Ryrie’s thrives following funding support from Royal Bank of Scotland

One of Edinburgh’s oldest pubs is going from strength to strength following restoration by new owners, thanks to a funding deal worth £1.6 million from Royal Bank of Scotland.

Ryrie’s, originally built in the 1800s as a fuelling station for horse and carts, has had its exterior and interior restored to its former glory after £250k worth of refurbishment by new owners D M Stewart Ltd, which bought the Haymarket stalwart just before the pandemic for £2.9 million.

The lending by The Royal Bank of Scotland to the 150-year-old family run business, allowed brothers Christian and David Stewart to add to their portfolio of impressive freehold sites in Scotland’s capital. Use of The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) supported the business during the pandemic, and allowed the company to quickly progress the pub’s restoration.

Banking with Royal Bank of Scotland since the 1990s, D M Stewart Ltd was grateful for the support received from the bank, allowing the business to go ahead with not only the purchase and restoration of Ryrie’s, but also to continue employing bar staff allowing for a quick return to trading across its sites when restrictions eased.

With aims to continue to build upon its four Victorian Public Houses across Edinburgh, D M Stewart Ltd reopened Ryrie’s in February 2022 having weathered the pandemic. The venue has enjoyed great success ever since with new and regular customers visiting to eat, drink and socialise.

Christian Stewart, Joint Managing Director at D M Stewart Ltd, said: “Once we had purchased the site with the assistance of The Royal Bank of Scotland, we were determined to return the space to its heyday in 1906 when it was redesigned by the famous city architect Robert McFarlane Cameron.

“It was important for us to refine what Ryrie’s already had rather than following trends and fads within the sector.

“We are lucky enough to have a banking partner which understands our business vision, as well as the Edinburgh commercial property market. Welcoming back customers to soak in the beauty of one of the city’s oldest public houses has been delight for our entire team.

“We’re pleased to report that Ryrie’s has created and helped retain jobs for our staff, with the expectation of more to come with the return of tourists and as the development of Haymarket progresses.”

Jason Cram, Relationship Director at Royal Bank of Scotland, said: “Although they specialise in classic style pubs, D M Stewart Ltd has always been forward thinking in its approach to the protection of traditional pubs and what they mean to the community they are located within.

“It’s been brilliant to be able to support this family-run business and see Ryrie’s succeed thanks to the hard-work of D M Stewart Ltd and its committed staff.”

Hearts & Minds receive £21,605 from People’s Postcode Trust

Grant will support Clowndoctor visits at Edinburgh’s Royal Hospital for Children & Young People

The Clowndoctors will be delivering smiles every week at the Royal Hospital for Children & Young People thanks to support of the People’s Postcode Trust.

The People’s Postcode Trust is a grant-giving charity funded by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Our organisation received £21,605 from the Trust to enable us to deliver weekly Clowndoctor visits at the Royal Hospital for Children & Young People, Edinburgh (formerly The Sick Kids)

Hearts & Minds believe that meaningful human connection is vital for wellbeing, and that this is especially important when we are at our most vulnerable. Through the art of therapeutic clowning Hearts & Minds Clowndoctors connect with children and their families who might be facing anxiety, stress, and feelings of isolation while the child is receiving treatment in hospital.

Recently the Clowndoctors were able to visit Robbie at the RHCYP, where he has been for some weeks. Robbie knows the Clowndoctors well from seeing them at the Royal Blind School, Edinburgh and he calls them his friends.

The Clowndoctors were delighted to visit him in hospital and play his favourite game of “BOO!’ Dr Mousse also recorded a special message for Robbie which he has saved on his phone so he can listen to as often as he likes.

Richard Dalgleish, Robbie’s dad, said: “We wanted to say a big thank you to Dr Mousse and Dr Cous Cous for taking the time to say hello to Robbie when we met the Clowndoctors at the Royal, Edinburgh a few weeks back.

“Even though Robbie is far from well, it was lovely for Robbie to hear from people he knows well from the Sick Kids and from visits to the Royal Blind School. 

“Robbie has been in hospital now for 6 weeks and has had 3 operations. The Clowndoctors have visited him regularly and their visits have given him a much-needed boost. Thank you for all the work that you do.”

Rachel Colles, Joint Artistic lead at Hearts & Minds, commented: “It has been a privilege to visit Robbie over many years. We started visiting him when he was a pupil at the Royal Blind School in Edinburgh.

“We built up a great relationship playing with Robbie’s love of slapstick, surprises and words. Robbie loves to send the Clowndoctors flying around and surprising them with a big boo. We felt we had a strong and special connection.

“When Robbie left school, we did not see him anymore, so it was a real pleasure to bump into him and his parents at the hospital and were very happy to arrange a couple of visits on his adult ward. It was great to get the opportunity to visit him in this new setting and be welcomed by the staff on the ward where our visits were seen as a bit of colour and change in their day.

“As Clowndoctors these long-term relationships are very valuable to us and makes me personally very happy when we see children and young people who we know so well and be a positive part of their experience of health care settings.”

Sean Donnelly, Interim CEO, Hearts & Minds said: “We are delighted to receive this funding from People’s Postcode Trust to allow us to continue with much needed weekly Clowndoctor visits to the young people at the hospital in Edinburgh.

“These visits will deliver much needed laughter, fun and imagination to children who face anxiety while undergoing treatment for their illness.”

Please click the links for more information on People’s Postcode Trust www.postcodetrust.org.uk and People’s Postcode Lottery www.postcodelottery.co.uk

New NSPCC figures and analysis shed light on scale of abuse and neglect

  • Last year the NSPCC Helpline made 897 referrals about child abuse and neglect concerns to agencies in Scotland – an average of two a day.
  • Half a million children a year suffer abuse in the UK, says charity
  • NSPCC believes everyone has a responsibility to protect children from abuse and neglect and calls for people to take action on Childhood Day

NSPCC Scotland has today released data and research that paints a worrying picture of the abuse and neglect faced by children. The charity is calling for everyone to play their part in preventing abuse as it reveals details of Childhood Day 2022.

In 2021/22, the NSPCC’s Helpline for adults made 897 referrals about abuse and neglect to agencies in Scotland – an average of two a day.  

The most common reason for the charity’s practitioners to escalate their concerns in Scotland was neglect, with 272 referrals being made for this concern.

Across the UK last year, the Helpline made 22,983 referrals to agencies about children thought to be experiencing abuse and neglect – an average of 63 children a day.

The NSPCC Helpline receives contacts from the public and professionals who have safeguarding fears about a child. The charity will refer these on to statutory agencies when serious enough to do so, whilst offering advice and assistance in all cases.

The NSPCC is also releasing analysis that sets out the scale and breadth of this issue, estimating that half a million children a year suffer abuse in the UK. That means 7 children in a classroom experience abuse before they turn 18*.

This comes as the NPSCC launches Childhood Day, the charity’s flagship day of fundraising and action that brings everyone in the UK together to protect children.

The leading children’s charity is today emphasising that everyone has a responsibility to protect children from abuse and neglect. This means people reporting any concerns they have about a child, Governments across the UK prioritising child protection at a national level and a rallying call for everyone across the UK to unite on the 10 June for Childhood Day, to raise money and awareness for the NSPCC.

Whether it’s by fundraising, donating, volunteering at a collection, or taking action, the NSPCC is asking people to play their part to help keep children safe from abuse. The charity is encouraging people to ‘search ‘Childhood Day’ to find out more. 

Emma Frost was abused as a child. She wishes someone spoke out on her behalf and is calling on everyone to support the NSPCC’s Childhood Day, so that the charity can continue to take vital calls via the Helpline.

Emma says: “I was the eldest of seven siblings and grew up in a chaotic household. I was subjected to emotional and physical torment and made to believe that I was saying, thinking and doing things I wasn’t. I spent four years in care.

“My father abused me from a young age and in 2011, he was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. I wish someone, at some point, had picked up the phone and called the NSPCC Helpline. I would have got the right help a lot earlier and it wouldn’t have done as much damage.

“The NSPCC is just as important now as it was when I was a little girl. Whatever else is going on, it’s vital we all play our part for children suffering abuse.”

Sir Peter Wanless, NSPCC CEO said:In light of the recent tragic cases, the NSPCC is emphasising how important it is that we challenge ourselves to do all we can to protect children from harm.

“As well as the Scottish Government playing a leading role in this fight, we know that strong communities can help to keep children safe, with thousands of individual people playing their part and doing what’s right.

“That’s why we created Childhood Day – a day that brings everyone in the UK together to make child protection a top priority.”

At the start of next month, the NSPCC will launch its Childhood Day TV Appeal. The advert, which will go out on TV from the 2nd May, sees a member of the public contact the NSPCC helpline with concerns about a three-year-old boy who is experiencing physical and emotional abuse at the hands of his mother.

A voiceover from actress and NSPCC supporter Natalie Dormer says ‘This Childhood Day donate £20 and help us keep answering the calls that can stop abuse. Search NSPCC to donate now.”

This year Lidl GB, who have supported the charity for 5 years and Sky Cares, Sky’s commitment to supporting the communities where their customers and employees live and work, are sponsoring the NSPCC’s Childhood Day as retail and media partners respectively.

Both partners will be helping to raise awareness of Childhood Day, as well as holding their own activities with their colleagues across the UK to help raise vital funds.

Caroline Renton, Supporter Fundraising Manager, NSPCC Scotland said: “We’re encouraging people in local communities across Scotland to get involved and have fun this Childhood Day. 

“Whether you hold your own play-themed fundraising event or sign up to volunteer at one of our Childhood Day street collections across the country, every pound you raise will help to keep children safe.”

The NSPCC is urging anyone with concerns about a child, even if they’re unsure, to contact the NSPCC helpline to speak to one of the charity’s professionals.

People can call 0808 800 5000, email help@nspcc.org.uk or fill in the online form.

Support for Ukrainian workers in Scotland

Backing for Worker Support Centre

A new service is to be established to offer vital advice and urgent practical support to Ukrainian seasonal horticultural workers in Scotland.

Ukrainian workers play a key role in soft fruit and vegetable production in Scotland, but due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia they are facing a range of concerns about their work, their homes, and their futures.

The new Worker Support Centre, run by Scottish charity JustRight Scotland, will provide key support to workers on these issues as well as immigration advice to enable them to stay and work in Scotland while returning to Ukraine is still unsafe.

The Centre will serve as a first contact for Ukrainian agricultural workers in Scotland, and will be staffed with former horticultural workers who speak Ukrainian and Russian.

Minister for Refugees from Ukraine Neil Gray said: “The new Worker Support Centre, supported by £41,000 from the Scottish Government, will provide guidance, information and, we hope, some peace of mind to those people from Ukraine working in Scotland whose lives are severely impacted by the war at home.

“Agricultural workers from Ukraine play a valued and important role in the production of soft fruit and vegetables in Scotland.

“We know that as a result of Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, there are a wide range of pressing and often complex issues which are likely to be of great concern, and it is essential that they receive support to navigate these.”

Project advisor for JustRight Scotland Caroline Robinson said: “This Worker Support Centre follows models used around the world to offer temporary migrant workers advice and support in times of crisis.

“In countries from Canada to Germany temporary migrant workers are offered a similar service – this support can help prevent workers ending up in situations of human trafficking and is an important step forward for Scotland.”

Of those granted a Seasonal Worker visa in the UK in the year ending June 2021, 74% were Ukrainian nationals.

Edinburgh Remakery celebrates outstanding achievement with Queen’s Award for Enterprise success

A vibrant social enterprise based in Leith’s Ocean Terminal has won one of the UK’S most prestigious business accolades, recognising outstanding achievement in social and environmental sustainability, coupled with significant and responsible business growth.

The Edinburgh Remakery, an environmental social enterprise based in Scotland’s capital, has been honoured with a Queen’s Award for Enterprise, recognised for its excellence in Sustainable Development. 

The Edinburgh Remakery teaches and adopts sustainable practices around repair and reuse to prevent valuable materials and resources, such as electronic devices, from going to waste, and reducing pollution and carbon emissions. In this way, the social enterprise aids the urgent need to change the UK’s economy to one that is more environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable.

Elaine Brown, CEO of The Edinburgh Remakery said:“Receiving the Queens Award for Enterprise is an amazing achievement for us. We’re delighted to receive this recognition for our work in sustainability, and it is a great testament to the role of social enterprises in creating positive change in our communities.

“Putting people and planet first is at the heart of our operations, and this award is a triumph for the circular economy and its vital role in helping Edinburgh and the UK hit their ambitious net zero targets, ending waste and pollution, and helping people to Waste Less, Live More.” 

In 2021, the Edinburgh Remakery collected 39 tonnes of electronic waste collected from businesses and individuals across the UK, 352 people were taught repair and reuse skills to help them mend and extend the life of their belongings, and 412 free electronic devices were gifted to people in need across Edinburgh to tackle digital poverty and social isolation.

Now in its 56th year, the Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are the most prestigious business awards in the country, with winning businesses able to use the esteemed Queen’s Awards Emblem for the next five years. The Edinburgh Remakery is one of 31 organisations across the UK to be awarded recognition in Sustainable Development. 

The Edinburgh Remakery team will head to Buckingham Palace next month to formally receive their Queens Award for Enterprise.

This year, 232 businesses representing every part of the United Kingdom and a range of sectors have been recognised by Her Majesty The Queen on her birthday as among the best in the country.

Awards have been won in the categories of:

  • International Trade (141 winners)
  • Innovation (51)
  • Sustainable Development (31)
  • Promoting Opportunity (9)  

Small Business Minister Paul Scully said: “This country is renowned for its entrepreneurial achievements and there is no greater showcase for it than The Queen’s Awards. It’s vital we celebrate the success of our businesses and recognise the contributions they make to communities across the country.

“I congratulate this year’s winners for their hard work and commitment over the last year and I wish them every success for the future.”

Aldi: Avoid a soggy bottom with Dunkability Challenge!

The act of dunking a biscuit in a cup of tea is a proud tradition, with research from McVitie’s finding that 71% of people admit to doing the dunk when enjoying a warm cuppa. 

But as National Tea Day approaches (tomorrow – 21st April), Aldi Scotland has set out to uncover what happens when the mighty shortbread is plunged into a milky tea and reveals the products with the best ‘dunkability’. 

To help its customers create the perfect tea and biscuit ritual, Aldi Scotland has put its most popular Specially Selected All Butter Shortbread products to the test in the supermarket’s first ‘Dunkability Challenge’. 

Rated on its shape, taste, and its crunch vs crumble qualities, tea lovers can use the below review system to find their perfect Aldi Scotland biccy to complement their cuppa, all for under £2.

Star outlineSpecially Selected Orkney Caramel Shortbreads (£1.69, 5 pack)               5/5 Dunkability

Aldi Scotland’s Specially Selected Orkney Caramel Shortbreads, winners at the 2021 Scottish Retail Food and Drink Awards, are once again topping the competition by scoring a perfect 5/5 in the dunkability scale.


The deliciously dunkable Orkney Caramel Shortbreads are two perfectly formed pieces of utterly-buttery shortbread sealed together with a golden caramel centre making them easy to hold for dipping down to the last bite.


These irresistibly buttery shortbreads are double-drizzled in Belgian chocolate and golden caramel. When dunked into warm tea, the caramel centre will become deliciously gooey, melting in your mouth. Made from a traditional family recipe, using the finest ingredients including Orkney butter, the Orkney Caramel Shortbread’s are truly indulgent at a wallet-pleasing £1.69.

Crunch vs Crumble

With a perfect balance of crunch and crumble, these chunky treats are the upper crust on the ‘Dunkability’ scale. Fully immerse in your cuppa for a gooey mouthful, or delicately dip for that satisfying snap.


A more modern take on the traditional Scottish shortbread, these double layered biscuits have earned their place in cupboards across the country and are guaranteed to add a certain luxury to any tea-break.

Star outlineSpecially Selected All Butter Scottish Shortbread Fingers (£1.19)             4/5 Dunkability


These Shortbread Fingers are the perfect shape for dunking in tea. The rectangle biscuits allow for controlled dunking, granting a tailored experience for each personal preference. It comes as no surprise these Shortbread Fingers won a star at the Great Taste Awards 2020.


Aldi’s All Butter Shortbread Fingers are slow baked, using a traditional Scottish recipe. Finished with a sprinkling of sugar, these shortbread biscuits will give you all the sweetness you need to balance out a strong brew.

Crunch vs Crumble

Upon dipping these Shortbread Fingers, you are sure to experience a soft crumble, while retaining a crisp crunch with each bite.


A perfect all-rounder. Whether you’re a dunking aficionado, or simply trying out something new on your next tea-break, you won’t be left disappointed.

Specially Selected All Butter Scottish Shortbread Rounds (£1.19)             4/5 Dunkability


These fan favourites have a slim feel and circular form which deliver a delicate bite making them irresistibly moreish.


These Shortbread Rounds are available in All Butter, Sicilian Lemon and Chocolate Chunk. Whether you fancy a zap of zesty flavour, or a hint of luxurious chocolate, these All-Butter Shortbread Rounds work as well with coffee as they do tea.

Crunch vs Crumble

With a distinctive snap, these Shortbread Rounds will certainly give a satisfying crunch pre-dunk, while offering a soft crumble into your tea upon dipping. These are ideal for anyone who is not left disappointed by a soggy bottom.


If you take pleasure in submerging your biscuit, then these Shortbread Rounds are most definitely for you, while the variety of flavour options, at the bargain price of £1.19 means there’s something for all tastes.

Building a tech nation

Investment can help create more high quality start-ups

Work to create the best opportunities for entrepreneurs is helping transform Scotland into one of Europe’s leading economies to start or grow a technology business.

Building on the entrepreneurial ambitions set out in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation, Economy Secretary Kate Forbes said work is underway – backed by £45 million of investment – to help transform Scotland’s tech sector.

During a parliamentary statement Ms Forbes highlighted progress made to date to implement the Logan Review. Actions include:

  • finalising arrangements for five new Tech Scaler hubs, with the potential to create more than 300 high quality start-ups, that will offer mentorship support to budding entrepreneurs. These new hubs, located around the country, will help to ensure new and existing tech innovators have access to high quality commercial education
  • establishing a £1 million Scottish Tech Ecosystem Fund providing support for organisations to deliver meet ups and events which create the best environment for entrepreneurs to succeed
  • investing more than £1 million in new devices and equipment to support teaching of computing science
  • appointing teachers who will drive improvements in equipment and training while sharing best practice
  • allocating £1.5 million for reskilling – including support for those on low incomes to gain digital skills

A Chief Entrepreneur Officer will also soon be appointed in the Scottish Government to help ensure entrepreneurship ambitions are embedded in policy development.

Ms Forbes said: “The Scottish Government is committed to the most radical reforms of the Scottish entrepreneurial system since devolution. Our ambition is to establish Scotland as one of Europe’s leading start-up economies.

“These game changing tech scalers will deliver one of the most sophisticated and comprehensive state-funded environments in Europe for the creation and growth of start-ups.

“Tech scalers will put Scotland on the global start-up map and we will promote their services relentlessly to attract the world’s best talent to scale up their businesses in Scotland.

“A key ambition in our strategy to transform the economy is to help establish Scotland as a world-class entrepreneurial country, founded on a culture that encourages, promotes and celebrates entrepreneurial activity.”

Mark Logan said: “These coordinated initiatives are part of the most significant strategic investment in Scotland’s high-technology industry ever seen in Scotland.

“Together, they create the perfect environment for starting and scaling technology-based businesses, with the many opportunities for our people that will result from that. It’s a very exciting time for the sector.”

Edinburgh children ‘excelling under the SNP Scottish Government’

SNP MSP Gordon MacDonald has welcomed figures which show children across Edinburgh are excelling under the SNP Scottish Government.

Schools across Edinburgh are benefitting from £7.2m of funding for the coming year to reduce the attainment gap in the area.

As a result 95.1% of young people in the area go on to positive destinations. The latest figures also show that 19,523 have went into a modern apprenticeship under the SNP Scottish Government.

In helping to close the attainment gap, there are currently 10,016 children receiving free school meals.

Commenting, Gordon MacDonald said: “Since the SNP formed a government in 2007, attainment and the number of pupils going on to positive destinations has improved across Edinburgh.

“This is down to the funding the SNP Scottish Government has provided to reduce the attainment gap and I am delighted that this will continue as £7.2m has been committed to reduce the gap even further for the coming year.

“The SNP Scottish Government is also ensuring that P1-3 children have the best start to their day by providing free school meals. This will also be extended to all primary schools within this parliamentary term.

“It is only the SNP who can be trusted to protect Scotland’s education system and on May 5 the people of Edinburgh have the chance to send a message to the Tories that we do not trust them with it.”

Nine-year-old treks 96 MILES to raise money for vet charity PDSA

Johnathan takes on Scotland’s West Highland Way to raise vital funds for sick and injured pets

Nine-year-old Johnathan Westacott from North Devon has walked an incredible 96 miles to raise vital funds for vet charity PDSA.

Following many months of intense training, Johnathan walked for a total of 59 hours, covering over 310,000 steps over eight days across the wild landscapes of Scotland, raising over £1,500 for PDSA, who provide vital veterinary care to sick and injured pets across the UK.

The animal-obsessed fundraiser took on the challenge alongside his family and their family dogs Fudge and Coco, sharing regular video updates on their Facebook page throughout the gruelling hike.

Johnathan’s mum, Jennifer Westacott (37) said: “We are so proud of Johnathan and his achievement – it’s an incredible distance and seeing him finish the West Highland Way walk in aid of his favourite charity PDSA has made me burst with pride.

“Myself and my husband, Andrew, walked alongside him, together with his nanny and grandad, so we could all support one another to get through the miles. It wasn’t easy but together we made it so we could be there for Jonathan and we all kept each other going despite the very tired legs and blisters!

“Johnathan has always loved animals, especially dogs, and he decided to take on the challenge and to raise funds for vet charity PDSA.

“He was inspired to support PDSA after watching the daily live feeds from Max Out in the Lakes Facebook page who share daily updates during their walks with three Spaniels, Max, Paddy and Harry in the Lake District.

“They have held many fundraising events for PDSA, so Johnathan wanted to follow in their footsteps and do the same!”

Ruth Lister from PDSA said: “Johnathan’s challenge is incredibly inspiring and we are very grateful to Johnathan and the whole family for their support.

“The funds raised through their amazing fundraising challenge means that we are able to continue our life-saving work, caring for pets whose owners have nowhere else to turn. 

“We rely on the generosity of the pet-loving public who donate to make sure we can be there for a pet when they need us most. It’s thanks to inspiring fundraisers, such as Johnathan and his family, that we’re able to continue our life-saving work.”

So far Johnathan’s JustGiving page has raised over £1,500.

Further donations to support his fundraiser for PDSA can be made here: 


No pet owner should be faced with losing a beloved pet because they can no longer afford to pay for treatment. For many vulnerable pets, PDSA is there to help when there is nowhere else for their owners to turn.

Find out more on their website www.pdsa.org.uk.