Power of Food Festival this weekend

Saturday & Sunday 18 – 19 June





Severing Time at North Edinburgh Arts

Friday 24 June 7.30pm

North Edinburgh Arts

ned theatre

North Edinburgh Arts Theatre Project & Festival and King’s Theatres Edinburgh Learning and Participation


You are invited to the Sharing of Work – Severing Time – on Friday 24th June 7.30pm

This performance includes Theatre, Dance and Video work by the Adults and Children of the North Edinburgh Arts Theatre project.

Severing Time investigates the influence and resistance we have towards the pressure of advertising, media and social networks, and considers the challenges, disruptions and distortions to our well-being and sense of self that virtual encounters can create. The ‘self’ we manufacture for internet-based encounters can be reductive, dehumanising and commodifying. It can also be a reflection to find and reclaim ourselves.

Background and Development of the project

North Edinburgh Arts Theatre project is an established and well-recognised Theatre project for adults, and has a track record for exciting and innovative productions and events. The project was developed in 2011 after research into the requirements of local people. The main finding of this research was that people wanted to make theatre again, after a history of using theatre and other art forms to create work which highlights their community and its needs and aspirations.

The project supports the participants’ aspirations and hard work for well-being and full creative lives, making strong contributions to their own communities as well as participating in the North Edinburgh Arts Theatre project.

In November 2011 North Edinburgh Arts Theatre project developed Yes We CanCan – a Cabaret of Resistance, which was the cementing of the project. Since then, the project has participated in a number of performances including Theatre Uncut in 2012 & 2013 and it regularly offers Sharing-of-Work and Work-in-Progress events. The 1d Tenement Opera in January 2015 through the support of the People’s Health Trust was an exciting and important development for North Edinburgh, and since then, the film Remembering Today, which was made in October 2015, has been acclaimed and celebrated.

Now North Edinburgh Arts’ Theatre project is delighted to be joined by Festival and King’s Theatres Edinburgh Learning and Participation Coordinator for the next stage in the Project’s development. The Learning and Participation Coordinator is leading Drama Workshops for the children of participants, and welcomes wider participation from other children interested in drama and theatre.

If you are interested in the Theatre project please email Sandra  admin@northedinburgharts.co.uk

All welcome at Community Summer BBQ


North Edinburgh Arts

Saturday 18 June 5 – 9pm


A community event celebrating all of the interesting food, music, dance and people who live in our area. There will be children’s activities in the beautiful North Edinburgh Garden, performances from local musicians, dancers and poets. A BBQ with lots of side dishes from around the world. All for £1 per person (a higher donation is very welcome if you want to contribute more!)

A bar will be available.

You are welcome to come in national dress (kilts, saris etc) if you want to!

Tickets £1 from North Edinburgh Arts or Pilton Community Health Project

Spartans CFA Girls Football Fun Day

spartans girls

Spartans Community Football Academy are hosting a Girls Football Fun Day for local primary schools on Friday 10 June. This will be the second year of this annual event and Craigroyston, Ferryhill, Trinity, Pirniehall, St Davids and Wardie P6 & 7 girls will be taking part.

Continue reading Spartans CFA Girls Football Fun Day

Scottish Gas staff kick off Volunteer Week in North Edinburgh


More than 350 Scottish Gas employees took part in a volunteering challenge supporting local charities and community groups across North Edinburgh yesterday. Continue reading Scottish Gas staff kick off Volunteer Week in North Edinburgh

Reminder: Asset Mapping Research launch tomorrow

3:30 – 5:30pm
The Prentice Centre
gis asset mapping
Please find attached an invitation to the gathering to hear and discuss the end report from the Granton Improvement Society Asset Mapping and Community Questionnaire.

Continue reading Reminder: Asset Mapping Research launch tomorrow

Planting the STEM seed at Craigie

STEM: That’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths – but you knew that, of course!


A team of employees from Edinburgh electronics company Leonardo (better known to us old-timers as Ferranti’s!) are planting a ‘STEM’ seed that could lead to improved career prospects for Craigroyston Community High School pupils. Continue reading Planting the STEM seed at Craigie

HELP! An appeal from Craigroyston

Craigroyston Community High School to lose adult education classes?


My name is Vanessa Cousins, Chairperson of Craigroyston Community Centre. I wish to draw your attention to the fact that we are LOSING our Community Centre and Day Time Adult Education Classes.


  • We have asked to be updated and informed by the Head Teacher, Steve Ross in a written request in February 2016 of any changes and received NO reply.
  • We have contacted Councillors Cammie Day, Vicki Redpath, Steve Downie and Allan Jackson to invite them to a meeting and have received NO reply.
  • We have emailed David Bruce (senior education official). No reply.

Steve Ross, has made it clear that we will not be able to run any daytime adult education classes in the Craigroyston Community High School from August 2016 as the school will be using all of the community rooms for pupil classes, during curriculum time.

He had a group from Council Asset Management inspect the school and they confirmed the community wing classrooms to be for pupil use only from August 2016. It is not clear if they were made aware of the regular community use.

We wish to meet with the Council Community Asset Management team. If the decisions are not made by Steve Ross then we need to know who does and be allowed to meet them to put our case forward.

We need to be advertising courses very shortly so we need clear information and confirmation that our community centre rooms will be available from August.

Info Points

  • The head teacher suggested that the increased school roll, possibly going up to around 480 pupils (although the school was designed for a school roll of 600 pupils), necessitated use of the community rooms to offer two Social Science classes and the third classroom to be used by a new development teacher for the school.
  • There seems no recognition of the loss of this as being a vital community asset, especially as the three rooms are all that remains of the original Craigroyston Community Centre, guaranteed by the council at the time (2009), to provide community centre equivalent in the school building.
  • Craigroyston Community Centre was established in the 1970s to serve the community in North Edinburgh and was demolished when the centre was amalgamated with the new Community High School
  • The three community rooms, specially built to provide access for local people, are usually constantly busy with daytime adult education classes and community groups – with a newly formed community centre management group, made up of adult learners, developing more ideas and classes in response to community needs.
  • At the moment the rooms are taken up with providing classroom space for the additional 250 Craigroyston Primary School pupils who have been accommodated in the high school, along with teaching and admin staff, and admin staff from Pirniehall Primary school which is supported by the Committee.

‘Empowering communities is key to creating a more prosperous and fairer Scotland. It is the role of central and local government to work in partnership with communities and support them to lead change for themselves, to create thriving and sustainable places to live.’ 

(First sentence of the Community Empowerment Act (Scotland ) 2015 Asset Transfer section)

Vanessa Cousins