Planning Democracy: Community Guide to Planning Appeals

Planning Democracy’s new Community Guide to Appeals is now available.

If a developer appeals a planning decision what can you do? How do you get the community voice heard at an appeal? What happens when?

All these questions and more can be found in the guide at:

First Ministers urge PM Boris Johnson: Do the right thing

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has joined with the First Minister of Wales and the First Minister and deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland to demand Prime Minister Boris Johnson “do the right thing” by reversing the decision to withdraw the £20-a-week uplift to Universal Credit.

In a rare joint intervention, the leaders of the devolved nations have warned in a letter that the UK Government “is withdrawing this lifeline just as the country is facing a significant cost-of-living crisis.”

They have urged the Prime Minister to “consider the moral, social and economic harms” of the of this cut, and “do the right thing” and reverse his government’s decision to withdraw this funding which will harm around 6 million people across the UK.

The First Minister, along with Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford and Northern Ireland First Minister and deputy First Minister Paul Givan and Michelle O’Neill say the move, which comes into effect this Wednesday, 6 October, is short sighted at a time of increases in the cost of food and fuel, rising inflation, the end of the furlough scheme, and imminent rise in National Insurance contributions.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “I do not think there has been anything quite so morally indefensible in UK policy in recent times as the proposed cut to Universal Credit.

“At a time when we are facing the impact of the pandemic, Brexit and soaring costs, removing £20 per week from the lowest-income households simply cannot be defended in any way, shape or form.

“The planned cut represents the biggest overnight reduction to the basic rate of social security in more than 70 years and would sever a crucial lifeline for countless households across the UK at a time when budgets are already facing an unprecedented squeeze.

“It is an immoral, ill-thought out and ultimately counterproductive policy which simply must be stopped.  

“Those on low incomes are going to find it difficult to feed their children, heat their homes, and pay their rent if the cut goes ahead. We have therefore united as the leaders of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to say to the Prime Minister: ‘Do not do this.’”

The full text of the letter is included below:

Dear Prime Minister

We are writing to call on you, with the utmost urgency, to reverse your Government’s short-sighted decision to withdraw the £20-per-week uplift to Universal Credit.

Your Government is withdrawing this lifeline just as the country is facing a significant cost-of-living crisis. This winter millions of people are facing an untenable combination of increases to the cost of food and energy, rising inflation, the end of the furlough scheme, and an imminent hike to National Insurance contributions.

There is no rationale for cutting such crucial support at a point when people across the UK are facing an unprecedented squeeze on their household budgets.

Within the last month, an overwhelming majority of elected members in Holyrood, the Senedd, Stormont and Westminster have voiced their opposition to this cut to Universal Credit, as have the four social security committees of each parliament. The four Children’s Commissioners of each nation, numerous charities and faith groups have also expressed their grave concerns as have millions of people who face additional and unnecessary hardship because of this cut to Universal Credit against the backdrop of a winter of hardship.

We note your Government’s announcement of a Household Support Fund – an acknowledgment that too many people will be unable to make ends meet this winter. Unfortunately, a £500 million fund handed out on a discretionary basis is wholly inadequate to making up the £6 billion shortfall in social security expenditure that will result from the cut to Universal Credit.

Your Government has repeatedly refused to conduct any impact analysis on the biggest overnight reduction to the basic rate of social security for more than 70 years.

As such, it is important that we draw your attention to the growing body of evidence and analysis about the harm this cut will inflict. Research by the Resolution Foundation and the Trussell Trust has highlighted the significant and devastating impact the cliff-edge withdrawal of the £20-a-week uplift to Universal Credit will have on family incomes, with an associated rise in food insecurity.

The Legatum Institute has produced sobering analysis highlighting that the £20-per-week uplift has kept 840,000 people, including 290,000 children, out of poverty in Q2 of 2021. It makes no sense at all to knowingly pursue a policy that will result in this immense and needless rise in child poverty and we ask you to consider the lasting harm and costs of this cut accordingly.

It is important to note that this will increase poverty and hardship without delivering any tangible social or economic benefits. The UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights said – when calling upon you to reverse this cut – that for a healthy and well-qualified workforce to emerge, your Government must provide adequate levels of social protection. Years of a freeze on benefits means Universal Credit has not kept pace with rising living costs. Further to this, rising inflation means that a basic rate of Universal Credit after this cut will hold less purchasing power than it did in March 2020.

To support a meaningful recovery from this pandemic we must first ensure the needs of our most vulnerable are met. This cut threatens to undermine the recovery by diminishing the capacity of six million people to make ends meet.

It is not too late for you to reverse the decision to take money out of the pockets of the poorest in society at a time when they are facing a serious cost of living crisis.

We, with the full support of the Northern Ireland Executive and the Scottish and Welsh Governments, urge you to consider the moral, social and economic harms of this cut, and do the right thing and reverse your decision to withdraw this lifeline.

A copy of this letter is being sent to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, the Chancellor of the Exchequer and relevant Secretary of States for the devolved nations.

Yours sincerely

Nicola Sturgeon First Minister of Scotland

Mark Drakeford First Minister of Wales

Paul Givan First Minister of Northern Ireland

Michelle O’Neill Deputy First Minister

Independent advocacy support service for disabled people

New service will launch in the New Year

Disabled people are to benefit from a ground-breaking new advocacy service which will support access to Scotland’s social security services.

The Scottish Government has committed £20.4 million over the next four years to the provision of the new and free programme, unique in the UK.

It will offer advocacy support to disabled people looking to access Scottish social security benefits.

These include current and future disability benefits such as Child Disability Payment, Adult Disability Payment and Pension Age Disability Payment.

The service will be operational in the new year and is entirely independent of the Scottish Government and Social Security Scotland. It will be available in each NHS board area and will create up to 100 new jobs across the country.

Social Security Minister Ben Macpherson said: “The service will provide advocacy to anyone who is disabled and requires support to communicate their needs when accessing Scotland’s social security services.

“This assistance will be person-centred and advocates will provide the most appropriate form of support to each individual based on their circumstances.

“This is a new and independent free service, with no equivalent provided by DWP.

“It builds on our human rights-based approach and makes social security more accessible to disabled people in Scotland, ensuring their voices are heard.”

VoiceAbility, a charity with 40 years’ experience delivering advocacy services, has been awarded the contract to provide the service.

They will establish a new base and training centre in Glasgow and create up to 100 jobs over the four years. There will be at least one advocate in each NHS area at launch, with more jobs to be created as disability benefits are introduced.

VoiceAbility CEO Jonathan Senker said: “We are proud to launch this new independent advocacy service and we look forward to establishing a base in Scotland and taking on the staff to deliver it.

“The advocacy we provide will support disabled people to make sure their voices are heard when it matters most and that more people will get the support they’re entitled to.”

Brian Scott of the Glasgow Disability Alliance added: “Our members have highlighted the barriers that many disabled people face in accessing support to find out about the social security benefits they are entitled to – and to apply for them. 

“We welcome this free advocacy service as it will ensure disabled people are more involved in the processes and decisions which affect them. 

“In making social security more accessible to disabled people, it shows real evidence of a rights-based approach to providing services.”

Grants for tenants in rent arrears

£10m to help people worst affected by pandemic to avoid eviction

Councils have been given £10 million to provide grants to tenants who have fallen behind on their rent as a result of the pandemic and are at risk of eviction.

The grants will help tenants who are struggling financially as a direct result of the pandemic, allowing them to reduce or pay off their rent arrears. They will be available to tenants in both the private and social rented sectors.

This is part of a package of measures available to local authorities to prevent homelessness, alongside Discretionary Housing Payments and advice on maximising income. The grants also come on top of the Scottish Government’s £10 million Tenant Hardship Loan Fund.

Housing Secretary Shona Robison said: “We have been doing all we can to support tenants who are struggling as a result of the pandemic, and this latest funding takes our total housing support to almost £39 million.

“These grants will support tenants and landlords who are willing to work together to address rent arrears and agree a repayment plan to ensure the tenant is able to avoid eviction.

“Councils have substantial experience in supporting people who have fallen behind on their rent, and are therefore well placed to work with both tenants and landlords in making use of this grant fund. Anyone who has been financially impacted by the pandemic and needs help to avoid eviction should contact their local authority housing department to discuss their circumstances.”

Councillor Kelly Parry, COSLA Community Wellbeing spokesperson, said: “We are working closely with the Scottish Government to support tenants through the grant fund.

“The pandemic has resulted in some facing a significant loss of income which has resulted in a proportion of these developing rent arrears. The fund is limited and therefore will be targeted at those most at risk of eviction, but will allow local authorities, tenants and landlords to work together to stay in their homes and prevent homelessness.

“Councils have a lead role in supporting a fair and inclusive recovery. Enabling people to sustain their tenancies helps maintain their important community connections.”

Nearly £1.5million will be allocated to Edinburgh to help those in social and private tenancies at risk of becoming homeless.

This share of the Scottish Government’s new £10m Tenant Hardship Grant Fund will further aid the City of Edinburgh Council in preventing evictions as a result of COVID-19 related rent arrears.

The aim of the fund is to provide an additional tool for the Council to help save tenancies, create sustainable housing solutions for individuals and prevent homelessness, alongside its other initiatives in place.

This includes the Council’s Private Rented Service (PRS) Team, which looks to help private renters keep their existing tenancy or to move to either a new private or mid-market rent secure tenancy, and  the ‘multi-disciplinary response’ team which helps Council tenants who are struggling to maintain their tenancy or falling into rent arrears.

In addition Edinburgh Help to Rent, which is a service the Council contracts Crisis to deliver, provides rent deposit guarantee bonds. 

Under Scottish Government guidelines, local authorities have to allocate the Tenant Hardship Grant Fund by the end of this financial year (March 2022). The Council is currently assessing eligibility criteria in order to support those most at risk.

Councillor Kate Campbell, Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work committee said: “This money from the Scottish Government comes at a critical time. Between the cut in Universal Credit, the national insurance increase, the end of furlough, rocketing household fuel bills due to the energy crisis, and now the fuel crisis – households are being hit hard.

“We will use this money to help people who have fallen into rent arrears during the pandemic, to help prevent evictions, homelessness and the burden of debt being placed on vulnerable households. This is a lifeline that will help people to stay in their own homes.

“Our Private Rented Sector Team has stopped 427 households from becoming homeless in the last 18 months, while our multi-disciplinary response team is successfully supporting our council tenants who’ve fallen into arrears. This funding from the Scottish Government means we can do even more to prevent families and households becoming homeless.”

Councillor Mandy Watt, Vice Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work committee said: “The work being done by the Council and in collaboration with partner organisations like Crisis has already made a big difference to preventing people from becoming homeless. But there is still more that needs to be done with around 6,000 people currently homeless in our Capital.

“As we come out of the Covid-19 pandemic, it could become even more difficult to find suitable accommodation for everybody who needs it. So the work of our prevention teams will be more important than ever.

“We will be working to identify those most at risk without delay because many people are already in financial difficulty and it’s likely to get worse as winter weather and rising energy prices put more strain on household budgets.”

Nina Ballantyne, Citizens Advice Scotland Social Justice spokesperson, said: “The Citizens Advice network saw a real spike in demand for housing-related advice during the pandemic. Our analysis suggests almost 300,000 people in Scotland missed a housing payment last year because they ran out of money before pay day.

“We called for more support for tenants and are delighted to see this fund launch – we’d now encourage people to seek advice on what support is right for them and make use of all the options available.”

Local advice is available from Granton Information Centre. Telephone 0131 552 0458, 0131 551 2459 or email

From MND patients to the Prime Minister: We need your help NOW

MND letter relays the country in bid for £50 million from UK Government

Doddie Weir OBE and Euan MacDonald MBE have kickstarted a nationwide ‘MND letter relay’ from Scotland to 10 Downing Street. The letter, which has already been signed by hundreds of motor neurone disease (MND) patients from across the country, calls for the UK Government to invest in MND research.

United to End MND – a campaign led by charities MND Scotland, the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation and MND Association, as well neurologists and people living with MND – calls for £50 million of UK Government funding over five years to target MND research.

To catapult the campaign, patients throughout the UK have now written and signed a personal letter to the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, which will be presented at 10 Downing Street on Tuesday 21st September, by rugby legends Doddie Weir and Rob Burrow.

Speaking to BBC Breakfast to launch activities on Thursday, Doddie said: “We are continuing to fight to try and make a difference, and to try and find a cure for this horrific issue of MND. The UK has the best researchers in the world and at the moment we’re nearly there to find a stoppage or a cure.

“So this letter, and the money from the Government, will make a massive difference. This will give a lot of hope to people with MND. We need to take it to the next level and with that we need the Government’s help.”

Before his departure to London, Doddie is leading the charge by sending the patient letter on a relay across the nation, to encourage more people living with MND to sign it, starting with fellow MND campaigner, Euan MacDonald in Edinburgh.

Euan, who has MND, is the co-founder of the Euan MacDonald Centre for MND Research. He was joined there by Dr Suvankar Pal, Consultant Neurologist from the University of Edinburgh and Rachel Maitland, MND Scotland’s Chief Executive, who are showing their support for the letter.

The letter states ‘MND is a death sentence’ but that ‘research has now reached a point where a cure or life-saving treatments can be found’. It continues ‘The current piecemeal and protracted approach of funding individual projects will not deliver the life-saving treatments we need …we urgently appeal for action and investment now’.

Euan said: “I very much believe the goal of finding treatments for MND is achievable. The letter and supporting statements highlight the personal impact this disease has had on families like mine and others up and down the country. 

“We are trying to ensure other people’s children, spouses, parents and siblings don’t have to go through what ours have. I’d like to appeal to the Prime Minister to back MND patients and have confidence in UK Science achieving what may have previously seemed impossible – a cure for MND.”

Currently the UK Government’s funding for targeted MND research stands at less than £5 million a year, which the campaign coalition says is not enough. £50 million from the UK Government over five years would fund a virtual institute for MND Research, providing the infrastructure needed for accelerating treatments for MND.

The funding bid has already been debated in the UK Parliament after a petition to garner public support gathered more than 100,000 signatures in just three weeks. Members of the campaign coalition have met with key politicians to explain the desperate need for the cash, to shore up the investment made by charities and industry.

With the support of MND charities and neurologists, campaigners are now taking the call directly to Downing Street and people living with MND still have the opportunity to add their signature here:

Dr Suvankar Pal, the Co-Lead Investigator of MND-SMART, the UK’s biggest drug trial for MND, said: “This is an exciting time for MND research with many centres across the UK working on important areas ranging from drug discovery to delivery of treatment trials.

“We fully support this initiative which promotes collaborative working and much needed investment in research with the aim of delivering new treatments for MND in a timely way.”

Rachel Maitland, MND Scotland’s Chief Executive, said: “We are united here today to ensure the voices of those living with MND are heard by the UK Government.

“The average life expectancy for someone with MND is just 18 months from diagnosis. People like Doddie and Euan do not have time to wait, and neither does our search for a cure.

“MND Scotland’s vision is a world without MND. But we are only able to fund the pioneering research taking place at the Euan MacDonald Centre, and other institutes across the UK, because of the generosity of our supporters. MND isn’t incurable, it’s just under-funded. Together, we will beat MND, but we cannot do it without the UK Government’s support.”

To find out more about the campaign visit or tweet your support @MNDScotland @MNDAssoc and @MNDoddie5 using #United2EndMND.

Last chance for Healthy Heart projects to apply for £10,000 grant from Heart Research UK

Community groups in Scotland that help local people look after their hearts can now apply for a regional grant up to £10,000, thanks to national charity Heart Research UK and the Subway® brand.

The deadline for applying is 5pm on Monday 20th September 2021.

The Heart Research UK and Subway® Healthy Heart Grant is available for new and innovative projects that promote healthy hearts and reduce the risk of heart disease in the community. Projects should deliver health initiatives such as cooking skills and healthy eating and should encourage people to get more active and promote positive mental wellbeing.

The £10,000 has been raised locally in Subway® stores throughout the region. Previous grantees from Scotland have included the Feel Good Women’s Group, who led fitness and cooking classes for local women.

In response to the pandemic, we have adapted the criteria for our Healthy Heart grants. We will accept applications for projects which can be delivered remotely or with social distancing measures in place. This year we are also accepting applications for the funding of equipment only.

Community groups in Scotland that help local people look after their hearts can now apply for a regional grant up to £10,000, thanks to national charity Heart Research UK and the Subway® brand.

The deadline for applying is 5pm on Monday 20th September 2021.

Kate Bratt-Farrar, Chief Executive of Heart Research UK, said: “Through our partnership with Subway®, we hope to encourage people all across the country to make healthier choices and give them practical help to do so.

“This grant is available to ensure everyone can benefit from a healthier, happier and longer life.

“We’re looking for new and innovative projects that really have an impact, especially if they aim to improve the health of at risk or hard to reach communities. We’re really grateful to the many customers and staff at Subway® stores who have raised the money to make this possible.”

The deadline for applying is the Monday 20th September 2021 and this can be done by visiting:

For more information, please call 0113 234 7474 or email:

Dog lovers in Scotland needed to take part in ‘land-bark’ survey

Dogs Trust in Scotland is calling on local dog lovers to take part in the biggest ever nationwide survey to help dogs and owners of the future.

The National Dog Survey, launched by Dogs Trust, will help the charity better-understand the UK’s 12.5 million-strong pooch population and the part dogs play in their owners’ lives, shaping the support the charity offers to canine companions and their families.

Dogs Trust has two rehoming centres in Scotland, one in Glasgow and the other in West Calder, both of which find homes for hundreds of rescue dogs each year.

Sandra Downie, Rehoming Centre Manager for Dogs Trust in Glasgow, says: “Through this survey we want to learn as much as possible about dog ownership to inform what we do to improve dog welfare and support dog owners.  

“Dogs Trust has been around for 130 years and in that time so much has changed when it comes to dogs being at the heart of our family. 

“This is the first time we have carried out a survey of this kind and we want to hear from dog owners as well as people who don’t currently have a dog but have lived with one in the past.  By gathering as much information as we can, we will be able to help people and dogs live the best lives possible together.”

The online survey asks dog owners about everything from how their dog behaves and what training they do with their four-legged friend, to questions about their relationship such as do they celebrate their dog’s birthday and do they tell them they love them.

It also covers people’s post-pandemic plans for their dog such as are they hoping to take them into the office with them or will they employ a dog walker, if they are returning to their workplace.

The survey, which can be completed online at, also asks people to say how having a dog improves their life, what advice they would give to people looking to welcome a dog into their family and what one thing could Dogs Trust do to help them and their dog live happily together.

Sandra adds: “We always love to hear tales from owners who have adopted from us, and every single one of them has a different story to tell. We now want to capture the experiences of all local dog owners so we can build a picture of dog ownership today and what more Dogs Trust can do to help them and their dogs.

“This will be the most comprehensive census of dogs and dog lovers ever completed and we would love it if everyone who is passionate about dogs could do their bit to help our four-legged friends of the future have the best lives possible.

“What people tell us today will help us make sure we are able to do everything we can to support dogs and their owners for the next 130 years and more.”

For more information and to take part in the National Dog Survey, visit 

Dog owners who complete the survey will get tailored behaviour advice sent direct to them.

The closing date is 17th October.

Earth in Common launches fundraiser following arson attack

Environmental action charity Earth in Common (formerly Leith Community Crops in Pots) have launched an online fundraising campaign following an arson attack on the project.

Earth in Common’s premises were subject to a ‘devastating’ arson attack on Saturday evening.

They explained: “Fortunately no one was hurt, however as a small charity with the community at the heart of what we do this is devastating. The cost to our infrastructure, recycling facilties is over £2000 and the valuable time and effort put in by our staff/ volunteers is unmeasurable.”

Earth in Common have been overwhelmed by messages of support and have now set up a fundraising campaign on the Justgiving platform.

If you would like to make a monetary contribution please go to: 

The Earth in Common team are also organising a Clear Up Day this Saturday (18th September) from 10am-4pm – check out their website for latest information.

Wondrous Woods launches charity partnership with Maggie’s

Scotland’s spectacular lighting trail proud to celebrate cancer support charity’s 25th anniversary  

Scotland’s dazzling lighting trail Wondrous Woods is proud to announce its charity partner for 2021 is the inspirational cancer support organisation Maggie’s.  

Maggie’s celebrates 25 years of providing expert support to people with cancer and their friends and family and Wondrous Woods is inviting centre visitors at Maggie’s to the lighting extravaganza to help raise vital funds.  

The lighting trail, which runs from October 21st to November 14th, will illuminate Hopetoun House, just outside Edinburgh, and light up a magical woodland journey through its beautiful grounds.

This year visitors will help to pay tribute to Maggie’s vital work  with the chance to donate to the charity which relies almost entirely on voluntary donations to support people living with cancer, their family and friends. 

To celebrate the organisation’s 25th anniversary, on the 4th November a Maggie’s logo will appear illuminated against the magnificent backdrop of the House and orange lasers will punctuate the trail. 

Wondrous Woods is also offering discounted tickets to 250 Maggie’s newsletter readers and running a social media competition to win family tickets for the event and the opportunity to experience the grandeur of the ancestral home with a sumptuous evening of drinks, plus a hamper of food courtesy of Maggie’s, served in the Tapestry Room. 

Designed and produced by the team at 21CC Group, this year’s celebratory trail includes several sound and special effects installations and showcases a host of new and exciting festival-themed features including Kaleidoscope, Rubik’s Cube, Loo Lane and UV Madness. 

Geoff Crow, Director of 21CC Group says: “Maggie’s do a truly amazing job providing support centres and information for people who are coping with a terrible change in their lives.

“And the fantastic thing is that their services are absolutely free. But they constantly need funding to provide these and we’re hoping that people who come along to Wondrous Woods will not only have a wonderful experience but also take the opportunity to combine that with supporting this inspirational charity. 

“We are thrilled to be associated with Maggie’s and hope to do them proud in their silver anniversary year.”  

Visitors who opt to support Maggie’s will be able to choose from different levels of donation when they purchase tickets for the trail

Maggie’s Andrew Anderson at Maggie’s Edinburgh said: “We are honoured that Wondrous Woods  has chosen to support Maggie’s this year. Maggie’s has been there for people with cancer and their families during the most difficult of times. 

“Maggie’s Edinburgh was the first centre to open in 1996 and this year we are celebrating 25 years of expertise. 

“We rely almost entirely on voluntary donations to support people living with cancer, as well as family and friends, so we are so grateful for your support.” 

For further information about Wondrous Woods and to purchase tickets, visit 

Dad runs two marathons in two months for charity that helped his daughter communicate again

Robin Gibson from Edinburgh, has signed up to take on the Brighton Marathon and London Marathon over the next two months to raise money for The Children’s Trust. Robin was inspired to take on the challenge after his daughter, Floss, received brain injury rehabilitation at the charity’s specialist centre.

In May 2019, Floss was celebrating her 17th birthday in her hometown of Barnard Castle when she was a passenger in a high-speed car accident.

Floss suffered a devastating brain injury which put her in a coma for a month and with limited awareness of the world around her for nearly a year. Prior to the accident, Floss was a fit and healthy A-level student and keen rugby player working towards a career as a lawyer. The accident left her with a severe brain injury, unable to walk, communicate or feed herself.

Nine months after her brain injury, aged 18, Floss moved to The Children’s Trust in Surrey where she received a combination of intensive physio, speech and language, occupational therapy, aquatics, play therapy and music therapy to try and relearn the skills she had lost.

Floss also attended The Children’s Trust School, a non-maintained special school supporting children and young people aged 2-19 with a wide range of needs.

Robin said: “With the first week of focused rehabilitation, my daughter showed responses not seen before and, three months later, she was clinically declared conscious and on the road to recovery.

“In the following nine months, The Children’s Trust helped my daughter to start to communicate, start to look after herself, make her first steps in trying to eat and even put her back on her feet with a few tentative and supported steps. Most importantly, The Children’s Trust gave my daughter her smile back.”

Robin has already reached his target of £3000 and now aims to continue his fundraising efforts and raise the bar even further.

He added: “I’m very excited to take on this challenge and raise vital funds for a charity that has given our family so much. We’ll be forever grateful for how the staff helped Floss with her recovery and I’m pleased we can give back in some way.”

If you would like to take on a challenge in aid of The Children’s Trust, the UK’s leading charity for children with brain injury, visit:

To donate to Robin’s Just Giving page, visit: