastic and there was lots of energy and ideas”, she said. “Lots of people are really good at art and being creative without realizing the talent they have, and I think this project has shown that”.

The artwork is now off to the printers and it’s hoped the Circle storytellers will see the The Sandpit Volcano in book form within the next 2-3 weeks.


Celebrate the history of Circle

Best wishes to all at Circle Scotland, the national children and families charity based in West Pilton Park, who are holding their annual lecture tonight in the Botanic Gardens Lecture Theatre.

Tonight’s speaker is Dr Mark Smith, Head of Social Work at the University of Edinburgh, and the theme of the lecture is ‘Celebrating the history of Circle’.

Circle was born as an independent charity in 2006, but the organisation has a long and illustrious history – Circle was created from Family Service Units, which were established in areas of deprivation just after World War Two.

Circle’s is a story worth telling and tonight’s event promises to be fascinating. Hope it goes well.CIRCLE

A book is born!

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A new chapter: CIRCLE’s HAVEN Project celebrates Storytelling Week

Children and parents from Circle’s Haven project created a book with the help of children’s author Mike Nicholson last week.

The week-long event (29 July – 2 August) was all part of Haven’s Storytelling Week activities and culminated with a celebration at North Edinburgh Arts when storyteller Claire McNicol read aloud the new book.

Children and parents, guided by Mike, created a narrative for their story by visiting different Edinburgh locations and developed a plot from what they found on their adventures. The result of a visit to Silverknowes was a story about mermaids and pirates, so there were some fantastic ideas!

They then worked with Mike and Haven staff to drawing pictures to feature as illustrations in the new book.

Everyone involved in the project joined to celebrate at North Edinburgh Arts on Friday, where professional storyteller Claire McNicol read aloud the completed book, with help from some volunteers.

So did the pirates and mermaids feature in the finished book? Well, that’s another story!

To see a video of the completed book, visit the CIRCLE Scotland website at:


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Government cash to support families in need

The work being carried out by Pilton-based Circle Scotland was praised by Aileen Campbell, the Minister for Children and Young People, during a visit to the project yesterday. Ms Campbell also announced details of £10 million Strategic Partnership Funding for voluntary sector organisations working with children and families.

Families across Scotland will benefit from better support services with 45 third sector organisations receiving a funding boost from the Scottish Government. This £10 million of Strategic Partnership Funding will strengthen the work of young people’s organisations working across Scotland, in areas such as adoption, vulnerable families, child health, literacy, bereavement counselling and parental support.

Minister for Children and Young People Aileen Campbell (pictured below, right) said: “We are working to make Scotland the best place in the world to grow up, including increasing the level of free early learning and childcare through the Children and Young People Bill, which will save families equivalent to around £700 per child. Scottish families already benefit from a wide range of support and the organisations receiving a share of this £10 million will help to improve what is on offer. Thanks to our investment, great organisations like Circle, which I am visiting today, will be able to take their work further into the community, helping families in need across Scotland get access to the right information and resources.”

Funding of £20 million through the Third Sector Early Intervention Fund and £10 million through Strategic Funding Partnerships was announced last month.


The following 45 organisations will receive support through the Strategic Funding Partnerships to enhance or develop work focussed on supporting the needs of young people and their families:

Article 12 in Scotland, Asthma UK Scotland, Birthlink, British Association for Adoption and Fostering Scotland, Capability Scotland, Care and Learning Alliance, Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta), Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland, Dyslexia Scotland, Families Need Fathers Scotland, Family Service Unit Scotland (Circle), Fathers Network Scotland (FNS), Genetic Alliance UK, Girlguiding Scotland, Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland, Hearts and Minds, John Muir Trust, Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens, Lead Scotland, Learning Link Scotland, LGBT Youth Scotland, National Day Nurseries Association, Parent Network Scotland, Partners in Advocacy, Relationships Scotland Core, Relationships Scotland Project, Scotland’s Learning Partnership, Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs, Scottish Community Development Centre, Scottish Environmental & Outdoor Education Centres Association, Scottish Marriage Care, Scottish Trades Union Congress, Scottish Youth Parliament, Sense Scotland, Sleep Scotland, The Boys’ Brigade, The Girls Brigade in Scotland, The Iona Community, The Mentor Foundation UK (Mentor), Working On Wheels , The Princes Trust, The Scout Association, Woodcraft Folk , Workers’ Educational Association and YWCA Scotland.

In Dad’s Shoes exhibition opens at Scottish Parliament

In Dad’s Shoes, a photo exhibition which shows what it means to be a dad, opened in the Burns Committee Room in the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood yesterday.

Organised by Fathers Network Scotland and Dads Rock in conjunction with Dad’s House, the exhibition tells the story of thirty dads of all types, through images and their own words. The pictures – both personal snaps and professional images – shows the great variety of life as a dad, and the aim of the exhibition is to highlight positive, caring images of dads and their children.

Two local men were among the thirty dads whose stories and pictures were recorded for the exhibition. Dads Alex Newport, from Wester Drylaw, and Malcolm Borthwick, are members of a North Edinburgh group set up specifically for dads. Based at the Haven Project in Craigroyston Primary School, the father’s group is run by Circle Scotland’s Nick Smithers, who enlisted the NEN’s help.

Alec and Malcolm were photographed and interviewed last month, but this was the first time they had seen the finished product – fortunately both men were happy with the display!

Alex Newport lives with his sons Cameron (12), Declan (9) and daughter Tiffany (7) in Wester Drylaw.

 “Life doesn’t always go to plan. My partner developed Huntington’s disease and is now in care – that had a devastating effect on our family, and it’s been really tough. There have been lots of ups and downs, but things have been more settled as the kids have grown up. They understand more now. The biggest challenge has been the change in lifestyle – from having enough money to having to be very careful, but have a social life as a family and we’ve done lots of fun things together over the summer.

“My big hope for my kids is that they enjoy school – I didn’t have a good educational experience and really I hope my own children will continue to enjoy school – the opportunities available to them are much greater. There will be more challenges – Cameron is nearly a teenager, and daughters can bring other challenges – but we’ll get through them together.”

Malcolm Borthwick lives in Granton with his two-year old son James.

 “It was an almightly struggle to get custody of James – my ex-partner’s family made things difficult and I think at first the authorities thought that, because I was brought up in care myself, I wouldn’t be a fit person to bring up my own son. I think the opposite is true – I’m going to do everything I can to make sure James gets the opportunities that I never had.

“I have a boy and girl from a previous relationship. They’re both really brilliant, and I think I’ve learned enough from bringing them up to make sure James is well looked after and cared for. We do everything together – fishing, reading books, going for walks – and I try to make sure James eats all the right things and has a healthy diet. He’ll get the best start in life I can give him.”

Alex, Malcolm and Nick (pictured top) were joined at Holyrood by Circle Scotland Director Liz Dahl, and parliamentarians of all political persuasions were among the first-day visitors – Children and Families minister Aileen Campbell, Sarah Boyack, Lewis MacDonald, Margaret McCulloch and Ann McTaggart were among those MSPs to look in on the exhibition.

Good news for North Edinburgh dads – dad’s group Dad’s Rock will be launching new weekly sessions at The Prentice Centre on Saturday mornings from the end of October. We’ll keep you posted with details when they are confirmed.