Hibernian players spread festive cheer at Edinburgh Sick Kids


Children and young people were treated to a surprise visit from some famous footballing faces when players from Hibernian FC made an unexpected appearance at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children.

Head Coach Jack Ross and his squad spread some festive joy by making their way around the wards to meet with young patients and their families and hand out Christmas gifts.

The visit is organised by Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity (ECHC), which supports and complements the RHSC and works hard to make Christmas magical for those visiting the hospital.

Jack Ross said: “I’ve only recently joined the club but I was made aware very quickly what a special date this is in the calendar for everyone involved and we were only too happy to come along.

“While Christmas is obviously a special time of the year it can also be a difficult period for so many so we’ll do anything we can do put a few smiles on faces.

“The players enjoyed meeting the kids and I’d like to thank Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity for helping to make Christmas magical and the staff at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children for the work that they do on a daily basis.

“They’re an inspiration to us all.”

ECHC runs a living advent calendar throughout December, which sees a different door in the hospital opened each day to reveal something special. Some of the other entertainment in store over the Christmas period includes visits from a live pipe band, the Scottish Rugby squad and a performance from the Scottish ballet.

Fiona O’Sullivan, Arts Programme Manager at ECHC, said: “The football team visits to the hospital are always a huge hit with the children and young people. Some of the kids are massive football fans and avid supporters of Hibs so it really makes their day to meet their favourite players.

“Christmas is a very special time of year and we work hard to ensure no child or young person misses out on the joy and magic of the festive season. It’s the generosity of our supporters, like the Hibs players, that enables us to do this.”

Lonely this Christmas

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The Torchlight Procession
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