Children’s Commissioners urge UK Government to stop violating children’s rights to an adequate standard of living

The Children’s Commissioners of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland have repeated their calls to the UK Government to end its two-child limit on Universal Credit and Child Tax Credit warning that the policy continues to violate children’s human rights. 

All three have also called on the UK Government to abandon the scrapping of the £20 uplift, which would compound the poverty issues facing children across the nations, and urge the prioritisation of children’s rights in any further changes to Universal Credit.  

Giving evidence yesterday  (Wednesday, September 8) to the Public Services Committee at the House of Lords, the Commissioners again pointed out that the two-child limit policy – which disallows benefits payments to third and subsequent children born after April 2017 in most circumstances – is a discriminatory policy contrary to the government’s obligations under the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child.  

Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Sally Holland said: “We remain deeply concerned that the two-child policy and the scrapping of the £20 uplift breaches childen’s rights to an adequate standard of living and is contributing to a rising gap in poverty levels between families with three or more children and smaller households.  

“The two-child limit in particular has a disproportionate impact on social groups where larger families are more common, such as some minority faith and ethnic groups and in Northern Ireland where families are larger than the rest of the UK.”  

The Commissioners – Bruce Adamson for Scotland, Sally Holland for Wales, and Koulla Yiasouma for Northern Ireland – remain concerned that UK benefit rules prevent devolved governments from fully tackling child poverty.   

Speaking after the Committee session, Children and Young People’s Commissioner for Scotland, Bruce Adamson said: “The Scottish Government had an opportunity yesterday within the Programme for Government to do all that it can to mitigate against the worse of the UK Government’s benefit rules.

“While new commitments on housing, food and the new Whole Family Wellbeing Fund are welcome, not increasing the Scottish Child Payment with immediate effect was hugely concerning as children need this money now.

“Poverty is a human rights issue and while UK benefit rules continue to play a significant part in keeping families in poverty, the Scottish Government plays an important role in ensuring children’s rights are met. The effects of the pandemic – which are still becoming clear – have only served to make a dire situation worse for those in poverty or only just getting by. Both governments must do more.”

Commissioner Sally Holland said: “Children are hungry and living in sub-standard housing in the UK in 2021 and that is a disgrace. Poverty affects every aspect of a child’s life, from their health – both physical and mental – to their education. How can a child concentrate properly at school and learn if they are hungry? 

“The State has an obligation to children and every child has the right to an adequate standard of living. Families have a right to social security. These polices are a clear breach of children’s human rights.”  

  In May, the Children’s Commissioners of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland wrote an open letter to the Right Honourable Thérèse Coffey, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, calling for an end to the two-child limit of Universal Credit and Child Tax Credit and for the £20 uplift in universal credit amounts to be maintained.  

Scotch Malt Whisky Society’s September Gathering events

The world’s most entertaining whisky club honours its members in style with events and tastings across the UK for their annual September Gathering.

The Scotch Malt Whisky Society (SMWS) celebrates its annual September Gathering by showcasing a range of whisky tasting events across its signature UK venues.

Throughout the month the Society is hosting a series of events for members and non-members, with one exciting activation every weekend across each of their four UK locations; Glasgow, London, Edinburgh Queen Street, and The Vaults, Leith.

The Gathering 2021 launched at The Vaults on Friday (4 September) and ends with a virtual tasting on Thursday, 30 September.

As part of the Gathering, the Society has partnered with Linn Products, creators of some of the world’s finest music systems.

Founded in Glasgow in 1973, Linn goes to extremes to pursue musical perfection and designs and manufactures premium music systems that bring consumers closer to the music that they love.

The partnership will feature Linn Lounges at Society’s London and Glasgow venues, offering both members and non-members the opportunity to taste whisky whilst enjoying music from some of the worlds most decorated bands.

Other key events in this year’s programme include The Gathering’s take over at Glasgow’s WEST Brewery, which includes a three-course dinner and a five-dram tasting event hosted by Master Ambassador, John McCheyne and, a spectacular festival of whisky in Edinburgh’s Queen Street Gardens, featuring dram bars, culinary delights from local producers and a live DJ performance from long-standing BBC radio presenter, Vic Galloway.

Helen Stewart, Head of Marketing and Membership at The Scotch Malt Whisky Society, said: “For this year’s Gathering we have taken advantage of our four stunning Members’ Rooms to celebrate the love of whisky with our members.

“The 2021 Gathering line-up features a wealth of exciting events, which encourages our members to share their passion for whisky and offers the chance for new guests to explore the Society’s flavour profiles and what our Members’ Rooms have to offer.

“From a colourful festival of music and whisky to dram tastings and Society suppers, each occasion is incredibly unique and this year we look forward to welcoming our members and their guests to this annual celebration of our whisky community.”

For members ‘afar’ there will also be an immersive programme of home entertainment and virtual tastings, to bring ‘the spirit of The Vaults’ to members, no matter where they are.

Joe Rodger, Linn International Brand Manager, added“The parallels between good whisky and good music run more than skin deep. Music is the soundtrack to the best times of our lives, and when it’s done right, we savour the difference.

“We are both proud and excited to be partnering with the SMWS. The meticulous focus on quality and provenance of Scotch whisky aligns beautifully with our own mission; we know our music systems are in good company, alongside whisky, as Scotland’s finest exports.”

For details on all the events and to buy tickets, visit:

September Gathering Programme

Edinburgh, The Vaults – 4th September:

  • 4th September – The Gathering in the Courtyard. Members had the opportunity to purchase a ticket for a tasting session throughout the day. These included a rum tasting with Society ambassador Olaf Meier and an in-depth tasting session featuring this year’s Gathering exclusive releases hosted by The Vault’s own Dean M.

Edinburgh, Queen Street – 11th September:

  • 11th September – Gathering in the Gardens. For an extra £20, members will be able to take part in a signature one hour Gathering tasting masterclass, taking place at 3.30 pm and 7.00 pm.

London, Greville Street – 17th September – 18th September

  • 17th September and 18th September – Greville Street: Linn Lounge – Fleetwood Mac Whisky and Music Experience.

Glasgow, Bath Street – 24th – 25th September

  • 22nd September – Bath Street: Linn Lounge – Led Zeppelin Whisky and Music Experience.
  • 25th September – The Gathering goes West.
  • 29th September – Bath Street: Linn Lounge – Pink Floyd Whisky and Music Experience.

For more information about The Scotch Malt Whisky Society Membership click here.

Record number of us will fight flu with jags this Autumn

New data predicts a record number of Brits will sign up for their flu vaccination this Autumn. The UK’s largest online pharmacy, Pharmacy2U, reveals that two thirds of people surveyed intend to get a flu jab this year, with over one in ten (14 per cent) signing up to have one for the first time.

Research commissioned by Pharmacy2U found that attitudes towards getting the flu jab may have changed among Brits because of the nationwide Covid-19 vaccine drive, with 35 per cent of those surveyed saying that having their coronavirus vaccine made them more determined to get their flu vaccine this year.

Over half (58 per cent) said having the Covid-19 vaccine showed them how easy and accessible it was, over half (52 per cent) said they feel more knowledgeable about vaccines now, and over a quarter (27 per cent) said having had the vaccine, it made them less afraid of needles. Over half (53 per cent) said they now see the importance of the flu vaccine in protecting themselves and others.

Since the start of this year, Pharmacy2U has helped the NHS to vaccinate the nation against Covid-19, giving over 700,000 vaccines to people all across England. It continues to vaccinate people daily at its clinics across its 25 sites, in venues such as Odeon Cinemas, Morrisons, Village Hotels and The Jockey Club racecourses.

Pharmacy2U will continue working with the NHS, who recently announced that the free flu jab will be made available to 35 million people this year*, by vaccinating people in England against the common flu from 13th September onwards, for the second year in a row.

As the nation slowly returns to normal life, over two thirds (68 per cent) of Brits surveyed said they have concerns about their health this winter. Also, 43 per cent expressed concerns that their immune system may be weaker, with potential reasons including working from home (27 per cent) and limiting contact with many people (55 per cent) and the increased use of sanitisers (32 per cent).

In addition, 47 per cent expressed concerns about catching Covid-19 and flu at the same time and the health implications of this, and 68 per cent said they didn’t want flu to impact their newfound freedoms now lockdown rules have lifted.

Phil Day, superintendent pharmacist at Pharmacy2U, comments: “As we enter what could be a very challenging winter for many, this is a much-needed service for people up and down the country. Influenza can be potentially fatal, so having your flu jab is a vital way to play your part in protecting yourself and others.

“It is best to get your flu vaccination in the Autumn before flu starts circulating, so you should take a look at our website, where you find out more information and easily book your flu vaccine.”

Flu vaccinations will be available for free for patients in England that meet the NHS eligibility requirements, and additionally offered at an affordable rate for anyone else. For the full list of eligibility requirements, visit:

Phil’s top tips for staying safe this flu season include:

  1. Get a flu vaccination; flu vaccines help protect against the main types of flu viruses. It will also help to reduce pressure on the NHS and social care staff who may be dealing with coronavirus-related illnesses.
  2. Wash your hands often for 20 seconds. Washing your hands properly removes dirt, viruses and bacteria to stop them spreading to other people and objects.
  3. Use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze, or alternatively sneeze or cough into your elbow. Dispose of your tissue immediately.
  4. Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly to maintain good health.
  5. Sleep well: adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night, consistently, to stay healthy.

For more information and to book your flu vaccination in a few clicks, visit:

Push The Boat Out, Scotland’s second poetry festival, launches inaugural programme today

Push The Boat Out (PTBO) Scotland’s newest and most boundary-bending poetry festival, launches its inaugural programme today, Wednesday 8 September in Edinburgh.

Taking place from the 15 – 17 October 2021 within the creative hub of Summerhall, Push The Boat Out will be the second poetry festival ever to be held in Scotland and its aims to do what it says on the tin, by challenging perceptions of what poetry is and how it can be enjoyed.  

Named after the poem “At Eighty” by the first Glasgow poet laureate Edwin Morgan, PTBO is inspired by the vibrancy and range of contemporary poetry, hip hop and spoken word coming out of Scotland, the UK and indeed the world. The aim of the festival is to not only give poetry a new platform, but to create an environment where all variations of this vital artform are encouraged to grow, evolve and even collide

Taking place within the creative spaces of Summerhall in Edinburgh, the PTBO programme will seep into every nook and cranny of this established arts venue through multiple means, including film, imagery, song, music, dance, singing, debate and other forms of poetry performance.

Underpinning the festival are four key themes; social justice and representation; healing and recoveryclimate crisis and ecopoetics; and virtual and other realities. 

Audiences can expect first-class performances from around 60 poets, emerging and established, including the newly appointed Scots Makar Kathleen Jamie.

Images: Alicia Pirmohamed and Roddy Woomble

Other key programme highlights include performances by Scottish hip hop legend Solareye /  Dave Hook of Stanley Odd, celebrated Caribbean poet Lorna Goodison, and the author the first-ever poetry collection to win The Guardian First Book Award, Andrew McMillan. Joining them on the many and varied Summerhall ‘stages’ are Roseanne Watt, Hannah Lavery, Nova Scotia the Truth, Harry Josephine Giles, Ray Antrobus, Clare Pollard, Caroline Bird, Salena Godden and many more.

Another key element to the PTBO programme is the Poetry Mile initiative which, through a dedicated web app, allows users to experience Edinburgh differently, filtered through the eyes and ears of some of the country’s finest poets.

Featuring over 50 specifically commissioned poems from over 25 poets, all locations featured are within a square mile of Summerhall. The app generates bespoke walking tours depending on the type of experience the user requests to have.

The brainchild of director Jenny Niven, former head of literature at Creative Scotland, and co-founder Kevin Williamson, writer, publisher and founder of the Edinburgh arts events collective Neu! Reekie!, PTBO is convinced of the need for poetry more now than ever before, particularly as we emerge from lengthy lockdowns and seek new ways to express ourselves.

Images: Founders Jenny Niven and Kevin Williamson

Jenny Niven, co-founder of Push The Boat Out, said: “We are so excited to be launching our inaugural Push The Boat Out programme after what has been a difficult year for everyone, not least those working within the arts.

“That said, poetry is all about using language in new ways, to express new experiences, so if ever there was a time to explore this vital and vibrant art form, it is now.

“We feel incredibly lucky to be hosting our inaugural festival in a city so full of talent, at a time when there is so much to say, and off the back of a summer festival season that saw performance take over more city spaces than ever before.

“With performers and artists spanning the full spectrum of this spectacular artform, from classical verse to hip hop, we can’t wait for audiences to come along and enjoy.

Hot on the heels of a fringe festival that was soul food for a city starved of culture and live performances, Push The Boat Out founders and organisers hope to harness this sense of the city as a natural backdrop as the inaugural festival takes its first steps onto Scotland’s stage.

Push The Boat Out will go ahead in keeping with whatever Covid-19 regulations are in place on the 15 – 17 October in Scotland. Born out of a time of turbulence, the festival team, venue, founders and friends will continue to manage the festival in a safe and agile way.

For the full programme visit:

Glasgow set to host biggest ever British Chamber international trade mission during COP26

The largest ever international trade mission hosted by a British Chambers of Commerce is to take place during COP26, connecting up to 100 businesses worldwide to share best practice in accelerating the transition towards a more sustainable and circular economy.

Hosted by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, the Climate Chamber Mission will bring companies from 10 countries across the globe together to increase international collaborations, export and business growth opportunities.

The two-day hybrid event, hosted between 2 – 3 November 2021, is one of the main international trade missions being held during COP26 and is designed to support businesses in the delivery of circular economy solutions, sustainability and climate targets.

The Mission will see UK companies including Edrington, Scottish Leather Group, Vango, A C Whyte and MacRebur collaborate with businesses from Germany, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Norway, Denmark, France, Australia and Singapore.

Among international businesses, Glasgow will welcome Porsche, ZmartHaus and Bosch Energy Solutions from Germany, and HSBC, Indika Energy and Standard Chartered from Indonesia.

Aiming to create an international business network via an online community, the Mission provides the opportunity for businesses to achieve long term learning, innovation and implementation of both climate and business goals.

The main event will look at how businesses can join the race to net zero, and why bold climate targets are not always enough, while the breakout sessions will cover key sectors such as food and drink, manufacturing, construction, transport, low carbon and renewables, and fashion and retail.

Richard Muir, deputy chief executive of Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, said: “COP26 brings together a global community of leaders, businesses and climate change activists to focus and act on climate change and how countries and cities are planning to tackle it.’’

“The Climate Chamber Mission will leverage that global platform and utilise the Chamber Network to create lasting partnerships for Scottish and international businesses, while positioning Glasgow as a leading city in the green and circular economy.

“We are delighted to be working with a number of partners, including the British Chambers of Commerce Global Network of oversea Chambers, as well a number of Circular Economy organisations, and we look forward to welcoming our global community to Glasgow.”

Leif Nordhus, CEO of Circular Norway, said: “The transition to a circular economy is essential to fight climate breakdown.

“The Climate Chamber Mission during COP26 provides a unique opportunity for Circular Norway to mobilize a coalition of Norwegian companies to build momentum and accelerate actions towards the goals of the Paris Agreement.”

Ainsley Mann, chairman of British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia, said: “I have long held the belief that COP26 offers a once in a lifetime opportunity for Scottish businesses to engage with companies from all over the world to meet and discuss collaboration opportunities and to contribute meaningfully to net zero objectives.

“I am very excited about the rapid up take by Indonesian businesses wanting to join this initiative which I believe will serve as a tremendous catalyst for many productive partnerships going forward.”

For more information about how to get involved, please contact:

Letting Agent to Support the NHS, 999 Staff and the Armed Forces

At the height of the pandemic the UK would come together at 8pm on a Thursday evening to clap for the NHS. Many asked if there were more tangible ways that the country could thank these frontline heroes – and in response Edinburgh’s leading Letting Agent Clan Gordon is launching a free Letting Package for key workers, including all  NHS and 999 staff and the Armed Forces.

The past year has seen the world as we know it shift to an almost unrecognisable extent, with the NHS, Armed Forces and 999 staff at the forefront of keeping people safe.

As a thank you to those who went above and beyond during the pandemic Edinburgh based Letting Agent Clan Gordon is offering all NHS and  999 staff and those serving in the Armed Forces, the opportunity to put a property on the Edinburgh rental market completely free of charge. 

Jonathan Gordon, Managing Director, Clan Gordon, said: “Everyone has been affected by Covid-19 in some way and we recognise the huge part that front line workers played during the pandemic.

“With the latest news that the Government’s 3% pay rise for nursing staff is way short of what was expected after the overwhelming demands of the pandemic,  we wanted to offer something to support those who went above and beyond.

“To say thank you to these heroes we want to help them to make letting their property as accessible and easy as possible and are very proud to launch this new Letting Package. The exclusive package will enable  front line workers from the NHS, those supporting 999 calls and the Armed Forces to put a property  onto the rental market with the support of our professional property managers, at no cost.”

The new Letting Package will enable NHS and 999 staff and the Armed Forces to let their property via the Clan Gordon ARLA regulated agency, free of charge. The offer includes all marketing fees,  set up costs, a virtual tour, and photographs, saving £210. 

To find out more about the Letting Package schedule a call by visiting

New fund to help keep Scotland’s families together

Fewer children and young people should end up in care, thanks to a £500 million fund to help support families to stay together. Announced as part of the latest Programme for Government, the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund will help families to overcome challenges before they reach crisis point.  

The fund aims to significantly reduce the number of children and young people in care by 2030 and will provide support on a range of issues, including:

  • child and adolescent mental health
  • child poverty
  • alcohol and drugs misuse
  • educational attainment

In 2020 the Scottish Government made a commitment to thousands of care experienced children and adults to Keep The Promise. This included ‘where children are safe in their families and feel loved they must stay – and families must be given support together to nurture that love and overcome the difficulties which get in the way’.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said: “We want to create a Scotland where more children will only know care, compassion and love, and not a ‘care system’.

“The Whole Family Wellbeing Fund, backed by at least £500 million over this Parliamentary term, will help us to make this a reality and prevent families reaching crisis point.

“Our ambition is that, from 2030, we will be investing at least 5% of all community-based health and social care spend in preventative whole family support measures that will enable us to continue to Keep The Promise.

“This fund, focused on prevention, will enable the building of universal, holistic support services, available in communities across Scotland, giving families access to the help they need, where and when they need it.”

Chair of The Promise Scotland Fiona Duncan said: “The Whole Family Wellbeing Fund is welcome and The Promise Scotland looks forward to working with the Scottish Government and others to ensure it leads to more children and young people staying together with their families, wherever it is safe for them to do so, to feel loved, and to receive the help and support they need, when they need it.

“The Promise Scotland continues to work to ensure Scotland Keeps the Promise and work is on track to deliver the first part of the transformative route map by 2024. This funding is a step in the right direction towards ensuring we all Keep the Promise.” 

It was also announced in Programme for Government that as part of the work to Keep The Promise, young people who leave care will be able to access a new Care Experience Grant.

The £200 a year grant for 16 to 26 year olds, backed by annual investment of up to £10 million, recognises the financial disadvantages often experienced by those in care.

Join the Great Granton Clean Up!

Granton Goes Greener are very excited to be part of North Edinburgh Active Travel weekend (25-26/09) supported by @SustransScot .

Organising COMMUNITY RUBBISH PICKING on a Saturday-25/09 (11am-1pm) with FREE LUNCH.

To register, follow the link;… or email us/Facebook

Doing our bit towards Granton Going Greener – join the Hub to Station Litter Pick on Saturday 25th September at 11am.

Join us under the Granton Goes Greener feather flag outside the Granton Hub at Maldevic House – We’ll provide the equipment if you come and provide the enthusiasm!

Together let’s clean up our community space.

We’ll be picking litter on the route from Granton Hub along past Caroline Park and up to the old Granton Gasworks Station.

Lorna Slater MSP: Green agenda will benefit Edinburgh

Lothian MSP and Scottish Greens co-leader Lorna Slater has hailed the party’s influence on the Scottish Government programme for the year ahead.

The First Minister laid out an agenda heavily influenced by the Scottish Greens, in her first programme for government. This follows the historic cooperation agreement between the two parties.

The transformational programme will see the Greens in government for the first time; benefiting communities across Edinburgh by laying the foundations for a just transition to a low carbon economy, securing a new deal for tenants, increasing funding for home energy schemes and tackling fuel poverty.

Lothian MSP and Scottish Greens co-leader, Lorna Slater, said: This is a historic programme for government that will deliver huge benefits for communities in Edinburgh.”

“The investment announced today will allow us to begin the work of improving the energy efficiency of public buildings, an important measure as we bid to tackle the climate emergency, end fuel poverty and reduce energy bills.

“This bold and ambitious programme for government paves the way for a just transition for workers by creating jobs too, as we move to a renewables powered future.

“I’m particularly proud of our new deal for tenants. This programme commits us to delivering a new strategy within the next year which will ensure stronger rights and include a system of rent controls to tackle the spiralling costs for those renting a home in Edinburgh.”

Coronavirus: Community learning the lessons from the RRR Fund

Foundation Scotland have worked with Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) to produce a final evaluation of their Response, Recovery and Resilience (RRR) Fund.

The evaluation offers insight into the difference the RRR Fund has made to groups and communities across Scotland and the challenges that lay ahead. By the time the fund closed in April 2021, it had supported 1190 organisations across the country. Thanks to the National Emergencies Trust and the generous support of our donors, more than £7.4 million was distributed.

This report is the second evaluation of the RRR Fund. The first Rapid Evaluation of the RRR Fund was published in May 2020 and focussed on the first few weeks of the Response phase.

The July 2021 evaluation focuses on organisations who received funding in the Recovery and Resilience phases and includes survey data from more than 150 grantees plus detailed feedback from several focus groups.

The evaluation includes 14 recommendations and learning points within the following headings:

  • Impact on communities and project beneficiaries
  • Impact on community projects/organisations
  • Impact on Community Infrastructure
  • Challenges and Opportunities

The evaluation also includes several case studies from North Edinburgh’s Fresh Start, the Village Storytelling Centre in Glasgow, Headway in East Lothian, Clifftops Project in West Dunbartonshire and the Whitburn and District Community Development Trust in West Lothian.

Joyce Cattanach, Development Officer for Headway East Lothian, said:”Our Funders were wonderful in their response to the pandemic and the impact social isolation and loneliness would have on our already disadvantaged community.

“We sourced additional funding streams that had set up emergency responses; built up a strategy; and changed our outcomes and activities to respond and enable us to continue to work in a different way.”

The survey data, focus group feedback, and SCDC recommendations within the evaluation will help shape future funding and service development at Foundation Scotland. 

To read more, view or download a copy of the full report using the link below: