RHS pupil planters brighten up their local communities

PUPILS from The Royal High School have created planters, using materials donated from Cala Homes (East), to brighten up their local community this summer.

The project saw 30 S2 Craft, Design and Technology (CDT) pupils working in groups to create 12 planters. Six of the planters have been housed at Cala’s Cammo Meadows development in Edinburgh. The remaining six have been donated to nearby community groups, including the Corstorphine Dementia Project and Oaklands School, to help brighten up the local area.

Cala Homes (East) initiated the project as part of its ongoing commitment to supporting the communities in which it builds, donating both building materials and tools to The Royal High School.

The housing developer contributed more than 108 metres of specially treated timber as well as panel saws, staple guns, small electric chop saws, glue and screws. All the tools and materials requested by the school as part of the project were used under teacher supervision.

Mr Davy Allan, CDT teacher at The Royal High School, who oversaw the design and running of the project, said: “This project has been hugely beneficial for the pupils who have acquired new practical skills during the course of building these planters.

“Pupils were taught how to measure and mark accurately, how to cut complex angles safely and how to apply appropriate finishes to ensure materials are weather resistant.

“Due to the scale of the final product, it also gave pupils an opportunity to work collaboratively to physically cut, measure and move the units around the workshop. They also had to work as a team to get the planters assembled correctly. This experience will help these young pupils understand how these practical skills are implemented in the real world.”

Philip Hogg, Sales and Marketing Director from Cala Homes (East) said: “We are delighted to work with The Royal High School on this planter project.

“Not only does the project provide positive learning outcomes for the pupils, it has resulted in 12 stunning planters which have been placed at key locations across Northwest Edinburgh for the local community to enjoy.”

Once assembled, Cala Homes (East) worked with its landscapers Land Technology to fill the planters with a range of eye-catching flowers and plants. The mixture of hardy evergreen and bright coloured perennials will ensure longevity, while providing food and shelter for insects.

The Cammo Meadows development features a stunning selection of one-,two- and three-bedroom apartments priced from £220,000, two- and three-bedroom Capital homes from £335,000 as well as detached homes from £755,000, all set within the desirable suburb of Cammo.

To learn more about Cammo Meadows, or to request a viewing, call 01316 083 081 or visit: https://www.cala.co.uk/homes-for-sale/scotland/edinburgh/cammo-meadows

To learn more about the portfolio of properties developed by Cala Homes (East), visit www.cala.co.uk/east-of-scotland/

Tough decisions: Scottish Government publishes financial strategy

Plan to grow economy, target spending and deliver progressive tax system

Economic growth, progressive taxation and spending plans that unapologetically target those in greatest need are at the heart of a financial strategy announced by Deputy First Minister Shona Robison.

The Medium-Term Financial Strategy outlines the approach to ensuring Scotland’s finances are on a sustainable footing and delivering high-quality public services in the face of high inflation. This includes:

  • growing the economy, including by delivering on ambitious commitments on childcare, seizing opportunities in areas where Scotland has a competitive advantage and supporting entrepreneurs, start-ups and scale-ups
  • taking tough decisions around spending, focusing on what is needed to achieve the missions of equality, opportunity and community
  • updating the tax strategy, with a new advisory group to be established this summer and chaired by the Deputy First Minister

The strategy details the tough choices required in challenging financial circumstances. Scottish Government estimates indicate that due to inflation, pay increases and the lack of further funding from the UK Government, current resource spending requirements could exceed funding by £1 billion in the next financial year, and by £1.9 billion in 2027-28.

The gap between capital spending commitments and funding could rise to 16% in 2025-26.

Ms Robison said: “We are steadfast in our commitment to tackling poverty, building a fair, green and growing economy, and improving our public services to make them fit for the needs of future generations.

“But we must recognise that our current financial situation is among the most challenging since devolution, driven by the Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the recent period of high inflation.

“Our funding remains largely based on decisions made by the UK Government, but they have failed to take the steps required to inflation-proof our budgets, and their decisions from Brexit to the disastrous mini-budget have made matters worse. This is creating substantial pressure on our public services, which we have no choice but to address.

“Today I have outlined our strategy for managing these challenges, doing all we can within our powers to ensure public finances are on a sustainable path. We will have a laser-like focus on spending, ensuring it targets equality, opportunity and community.

“We will generate economic growth, supporting businesses to invest and create new jobs while increasing tax revenues to invest in better public services. And we will continue to build the most progressive tax system in the UK, ensuring the burden of taxation is placed on those with the broadest shoulders.

“There can be no escaping the difficult choices ahead, but by following the plan outlined today we can provide a more prosperous and fairer future for the people of Scotland.”

Responding to the statement, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “The Cabinet Secretary for Finance is in a slightly better budgetary position than was predicted this time last year. However, she rightly points out that UK Government austerity and its manufactured cost-of-living crisis continue to hit Scotland hard.

“However, this is not an excuse for inaction. There is a worrying lack of ambition from the government ministers which cannot be condoned.

“Tax reform cannot be kicked down the road for another year. To protect services and pay, the Scottish Government must make good on the First Minister’s pledge to leave no stone unturned in seeking to raise additional income by rebalancing wealth. This means committing now to the policy changes required to introduce wealth and property taxes as the STUC has advocated.”

The Deputy First Minister’s statement to the Scottish Parliament

Scotland’s Bottle Deposit Return Scheme: Have visually-impaired people even been considered?

Sight Scotland: people with vision impairment will not be able to take part in the bottle return scheme

Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans have welcomed the delay to the Bottle Deposit Return Scheme and are urging the Scottish Government to use this time to consider the implications it will have for visually impaired people.

The Bottle Deposit Return Scheme, which is used by many other countries to encourage recycling, will charge people a small deposit on certain types of containers, which will be given back to them when they return it to a recycling point. People return their items to a reverse vending machine where they scan their bottles to receive cash back.

The sight loss charities are concerned that people with vision impairment will not be able to take part in the scheme and will incur the increased costs with no way of getting their money back, thus increasing cost of living pressures further.

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive, Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans, explains: “Although we support environmental initiatives like the Bottle Deposit Return Scheme, we are extremely worried that the rights of visually impaired people have not been taken into consideration when the scheme has been developed. We urge the Scottish Government to take this time to review several unacceptable accessibility issues.

“For many blind and partially sighted people online food shopping is key to being able to shop independently. This is also true for many older people. We are concerned that those unable or who find it challenging to physically go to a supermarket will not be able to participate in the return scheme and will bear a disproportionate cost on bottled items.

“We are aware that new regulations state that some large retailers will provide a vital takeback service. However, we are very concerned about recent reports of one large supermarket possibly cancelling online shopping deliveries to get out of offering a takeback service. If this is the case, it is likely other supermarkets will follow suit which will isolate more people with visual impairment from the scheme.

“For those who are able to shop in person, we are also concerned about how someone with visual impairment will be able to identify what bottles are included in the scheme and how will they be able to operate the reverse vending machine. Will they be required to scan the bottles manually? It is essential the codes are in large print and have a tactile marker to indicate where they are on the bottle. We feel it is a necessity that reverse vending machines should include audio instructions and large print on the screen. The test machines which are currently in some shops around the country have none of these unfortunately.” 

Spalding adds: “We have written to the Scottish Government raising our concerns and are currently awaiting a reply. As it stands just now, the Bottle Deposit Return Scheme just does not work for blind or partially sighted people.”

For more information on Sight Scotland, and Sight Scotland Veterans, please visit sightscotland.org.uk or sightscotlandveterans.org.uk.

Visitor levy legislation introduced

Councils empowered to raise money for local tourism

A Bill to enable councils to invest more in local tourism facilities and services through a levy on overnight stays has been published.

If passed by the Scottish Parliament, the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill will give councils the power to apply a levy on stays in overnight accommodation based on a percentage of the accommodation cost.

All money raised would have to be reinvested locally on facilities and services substantially for or used by visitors, enhancing the tourist experience and benefitting local communities and their economies.

Under the plans, councils would be required to consult communities, businesses and tourism organisations before putting a visitor levy in place. They would also have to consult on how any revenue raised should be spent.

The proposals follow public consultation and form part of the New Deal for Local Government which gives councils greater financial flexibility and strengthens local democracy.

The Scottish Government has also invited representatives from the tourism industry, COSLA and other partners to join an expert group to consider how it could best be implemented if passed.

Public Finance Minister Tom Arthur said: “Scotland is already a very popular tourist destination and the domestic and international visitors we welcome every year have a significant and positive impact on the Scottish economy. Giving councils the power to introduce a visitor levy is one tool that will provide additional resources to continue to attract visitors to Scotland.

“Levies on visitors staying in paid-for accommodation are already used around the world and it is reasonable for local areas to want a small contribution from tourists to help support and sustain visitor economies.

“There have been significant contributions to the Bill so far from the tourism industry, COSLA and other partners and I look forward to continuing to work with them as it progresses through Parliament.”

COSLA Resources Spokesperson Councillor Katie Hagmann said: “COSLA welcomes the Scottish Government’s move to give councils the power to apply a visitor levy. This represents a key step towards reaching COSLA’s long-standing goal of a more empowered Scottish local government.

“COSLA has consistently called for the ability of councils to set and raise taxes based on what is needed and decided locally. By providing each local authority with the power to set a rate charged to visitors, and to do so independently of the Scottish Government, the Local Visitor Levy empowers local decision-making, with councils able to respond to the needs of their area and the people who live there.

“COSLA is well aware that Scotland’s councils and communities have a great diversity of needs – what works for one council will not necessarily be suitable for another. We welcome the flexibility offered by this legislation, and will consider if there are opportunities for it to go further. We are looking forward to seeing further investment both in tourism and our communities in the future.”

City council Leader Cammy Day has welcomed today’s publication of a Bill by the Scottish Parliament to empower councils to raise money through tourism.

If passed, the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill will give the City of Edinburgh Council the power to progress plans for a levy on stays in overnight accommodation, which it has been campaigning to see introduced for over five years.

The council has produced a substantial body of work to back its case for why a levy is the right move for Edinburgh, including a detailed consultation in 2018 which saw 85% of 2,500 respondents expressing strong support for its introduction. This figure included a majority of Edinburgh-based businesses and accommodation providers.

It was estimated then that a levy in Edinburgh could raise in the region of £15m per year to invest in sustainable tourism and managing the impact of tourism on the city. The Bill published today stipulates that levies must be based on a percentage of the accommodation cost, and spent of services substantially for or used by tourists.

Council Leader Cammy Day said: We’ve been building the case for Edinburgh to introduce such a levy for years so it’s great to finally see this Bill brought forward.

“We’re very proud that Edinburgh is one of the world’s most popular visitor destinations, but we’re equally aware that this success comes at a cost. That’s why we believe it’s right to ask visitors to make a small contribution to help us sustain and improve our tourism offer while managing its impact, and why we’ve been a key driver working with COSLA and the Scottish Government to see this legislation brought forward.

“A visitor levy is common practice in other major cities and destinations so why not here, in the place named ‘best city in the world’ to visit by Time Out magazine?

“From our citywide consultation held in 2018, our proposals gained overwhelming backing from Edinburgh’s residents, businesses and attractions – and, importantly, also from the majority of accommodation providers.

“Clearly, this model will need to be reviewed in line with the recommendations of the Bill so reshaping this with input from industry partners and communities is our next priority. It has been an extremely challenging period for our culture and hospitality industries so it’s more important than ever that we are fully committed to working together with them and other partners to co-produce a scheme that works best for the whole of our Capital city.”


Tommy Sheppard MP and SNP Council Group Leader, Adam McVey, have today welcomed the publication of a Bill which would give Edinburgh City Council the power to invest more in local tourism facilities and services through a levy on overnight stays.

Sheppard, whose Edinburgh East constituency encompasses some of the City’s most popular tourist attractions like Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Mile, has committed to work with the local tourism industry, City Councillors and MSP colleagues to “get the Bill over the line.”

If approved by the Scottish Parliament, the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill will grant councils the authority to impose a levy on overnight accommodation, calculated as a percentage of the accommodation cost.

All funds generated from this levy would be reinvested locally, primarily in facilities and services used by tourists. This reinvested aims to enhance the tourist experience and bring significant benefits to local communities and their economies.

Edinburgh City Council have announced its proposal to implement a nightly charge of £2 for the first week of a stay, to be added to the price of any room. It is estimated the scheme would bring in between £5 million and £35 million a year, depending on the final model agreed.

Commenting, Tommy Sheppard MP said: “It’s great to see the Scottish Government move forward with proposals to give councils the power to apply a visitor levy. It’s particularly welcome here in Edinburgh – a city which proudly welcomes over welcomes over 4 million visitors annually.

“This isn’t a question of fleecing tourists as some suggest, but a rather a matter of fairness. It cost money to keep our streets clean, well-lit, and safe. It costs to support our festivals, to keep our museums and public spaces world class. 

“Residents pay for this through their council tax and yet many living outside the city centre don’t get a lot of benefit from it. It’s only fair that people who come here for a few days or weeks and take advantage of these facilities make a modest contribution too. That’s what this legislation will give Edinburgh City Council the power to do.

“I look forward to working with the local tourism industry, Edinburgh Councillors and my MSP colleagues to get this Bill over the line.”

SNP group leader Adam McVey, added: “Edinburgh has well-developed plans for a tourist tax, and I’m delighted this legislation has moved to the next stage to make these plans a reality.

“More than 90% of residents backed plans for this levy in the City when asked and the engagement from industry means the Edinburgh plan is well thought out and deliverable for businesses too.

“This has been a key ask of local government for the last 6 years and it’s fantastic that the SNP Government have responded so positively through this process to further empower Councils on this policy as well as progressing many others.”


Following the introduction of a Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill, Sarah Boyack MSP has written to the Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance, Tom Arthur, to welcome the Bill but raise concerns that the powers for local authorities to implement a Levy could be years away.

In her letter, the Scottish Labour MSP said that “there are some key aspects of the proposed Bill that lack detail and will have an impact on local authorities like the City of Edinburgh that are ready to get on and introduce a Levy.”

Boyack referred to the Section 12 of the draft Bill which requires local authorities to carry out consultation prior to making a decision to implement a Scheme, raising questions about whether consultation already carried out by the City of Edinburgh Council would be accepted by Ministers to meet the requirements in the draft Bill.

It comes after the City of Edinburgh Council Leader, Cllr Cammy Day, raised concerns that having the power and implementing a Visitor Levy could still be two years away. Sarah Boyack is concerned that the draft Bill means that this is an underestimation.

Commenting, Sarah Boyack MSP said: “I welcome the introduction of this Bill, which will make a huge difference in public purse and will allow our councils to fund vital local services.

“A Visitor Levy Bill is long overdue.

“However, the lack of detail, particularly on timescales, in the draft legislation concerns me given that the warning from the City of Edinburgh Council that having the powers and implementing a Visitor Levy could be two years away is actually an underestimation of the time it will take to get a scheme up and running.

“Our Councils are severely underfunded. Introducing a Visitor Levy like other cities across Europe could raise approximately £15 million extra every year which would go towards funding local services.

“I am keen to ensure that there are no unnecessary hurdles for Edinburgh to implement a Visitor Levy and get the full benefits for local services as quickly as possible.”

In a recent Parliamentary Question on a Visitor Levy the Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance agreed to meet with Sarah Boyack MSP and representative from Edinburgh City Council on the Government’s proposal. It is hoped that this meeting will take place within weeks.

Teapot Trust Elsewhere Garden awarded Gold at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

Designed by Semple Begg and generously funded by Project Giving Back, the garden will be relocated to Royal Hospital for Children , Glasgow, following the show.

The Teapot Trust provides art therapy for children with chronic illnesses and the garden represents a place where a child’s imagination blooms in response to art therapy taking them ‘elsewhere’ away from their illness, helping them express and ultimately overcome their fears.

Teapot Trust Chief Executive, Sarah Randall said: “Winning gold is a fantastic acknowledgement of the brilliance of Sempe Begg’s design in conveying the freedom gifted by art therapy.

“The most important point is that we’ve never lost sight of the reason we created the Elsewhere Garden – to reach more children so that their lives can be transformed through the healing power of art therapy. For us, that’s gold.

We are so grateful to Project Giving Back’s funding that has enabled this to happen, helping us reach more children and their families who will benefit from art therapy.’

The garden was designed for Teapot Trust by Scottish-Swiss design team Semple Begg. The garden which must be at least 80% plants with designers encouraged to showcase unusual and interesting plant combinations includes a signature ‘Dolly Mixture’ stream of Candelabra primulas and a Chelsea first appearance for a pair of Picea abies ‘Inversa’.

Susan Begg and Nicola Semple (top) say: “We are thrilled to have won Gold! The Teapot Trust Elsewhere Garden tells the story of the transformative power of art therapy, creativity and imagination.

“The one thing we couldn’t have imagined is what a fantastic experience it would be. Our thanks to the whole team and to all who have supported the project. Most of all to Project Giving Back – who made it all possible.”

Following Chelsea, Teapot Trust’s winning Elsewhere Garden will be permanently relocated to the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow to create an inclusive safe space to help overcome barriers to accessing healthcare. It will be used for outdoor art therapy and all patients and visitors will be welcome.

Out Of Her Mouth: Written by women, about women, for women

Dunedin Consort, Hera and Mahogany Opera come together to breathe life into 300 year-old ‘operas’ that have never been staged in Britain before

23 June – 12 July 2023 

Findhorn, Glasgow, Edinburgh, York, London 

Élisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre Cantates Bibliques: ‘Judith’, ‘Rachel’ & ‘Susanne’ 

Carolyn Sampson, Anna Dennis, Alys Mererid Roberts – Sopranos 

Modern English translations by Toria Banks 

Directed by Mathilde Lopez 

Élisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre’s biblical cantatas are extraordinary historical jewels. Written by a woman, about women, for women, they tell bold, unflinching tales about love, marriage, tragedy and adultery, each one a tiny opera in all by name. 

These breath-taking miniatures – in new English translations by Toria Banks and directed by Mathilde Lopez – will receive their UK premieres more than 300 years after they were composed. 

Out Of Her Mouth will be performed in atmospheric, accessible settings that champion the ability of women to tell their own stories and narrate their own experiences from the Highlands of Scotland to central London. 

Translator, Producer & Joint Artistic Director, Hera Toria Banks said: “I’ve been thinking about this project since I first read and heard the Cantates Bibliques, particularly those that tell knotty stories about Biblical women, because while there are exceptions, complex narratives about female experience are pretty rare in the operatic canon.” 

But as much as the stories themselves, it’s also about the way they’re told, with a single female singer holding the stage in an authoritative way, and presenting the different characters including the men.  

Toria Banks added: “I think you can feel Jacquet de la Guerre’s confidence and ease as a mature composer in these pieces. Within each one there’s a lot of musical variety and a fascinating relationship between teller and tale, characterised by nuance and irony and all sorts of subtle shifts of tone. They’re very fleet of foot, which feels very contemporary.” 

Out Of Her Mouth is directed by Mathilde Lopez, a freelance director and the artistic director of August 012 theatre company.  

Mathilde Lopez said: “These are three stories about sex and power and ultimately the perpetuation of patriarchy. We are narrating the heroic moments in the lives of three women from the bible: Susanne, Rachel and Judith who endure and overcome different but equally perilous situations. 

“Surprising and complex, these baroque vignettes display varied dilemmas and moral contortions but all have in common the very recognisable fear, solitude and violence generated by constant unwanted sexual attention, harassment and objectification. Our women are all kneaded by male violence and the thousand years of abuse that comes with having a female body. 

“In Out Of Her Mouth we are presenting these three pieces together as variations on female oppression. Performed by 3 different singers, 4 musicians, 5 watermelons and 7 large blue rolls, we are staging the one long story of accumulated frustrations, anger, wounds and violences of Susanne, Rachel and Judith and lay it bare for the audience to see.  

“There will be knives, watermelons and destruction – with regular cleaning and resetting.” 

In writing an English version Banks set out to preserve the sinuous quality in the dynamic relationship between singer and story and audience.

“I think I’m always trying to translate ‘faithfully’, but you do have to be faithful to a number of different things at once.

“There are the original words (by Antoine Houdar de la Motte), but also I think you owe something to the central characters and their plausibility and wholeness as women, and to the emotional shape of the music which is aiming at effects on an audience that is very different to the one originally imagined (we can’t all be Louis XIV). And everyone deserves a clear, singable, idiomatic text.” 

It’s definitely a feminist project. But it’s not just about performing music by women. That’s important, but ‘Yay for women!’ isn’t enough. It’s a show about three women characters who are all trying to exercise agency and live fully in really constrained circumstances.

The actions they take, and the things that they bear, living under patriarchy come at a cost to themselves. There’s real power and beauty in hearing that expressed. 

The three characters and stories are told by three fabulous sopranosCarolyn Sampson immerses us in the story of Judith, Anna Dennis in that of Rachel and Alys Mererid Roberts brings us the story of the young Susanne.  

Throughout Out Of Her Mouth the three partners have sought to create opportunities for professional development, offering support and mentoring to an artist appointed by open call to each area of the production. 

Dunedin Consort has appointed Katarzyna Kowalik as harpsichordist, Hera has engaged Welsh soprano Alys Mererid Roberts, and Mahogany Opera has appointed Mathilde Lopez to the directorial team. 

Working with Mahogany Opera on Dido’s Ghost in 2021 marked the beginning of a wonderful new partnership for Dunedin Consort. 

Dunedin Consort’s Chief Executive, Jo Buckley commented: “It was a real meeting of minds, where we discovered a shared passion for exploring new ideas, pushing our boundaries, and opening up the world of opera in brilliant and creative ways.

“So, we are thrilled to be partnering with Mahogany Opera again for Out Of Her Mouth, and to be working with Hera for the very first time, particularly given their specialism in representing stories told by and about women.”  

This project marks the culmination of Dunedin Consort’s 22/23 season and is the perfect way to bring it to a close. Bringing early music to life and in fresh and insightful ways is at the heart of Dunedin Consort’s mission.  

Jo Buckley added: We want to spark curiosity in our listeners, and what could be more thrilling than Élisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre’s biblical cantatas, now 300 years old and never before staged in the UK?

“Composed by a woman, about women, for women, these powerful miniature operas deserve to be far better known – and we can’t wait to give them the prominence they deserve across Scotland, in York and in London this summer.” 

Making their work as accessible as possible to both audiences and performers drives all three ensembles. The potential to enjoy Out Of Her Mouth will be widened with the use of creative captions, audio description introductions and the film of it will be released later this year as part of National Centre for Early Music’s online Christmas festival. 

Out Of Her Mouth is a partnership between Dunedin Consort, Hera, Mahogany Opera and the National Centre for Early Music.

Letters: Volunteers needed in Edinburgh for NSPCC school service

Dear Editor,

Did you know that in the average primary school class, at least two children will have suffered abuse or neglect? At children’s charity the NSPCC, we are doing all that we can to change this, but we need the help of people in Scotland.

Child abuse is preventable – not inevitable. That is why we have been delivering our Speak Out Stay Safe service across the country. Through a virtual assembly and in-person workshop and with the help of our mascot Buddy, our Speak Out Stay Safe programme covers topics like bullying and abuse – without using any scary words or adult language.

Children learn about the different types of abuse in a child-friendly and age-appropriate way, so they can get help if or when they need it. We help them identify a trusted adult they can talk to if they are ever worried about themselves or a friend. And they learn about Childline and how it can support them.

But to reach all primary school children in Scotland, we need people from the community to volunteer to go into schools and deliver this ground-breaking programme.

We are recruiting volunteers in the following areas – EDINBURGH, Glasgow, Clackmannanshire, Stirling, Perth & Kinross, Inverness, Angus, Aberdeen City, East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire.

If you can spare the time to visit two schools a month, we will give you all the training and support you need to help empower a whole generation with the understanding and confidence they need to speak out.

The deadline for applications is June 23. To find out more and to apply, please visit NSPCC Volunteering | Volunteer to keep school children safe, or email volunteerrecruitment@nspcc.org.uk with any questions.

ours sincerely,

Sally McFawn

NSPCC Schools Service Manager

Holyrood Committee meet with young people in Edinburgh over concerns of growing youth violence

The Scottish Parliament’s Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee have visited Edinburgh City Youth Café, 6VT, as part of their ongoing inquiry into youth violence.

The Committee have been considering Petition PE1947: Address Scotland’s culture of youth violence which “calls on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to address the disturbing culture of youth violence in Scotland.”

As part of their evidence gathering, the Committee agreed to engage directly with individuals, families and communities affected by youth violence.

Visiting 6VT, the Committee joined a drop-in session with the Cairn Service which offers support to children and young People, aged 10-25 from the Edinburgh area, who been victims or witnesses of crime.

During the visit the Committee met with 6VT CEO, Dot Horne, Operations Manager, Fiona Horne and young people to discuss the impact of youth violence, the role that social media plays in fuelling this and how safe people feel in their communities.

Commenting after the visit, Committee Convener, Jackson Carlaw MSP said: “The Committee agreed that hearing first-hand from those who have been impacted by the issues raised in the petition was essential to our considerations and any recommendations we may make to the Scottish Government.

“Visiting 6VT in Edinburgh has provided us with the opportunity to directly engage with young people affected by youth violence and hear about the changes they want to see to make their communities feel safer.

“By continuing to engage with communities and organisations involved in tackling youth violence, we hope to gain deeper insights into the challenges faced and to be able to identify appropriate actions for Government to take in order to tackle the key issues.”

Police Scotland is ‘Institutionally racist and sexist’

Chief Constable’s statement on institutional discrimination

Scotland’s Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone QPM addressed the matter of institutional discrimination in policing at a meeting of the Scottish Police Authority Board today (Thursday, 25 May). His statement is in full below:

I have been the Chief Constable of Police Scotland for six of our 10 years and have been a police officer, holding the office of Constable for over 30 years. As such, I have a deep and personal sense of duty and responsibility for leading, shaping and representing an institution of which all the people of Scotland should be hugely proud.

Police Scotland has grown into an organisation known to be compassionate, values based, and highly competent. It is well regarded nationally, extremely well regarded internationally, but I know it can improve, must improve.

Institutional racism, sexism and institutional discrimination have become iconic terms in the vital battle to tackle injustice. Police officers and staff, including police leaders, can be conflicted both in acknowledging their existence and in using such terms, fearing it would unfairly condemn dedicated and honourable colleagues or that it means no progress has been made since the 1990s.

Truly, I recognise and understand that conflict. I have experienced that conflict myself over a number of years.

The meaning of institutional racism set out by Sir William Macpherson in 1999 in his report on the appalling murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993 is, rightly, very demanding.

The phrase, the terminology, however, can be and often is misinterpreted or misrepresented as unfair and personal critical assessments of police officers and police staff as individuals.

That is not the case.

Does institutional discrimination mean our police officers and police staff are racist and sexist? No. It absolutely does not. I have great confidence in the character and values of our people. I am proud of Police Scotland and I am proud of my colleagues, proud of my officers and staff.

So I know and have shared the reservations and concerns about acknowledging that institutional discrimination exists in policing.

However, it is right for me, the right thing for me to do as Chief Constable, to clearly state that institutional racism, sexism, misogyny and discrimination exist. Police Scotland is institutionally racist and discriminatory. Publicly acknowledging these institutional issues exist is essential to our absolute commitment to championing equality and becoming an anti-racist Service. It is also critical to our determination to lead wider change in society.

Prejudice and bad behaviour within policing, as highlighted by court and conduct cases, various independent reviews and by listening to our own officers and staff over recent years, is rightly of great concern and is utterly condemned.

There is no place in Police Scotland for those who reject our values and standards. Our vigilance as an organisation has never been stronger – rigorous recruitment; enhanced vetting; more visible conduct outcomes; and a focus on prevention.

Every officer in Scotland swears an oath when they take up the Office of Constable to do their duty with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding human rights and according equal respect to our fellow citizens, according to law. Such an oath rightly requires high levels of personal accountability.

Our officers and staff, my colleagues, do incredible things to keep our communities safe, to keep their fellow citizens safe. I know they take their duties and responsibilities incredibly seriously. Their success is illustrated by the strong bond of trust we share with the public of Scotland and our role as the service of first and last resort in times of crisis.

But we know, I know, people from different backgrounds or with different requirements don’t always get the service that is their right. We know that, for the same reasons, our own officers and staff don’t always have the experiences they deserve. When an organisation doesn’t have all the necessary policies, processes, practices and systems in place to ensure that doesn’t happen, it’s an institutional matter.

A candid, clear, assessment of institutional discrimination means recognising our absolute duty to provide just and effective policing for all according to their specific needs and circumstances. It also requires identifying and removing the deep-rooted barriers to achieving this. These are necessary steps to progress the commitment that Police Scotland will be anti-racist; a personal commitment I made to my fellow citizens at the commencement of the Public Inquiry into the death of Sheku Bayoh. And, as a commitment to the people of Scotland, it is also a commitment to Sheku Bayoh’s family and loved ones.

The onus is on us, the police service, to address gaps and challenge bias, known or unwitting, at every level, wherever bias occurs, to maintain and build confidence with all communities.

Recognising institutional discrimination, institutional racism, in my view, is a statement of reality. The real challenge, the real test, is how are we working to address it, what are we doing about it?

Our Policing Together programme identifies and co-ordinates effective and sustainable change right across Police Scotland.

We are actively, genuinely, listening to under-represented communities, inside policing and across our country and beyond, to understand how we can better serve them.

We are investing to give every police leader the skills and tools they need to build inclusive, effective teams. We are committed to increasing our knowledge and learning on inclusion. We are open, we want to know more. We are committed to regularly and actively challenging and changing our own policies and procedures to eradicate unwitting bias.

In my view, all organisations, not only in policing, should share and make those commitments to move beyond words and focus on action.

Our intention, my intention, is to move towards meeting the ambition set out by Sir William Macpherson to eliminate racist prejudice and disadvantage and demonstrate fairness in all aspects of policing.

A great strength of policing in Scotland is our diversity – anyone can be a police officer. We will attract, retain and promote a diverse workforce which reflects and represents our communities.

The police are the public and the public are the police and this is truer in Scotland than anywhere else.

Earlier this year, I appointed a chief officer dedicated to providing the sustained and visible leadership required to co-ordinate and drive this essential work.

Of course, our operational response to reports from women; from people with black or Asian heritage; people who have disabilities; LGBTI citizens; anyone from a minority group; is vital, crucial, in maintaining the confidence of all our communities.

The confidence to come forward, the confidence to know you will be treated fairly, treated with respect and with assurance that Police Scotland will respond professionally and with compassion to your own particular circumstances, characteristics and needs.

Developing our policing response to violence against women and girls and hate crime will ensure we continue our vital role in helping build a society in this country where everyone feels safe and secure and is able to thrive and flourish and truly be themselves.

We know the onus is on us in policing to continue to earn the trust of all communities. Because that relationship is the foundation of police legitimacy and vital to our ability to keep people safe. It is our moral duty. It is an operational necessity.

Injustice and discrimination are insidious wrongs with deep roots in history and our work to address institutional discrimination will and must continue beyond me as Chief Constable, beyond any individual. Acknowledging institutional discrimination, acknowledging institutional racism will, I believe, act as a catalyst to drive and embed progress. The whole service must and will retain our resolve, our commitment and our focus.

Our success, the success of policing in Scotland, will be measured by the improved experiences of our officers and staff, and of all the communities, all our fellow citizens, who we serve.

Recognition that institutional racism exists within Police Scotland is a key step, a fundamental step forward towards being an inclusive Service which champions equality for all the people of Scotland. It is the right thing to do and will make policing in Scotland even more effective in keeping people safe.

Understanding and recognising institutional racism and all forms of institutional discrimination within Police Scotland can, and should, be a source of confidence and optimism for officers and staff, for our organisation, that, collectively, we can lead necessary change in the Service and, indeed, contribute to change across society.

And our progress, our commitments, should act as a challenge to other services, other agencies, organisations and institutions – whether in business; academia; political parties; media outlets; bodies across the public, private and third sectors – to look to themselves rigorously and honestly, as we have done, and join and support the mission to eradicate discrimination.

Scotland as a whole must commit ourselves to that purpose. The Police Service of Scotland is committed that mission, committed to ensuring our police service, your police service and institutions are, together with the people of Scotland, building fairness, equality and justice.

Scottish Police Authority Chair’s response to statement on culture in Police Scotland:

Unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and stereotyping exists in every part of our society and I would challenge any organisation to acknowledge its existence in their service or sector.

The Chief Constable’s announcement today is a watershed moment.

It is widely accepted that policing is not immune to the discrimination that exists in our society.

Acknowledging that the processes, attitudes and behaviours of an organisation are discriminatory – however unconsciously that may be – is the crucial next step for effective organisational development.

Police Scotland have put an enormous amount of work in to the strategies and process to drive a positive and anti-discriminatory culture.

The Authority is confident that this marks that moment for policing – one that moves the focus from continually describing problems within Police Scotland to ‘what and how we change’

Any right-minded person is wholly against such discrimination. However, as I know as former housing campaigner, being against things is not that difficult. The real challenge is to set out ‘what are we for and how are going to get there’ ….. not what are we against.

There will be two small, but very vocal groups, for whom this move to focus on change will be unwelcome.

First, those who think that all police services and indeed all police officers are irredeemably discriminatory. For them there is no optimism for policing. For them, all change is futile as policing is and always will be hopelessly and irreparably discriminatory.

The second group are those who refuse to accept there is any institutional or individual discrimination in policing. For them change is wholly unnecessary. In their eyes no change is needed because there is no problem.

We live in an increasingly polarised society. Given these two rather absurd extremes – hopelessness at one end and complacency at the other – we should be very wary of either pushing or pulling us into their camp.

Both are complete dead ends.

The Authority is grateful to the Chief Constable, his senior team and Police Service of Scotland as a whole. It takes a very advanced degree of realism, self-reflection, strength, effort and courage to reach this point.

Today’s agenda and focus on EDI shows that there is a rock-solid base for this announcement. A clear and open route map to move forward. Making change, measuring that change and increasing the pace of that change is now crucial and will be the test of sincerity.

We must also continue to listen to all those affected. Speak out and never be bystanders and support affected individual and communities.

There will be widespread relief that we can move onto talk about what evidence of change others can offer.

I want to challenge other public and private bodies: charities, academic institutions, the media, staff associations and trade unions. Where does your organisation stand on this issue?

Addressing institutional discrimination is complex and will require sustained joint effort and commitment.

While individual and service actions can make a difference, lasting change will require collective action across all our public and private institutions to create a more equitable and just society.

You can watch the full discussion, including board member questions, on SPA’s Livestream channel.

Granton Voices: Granton Primary School films at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

#GrantonVoices partnership with North Edinburgh Arts.


A special afternoon of films made by the children of Granton Primary over half a decade: a remarkable body of work exploring the impacts of racism, homophobia, and experiences of immigration, as well as what happens when you sleep in past the school bell.

Film Hub ScotlandFolk Cinemas


Join us for a special afternoon of films made by the children of Granton Primary School over half a decade: a remarkable body of work exploring the impacts of racism, homophobia, and experiences of immigration, as well as what happens when you sleep in past the school bell!

Moving, poignant, hilarious and full of life, witness Granton through the eyes of some of Edinburgh’s most exciting young filmmakers.
