Transport leaders welcome support for retaining Spaces for People/Travelling Safely measures

Edinburgh’s Transport leaders have welcomed calls by more than 140 medical professionals to retain and expand upon measures introduced to support walking, wheeling and cycling during lockdown.

Doctors and health workers from across the city have published an open letter to the City of Edinburgh Council in support of the Travelling Safely programme, formerly Spaces for People.

The group cites the positive impacts of more active travel on health, inequality, air quality and in tackling the climate crisis, amongst other benefits.

In June, Transport and Environment Committee approved proposals to retain some of the schemes on an experimental basis, to remove others post-pandemic and to engage further with communities on options for a handful of measures.

Councillor Lesley Macinnes, Transport and Environment Convener said: “The collective voice of this wide range of medical and health professionals is incredibly welcome.

“We’ve been vocal about our commitment to encourage travel by foot, wheel or bike, and the benefits this brings, but to have the support of the medical profession demonstrates just how crucial investment in safe, protected routes is.

“Over the last year and a half we’ve introduced changes which have helped many people to feel newly confident about walking, cycling and wheeling safely. There are, of course, tens of thousands of people in Edinburgh who don’t have access to a car. We now have the opportunity to extend the lifespan of many of these measures and to improve upon them so that they work for as many people as possible.

“The evidence is clear and well expressed in this letter – there’s so much to gain from active travel, in terms of health, quality of life and in limiting our impact on the climate. We simply cannot return to the status quo, where private car journeys dominate the streets.

“By retaining the majority of schemes introduced through Spaces for People, we’re laying the foundations for a happier, healthier future for everyone here.

Councillor Karen Doran, Transport and Environment Vice Convener, said: “It’s indisputable that walking, wheeling or cycling, whether for leisure or commuting, has a positive impact on our health, our state of mind and our pockets, as well as the air we breathe. We wholeheartedly recognise and support these calls to retain and expand on the measures we’ve introduced during the pandemic.

“Temporary protected cycle lanes, widened pavements and quiet routes have helped families to walk safely to school, shoppers to spend time strolling through some of our iconic city centre streets and people trying out cycling for the first time.

“We really want to continue delivering these benefits, and we’ll be working hard to make sure the measures we have kept do just that.”

Read the full letter below:

Open letter to the City of Edinburgh Council 

Dear Councillors,  

We are a group of doctors and other health professionals, living or working in Edinburgh, and write to support the retention and extension of changes to travel infrastructure in Edinburgh and the Lothians, to improve public health and mitigate climate emergency. We hope that the points and evidence below will support the council to make decisions that will help to benefit, protect, and reduce inequalities in the health of the population of Edinburgh.  

Climate crisis and health 

One of the duties of a doctor as stated by the General Medical Council is “to protect and promote the health of patients and the public”1. As health professionals we have been reminded by our professional bodies of our responsibilities to raise the profile of the climate emergency, which is a public health emergency likely to have a much greater impact than COVID-192,3.

We have a responsibility to speak up for disadvantaged groups who are disproportionately vulnerable to the health and economic impacts of the climate crisis.  

Health Inequality

Those living in areas of deprivation are less likely to drive but much more likely to be injured in a road traffic collision6. Rates of pedestrian casualties are twice as high in children as in adults, and pedestrians over 70 years of age have the highest fatality rate7.  

Many of our patients do not have the financial means, health status, or abilities to access private car transport. Children, the frail elderly, and people with chronic illnesses or disabilities are disadvantaged in opportunities to access services and community by systems which prioritise private car transport.  

Moves to promote safe active travel, including widening of pavements and provision of segregated paths, make the urban environment more accessible for people with disabilities and release road space for reliable and efficient public transport.  

Measures to improve the urban environment and promote active travel in Edinburgh will differentially benefit the most disadvantaged members of our community and so help to reduce health inequalities in Edinburgh. We ask that councillors carefully consider the differential impact of decisions to prioritise private car transport on those for whom private car transport is not an option.  

Air pollution and health 

Air pollution is strongly associated with poor health outcomes. A joint Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health report estimated that outdoor air pollution causes 40,000 deaths a year in the UK. Data from Scotland shows a particularly strong association between air pollution and respiratory disease and deaths. Transport – predominantly car transport – is the main source of air pollution in Scotland.  

Edinburgh City Council has six Air Quality Management Areas, with concerning levels of air pollution related to vehicular traffic.  

Decisive action from the council to promote active travel and reduce private car traffic in Edinburgh will help to reduce air pollution and associated harm to health.  

Physical activity and health 

Regular physical activity is associated with improved health outcomes at all ages13.  

UK Chief Medical Officers recommend that children and young people should engage in moderate physical activity for at least one hour every day. For adults, 150 minutes of moderate activity per week is associated with a 40% reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes, 35% reduction in heart disease, 25% reduction in joint and back pain, and 20% reduction in bowel and breast cancer13.  

National data indicates that in Scotland during 2019 only 66% of adults met this target, whilst in the same year fewer than 50% of journeys under two miles were made on foot14.  

Segregated active travel infrastructure allows everyone to increase their physical activity levels through active travel; not only those who already enjoy regular physical activity.  

We ask that the council considers the beneficial and protective health effects of physical activity when considering its decisions about travel infrastructure in Edinburgh.   

Behaviour change for public health 

Changing established patterns of behaviour is difficult. We understand that a move away from the current position of private car dependency can feel difficult.  

Bold Scottish strategies have led to strikingly effective population shifts in behaviour for better health; tobacco smoking restrictions have saved many lives, and early data suggests that minimum alcohol unit pricing has reduced the amount of alcohol purchased by the heaviest alcohol consumers15,16. Both of these strategies met with initial resistance, but are now broadly supported. 

Now, local government in Edinburgh has the potential to lead a bold and exemplary modal shift away from car-dependence which will benefit and protect the health of the people of Edinburgh.

Key Points

  • As health professionals, we have a responsibility to protect and promote the health of the population. We have a responsibility to address inequalities and to advocate for the needs of the most deprived and disadvantaged members of the population we serve.  
  • We are concerned about the impact of the climate crisis on health, globally and locally. 
  • We are concerned about harms to health caused by air pollution in Edinburgh. 
  • Regular physical activity is associated with improved health outcomes at all ages.  
  • We support the retention, and further development and integration of infrastructures designed to support active travel and clean air for the whole population of Edinburgh, to mitigate inequalities in health, local mobility, and air quality.  
  • This includes quiet routes in the vicinity of schools to allow safe active travel for families, an integrated network of segregated safe paths for cycling, city-wide subsidised cycle hire programmes, and low-emission zones.  
  • We are concerned that suggested steps to reverse active travel measures introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic would be a retrograde and harmful step for the health of the population of Edinburgh.  

Yours sincerely, 

Dr Laura McWhirter, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, Edinburgh
Neil Aitken, Physiotherapist, Neil Aitken Physiotherapy Ltd, Edinburgh
Dr Niall H. Anderson, Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
Dr Ross Archibald, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, NHS Lothian
Dr Elika Aspinall, General Practitioner, NHS Lothian
Dr Katherine Atkins, Chancellor’s Fellow, Edinburgh Medical School, University of Edinburgh
Dr Paul Bailey, General Practitioner, NHS Lothian
Miss Emily Baird, Consultant, Children’s Orthopaedics, Royal Hospital for Children and Young People Edinburgh
Dr Kasia Banas, UG Talent Lead and Programme Director in Data-Driven Innovation for Health and Social Care, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
Dr Ravneet Batra, Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist, Regional Infectious Diseases Unit, Western General Hospital
Dr Roland Baumann, General Practitioner, Niddrie Medical Practice, Edinburgh
Dr Craig Beattie, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Monika Beatty, Consultant in Critical Care, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Sam Bennett, Foundation Doctor, Acute Medicine, Western General Hospital
Ms Katherine Bethell, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Programme Manager, Chalmers Sexual Health Centre (Lothian) and Sandyford Centre (GGC)
Dr David Birrell, Emergency medicine trainee, Royal infirmary of Edinburgh; Honorary Clinical Fellow, University of Edinburgh
Professor James Boardman, Professor of Neonatal Medicine, University of Edinburgh
Dr Friederike Boellert, Respiratory Consultant, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Dr Kirsty Boyd, Reader in Palliative Care, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
Dr Tom Bloomfield, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Mr Paul Brennan, Reader and Honorary Consultant Neurosurgeon, University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian
Mr Iain Brown, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr John Budd, General Practitioner, Edinburgh Access Practice, and Co-ordinator of Lothian Deprivation Interest Group
Dr Rosamunde Burns, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Peter Cairns, General Practitioner, Wester Hailes Medical Practice
Professor Alan Carson, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist, University of Edinburgh
Dr Simon Chillingworth, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Professor Richard Chin, Professor of Paediatric Neurology and Clinical Epidemiology, Honorary Consultant Paediatric Neurologist, University of Edinburgh and The Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
Dr Sarah Clay, Locum General Practitioner, Niddrie Medical Practice, and Specialty Doctor in Palliative Care
Dr Elizabeth Cole, Anaesthetics registrar, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Catherine Collinson, Consultant Anaesthetist, Department of Anaesthesia, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Claire Cooke-Jones, Trainee Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Robert Cooke-Jones, Trainee General Practitioner, Inchpark Surgery, Edinburgh
Dr Nadine Cossette, Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Helen Creedon, Clinical Fellow in Oncology, University of Edinburgh
Dr Julia Critchley, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Craig Davidson, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, NHS Lothian
Professor Adrian Davis, Professor of Transport & Health, Edinburgh Napier University
Dr Christopher Dickens, General Practitioner, Edinburgh
Ms Lynsey Downie, Anaesthesia Associate, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
Mr Andrew Duckworth, Senior Lecturer and Consultant Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon, Edinburgh Orthopaedics and University of Edinburgh
Mr Joseph Duncumb, Orthopaedic Surgery Registrar, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Tamasin Evans, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Edinburgh Cancer Centre
Dr Alasdair Fitzgerald, Clinical Lead, Rehabilitation Services and Consultant in Neurorehabilitation, Astley Ainslie Hospital, Edinburgh
Dr Nicholas Fletcher, Trainee General Practitioner, NHS Education Scotland
Professor Sue Fletcher-Watson, Chair in Developmental Psychology, Division of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh
Mr Martin Gemmell, Principal Educational Psychologist, City of Edinburgh Council
Ms Paula Gardiner, Neurological Specialist Physiotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Edinburgh
Dr Cameron J Fairfield, Clinical Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh
Dr Gavin Francis, General Practitioner, Dalkeith Road Medical Practice, Edinburgh
Dr Allan Gordon, Retired Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Edinburgh
Dr Claire Gordon, Consultant in Acute Medicine, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Dr Rebecca Gormley, Anaesthetic Core Trainee, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Peter S Hall, Honorary Consultant Medical Oncologist, Edinburgh Cancer Centre at St John’s Hospital and the Western General Hospital
Dr Helen Hare, Junior Doctor, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
Dr Simon Heaney, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Ingrid Hoeritzauer, Consultant Neurologist and Acute Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Catriona Howes, Consultant Psychiatrist, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Dr Seán Keating, Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Malik Jahangeer, Consultant Clinical Oncologist and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
Dr Marc Janssens, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Mr Aimun Jamjoom, Speciality Neurosurgery Trainee, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
Dr Michelle Jeffrey, Consultant Sports and Exercise Medicine, Sportscotland Institute of Sport, Oriam, Edinburgh
Dr Guy Johnson, General Practitioner (retired), Sighthill Health Centre
Professor John Keating, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh; Honorary Senior Lecturer, Edinburgh University
Dr Stephanie Kelly, Clinical Fellow in Intensive Care, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Dean Kerslake, Consultant, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Alice King, Trainee General Practitioner, Edinburgh
Dr Oliver Koch, Consultant & Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases, Regional Infectious Diseases Unit, Western General Hospital
Dr Rebecca Lawrence, Consultant Psychiatrist in Addictions, Royal Edinburgh  Hospital
Mr Graham Lawson, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Yvonne Leavy, Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist (epilepsy) Department for Clinical Neurosciences, RHCYP, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Katharine Logan, Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, Rivers Centre, Edinburgh
Dr Nazir Lone, Honorary Consultant and Senior Lecturer in Critical Care, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, NHS Lothian and University of Edinburgh
Dr Carey Lunan, General Practitioner, Craigmillar Medical GroupDr Saturnino Luz, Reader in Medical Informatics, Usher Institute, Medical School, The University of Edinburgh
Dr Saturnino Luz, Reader in Medical Informatics, Usher Institute, Medical School, The University of Edinburgh
Dr Sonia MacCallum, General Practitioner, Niddrie Medical Practice
Dr Claire Mackintosh, Consultant Infectious Disease Physician and Clinical Director, Regional Infectious Disease Unit, NHS Lothian
Dr Ivan Marples, Consultant in Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia, Leith Community Treatment Centre
Dr Katie Marwick, Clinical Lecturer in Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh
Dr Alexander von Maydell, Junior Doctor, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Miss Julie McBirnie, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Spire Shawfair Park Hospital
Professor Alison McCallum, Centre for Population Health Sciences, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
Dr Dermot McKeown, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Professor Andrew McIntosh, Professor of Biological Psychiatry and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, University of Edinburgh
Dr Christina McManus, Doctor, Western General Hospital
Dr Carinne McMurray, General Practitioner, Craigmillar Medical Group
Professor Stewart Mercer, Professor of Primary Care and Multimorbidity, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh; General Practitioner, NHS Lothian
Dr Eve Miller-Hodges, Senior Clinical Lecturer & Honorary Consultant in Inherited Metabolic Disorders and Renal Medicine, Scottish Inherited Metabolic Disorders Service & University of Edinburgh
Dr Lyle Moncur, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Mr Matthew Moran, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Catriona Morton, General Practitioner, Craigmillar Medical Group
Dr Megan Mowbray, Consultant Dermatologist, Clinical Lead Dermatology, Skin Cancer Lead NHS Fife, Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline (& resident of Edinburgh)
Mr Samuel Molyneux, Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Ms Mome Mukherjee, Senior Research Fellow, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
Dr Nóra Murray-Cavanagh, Clinical Lead General Practitioner, Wester Hailes Medical Practice
Dr Susan Nelson, General Practitioner, Mackenzie Medical Centre, Edinburgh
Dr Anna Noble, General Practitioner, Wester Hailes Medical Practice
David Obree, Archie Duncan Fellow in Medical Ethics and Fellow in Medical Education, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
Dr Richard O’Brien, Consultant Stroke Physician, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
Dr Laura O’Conaire, General Practitioner, Braefoot Medical Practice, Edinburgh
Dr Rory O’Conaire, General Practitioner, West End Medical Practice, Edinburgh
Dr Ailis Orr, Consultant Paediatrician, Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, Edinburgh
Mr James Patton, Clinical Director Orthopaedics, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh
Dr. Meghan Perry, Consultant Physician and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases and General Internal Medicine, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Dr Sharon Peoples, Consultant in Clinical Oncology, Edinburgh Cancer Centre
Professor Martyn Pickersgill, Co-Director of Research, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
Dr Evgeniya Plotnikova, Teaching Fellow, Master of Public Health Programme, University of Edinburgh
Dr S.G. Potts, Consultant in Transplant Psychiatry, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Michael Quinn, General Practitioner, Craigmillar Medical Group
Dr Martin Quirke, Research Fellow, Centre for Environment, Dementia and Ageing Research, University of Stirling (& resident of Edinburgh)
Dr Kristiina Rannikmäe, Consultant Neurologist and Clinical Research Fellow, Forth Valley Royal Hospital and University of Edinburgh
Ms Aїcha Reid, Registered Educational Psychologist, Edinburgh
Dr Helga Rhein, General Practitioner (retired), Edinburgh
Dr Helen Riches, General Practitioner, Restalrig Park Medical Centre, Edinburgh
Professor Craig Ritchie, Professor of Psychiatry of Ageing, University of Edinburgh; Director of Brain Health Scotland
Dr Alasdair Ruthven, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Professor Rustam Al-Shahi Salman, Professor of Clinical Neurology at the University of Edinburgh; Honorary consultant neurologist in NHS Lothian
Dr Euan Sandilands, Consultant Toxicologist and Director National Poisons Information Service (Edinburgh); Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
Ms Chloe Scott, Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Ann Sergeant, Consultant Dermatologist, NHS Fife (Edinburgh resident)
Dr Anthony Simon, General Practitioner, Craigmillar Medical Group
Dr Chris Smith, Foundation Doctor, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Dr Nick Spencer, Anaesthetic Trainee, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Dr Andrew Stanfield, Senior Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, University of Edinburgh
Dr Elizabeth Steel, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal infirmary Edinburgh
Professor Jon Stone, Consultant Neurologist, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and University of Edinburgh
Professor Cathie Sudlow, Professor of Neurology and Clinical Epidemiology and Head of the Centre for Medical Informatics, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
Dr Digby Thomas, General Practitioner to the homeless 2001-2021, Edinburgh Homeless/Access Practice
Dr Sarah Thompson, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Professor Lindsay Thomson, Professor of Forensic Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh; Medical Director of the State Hospitals Board for Scotland and the Forensic Mental Health Managed Care Network
Dr Fionn Toolis, General Practitioner, Wester Hailes Medical Practice, Edinburgh
Professor Neil Turner, Professor of Nephrology, University of Edinburgh; Honorary Consultant, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Stefan Unger, Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician, Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
Dr Helen Usher, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Anna te Water Naudé, Acute Medicine Core Trainee, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Stephen Walls, Senior Charge Nurse, General Intensive Care, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Charles Wallis, Consultant Anaesthetist and Chair of Bicycle Users Group, Western General Hospital
Dr Andrew Watson, Associate Medical Director for Psychiatry, NHS Lothian
Ms Abby White, Psychiatric Nurse, Edinburgh
Mr T.O. White, Consultant Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon (Clinical Lead for Trauma), Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, and Honorary Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
Dr William Whiteley, Reader in Neurology, University of Edinburgh; Honorary Consultant Neurologist, NHS Lothian
Dr E.B. Wilson, Emergency Department Consultant, Emergency Department, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Dr Hilary Young, General Practitioner, Mackenzie Medical Centre / University of Edinburgh

Post-publication supporters: (added after 6th September 2021):

Dr Anna Gaskell, General Practitioner, Newbattle Medical Practice
Dr Andrew Grant, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Lydia Howells, Lead Nurse for Quality & Standards, NHS Lothian
Dr Catriona McLean, Clinical Director and Consultant Clinical Oncologist – Lower GI Cancer, Edinburgh Cancer Centre
Professor Gillian Mead, Chair of Stroke and Elderly Medicine, University of Edinburgh
Dr David Noble, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Edinburgh Cancer Centre
Dr Faye Robertson, Oncology Registrar, Edinburgh Cancer Centre
Professor Roy Robertson, Chair of Addiction Medicine, University of Edinburgh, and General Practitioner, Edinburgh
Louise Starkey, Practice Nurse, Slateford Medical Practice, Edinburgh
Dr Lucy Wall, Consultant Medical Oncologist, Edinburgh Cancer Centre

Find out more about the Travelling Safely programme on the Council website.

Mobile Testing Units deliver one million tests in one year

Scottish Ambulance Service Mobile Testing Unit (MTU) teams have delivered more than one million tests in just over a year.

The MTUs have been one of biggest projects ever carried out at the Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS).

There are now 39 MTU teams across the country and more than 1100 people employed by the Scottish Ambulance Service, providing a vital service to Scotland.

The MTUS can be dispatched quickly across the country so people in urban, rural and remote areas have easy access to a coronavirus test. The location of the units, planned by National Services Scotland and local resilience partnerships, changes regularly to reflect demand.  

John Alexander, General Manager for the Mobile Testing Units (MTUs), said: “The introduction of MTUs has played an important role in the country’s fight against Covid-19, helping to control the spread of the virus.

“All of our MTU staff have done a fantastic job in providing tests to the people of Scotland over the past year and I’m extremely proud they’ve delivered more than one million tests since last September.”

Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care Humza Yousaf said: “Reaching one million tests is a major milestone and recognition of the hard work and dedication of Scottish Ambulance Service. My heartfelt thanks go to SAS staff for what they do every single day to care for, and support people across Scotland.

“Our COVID-19 Mobile Testing Units have played a crucial role in bringing testing resources to the communities who need it most. By identifying and isolating cases, we are breaking chains of transmission within those communities and giving us a better chance of stopping the virus from spreading.”

Schools facing strike action

GMB Scotland serves notice to councils over “derisory and unacceptable” pay offer

Nearly 10,000 school support and refuse and cleansing workers will be balloted for industrial action from next week, after GMB Scotland reps served statutory notice on councils yesterday against a “derisory” pay offer for 2021.

It follows a consultative ballot of GMB Scotland members across Scottish local government which delivered a 95 per cent rejection of COSLA’s £850 a year increase for staff earning up to £25,000 a year.

The ballot will run from Thursday 16 September to Thursday 7 October, with the prospect of strike action affecting school cleansing, janitorial services, refuse collections, and street sweeping from late October onwards.

GMB Scotland Senior Organiser Drew Duffy said: “COSLA’s offer amounts to little more than £15 a week more for our frontline workers in local government, it is derisory and unacceptable.

“The dither and delay on delivering proper value means they are still mired on pre-pandemic pay rates – there has been no “thank you” for these workers.

“Council and political leaders have said many times during this pandemic they value the work of our members, well it’s time they put their money where their mouth is.

“The threat of disruptive strikes in schools and community services is now likely, and unless COSLA chiefs table an improved offer the blame will lie with them.”

Christmas at the Botanics unveils more surprises for festive trail

The winter spectacle, Christmas at the Botanics, has confirmed more installations for this year’s trail when it opens on 25th November, including a new festive finale.  

Running for 32 nights at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, friends and family will be able to come together to explore 15 dazzling installations along the one-mile route and experience the outdoor twilight trail.   

The latest installations confirmed for this year include Digital Rain, Fireflies in the Wood and the cascading Sea of Light (above) which will feature as the festive finale:  

  • Digital Rain – is an immersive installation by Bespoke Lighting and Video, featuring LED pixels that ‘rain down’ on those below to create a shimmering shower of light.  
  • Fireflies in the Woods – is an enchanting installation from Electric Foundry, containing 100 points of light that twist through the tress to create a magical woodland wonderland.  
  • Sea of Light – brings an enthralling mix of sound and light technology, from award-winning company ITHACA, that flows across the landscape in spectacular, glittering waves.  

To meet current Scottish Government guidelines, reduced capacities and a one-way system will be in place for the comfort of visitors coming together to celebrate the festive season. Health and safety measures, in place to protect visitors, will be monitored throughout the run. 

Simon Milne, Regius Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, said: “This year’s trail promises the arrival of new, exciting and atmospheric installations enabling visitors to enjoy the Garden landscape in a completely different way.   

“As we begin our landmark restoration programme, Edinburgh Biomes, we greatly appreciate the contribution that the trail makes to funding our plant research and conservation projects. By coming to the trail, visitors help to support our important work in Scotland and around the world. 

“I look forward to welcoming visitors from within the capital, Scotland, the UK and overseas to the Garden to experience this magical moment in Edinburgh’s festive calendar.” 

Jonathan Marks, Chief Development Director at Raymond Gubbay, a division of Sony Music, which promotes the event, added: “This year’s easing of restrictions will allow more people within Edinburgh and beyond to safely visit this enchanting spectacle.

“We are excited to welcome new artists and a brand-new festive finale that is bound to impress. There is so much to look forward to and we can’t wait for people to visit this magical winter experience.”  

Tickets for this year’s show are on sale now. For further ticket information, pricing and timings, please visit

A timed entry system will remain for the trail this year with visitors encouraged to book now to avoid disappointment.  

Christmas at the Botanics is one of 15 illuminated trails staged across the UK by leading events promoter Raymond Gubbay Limited, a division of Sony Music. Christmas at the Botanics is presented in partnership with the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and the trail is created by Culture Creative.   

For more details visit and follow @mychristmastrails on Facebook and Instagram. 

Police appeal after pedestrian struck by vehicle in Gorgie Road

Police are appealing for information after a pedestrian was struck by a vehicle in Edinburgh.

Around 7.55pm on Friday, 3 September, 2021, police received a report a 70-year-old man was struck by a car in Gorgie Road, near Robertson Avenue, in Edinburgh. Enquiries so far have established that two cars, a silver Jaguar and black BMW, were travelling east at this location when the pedestrian was struck.

Emergency services attended and the man was taken to hospital. Both drivers initially stopped, but the driver of the silver Jaguar, left the scene before police arrived.

Constable Denise Gall, of Dalkeith Road Policing Unit, said: “We are appealing for anyone with any information to get in touch. In particular, if anyone has a dash cam device, please check your footage as your images could assist our investigation.

“Anyone with information is asked to call Police Scotland via 101, quoting incident number 3131 of 3 September, 2021.”

It’s World Suicide Prevention Day

On World Suicide Prevention Day COSLA Health and Social Care Spokesperson @cllrStu is urging people to join the United to Prevent Suicide campaign –

Anyone struggling can find support from: Samaritans – 116 123

Breathing Space – 0800 838587


This week Edinburgh Police have been holding partnership outreach information events in an attempt to provide information on the support that is available to people affected by suicide and to highlight the importance of talking about suicide.

Yesterday at Cameron Toll Shopping Centre we were delighted once more to see so many organisations come together.

Thanks to Lothians Veterans Centre Chris’s House PenumbraThe Edinburgh Crisis CentreSurvivors of Bereavement by Suicide – SOBSEquality NetworkProjekt 42Scottish Trans AllianceWaverley Care – HIV, Hep C & Sexual Health in ScotlandSamaritans for supporting these events over the past few days.

Today we will be at Bristo Square from 11am until 2pm if you would like to come to speak to someone.

We all have our part to play in preventing suicide and, if you are affected by suicide, you are not alone.


Holyrood approves Covid vaccination certificates

Scheme will come into effect on 1st October

The Scottish Parliament has approved the use of Coronavirus vaccination certificates to enter some events and higher risk venues.

MSPs voted in favour of the measure, which comes into effect on Friday 1 October, aimed at reducing risk while maximising our ability to keep open certain settings and events where transmission is a higher risk and encouraging uptake of the vaccine.

Coronavirus vaccination certificates will be required to enter events such as nightclubs, music festivals and some football grounds.

Staff at venues affected will be able to download a “verifier app” to a smartphone or device from next week, ahead of the launch, which will allow digital checks on the certification status of those attending.

Guidance will be provided for venues on how to use the app, along with options to integrate it into their own systems as the source code is open. 

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said: “We must do all we can to stem the rise in cases and vaccine certification will form part of a range measures which can help us to do this.

“It will only be used in certain higher risk settings and we hope this will allow businesses to remain open and prevent any further restrictions as we head into autumn and winter.

“We do not want to re-impose any of the restrictions that have been in place for much of this year as we all know how much harm they have caused to businesses, to education and to people’s general well-being. But we must stem the rise in cases.

“We want to ensure that as many people get vaccinated as possible and particularly to increase uptake in the younger age cohort, so anything that helps to incentivise that is helpful.

“I urge anyone over 16 to get vaccinated at their local drop-in clinic or through NHS Inform.

“Public behaviour, including key protective measures like face coverings, physical distancing, hand washing and isolating when necessary, continues to play a vital role in reducing the prevalence of the virus and helping us to emerge from the pandemic.”

The new scheme is not being introduced until all Scottish adults have had the opportunity to receive both doses of the vaccine and two weeks have passed to allow the vaccine take effect. The Scottish Government continues to work with sectors affected to ensure that a workable and proportionate scheme is developed.

Under 18s and adults who are ineligible for vaccination will be exempt.

There are currently no plans to introduce certification for the wider hospitality industry but this will be kept under review over the autumn and winter months.

The Scottish Licensed Trade Association has re-iterated it’s opposition to “Covid passports” for those visiting nightclubs and larger event settings.

SLTA says although the suggestion is that the wider hospitality industry will not be affected, the First Minister has clearly stated on a number of occasions that this is “under review” and therefore Covid passports remain a threat hanging over the whole industry.

The industry body says the Scottish Government has pushed these proposals through without any meaningful consultation with the industry.

SLTA MD Colin Wilkinson said:The Scottish Government issued a paper on the scheme only this morning, just a few hours ahead of the vote, yet we remain unaware of how it will be implemented.   

“Where is the evidence that this action is needed and is proportionate, a word often used by the Deputy First Minister in the debate this afternoon?  There has been no assessment of the costs to businesses, nor the impact on the sector.

“The sector has been labelled as being a high risk setting, but the hospitality industry is not the only sector where people congregate.  

“There is also the concern that Covid passports could lead to vaccination hesitancy and more entrenched views not to get vaccinated.  Experts confirm that vaccination does not stop infection and can give a false sense of confidence.

“We are all aware of the failings of the Test and Protect scheme and yet the Government is proposing another system be put in place.”

The Deputy First Minister said today: The Government has set out proposals … as part of an approach to protect a very fragile situation that we face in Scotland today of rising infection and hospitality that poses a threat to our National Health Service”

Wilkinson added:- “The Scottish Licensed Trade Association again asks where is that evidence and is concerned on the focus on the hospitality sector as this part of the statement makes no mention of the event sector that this will also impact on or other entertainment venues, just “hospitality”. This only reinforces our concerns that this will be rolled out to the wider hospitality sector.

“We fully support moves to reduce the rate and impact of transmission of coronavirus but these must be proportionate and directed to the sectors or settings responsible for spreading transmission the most.

“The finer details of how this scheme will work should have been discussed with the hospitality industry prior to today’s debate and vote.

“The definition of what constitutes a “nightclub or an analogous venue” must be provided as soon as possible in order to allow premises to put procedures in place for the implementation of the scheme.”

A Tale of Two Pandemics: TUC exposes COVID Class Divide

NEW POLLING reveals the extent to which low-paid workers have borne the brunt of the pandemic

  • NEW POLLING reveals the extent to which low-paid workers have borne the brunt of the pandemic 
  • TUC analysis shows three industries furthest away from recovery are all low-paid  and have highest rates of furlough use 
  • TUC warns the end of furlough and Universal Credit cut will be a hammer blow for low-paid workers 
  • Union body says without an economic reset post-pandemic the government’s levelling up agenda will be “doomed to failure” 

The coronavirus crisis has been “a tale of two pandemics”, the TUC said today as it calls for an urgent “economic reset” to tackle the huge class divide in Britain that has been exposed by the pandemic. 

The call comes as the union body publishes new polling which shows how low-income workers have borne the brunt of the pandemic with little or no option to work from home, no or low sick pay and reduced living standards, while better-off workers have enjoyed greater flexibility with work, financial stability and increased spending power.  

Pandemic class divide 

New TUC polling, conducted by Britain Thinks, has revealed the extent of the pandemic class divide with the high-paid more financially comfortable than before, while the low-paid have been thrust into financial difficulty: 

  • Low-paid workers (those earning less than £15,000) are almost twice as likely as high-paid workers (those earning more than £50,000) to say they have cut back on spending since the pandemic began (28 per cent compared to 16 per cent) 
  • High earners are more than three times likely than low-paid workers to expect to receive a pay rise in the next 12 months (37 per cent compared to 12 per cent). 

This Covid class divide isn’t just apparent on personal finances. The polling also shows how low-paid workers are markedly more likely to get low or no sick pay compared to higher earners: 

  • Low-paid workers are four times more likely than high-paid workers to say they cannot afford to take time off work when sick (24 per cent compared to six per cent). 
  • Only a third (35 per cent) of low-paid workers say they get full pay when off sick compared to an overwhelming majority of high-paid workers (80 per cent) 

The TUC has long been calling for an increase to statutory sick pay, which stands at a derisory £96.35 a week, and from which more than two million low-paid workers – mostly women – are currently excluded because they do not earn enough to qualify.  

The union body recently criticised the government decision to “abandon” these two million workers by failing to expand eligibility of sick pay, as they had previously promised. 

This lack of decent sick pay is compounded by the fact that low-paid workers are more than three times more likely than high-paid workers to say they their job means they can only work outside the home (74 per cent compared to 20 per cent).  

This means that low-paid workers face greater risk of contracting the virus at work, and when ill, often face the impossible choice of doing the right thing but losing income or keeping full pay but potentially spreading the virus. 

Low-paid industries lag 

New TUC analysis shows that the three industries furthest away from a jobs recovery – arts and entertainment, accommodation and food and ‘other services’ – are all ‘low paid’ industries.  

These are also the three industries with the highest furlough rates according to HMRC stats, and three of the highest according to most recent ONS estimate.  

The end of furlough poses a serious threat to low-paid jobs in these industries – and combined with the “senseless” Universal Credit cut – will be a hammer blow for low-paid workers and push many further into hardship, the union body says. 

Time for an economic reset 

The TUC says its analysis and poll findings paint a picture of stark inequality in the UK, which has been further entrenched through the coronavirus crisis, and show that the country needs an urgent “economic reset” post-pandemic. 

The union body warns that without such a reset, the government’s levelling up agenda will be “doomed to failure” as ministers risk repeating the same mistakes which followed the financial crisis, allowing insecure work to spiral even further. 

To prevent unnecessary hardship in the coming months, the TUC is calling on the government to: 

  • Extend the furlough scheme for as long as is needed to protect jobs and livelihoods and put in place a permanent short-time working scheme to protect workers at times of economic change 
  • Cancel the planned £20 cut to Universal Credit 

And as part of a post-pandemic reset, the TUC says ministers must: 

  • Ban zero hours contracts 
  • Raise the minimum wage immediately to at least £10 
  • Increase statutory sick pay to a real Living Wage and make it available to all 
  • Introduce new rights for workers to bargain for better pay and conditions through their unions  

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “Everyone deserves dignity at work and a job they can build a life on. But too many working people – often key workers – are struggling to pay the bills and put food on the table.  

“It has been a tale of two pandemics. This Covid class divide has seen low-paid workers bear the brunt of the pandemic, while the better off have enjoyed greater financial security, often getting richer. 

“This should be a wake up call – we need an economic reset. It’s time for a new age of dignity and security at work. 

“Without fundamental change, the government’s own levelling up agenda will be doomed to failure. And we risk repeating the same old mistakes of the past decade – allowing insecure work to spiral even further. 

“Ministers must start by banning zero-hours contracts, raising the minimum wage with immediate effect and increasing statutory sick pay to a real Living Wage, making it available to all.  

“And we know that the best way for workers to win better pay and conditions at work is through their union.” 

On the risk to low-paid workers this autumn, Frances said:  “The imminent end to the furlough scheme and cut to Universal Credit this autumn will be a hammer blow for low-paid workers and could plunge millions into hardship, many of whom are already teetering on the edge. 

“The government must reverse its senseless decision to cut Universal Credit and extend the furlough scheme for as long as is needed to protect jobs and livelihoods.” 

Major new development planned for Corn Exchange at Chesser


Proposals for an exciting new residential development at New Mart Road, Chesser, have been announced today, creating a new urban quarter.

Watkin Jones Group, a leading developer and manager of homes for rent, has revealed proposals to redevelop land to the rear of the Corn Exchange, which includes the World of Football and World of Bowling buildings.   .

The proposed high-quality mixed-use brownfield development will comprise primarily of build-to-rent (BTR) homes, including affordable homes, as well as managed student accommodation, forming a mixed-tenure urban residential village. This forms part of an overall regeneration of the brownfield site following the recent acquisition of the Corn Exchange building concert venue by the Academy Music Group, to be called the O2 Academy Edinburgh.

Completing the work in 2025, should planning permission be given, the regeneration of this brownfield site – formerly comprising a mix of listed and unlisted buildings originally used as an auction mart and livestock sheds – will seek to retain the character and elements of the buildings. This will ensure their long-term viable future, all of which is considered in the creation of community spaces and public realm within the proposed scheme.

The World of Football and World of Bowling have provided a suitable uses and adaptation of the former auction mart buildings and livestock sheds for over 22 years, however their condition currently requires considerable investment on an ongoing basis. 

To bring the buildings up to standard is a continual test, burden and cost for the business. Investment in recent state of the art facilities such as World of Football at Marine Drive show that they can provide far more viable spaces without the ongoing cost and environmental impact that old out of date buildings unfortunately provide.

The BTR apartments will comprise a mix of studios, one bedroom, two bedroom and three-bedroom flats. Within the building it is proposed there are areas of communal amenity such as working from home and study space, a communal lounge, exercise facilities, management suite and reception, bike storage and large shared kitchen.

Student bed spaces are proposed as a mix of studio and cluster rooms each with their own ensuite. This will also have a range of communal amenity spaces, bike storage, management suite and reception areas.

Reflecting the heritage of the site, a significant proportion of the former livestock shed frames will be retained and incorporated into the overall development. There will also be a variety of external high-quality communal spaces. The development is proposed as a car free scheme with parking limited to accessible parking only and maximising the good quality public transport and active travel links to the site.

Each of the key areas of public realm and open space will be given an identity as part of the overall masterplan, reflecting the history of the site, including a large central public square. This will form a connection between the proposed development and the O2 Academy Edinburgh

It is envisaged that the public square will be used by performing arts groups; farmers markets; leisure square gatherings and as an urban gathering space for residents.

The central square is adjacent to a series of smaller walled gardens and routes that link the more private series of residential courtyards. These smaller courtyards are connected by a grouping of pends, footpaths and tree lined boulevards.

The developer has formally submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) to City of Edinburgh Council, informing it that it intends to submit a planning application for the development following a minimum 12-week consultation period. 

Watkin Jones Group has undertaken major BTR schemes throughout the UK, completing its first purpose-built scheme in Leeds in 2016.

It has extensive experience of working in Edinburgh, investing extensively in the city over the last 10 years. Over the period it has developed a total of ten purpose-built student accommodation schemes, equating to 2,861 student homes.

A notable example is the award-winning Sugarhouse Close development, which was completed in the summer of 2012. The development is accessed from the Royal Mile and located within the World Heritage Site, demonstrating that the Group have first-hand experience delivering a high-quality scheme in a historically sensitive location.

Watkin Jones Group is also currently progressing a mixed tenure residential development at Iona Street in Edinburgh, for which planning permission was granted in March of this year. This development comprises over 200 managed student homes, 60 residential apartments and 20 affordable homes and will be completed in 2023. In addition, the Group is delivering 645 managed student homes on Westfield Road and Gorgie Road which will be completing in 2022.

Iain Smith, Planning Director for Watkin Jones, commented: “We’re thrilled to be announcing our exciting scheme for this new urban quarter at Chesser, creating a thriving and diverse community as part of an overall redevelopment of the area. The site is in a highly sustainable location with excellent access to amenities and transport links and will be built to future-proofed high environmental standards.

“Maintaining the strong heritage of the site is a feature of the development and our intention is to retain the character of the buildings where we can, ensuring their long-term viable future, with the creation of some fantastic public squares, each with their own distinct identity.

“These proposals will greatly assist in the regeneration of this part of the city and we are consulting extensively to ensure that people from across the local area have an opportunity to input their views and shape our ambitious proposals.”

What is BTR?

BTR is a relatively new model for creating new homes in the UK but it is very popular in Europe and America. All the properties are built for rent, not for sale and are usually owned by a pension provider that wants to maintain a secure income to pay the pensions of its members.

Because the owner is a long-term professional investor there is an emphasis on future-proofed sustainability and maintaining a diverse thriving community that keeps the building and local area attractive as a place to live for decades. 

Residents are offered long-term security of tenure, with the flexibility of renting and have access to wider on-site amenities, such as gyms and workspaces, that offer a better lifestyle the traditional boundaries of rented homes. Pets are often allowed in BTR homes. Recent research by the UKAA found that BTR homes charge similar rents to traditional rented homes.

Crimestoppers launches appeal for anonymous information on the 1994 unsolved murder of Shona Stevens

The charity offers a reward of up to £10,000 for information that leads to the arrest of those responsible for Shona’s murder as appeal features on BBC1’s Crimewatch Live programme

Crimestoppers Scotland is offering a reward and appealing for anonymous information in connection with the historic case of the murder of Shona Stevens.

Shona was brutally attacked on 10th November 1994 near her home at Irvine, in North Ayrshire. She was aged 31 at the time and died three days later as a result of severe head injuries.

The mother of one had left the Co-op store at Bourtreehill Shopping Centre at lunchtime. She was last seen at around 1. 10pm on Towerlands Road. Her body was sadly found nearby in a wooded area around ten minutes later.

The charity is supporting police by encouraging anyone who prefers to stay anonymous to contact us with information.

***Crimestoppers is offering a reward of up to £10,000 for anonymous information the charity exclusively receives – via its website or by phone on 0800 555 111 – that leads to the conviction of the person or people responsible for Shona Stevens’ murder ***

Mick Duthie, Director of Operations at the charity Crimestoppers, said: “This is such a sad case of the brutal murder of a young mum who was making her way home from a local store.

“The motive is still unknown. It may be that you had suspicions or even knew what happened all those years ago, but were either too scared or for other reasons, failed to come forward.

“Our charity supports police by passing on anonymous information we receive that helps keep people and communities safe from harm. We are urgently appealing for anyone who knows or suspects who was behind this truly awful murder to do the right thing. We are offering £10,000 for information given exclusively and anonymously to us that leads to the conviction of whoever was responsible.

“Shona’s murder left a daughter without a mother – her family and friends are still waiting and deserve to see justice happen. We know it’s difficult to speak up about crime, especially if it’s about someone close to home. Since we began in the late 1980s, our charity has always kept its cast-iron guarantee to the hundreds of thousands of Scots who have trusted us with their anonymous information over the decades.

“Please help us to protect the community and see justice served by telling us completely anonymously what you know. You can talk to us by calling our UK Contact Centre which is open 24/7 on freephone 0800 555 111 or you can use our easy and secure anonymous online form at

*** Information passed directly to police will not qualify. The reward will only qualify for information given exclusively to the charity Crimestoppers’ 0800 555 111 number or via the simple and secure anonymous online form at ***

Please note: Computer IP addresses are never traced and no-one will ever know you contacted us. For telephone calls, we have no caller line display, no 1471 facility and have never traced a call.