NSPCC Scotland needs YOU in 2023

As we begin a new year, many people will be reflecting and looking ahead to what the coming weeks and months will bring (writes Adeniyi Alade, Service Head of Helplines (Childline) .

Often New Year’s resolutions focus on healthy living, learning a new skill, supporting a cause, or giving up a bad habit.

This year, NSPCC Scotland is appealing for people to resolve to donate some of their time to one of the charity’s many services for children and young people.

At NSPCC, we are lucky to have a dedicated group of volunteers who give their time week-in week-out to help children and families when they need us the most.

However, to help ensure that we are here for all children, all day, every day, all year round, we need more people of all ages, and from all walks of life, to become volunteers and help us be there for young people.

Our two Childline bases in Glasgow and Aberdeen have a team of amazing volunteers who talk to children about a range of issues including mental health, abuse and neglect, family relationships, loneliness grief, and sexuality.

Childline bases across the UK held over 200,000 Childline counselling sessions with children and young people last year and need more volunteers to enable them to continue being there for children.

Could you be that person?

Our Schools Service volunteers also play a vital role, protecting a generation of children by helping them understand abuse and giving them the confidence to speak out if they need help. 

Could you help children feel empowered to know who they can speak out to if they are worried?

If you aren’t able to commit to a weekly or monthly volunteer role, why not consider joining as a fundraising and events volunteer, or you could even support NSPCC Scotland with your own fundraising event throughout the year.

No matter how much time you have to give, NSPCC has a volunteering role for you. It can be a great way to give back to the community and also learn new skills.

At NSPCC, we give you all the training needed to get you ready for your role, as well as a hugely supportive team of volunteers and supervisors to guide and help you on your volunteering journey.

You can get more information at: www.nspcc.org.uk/volunteer

Could you help us be there for all children?

Police appeal following serious assault and robbery on Ferry Road

Police in Edinburgh have released images of a man that they wish to speak to as they believe he may have information that can assist with an investigation into a serious assault and robbery.

The incident took place around 10.15 pm on Thursday 10th November 2022, on Ferry Road. The victim, a 46-year-old man, was assaulted and robbed, resulting in serious injuries.

The male shown in the images is described as being a white male, in his late teens to early 20’s, around 5ft 8 to 5ft 10 inches in height, slim build, shaved dark hair and was wearing a black t-shirt, light grey jogging bottoms and light coloured trainers.

Detective Constable Chris Docherty, from Edinburgh CID, said: “This incident was highly distressing for the victim and we’re eager to trace the man pictured. The male victim in this incident sustained a serious injury and was treated at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

“I am asking that the male pictured in the images to make contact with police in order that further enquiries can be conducted. I am also asking members of the public that if they recognise this individual to contact police.”

“Anyone with information should call police on 101, quoting incident 3719 of 10 November 2022. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, if you wish to remain anonymous.”

Ferry Road
Ferry Road
Ferry Road

Have you seen Faith?

Missing 15-year-old girl – Faith Marley, Leith

Police are appealing for the assistance of the public to trace Faith Marley, 15, who is missing from the Leith area.

Faith was last seen around noon yesterday, Tuesday, 27 December 2022, in Bangor Road.

She is described as 5 ft 7 in height, of medium to heavy build, with blue eyes, shoulder-length blonde hair and was wearing a green khaki puffer jacket, grey scoop neck jumper, black leggings and black and white high-top shoes.

She left in possession of a black leather shoulder bag, a mobile phone and some cash.

Inspector Grant McCulloch, Police Scotland, said: “We have been liaising with bus and taxi companies, as well as colleagues in British Transport Police, in case Faith has travelled outwith the Leith area or, indeed, the city.

“I am keen to hear from anyone who may know where she is, or who she has been in touch with recently.

“Both we and her family just want her home and so, if you have any information that will help us find her, please call police via 101, quoting reference number 1362 of Tuesday, 27 December 2022.

“We’d also ask Faith herself to return home or speak to police. Everyone just wants to make sure she is safe and well.”

Letter to PM demands urgent funding parity for older victims of abuse

Hourglass have delivered an open letter to PM Rishi Sunak calling on the Government to urgently provide funding parity for older victim survivors and fund their unique 24/7 helpline

Hourglass have submitted an open letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak signed by politicians from across the political spectrum. The letter calls for the government to provide urgent financial support for the Hourglass helpline which provides 24/7 support and casework for older victim-survivors of abuse.

The open letter has been signed by MPs, Peers, MLAs, MSPs, MSs, academics, third sector leaders and other community supporters. Members of every major political party in the UK have supported this campaign, either by signing this letter or by contacting the Prime Minister directly asking the Government to support the Hourglass helpline.

Hourglass not only provides a 24/7 helpline, the only one of its kind in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland but also creates tailored care plans for older victim survivors using caseworkers across the UK. The charity income plummeted in 2022 whilst cases have dramatically risen.

In 2022 the Hourglass helpline has seen a 96% increase in calls. Many of these calls are referrals from government and third sector agencies who rely on Hourglass as specialists in supporting older victims.

Despite this, government support for the helpline and casework service provided by Hourglass has declined. The charity is now bidding for funds from a Violence Against Women and Girls tender, which misses a significant swathe of its work.

Richard Robinson, Chief Executive of Hourglass, said: “The Hourglass helpline and case work service plays a critical role in supporting older people who have experienced abuse. This is a truly unique service and ensures older people can have hope during their darkest times.

“During the Conservative Party leadership campaign, the Ready for Rishi campaign promised that if elected a Rishi-led government would engage with organisations supporting victims, such as Hourglass. There has been no engagement, a string of cancelled meetings and limited understanding of challenge older people face, especially now during this financial crisis.

“The Prime Minister now needs to honour his campaign promise by working with Hourglass to ensure the only UK helpline supporting older victims of abuse can continue to provide a 24/7 service and doesn’t downsize drastically.”

Baroness Ritchie, Hourglass Patron, said: “The Government need to support older victims of abuse. In an ageing society, services like the Hourglass Helpline play a vital role.

“I urge the Prime Minister to answer the call of this open letter and provide adequate funding for the Hourglass Helpline.”

The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to donate by visiting www.wearehourglass.org.uk/donate or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460

Letters: Charity makes sure no child faces hospital alone this Christmas

Dear Editor,

Christmas is a time when many of us look forward to being with our loved ones, making lifelong memories while getting into the festive spirit of caring for each other.

For the majority of us the festive period will be full of joy and an occasion to look forward to. However, for families whose children will be seriously ill in hospital, this Christmas will be a time full of worry. Hospital can be a lonely and scary place for anyone, but especially a child. We want to make sure no child faces hospital alone and like all charities we are in desperate need of support to do this.

Without a place to stay close to the hospital our families will have to travel, on average, 90 minutes to be with their seriously ill child. The alternative is paying out for expensive hotels, sleeping on a chair in the hospital or even sleeping in their cars. Neither are viable options, worsened further by the current cost of living crisis. These extra expenses are another burden that families shouldn’t have to shoulder at a time when all they want is to be with their child.

Our ‘Homes from Home’ are free for families who need them and it currently costs us approximately £40 to support one family for one night, but this cost is rapidly rising.

By donating £40 to our appeal your readers will give families all the precious gifts of Christmas; care, wellbeing, warmth, rest and most precious of all, time together in our ‘Homes from Home’.

Our ten ‘Homes from Home’ are located at specialist children’s hospitals and support families from across the UK. They are completely free of charge to all the families that stay with us, but as a charity we rely on the generosity of our supporters to make sure every child can be with their family this Christmas.

We want to make sure that no child faces hospital alone and that all families can be together this Christmas, making special festive memories rather than travelling in their car or sleeping in uncomfortable waiting room chairs.

Every £40 donated will give another family the precious gift of togetherness, ensuring that they can always be just minutes away from their ill child’s hospital bedside.

Donate £40 today by visiting sickchildrenstrust.org

Jane Featherstone,

Chief Executive at The Sick Children’s Trust

Charity calls for urgent Government action to combat abuse of older people

At the start of Safer Ageing Week, Hourglass (Safer Ageing) calls on the Government to meet with the charity as calls to helpline surge

After months of trying to secure a meeting with the Safeguarding Minister, delayed due to changes in Ministers and turmoil in the heart of Government, Hourglass is frustrated that the Home Office has now cancelled another scheduled meeting with Minister Sarah Dines for Wednesday 14 December.

The meeting has been cancelled due to the Home Office launching a commercial competition for funding as part of Violence Against Women and Girls VAWG) strategy. Hourglass (Safer Ageing) is the only specialist UK wide charity supporting older victim-survivors of abuse, with 40% of the casework being with older men.

Hourglass, the only UK-wide charity focused on ending the abuse and neglect of older people, believes there needs to be a separate strategy and funding pool to address abuse of older people, as they have specific needs that a different to other demographics.

Hourglass has seen a 96% increase in calls to its 24/7 helpline this year. It is unacceptable that every request made by the charity to meet with Ministers has fallen on deaf ears when older people are suffering.

On 29 July this year, the Ready for Rishi Campaign made the following commitment to Hourglass: “If he is fortunate enough to be elected as Prime Minister, a Rishi-led government would seek to engage with organisations supporting victims, such as Hourglass, in order to ensure that no one is left behind and the needs of all those who need help are met.”

The Prime Minister now needs to honour his campaign pledge and ensure his Ministers meet with Hourglass to tackle abuse of older people.

Richard Robinson, CEO of Hourglass, said: “With Safer Ageing Week looming, it is incredibly sad that the charity has had this vital meeting cancelled once again. This is not just disappointing; it is a dereliction of duty.

“We are seeing significant increases in calls to our helpline and casework referrals, yet the government still do not take this issue seriously. 

“The Violence Against Women and Girls strategy is designed to address this important issue. The criteria for VAWG funding applications will obviously be based on addressing violence against women and girls, not abuse of older people which needs a separate strategy and funding model.

“Support to stem sexual violence in the Ukraine was this week confirmed at £3.45 million with an additional £12.5 million to tackle sexual violence in conflict globally. These, like the equally essential child abuse and domestic abuse charities deserve this support, we are simply asking why are older people last in line? The £300k committed to date seems to underline how far towards the bottom of the list of priorities the 2.7m people affected by elder abuse seem to be.”

The charity confirms it will apply for Government funding from their newly announced VAWG grant scheme.

However, with the enormous pressures of the cost of living crisis and a huge spike in calls to the Hourglass 24/7 helpline, the organisation believes it needs to be at the heart of a Safer Ageing Strategy for older people.

The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to make a donation by visiting www.wearehourglass.org.uk/donate or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS. If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

Please bear with us: Lothian Buses chief issues public appeal

This is an appeal to all of our customers, and all who want to see Lothian Buses thrive again.

As a society we’ve gone from standing on doorsteps, applauding key workers and paying tribute to their efforts, to a much less tolerant approach.  It’s present wherever you look – in shops, restaurants, and most definitely on buses.  It seems many people are less patient, less accepting and much less forgiving.

I know that our service isn’t always delivering for our customers as it should be right now and I’m sorry.  It’s definitely not how we as a company want it to be and I know we still have work to do to get it right. I know how frustrating it is to wait at a bus stop only for the bus not to turn up or to watch the street tracker increase the number of minutes’ wait when it should be counting down.

Please be assured that Lothian Buses is doing everything possible to get back to operating the reliable bus services that the people of Edinburgh expect and need.

To our customers… Please see our people as human beings – people who are at their place of work and are deserving of your respect and courtesy.  Our drivers and other customer-facing people are seeing a huge increase in abusive behaviour. 

It’s abhorrent and completely unacceptable. If you are frustrated with our service and feel that we have let you down, please remember that it’s not the fault of any individual colleague.  They are doing their very best in incredibly difficult circumstances.

And to our colleagues… I am truly sorry that your working day looks as it does just now.  I know that you are the people who have remained loyal to Lothian Buses and continue to come to work in very difficult circumstances. 

Please know that we are doing everything possible to recruit the drivers we need and to retain the ones we have.  We are running an extensive recruitment campaign, we’ve evolved our training programme, we are adding new benefits to our employment offering, and we are working hard to modernise rotas so that we can offer a better work/life balance.

We are slowly turning a corner with driver shortages, and we will get back to being a service that customers can rely on.

And in the meantime…

Please bear with us, and with our people.

Sarah Boyd

Managing Director, Lothian Buses

Windsor Street assault: Do you know this man?

Police have released an image of a man that they wish to speak to as they believe he may have information that can assist with an investigation into a serious assault.

The incident took place around 7.20pm on Sunday, 17 July 2021, on Windsor Street, Edinburgh.  A 24-year-old man was verbally abused and assaulted by two males, and sustained facial injuries which required hospital treatment.

CCTV Image of man for Windsor Street assault

The person shown in the CCTV image, is described as a white male, slim build, 5ft 5 to 5ft 19 inches in height, between 15 and 18 years old, with light brown/blond hair. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a white logo on the front, black Nike shorts, grey trainers and was carrying a black rucksack on his back.

Officers believe that the male shown in the image may have information that could assist them and would appeal to him or anyone who recognises him to contact them.

Members of the public can contact Police Scotland via 101, quoting reference number 2274 of 21 July 2021, or if they wish to remain anonymous, they can call the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

Police appeal: Do you know this man?

POLICE have released images of a man they believe may have information that can assist their ongoing enquiries into an attempted robbery. The incident occurred at around 1.50 am on Monday, 1 November 2021, on Gayfield Place.

Officers believe that the man shown in the images may have information that could assist them and would appeal to him or anyone who recognises him to contact them.

The man shown in the images is described as aged 20-30 years of age, around 5 foot 8 inches tall, with dark hair and was wearing a black and white jacket, black jeans and dark shoes and carrying a rucksack at the time.

Detective Constable Claire Riley, of Gayfield CID, said: “This was a frightening experience for the victim and our inquiries have been ongoing. I would urge the male in the images or anyone with information relating to him to contact police as soon as possible.”

Members of the public can contact Police Scotland via 101, quoting reference number 0298 of 1 November 2021, or if they wish to remain anonymous, they can call the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Craigroyston FC 2009s looking for more players

Craigroyston FC are looking for players born in 2009 to join our squad.

Craigroyston plays in SERYFA | South East Region Youth Football Association in division 4 were looking for players who are committed and a good team players

We train on Mondays and Thursdays 6.30pm-8pm and have games on Sundays around 11am.