Men’s Health Week: A quarter of UK men have never checked for testicular cancer

·       46% of 18–24-year-olds have never checked themselves

·       Nearly a quarter (23%) of men don’t recognise lumps as a symptom of cancer

·       Leading GP gives her step-by-step guide on how to check for signs

Shockingly, more than a quarter (26%) of UK males have never checked themselves for signs of testicular cancer, while a further 15% only check themselves once a year or less.

A new study, commissioned by health experts at Livi, the online GP service, for Men’s Health Week (14th-20th June) has found that surprising numbers of men are not checking themselves for testicular cancer, despite it becoming increasingly common, with an increase of 24% since the 90s1.

Younger generations appear to be significantly less likely to check their testicles, with nearly half (46%) of 18–24-year-olds admitting that they had never checked themselves for cancer. This is particularly concerning as testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer amongst young men, particularly those in their early 30’s2.

However, older generations appeared to be significantly more likely to check themselves. Those aged 25–34 years old were found to be the most likely, with only 21% stating they had never checked their testicles.

The survey also revealed which signs of the cancer men are most likely to recognise, with over three quarters (77%) of men recognising lumps as a symptom, but only a third (34%) identifying heaviness in the scrotum and a difference in appearance between the testicles (33%) as potential signs.

The 5 most recognisable signs of testicular cancer

1.       Lumps – 77% knew this was a sign

2.       Enlargement of testicles – 58%

3.       Pain or discomfort in testicles – 46%

4.       Heaviness in scrotum – 34%

5.       Difference in appearance between testicles – 33%

Additionally, many men incorrectly identified unrelated symptoms as signs of cancer, including sexual impotence (18%) and discomfort in the penis (21%).

Dr Rhianna McClymont, Lead GP at Livi, provides a step-by-step guide for checking for signs of testicular cancer:

·       The best time to check yourself is during, or after a warm bath or shower. This helps to relax the testicles and make them easier for you to examine.

·       Hold your testicle in your palm and gently examine each one with your thumb and forefinger.

·       You’re looking for any type of abnormality, or difference in feel. Your testicles should feel smooth and firm, but not hard.

·       Make sure you check yourself regularly and if you notice any lumps, or hardness in the testicles, get yourself checked by a medical professional as soon as possible.

Dr. McClymont adds: “Testicular cancer, like any form of cancer, can strike at any age, but it’s more common in younger people, so we recommend beginning checks in puberty.

“If you notice any lumps or difference in the feel of your testicles, then it’s important to speak to a doctor to get checked out immediately. These symptoms are not a guarantee you have cancer, but they can be indicators, so it’s always vital to see a medical professional if you spot any signs.”

For more information on how to spot testicular cancer, visit:

Morrisons brings back traditional glass milk bottles to cut plastic and reduce CO2 emissions

– Morrisons is launching reusable glass milk bottles to cut plastic and reduce CO2 emissions –

– The trial is a partnership with local dairy farmers –

– The ‘long life’ bottles last for decades without signs of wear and tear –

Morrisons is launching a glass milk bottle trial as part of its drive to reduce plastic and bring back traditional packaging. 

The glass milk bottles hold a pint[1] of milk and are priced at 90p. They are available in seven trial stores across Kent and four stores around Sheffield. They are delivered directly to Morrisons supermarkets by local dairy farms and once returned are collected and sanitised and can be reused for ten years or more. 

The introduction of traditional glass milk bottles is expected to remove 40,000 plastic bottles from these Morrisons stores per year as well as reduce CO2 emissions – as delivery from local suppliers means milk covers shorter distances. 

Natasha Cook, Packaging Manager, from Morrisons said: “We want to help our customers live their lives with less plastic. Reusing glass milk bottles is an easy leap for many people to make because they remember that this was how milk used to arrive on the doorstep.

” We’re currently talking to other local dairies and hope to be able to roll out glass milk bottles across the country.”

Steve Hynd, Policy Manager, from City to Sea said:“Milk is a prime example of a product that could and should be swapped from single-use plastic bottles to planet friendly reusable bottles.

“It is great to see Morrisons pioneering the process of delivering milk in reusable bottles in supermarket stores. We know this move is popular, with 3 out of 4 people telling us they want more refill options in shops as a way of tackling plastic pollution. This is Morrisons doing not only what’s right for the planet but also what their customers are telling us they want to see.” 

Morrisons has committed to a 50% reduction across its own-brand primary plastic packaging by 2025. Initiatives introduced over the last 12 months will remove 9,000 tonnes of unnecessary or problematic plastic each year. Over 83%of Morrisons own-brand plastic packaging is now able to be recycled. 

In 2019 Morrisons was voted the most environmentally responsible company in the UK for its work on plastics reduction at the Responsible Business Awards, run by HRH The Prince of Wales’ Business in the Community Network. 

For more information, visit: .

Covid Vaccination Programme: More than thirty million Britons now have fullest protection

  • More than 30 million people in the UK have been vaccinated with a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, giving them the fullest possible protection
  • More than 79% of people in the UK now vaccinated with a single dose
  • Public urged to come forward for second doses to help protect against the threat of new variants

41,830,546 people across the UK have now been vaccinated with a first dose (79.4%), while 30,204,738 people have had both doses (57.3%).

New analysis by Public Health England (PHE) shows for the first time that 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective against hospitalisation from the Delta (B.1.61.2) variant. The analysis suggests the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine is 96% effective and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is 92% effective against hospitalisation after both doses.

The UK government met its target of offering a vaccine to the most vulnerable by 15 April and is on track to offer a first dose to all adults by 19 July, 2 weeks earlier than planned. NHS England has today extended the offer of a vaccine to everyone over the age of 23.

By 19 July, all those aged 50 and over and the clinically extremely vulnerable will have been offered their second dose.

Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock said: “Second doses are increasingly vital, so this is an incredibly important milestone. Day after day, our vaccination programme reaches new heights. With over 30 million people across the UK now receiving a second dose, we are giving the fullest possible protection to our loved ones in the face of new variants.

“The strength of the union has never been clearer than in the UK vaccination effort. All 4 corners of this country have pulled together for one common purpose – to get the jab and fight this virus.

“I want to pay tribute to everyone right across the country who has answered our call to arms and rolled up their sleeves to get the jab. I encourage everyone over 23 to come forward and get the jab.”

The vaccination programme is weakening the link between cases and hospitalisations, but the latest evidence shows that 2 doses are needed to provide effective protection against the Delta variant.

To ensure people have the strongest possible protection against COVID-19, second doses for all over 40s will be accelerated by reducing the dosing interval from 12 weeks to 8 weeks. All over 40s who received a first dose by mid-May will be offered a second dose by 19 July.

The move follows advice from the independent experts at the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which has considered the latest available evidence and has recommended reducing the dosing interval to counter the threat of new variants of concern.

The government and its scientific experts are monitoring the evolving situation and rates of variants closely, and will not hesitate to take additional action as necessary.

Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi said: “I am delighted that we have reached another poignant milestone in our vaccines programme, with over 30 million people receiving the fullest possible protection from this virus.

“In the space of 6 months, the UK has made history after not only deploying a licensed vaccine to the first person in the world, Margaret Keenan, but also to tens of millions of others in the largest vaccination programme in our history.

“I encourage everyone to come forward for the vaccine, and for the crucial second dose when the offer comes. It could save your life and protect your loved ones.”

UK Government Minister for Scotland Iain Stewart said: The UK government is supplying vaccines for people in all parts of the United Kingdom and this milestone is further welcome evidence of how effectively we are pulling together to protect ourselves and our community.

“With 30 million people across the UK already having had their second doses, I encourage everyone in Scotland to come forward when the offer comes to get their second vaccination and maximum protection from the virus.”

Vaccinated people are far less likely to get COVID-19 with symptoms. Vaccinated people are even more unlikely to get serious COVID-19, to be admitted to hospital, or to die from it and there is growing evidence that they are less likely to pass the virus to others.

Data from PHE’s real-world study shows the vaccines are already having a significant impact in the UK, reducing hospitalisations and deaths, saving 14,000 lives and preventing 42,000 hospitalisations in England.

Data published by YouGov shows the UK continues to top the list of nations where people are willing to have a COVID-19 vaccine or have already been vaccinated.

ONS data published on 9 June shows that more than 9 in 10 (94%) adults reported positive sentiment towards the vaccine.

Approved vaccines are available from thousands of NHS vaccine centres, GP practices and pharmacies. Around 98% of people live within 10 miles of a vaccination centre in England and vaccinations are taking place at sites including mosques, community centres and football stadiums.

New Digital Academy set to boost 10,000 small Scottish businesses

Bank of Scotland has launched a new digital academy to help people, businesses and charities across Scotland boost their essential skills.

The academy launches today (16th June) and includes live training sessions as well as videos, interactive webpages and guides that can be accessed on demand at any time, all for free. It is also committed to helping more than 10,000 Scottish businesses with their digital skills.

The online lessons are available to everyone, and will build a wide range of skills, from improving confidence online to developing a website for your business, managing your money and staying connected with friends and family. The academy also provides access to online events for small businesses and charities to network virtually and hear from expert speakers.

Bank of Scotland’s latest research revealed that 67% of people said they would improve their digital skills if they knew support was available.

The new data also found that almost two-thirds (63%) of people across Scotland are spending more time online. People are not only spending more time online but are also doing more online. For those who have tried new things for the first time during lockdown, more than nine in ten (94%) expect this to continue in the long-term and almost a fifth (17%) are concerned that their digital skills still aren’t good enough.

More than half (53%) of Scots rely on the internet for day-to-day life and 49% agreed being online helped them to find and get a job.

Philip Grant, chair of Lloyds Banking Group’s Scottish Executive Committee, said: “During the pandemic, digital skills have been a lifeline for many, helping people stay in touch with friends and access services like banking and online shopping. 

“Being online has become part of everyday life for many more people and creating the Bank of Scotland Academy is all about helping people build the right digital skills.

“For small businesses digital confidence and capability have been crucially important. In the last year, 44% of small Scottish businesses wouldn’t have continued trading without digital facilities.[1]

“Having the right digital skills means that people can stay connected with loved ones, businesses can run more efficiently, and charities can raise more funds by reaching more people.

“The lessons are open to everyone, easy to follow and completely free, so my message is: get involved.”

Kate Forbes MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy, added: “Digital technology plays a key role in a great many aspects of our lives and is essential to our economic recovery. As many people also choose the convenience of digital banking services, industry led initiatives such as the Bank of Scotland Academy will ensure that our financial system remains inclusive and accessible.

“If people have access to devices and the skills and confidence to use them, it will have significant benefits in economic growth and ensuring services work for us all. I would encourage anyone who thinks they would benefit to make use of this excellent new resource.”

The live lessons and resources have been created by Bank of Scotland with the help of expert learning and technology partners. The number of lessons available will evolve over time to reflect changing needs.

Sessions can be booked through Eventbrite[2] and more bespoke sessions will also be available, built around the specific needs and objectives of organisations.

*Statistics taken from the Consumer Digital Index 2021.

Best Start Grants: support for families in Scotland

Eligible parents of children aged 4 and 5 are being encouraged to apply for Best Start Grant School Age Payment worth over £250.

The School Age Payment is open to families who get tax credits or certain benefits and have a child who was born between 1 March 2016 and 28 February 2017.

The one-off payment can be used for anything from a new pair of shoes to books or arts and crafts materials. Parents who have deferred their child’s entry to school from August 2021 to August 2022 should still apply before the closing date on 28 February 2022 – if an application is made after this time it will be too late.

Best Start Grant School Age Payment is one of 5 benefits for families in Scotland. These are:
•         Scottish Child Payment
•         Best Start Grant Pregnancy and Baby Payment
•         Best Start Grant Early Learning Payment
•         Best Start Grant School Age Payment
•         Best Start Foods

Affordable Housing: ‘Scotland has been leading the way’

More than 100,000 affordable homes delivered – since 2007

Scotland has delivered more than 100,000 affordable homes since 2007, marking a major milestone on the path to a fairer, more equal nation.

Statistics published today show that 102,055 affordable homes have been delivered since April 2007, with 70,866 of these for social rent.

Scotland delivered over 75% more affordable homes per head of population than both England and Wales in the four years to 2019-20, and over nine times more social rented homes per head than in England during the same period.

Housing Secretary Shona Robison said yesterday: “This is a remarkable achievement. Today’s statistics tell the story of more than 100,000 households being given access to high-quality, affordable homes – whether they be for social rent or people owning a home for the first time.

“I would like to thank registered social landlords, local authorities, the construction sector and our other partners for helping us hit this significant milestone.

“Scotland has been leading the way across the UK with delivery of affordable housing, but we know there is more to do to ensure everyone has a warm, affordable home that meets their needs in a vibrant, safe community.

“Our utmost priority over the past year has been to keep Scotland safe from Coronavirus (COVID-19), and this has meant placing restrictions on construction or at times stopping it altogether.

“While this has affected our ability to meet our target of delivering 50,000 affordable homes over the last parliamentary period, we are continuing to work closely with partners across the housing sector to deliver the remaining homes as quickly as it is safe to do so.

“We will then deliver a further 100,000 homes by 2032, with at least 70% of these for social rent. This is just one of the actions set out in our Housing to 2040 strategy for building a fairer, more equal housing sector, alongside taking steps to tackle high rents in the private sector, setting a single set of standards for housing quality and accessibility, and continuing our work to end homelessness and rough sleeping once and for all.”

Suspicious package in Princes Street Gardens: two arrests

Police yesterday arrested a 35-year-old man and a 32-year-old woman in connection with a suspicious package left in Princes Street Gardens on Thursday 11 January 2018.

Detective Chief Superintendent Stuart Houston, Police Scotland’s Head of Organised Crime and Counter Terrorism said: “Since the discovery of the item, officers from Police Scotland’s Counter Terrorism Unit have carried out extensive enquiries, including with European partners and law enforcement agencies.

“They have been absolutely committed to this protracted and challenging inquiry to identify those believed to be responsible. This has resulted in the arrest of two people today.”

Chief Superintendent Sean Scott, Police Scotland’s Divisional Commander for Edinburgh, added: “Enquiries by Police Scotland are ongoing and I want to re-assure the public that the activity in Granton Road and on King George IV Bridge was pre-planned and intelligence-led.

“You will see an increased police presence, however, there is no wider risk to the community.”

Final phase of Powderhall Stables transformation underway

The final phase of the City of Edinburgh Council’s Powderhall Stables refurbishment is now underway.

As part of the redevelopment of the wider site, the transform of this historic 1890s former stable block in the Broughton neighbourhood of Edinburgh will deliver a mix of individual studios and co-working spaces aimed at microbusinesses, as well as two event spaces, supporting dozens of jobs.

The building will also feature two flexible function spaces with kitchen facilities suitable for hosting a wide variety of events. The former stabling yard to the rear of the building will be turned into a new plaza. The facility is set to open in early 2022, with the Council preparing to seek expressions of interest from potential operators.

The refurbishment of the building has been designed by the award-winning practice Collective Architecture, supported by a design team including Currie & Brown, David Narro Associates, and RSP Consulting Engineers.

Following completion of a package of enabling works by Chamic Industrial Services, the main contract will be delivered by the construction services provider Sharkey, which has a strong track record of delivering heritage projects in Edinburgh including the overhaul of the historic Dalry Swim Centre.

The refurbishment of Powderhall Stables has been made possible by support from the Scottish Government’s Regeneration Capital Grant Fund along with Miller Homes’ Bonnington Micro Business Fund.

Powderhall Stables forms part of the Council-led regeneration of the old Powderhall Waste Transfer Station and adjoining former bowling greens. The wider development will deliver over 200 homes and an Early Learning and Childcare Centre, along with new green spaces and enhanced public realm, including improvements to St. Mark’s Path and two new squares.

Councillor Kate Campbell, the Council’s Housing, Homelessness, and Fair Work Convener, said: “We’ve been talking about the potential of the stables block at Powderhall for a long time – it’s so good that work is now starting, and we’ll see it back in use as a cornerstone of the whole development.

“The community were very involved in shaping these plans and telling us what they needed from the development. So, it’s fantastic that this amazing building will be available next year, supporting jobs by providing affordable work space for small businesses and local people, alongside creating a flexible space for the community to use.

“It’s part of our wider regeneration of this site, delivering new affordable homes and facilities that will benefit the whole community.”

Councillor Mandy Watt, the Council’s Housing, Homelessness, and Fair Work Vice Convener, said:I’m looking forward to seeing the development start to take shape over the course of next year, restoring the lovely stable blocks, bringing them back into use and giving local residents back this area that has been unused for so long.

“Earlier this year we also saw planning permission submitted for the former Bowling Green site as part of the wider Powderhall development. This will see one of the first intergenerational facilities built in Scotland and will offer health and wellbeing benefits for the older residents and new learning and social opportunities for children attending the nursery.”

The Scottish Government’s Community Wealth Minister, Tom Arthur, said:This is a great project which will restore the previously abandoned category B-listed former stable block, transform it into a modern work and events space and provide the local community with new places to work, learn and socialise.

“This project has been made possible by £1.4 million investment from the Regeneration Capital Grant Fund, with local community involvement in progressing the plans.

“The fund is playing a vital role, helping reinvigorate local communities and town centres by investing in projects that provide jobs and support local businesses. We are committed to seizing Scotland’s economic potential, creating secure, sustainable and satisfying jobs and supporting businesses recover from the Coronavirus pandemic. As part of that work, we are continuing to empower local people to invest in their communities’ future.

Mark Halliday, Contracts Director for Sharkey, said: “We are delighted to be involved in delivering a restoration project that will repair, protect and enhance the heritage of one of Edinburgh’s valued public buildings.

“We very much look forward to working in collaboration with the rest of the project team and to sharing our skills and experience on this exciting regeneration project.”

For more information, please visit

New Year’s Day working petition launched – after 14 year delay!

A consultation seeking the views of business, retailers and shop workers on New Year’s Day trading has been published by the Scottish Government. Union leaders have welcomed the announcement – but say it’s 14 years late!

The move follows an Usdaw petition to the Scottish Parliament, which was supported by the Public Petitions Committee who pressed Ministers to commit to a consultation.

Running for 10 weeks until 24 August, the consultation aims to determine whether the current law should change and restrict large retailers from trading on New Year’s Day as is the case on Christmas Day.

Affected stakeholders, including large retailers and their staff, are strongly encouraged to participate in the consultation which follows a parliamentary petition calling for trading on 1 January to be prohibited.

Public Finance Minister Tom Arthur said: “The last year has shown how much we all rely on retailers and their staff who have supported the country during the pandemic. As we look at recovery and building a sustainable economy we need to consider what will support businesses and their staff in the future.

“Following a petition to the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee calling for trading to be banned on New Year’s Day, the Scottish Government has been engaging with business groups, trades unions and others to understand what impact this would have on business and staff.

“This consultation will help us to determine whether the current law should change and restrict large retailers from trading on New Year’s Day, as they currently do on Christmas Day. 

“The Scottish Government encourages everybody with an interest to complete this consultation to ensure their views are considered.

“As we recover from the COVID pandemic we are committed to building on the £3.6 billion in support we have delivered to businesses since March 2020 and ensure we seize Scotland’s economic potential, creating secure, sustainable and satisfying jobs.”

Tracy Gilbert, Usdaw Regional Secretary for Scotland, said: “Today’s launch of a consultation on large stores closing on New Year’s Day, after an unnecessary 14 year delay, is a step forward in our campaign to get a proper break for shopworkers over the festive period.

“As key workers delivering the essential service of keeping the nation fed, shopworkers deserve a decent break over the festive period. They have worked long hours in difficult circumstances throughout the pandemic, faced unprecedented levels of abuse and worried every working day about catching the virus and taking it home to their families.

“However this is not just a campaign for the pandemic, our members have for many years demanded a proper break after the extremely busy and stressful shopping period in the run-up to Christmas. 98% say that large stores should be closed and only 4% are happy to work on New Year’s Day or 2 January.

“Hogmanay and New Year is a special holiday, but this is not reflected in the experience of many retail workers, with three-quarters saying they spend too little time with friends and family.

“We will be encouraging our members to engage with the consultation, to ensure the voices of shopworkers are heard. If we can secure a positive outcome, Usdaw will be calling for the necessary legislative processes to be completed in time for 1 January 2022.”

New Year’s Day Trading for Large Retailers Consultation – Scottish Government – Citizen Space

Covid Delta: Let’s Stick Together

Council Leaders have called on Edinburgh citizens to stick together and continue the effort to halt the spread of Covid cases in the Capital.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said yesterday that it was highly likely restrictions would not be eased down to Level Zero from 28 June when the latest roadmap plans are confirmed next week, with cases of the Delta variant continuing to rise rapidly across the country. The expected postponement of this relaxation would, she said, allow time for vaccinations to keep ahead of the virus so that more and more people in Scotland have the highest possible protection against Covid19.

Council Leader Adam McVey said: “We all desperately want life to get back to normality again and it’s always frustrating when easing restrictions needs to be slowed down or paused. Cases are rising fast, though, so it’s vital we stick together on this, because collective action is how we’ll reap the rewards for all of us.

“We really need to double down our efforts now to keep the virus in check. That means getting tested or testing yourself regularly and coming for your vaccination when you’re called for it, especially the crucial second dose.

“It’s also about continuing to follow the all-important FACTS guidance that will limit the chances of person-to-person transmission, especially if you’re meeting up with more people now than in recent weeks and months. And, in the unfortunate event you do test positive, you have to self-isolate at home – remember, there’s financial support and help available if you need it.

“I want to reiterate my sincere thanks to everyone in the city who’s worked so hard to help us jointly tackle this horrendous pandemic. Your commitment, sacrifices and perseverance have been inspiring in what’s been a very, very difficult 15 months. We need to keep digging deep now to help vaccinations win the race against the virus.”

Depute Council Leader Cammy Day said: “We’re making it as easy as possible to get yourself tested, even if you don’t have symptoms. As many as one in three Covid cases never result in symptoms, so any of us could be carrying it at any time, and you’ll only know if you take a test.

“Pop into one of our community test centres – no appointment’s needed – or order some home testing kits online so you can test yourself regularly as recommended.

“You can also collect the free, rapid lateral flow testing kits at our McDonald Road Library and Blackhall Library test centres this week and keep an eye on our dedicated community testing web page to find out where the centres are each week as we work to locate them in areas where cases are particularly high or rising.

“If we can pick up and isolate more cases, more quickly, then we’ll be able to prevent the virus from spreading further in our communities. Breaking the chain of transmission not only keeps more people safe from the risk of illness but will help us get things under control so we can ease restrictions even further.”

A mobile testing centre, run jointly with the Scottish Ambulance Service, will be open at Heart of Midlothian Football Club from Thursday 17 to Wed 23 June, close to the Wheatfield Stand on the corner of Wheatfield Place and Wheatfield Street.

The centre will offer PCR tests for people without symptoms and will be open for walk-in appointments from 10am to 6pm daily.

Ann Park, Hearts’ Director for Communities and Partnerships said: “Heart of Midlothian is delighted to host the walk-up COVID 19 testing facility at our Wheatfield Street entrance at Tynecastle Park from Thursday 17 June. 

“The Club is pleased to support this vital community service, which will help in efforts to reach Level Zero more quickly.”

Community test centres are open for people with no COVID-19 symptoms at:

  • Blackhall Library from Monday 7 to Sunday 20 June 9am-6pm [test pick-up available]
  • McDonald Road Library from Monday 14 June to Saturday 26 June 9am-6pm [test pick-up available]
  • Mobile Testing Unit, North West Locality office, 8 West Pilton Gardens until Sunday 20 June 9am-6pm [test pick-up available]
  • Mobile Testing Unit, Scottish Water, 55 Buckstone Terrace, from Monday 14 June until Friday 18 June  10am-6pm [test pick-up available]
  • Mobile Testing Unit, Heart of Midlothian Football Club, Wheatfield Stand, from Thursday 17 June to Wednesday 23 June 10am-6pm
  • Gilmerton Library from Monday 21 June to Saturday 26 June 9am-6pm [test pick-up available]
  • Wester Hailes Library from Monday 21 June to Saturday 26 June 9am-6pm [test pick-up available]