Resource Spending Review: Ambitious but realistic?

An ‘ambitious but realistic’ public spending framework has been published which outlines how more than £180 billion will be invested to deliver priorities for Scotland.

The Resource Spending Review, which is not a budget, outlines how the Scottish Government will focus public finances in the coming years to tackle child poverty, address the climate crisis, strengthen the public sector as Scotland recovers from Covid and grow a stronger, fairer and greener economy.

A targeted capital spending review has also been published to address a reduction in capital investment by the UK Government. As well as supporting the NHS and affordable housing, the capital spending review will invest around £18 billion up to 31 March 2026, with over half a billion of additional funding directed to net zero programmes compared to previous plans.

Finance Secretary Kate Forbes said: “We are of course still recovering from the Coronavirus pandemic. There is still acute pressure on the NHS, on business and the wider economy. The illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine is a humanitarian crisis, which is affecting the global economy. Rising energy prices and constrained supply chains have affected countries worldwide. While inflation is also  impacting other countries, it is not impacting them equally.

“The UK currently has the highest inflation of any G7 country– almost twice the rate of France.  Brexit has made this problem worse, with increases in food prices, hitting the poorest hardest. We are experiencing an unprecedented cost of living crisis. Inflation is at a 40-year high of 9 per cent with households facing considerable hardship.

“Today’s Resource Spending Review is not a Budget. However, it is essential to share high-level financial parameters with public bodies, local government and the third sector, so we can plan ahead together.

“Today I set out an ambitious but realistic public spending framework for the years ahead. It does not ignore the realities of our financial position, but neither does it roll back on our ambitions for change.”

Further changes to Scotland’s fiscal position and to tax and social security forecasts are expected to change the funding picture ahead of annual budgets.

The spending review however does prioritise sending in key policy areas.

These are:

Tackling child poverty and supporting households and businesses with the cost of living

  • £22.9 billion for social security assistance
  • increasing the Scottish Child Payment from £10 to £25 and expanding eligibility by the end of this year
  • providing universal free school meals to primary school children in P1-5 and expanding provision beyond that
  • uprating devolved benefits

Securing stronger public services

  • investing £73.1 billion in health and social care including developing a National Care Service
  • increasing investment in frontline health services by 20 per cent over this Parliament
  • spending more on primary and community care to ensure people get the right treatment in the right place
  • funding of £42.5 billion for local government for the delivery of services
  • investing £11.6 billion in the justice system

Achieving net zero and tackling the climate crisis

  • up to £75 million per year to deliver the Heat in Building Strategy, enabling £1.8 billion investment towards decarbonisation
  • up to £95 million towards meeting woodland creation targets
  • £46 million to introduce the community bus fund and an increase in funding for concessionary travel schemes
  • investment of over £12 million in peatland restoration
  • £4 million of resource spending alongside £150 million capital and financial investment for the North East and Moray Just Transition Fund

Building a stronger, fairer and greener economy

  • capital investment of £581 million to support the economy, including our enterprise agencies and the Scottish National Investment Bank
  • continuing through the Inward Investment Plan to attract high quality inward investment in areas such as energy transition and the space sector
  • pushing forward with the export growth plan A Trading Nation to scale up Scotland’s international reach
  • embedding entrepreneurship in education, to give young people opportunities to start and grow businesses

The spending review provides a platform for engagement ahead of the next budget on how best to reform Scotland’s high performing public sector to become more efficient, to deliver ambitious outcomes. That means rapidly digitalising the public sector, maximising revenue through public sector innovation, reforming the public sector estate and the public body landscape, and improving public procurement.

The annual Medium Term Financial Strategy has also been published to provide the economic and fiscal context for the Resource Spending Review and Capital Spending Review, including the fiscal challenges that lie ahead.

Read the Cabinet Secretary’s statement to the Scottish Parliament in full here.

COSLA has stated that the implications of the Scottish Government’s spending plans for the rest of the parliament are deeply concerning for communities across Scotland and fail to recognise the fundamental role Local Government has in addressing the Government’s own priorities of child poverty, climate change and a stronger economy.

The ‘Resource Spending Review’, published on 31 May, shows no prospect of an increase to Local Government’s core funding for the next 3 years, which is especially concerning in the current context of soaring inflation and energy costs.

This “flat-cash” scenario gives extremely limited scope for recognising the essential work of our staff, whose expectations around pay continue to be, quite rightly, influenced by Scottish Government’s decisions in relation to other parts of public sector. Put simply, the plans as they stand will mean fewer jobs and cuts to services. COSLA is seeking an urgent meeting with the First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance to discuss this further.

COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson Gail Macgregor said “Every year at Budget time, COSLA argues for fair funding for Local Government to maintain the essential services our communities rely on.

“No increase in our core funding damages these services and yesterday’s announcement will see this continue for at least the next three years. Our communities are starting to see and feel the difference”

Yesterday, the Fraser of Allander Institute also immediately recognised the impact on councils –   “The local government budget will decline by 7% in real terms between 2022/23 and 2026/27…….the real terms erosion of the funding allocations of local authorities represents the continuation of a longer trend”

Commenting on the resource spending review, a spokesperson for the Scottish Children’s Services Coalition commented: “The Scottish Government’s resource review, which highlights a spending gap of around £3.5 billion by 2026/27, points to highly challenging times ahead for our public services (1st June 2022).

“The Fraser of Allander Institute noted that, within this, councils will see real term cuts of 7 per cent between 2022/23 and 2026/27, the implications of which are highly disturbing for those with additional support needs (ASN) who we support.

“Those with ASN make up around a third of our children and young people, including autism, dyslexia and mental health problems, many of whom were already facing considerable barriers to support and not receiving the care they need when they need it.

“While we have witnessed a more than doubling in the number of these individuals over the last decade, putting an immense strain on services, there has been a cut in spending on additional support for learning and a slashing in specialist educational support.

“Covid-19 has had a further major impact, denying care to many, and with these latest swingeing public service cuts we are potentially facing a ‘lost generation’ of vulnerable children and young people.

“We would urge the Scottish Government and newly elected councils to work together to ensure that those children and young people with ASN are made a priority, able to access the necessary support to allow them to reach their full potential.”

The STUC have yet to comment on the Spending Review.

Coalition launches Covid Safety Pledge

A coalition of trade unions, covid safety groups and the Independent SAGE have launched a new ‘Covid-19 Safety Pledge’, designed to ensure workplaces adopt measures to minimize the spread of COVID-19 infections.

The Pledge, aimed at workplaces in both the public and private sectors, asks employers to sign up to three key commitments: protect workers and customers from Covid-19, risk assess their premises and practices to safeguard against infection and specifically ask any workers who test positive for Covid to stay at home while infectious and to provide the support necessary for them to do so.

Employers who sign up for the scheme will be presented as a covid safe workplace, with their name displayed on the Pledge website ( in addition to being able to display the Pledge sign within their premises.

The move has been backed by the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) in addition to covid support groups such as Covid Families for Justice and Clinically Vulnerable Families.

The STUC warned that employers in Scotland should not roll back on health and safety and support for staff. Supermarket giant Sainsbury recently introduced a policy that allows staff to attend work if infected with covid and punishes them for covid related absence.

Commenting, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “It’s vitally important that the legacy of COVID-19 isn’t a rollback on workers’ safety or rights. The Covid-19 Safety Pledge allows employers to stand by their workers, ensuring the highest levels of protection against infection are taken, in addition to supporting staff and consumer wellbeing whilst on their premises.

“For people across Scotland – especially those who are clinically vulnerable – this Pledge can act as a clear indicator of responsibility and support for employers wanting to do right by their staff, customers and service users.

“We are also calling on the Scottish Government to support the pledge. Our joint COVID-19 Fair Work Statement should be updated for the new circumstances but also to continue to commit to the fair treatment of workers and the control of the virus.”

Supporting unions with just transition

Funding ro support worker engagement

Scotland’s journey to net zero will be amplified thanks to better partnership working between the Scottish Government and trade unions to deliver a just transition.

At the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) in Aberdeen, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will announce £100,000 in grant funding to support just transition capacity within the trade union movement.

The money will be used by STUC to coordinate worker engagement on just transition, amplify and share best practice and provide policy support.

Unions will continue to be fundamental in delivering a just transition to a net zero and climate resilient Scotland, helping to ensure a low carbon economy prospers in Scotland. 

This year’s event marks the 125 years since the first STUC Annual Congress, and the First Minister said the case for a strong union movement never goes away, with addressing inequalities a key priority for the Scottish Government in helping Scotland to recover from COVID-19.

The First Minister said: “We want the trade unions to continue to influence and shape our delivery of a just transition. That’s why I’m glad to be able to confirm today that we are providing the STUC with annual funding of £100,000, to cover STUC staffing costs for officials who can liaise with workers and with government.

“The unions – through the creation of the Just Transition Commission – have already been fundamental to our policy thinking about a just transition. This funding will ensure that they continue to be vital, as we get on with delivering good, green jobs and a truly just transition.

“The Scottish Government economic strategy rests on the idea that by supporting those who are in poverty, by delivering a just transition, by supporting fair work – we can help people to fulfil their potential and to contribute to our economy and our society.

“That’s a principle which I know the STUC is also committed to. It’s why they are valuable partners, and also important sources of challenge, as we work to create a fairer, greener Scotland.”

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “The trade union movement has been at the forefront of pushing for a just transition, ensuring climate justice is entwined with workers’ voices.

“Our movement, our environment and our planet cannot afford any more false dawns which fail to empower workers and their communities. We’re pleased that the Scottish Government has recognised this.

“This funding, in addition to the work ongoing within the Just Transition Commission, will ensure we hold business, government and all other stakeholders to account.

“We must secure good, green jobs, we must not leave communities abandoned and we must place fair work and workers’ voices at the heart of any just transition.”

Scotland’s new National Strategy for Economic Transformation rubbished by environmentalists

A new National Strategy for Economic Transformation, underpinned by detailed analysis of Scotland’s economic strengths and weaknesses, has been published by the Scottish government.

The strategy contains over 70 actions across five key priority programmes that have been identified as having the greatest potential to deliver economic growth that significantly outperforms the last decade within the current constitutional arrangements.

Investment will be prioritised in entrepreneurialism, skills and retraining and the development of new markets and opportunities, particularly in the Just Transition to net zero.

Economy Secretary Kate Forbes says it provides renewed clarity on Scotland’s economic vision and a relentless focus on delivery in order to improve economic productivity, accelerate growth and ensure work provides a genuine route out of poverty through better quality jobs and higher wages. 

A sixth programme marks a step-change in the way the Scottish Government and business listen to, support and work with each other in this national endeavour to transform the economy. Shaped by the Advisory Council and extensive engagement with stakeholders, this will enable government, business and key partners to work together to create a more prosperous, more productive and more internationally competitive economy.

The Economy Secretary launched the Strategy at the Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc in Dundee, a location which embodies the potential transformation that can be realised by bringing the six key programmes of action together.

Ms Forbes said: “This strategy intentionally focuses on five key priorities, within Scotland’s current powers, that we believe will deliver most impact. These are based on extensive data analysis which does not ignore the short or long term challenges and seeks to meet them head on.

“It does so by identifying our key strengths as a nation and the economic opportunities with the greatest potential for Scotland.  Through our detailed analytical work we have identified significant and targeted action that can shift the dial in these areas, by doubling down on the work that is producing results and by working together to maximise our success.

“We must now be bold, ruthless and laser-focused to maximise the impact of the actions we have identified.  We all know the challenges of our day – the short term and the long term – but through the tumultuous times of the past, Scotland has pioneered solutions, created jobs and established highly successful businesses. The opportunities of decarbonisation, new technologies and successful industries are far greater than the challenges.

“This is a unique moment and we are ready, willing and able to lead the way and ensure Scotland capitalises on the opportunity.”

Chief Executive Officer of Entrepreneurial Scotland Sean McGrath said: “This strategy is recognition of not just the importance of starting new businesses, but of building an entrepreneurial mindset across all types of organisations and at all levels.

“It shows a huge belief in the ability of our immensely talented workforce in Scotland. It also calls on everyone who wants to see Scotland succeed to take part. This only works if we all want it to.”

Chief Executive of Energy Transition Zone Ltd Maggie McGinlay said: “I believe energy transition has a key role to play in realising this ambition.

“Scotland has an immediate competitive advantage in that we are blessed with a vast array of natural assets that, if harnessed the right way, means we can become globally recognised for high-value manufacturing, research, development and deployment of offshore wind, green hydrogen and carbon capture and storage. 

“The scale of the energy transition opportunity before us is huge and has the potential to contribute significantly to achieving true economic transformation for Scotland.”

Tracy Black, CBI Scotland Director, said: “Business will welcome the ambitions set out in the new ‘Economic Transformation Strategy’ as the right path for Scotland’s future economy.

“The Finance Secretary is also right to recognise the importance of delivery in turning high-level ambition into action – with business playing a vital role as a trusted partner. 

“As firms across the country navigate rising living costs, ongoing shortages and spiralling business costs, they will want to see any new initiatives or investments bear fruit sooner rather than later.”

Environmentalists are calling for an urgent and inclusive national debate on economic transformation after the Scottish Government’s new strategy failed to show how it will achieve its own vision of wellbeing and ensuring a just transition to a zero-carbon economy.

The National Strategy for Economic Transformation ‘Delivering Economic Prosperity’ was launched today by the Cabinet Secretary Kate Forbes. She was supported by her Advisory Council which has previously been criticised for its lack of environmental and social justice expertise.

It comes the day after the latest UN IPCC report gave a stark reminder of the urgency of the climate crisis and the need to transform economies away from fossil fuels to avert its worst impacts.

Commenting on the Strategy, Matthew Crighton, Sustainable Economy Adviser at Friends of the Earth Scotland said: “This economic strategy has environmental sustainability and wellbeing in its vision, which is welcome, but there is a lack of concrete ideas as to how its good intentions will be delivered.

“Everyone recognises the need to be greener and fairer but without any realistic plan to achieve these changes they will remain aspirational daydreams.

“To deliver a just transition to zero carbon, the government has to assess and secure the investments needed in each part of our economy. It then needs to set out expectations for job creation and social benefits, how to measure them and who will deliver them.

“Instead, it seems happy just to point the boat forwards and hope that the fickle winds of the market economy will blow it in the right direction.

“The focus on economic growth and entrepreneurship fails to show how this approach can deliver on these wider social and environmental benefits. Instead we have a repeat of lots of the tired old ideas that have helped bring us the current state of inequality, environmental breakdown and economic insecurity.

“The Scottish Government clearly hasn’t understood the roots of these problems nor recognised the mistakes of previous plans. Perhaps this is because it hasn’t spoken to either environmental experts nor to people at the sharp end of our current economic system.”

Ahead of the strategy launch, the ‘Transform Our Economy’ alliance produced Ten Points for a Transformative Economic Strategy against which to judge the Government’s plans. These ideas were backed by 40 academics and outline a new purpose at the heart of our economy: providing wellbeing for all within environmental limits.

Crighton continued: “With our allies in the Transform Our Economy alliance, we prepared Ten Points to judge the new strategy, endorsed by 40 leading academics.

“Sadly the Scottish Government’s document gets poor marks against these, starting well with its overall vision but then failing, in particular on practical things like generating enough of the right investment streams, having clear tests for all finance and integrating new performance measures for decarbonisation and biodiversity into economic decisions.”

The document has also been criticised by the country’s leading trade unionist. Roz Foyer, STUC General Secretary who sat on the advisory group said: “Sadly, this is more a strategy for economic status quo than economic transformation.

“The National Strategy for Economic Transformation has a sprinkling of good ideas and we have successfully argued for some strong lines on the importance of Fair Work, decent pay and the role of trade unions, but overall, it is a missed opportunity to address the challenges before us and make real, transformational change.

“The main engine of the Scottish economy is the foundational economy. Unsurprisingly it is also the biggest employer. It encompasses transport, retail, energy generation, distribution and importantly education and public services.

“So, at the heart of the NSET should have been a strategy to increase pay and improve terms and conditions in these sectors. Investing in public services offers huge opportunity to support sustainable growth while tackling poverty and inequality.

“Over the coming years we face enormous challenges, none greater than the journey to net zero, a journey that must be carefully planned to ensure we create good, secure jobs that do not leave communities abandoned. Whilst the NSET talks about the potential for future development in the renewables and low carbon economy it fails to acknowledge previous failures or, more importantly, how we can learn from them and build a new industrial strategy.

“Scotland is not immune from global economic shocks, or the UK Government’s self-inflicted economic damage. Financialised capitalism embeds structural inequalities as evidenced by the escalating cost-of-living crisis.

“Addressing these structural inequalities is fundamental and it will certainly not be solved by prioritising becoming a ‘magnet for global private capital’ nor through the appointment of a ‘Chief Entrepreneurship Officer.’ Genuinely building new business start-ups is a good idea, flooding the economy with new start-ups, too many of which then fail, is not.

“The public sector has an enormous role to play in our economic transformation yet it is barely mentioned in the Scottish Government’s strategy. Neither is there any mention of tax – which is crucial to tackling inequality and raising revenue.

“Paying lip-service to community wealth building and the desire for a well-being economy will not deliver the change needed. If we are serious about economic transformation the Scottish Government must develop a green industrial strategy and invest in our public sector and the local authorities that make our vital services a reality.

“We will continue to engage with Scottish Government both on taking forward the more positive elements and aspirations of this strategy and to ensure the foundational economy is not left behind in Scotland’s economic future.”

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service sign TUC’s Dying to Work Charter and commit to employees

Charter protects rights at work for those facing a terminal illness

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) has signed up to the Dying to Work Campaign which aims to help employees who become terminally ill at work.

The campaign is managed by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and employers are encouraged to sign up to a voluntary charter which makes a number of commitments to employees.

Signing the voluntary charter of the Dying to Work Campaign is an employer’s commitment to ensure that all employees who have a terminal illness have adequate employment protection and its aim is to provide financial security at a time when it is most needed.

The signatories on the charter include SFRS, Unison, Unite, the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), the Fire Officers Association (FOA), the Fire Leaders Association (FLA) and the Fire and Rescue Services Association (FRSA).

At SFRS head office in Cambuslang a joint signing ceremony was held on Monday, February 21 which was attended by the following:

  • Martin Blunden, Chief Officer, SFRS
  • Kirsty Darwent, Board Chair, SFRS
  • Liz Barnes, Director of People and Organisational Development. SFRS
  • Gillian Clark, Human Resources & Organisational Development Manager, SFRS
  • Pat Rafferty, STUC
  • Debbie Hutchings, Unite the Union
  • Ian Sim, Regional Secretary, FBU
  • David Crawford, Scottish Representative, FRSA
  • Andrew Hopkinson, National Secretary, FLA
  • Glyn Morgan, Strategic Advisor/Assistant Chief Executive, FOA

SFRS Chief Officer Martin Blunden, said: “We support the TUC’s Dying to Work Campaign and in signing the Dying to Work Charter, we show our continued commitment to the welfare of the staff of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

“The health and wellbeing of our staff is a priority and when employees are faced with a serious or terminal illness, it is important that they are able to choose the path that is right for them and their families, without having the additional worry of financial uncertainty.

“We hope that the signing of this charter will provide reassurance to our employees that they have the support of their employer at a time when they need it the most.”

STUC President / Unite Scottish Secretary, Pat Rafferty, said: “The STUC wholeheartedly supports the Dying to Work Charter and we warmly welcome the SFRS showing leadership by committing to it as well.

“It’s vital that organisations and employers support workers who become terminally ill. In these circumstances the worker and their families face huge emotional stress, anxiety, and possible financial worries.

“The Dying to Work Charter can help to alleviate some of these stresses and sets out a progressive way in which workers should be treated, and supported in the event of a terminal diagnosis.

“The Charter is about giving an individual options around how they want to proceed at work. In some cases, an individual will want to continue to work for as long as they can while in other cases a person may decide that they do not want to work anymore, and would rather spend their remaining time with family and friends. Therefore, we thank the SFRS for signing the Charter and allowing workers to exercise choice in the most difficult of circumstances.”

FBU Regional Secretary Ian Sim, said: “The Fire and Rescue Service within Scotland has a proud history of treating terminally ill employees in a sympathetic and dignified manner, I am delighted that SFRS are now also making this public commitment by signing the Dying to Work Charter. 

“The Charter provides staff members and their family with peace of mind, financial security and freedom of choice at a time when they are facing the most heart-breaking of circumstances.”

Scottish Representative for the FRSA, David Crawford said: “The FRSA proudly supports the Dying to Work Charter which demonstrates a public commitment to treat terminally ill employees with the necessary support, while showing empathy and sensitivity in what is a very difficult time emotionally and financially for employees and their families.

“We would also wish to thank the SFRS and other stakeholders for signing the Charter, which emphasises the strength of feeling of just how important this matter is to all employees and how it could affect anyone within the organisation.”

National Secretary, Fire Leaders Association, Andrew Hopkinson said: “It is great to see the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service continuing to demonstrate their wholehearted commitment to looking after their employees by publicly signing up to the Dying to Work Charter.

“In doing so, they are joining a growing number of organisations across the UK who have given their staff the comfort of knowing they and their families will be well supported by the Service and treated with the respect and dignity they deserve should they be diagnosed with a terminal illness.”

Glyn Morgan, Strategic Advisor, Fire Officers’ Association said: “Adoption of the Dying to Work Charter is a very positive step for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

“Although it would be hoped that all employers would treat terminally ill employees and their families with compassion that may not always be the case. Signing the Charter is a very welcome commitment to support and assist people whilst alleviating worries about employment matters during very difficult times.”

Gillian Bannatyne, Regional Organiser Unison, said:  “It’s a sad truth that people of working age will contract terminal illnesses. If that happens they deserve support from their employer – either to continue working, or spend their remaining time with their loved ones.

“We are absolutely behind SFRS in making this commitment to those workers who find themselves in tragic circumstances, and we would urge other organisations to do the same.”

ScotWind auction: A truly historic opportunity … or selling off the family silver on the cheap?

Crown Estate Scotland has announced the outcome of its application process for ScotWind Leasing, the first Scottish offshore wind leasing round in over a decade and the first ever since the management of offshore wind rights were devolved to Scotland.  

The results coming just months after Glasgow hosted the global COP26 climate conference show the huge opportunity that Scotland has to transform its energy market and move towards a net zero economy.  

Highlights include: 

  • 17 projects have been selected out of a total of 74 applications, and have now been offered option agreements which reserve the rights to specific areas of seabed   
  • A total of just under £700m will be paid by the successful applicants in option fees and passed to the Scottish Government for public spending 
  • The area of seabed covered by the 17 projects is just over 7,000km2 (a maximum of 8,600km2 was made available through the Scottish Government’s Sectoral Marine Plan) 
  • Initial indications suggest a multi-billion pound supply chain investment in Scotland
  • The potential power generated will provide for the expanding electrification of the Scottish economy as we move to net zero.
  • The details of the 17 applicants who have been offered option agreements can be found below and in the downloads section.  
Map referenceLead applicantOption FeesTechnologyTotal capacity (MW)
1BP Alternative Energy Investments£85,900,000Fixed2,907
2SSE Renewables£85,900,000Floating2,610
3Falck Renewables£28,000,000Floating1,200
4Shell New Energies£86,000,000Floating2,000
8Falck Renewables£25,600,000Floating1,000
9Ocean Winds£42,900,000Fixed1,000
10Falck Renewables£13,400,000Floating500
11Scottish Power Renewables£68,400,000Floating3,000
13Offshore Wind Power£65,700,000Fixed2,000
14Northland Power£3,900,000Floating1,500
16Northland Power£16,100,000Fixed840
17Scottish Power Renewables£75,400,000Fixed2,000
Totals £699,200,000 24,826

Simon Hodge, Chief Executive of Crown Estate Scotland, said: “Today’s results are a fantastic vote of confidence in Scotland’s ability to transform our energy sector.  Just a couple of months after hosting COP26, we’ve now taken a major step towards powering our future economy with renewable electricity.  

“In addition to the environmental benefits, this also represents a major investment in the Scottish economy, with around £700m being delivered straight into the public finances and billions of pounds worth of supply chain commitments.

“The variety and scale of the projects that will progress onto the next stages shows both the remarkable progress of the offshore wind sector, and a clear sign that Scotland is set to be a major hub for the further development of this technology in the years to come.” 

Should any application not progress to signing a full agreement, the next highest scoring application will instead be offered an option. 

Once these agreements are officially signed, the details of the supply chain commitments made by the applicants as part of their Supply Chain Development Statements will be published.  

This is just the first stage of the long process these projects will have to go through before we see turbines going into the water, as the projects evolve through consenting, financing, and planning stages.

Responsibility for these stages does not sit with Crown Estate Scotland, and projects will only progress to a full seabed lease once all these various planning stages have been completed.  

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has welcomed the “truly historic” opportunity for Scotland’s net zero economy, as the winners of the ScotWind offshore wind leasing auction were announced by Crown Estate Scotland yesterday.

17 projects, with a combined potential generating capacity of 25GW, have been offered the rights to specific areas of the seabed for the development of offshore wind power – with developers giving commitments to invest in the Scottish supply chain, providing opportunities for high quality green jobs for decades to come. 

The projects are expected to secure at least £1bn in supply chain investment for every 1GW of capacity proposed. They will also generate around £700 million in revenue for the Scottish Government and represent the world’s first commercial scale opportunity for floating offshore wind.

As well as helping complete Scotland’s own journey to net zero, creating thousands of jobs in the process, our offshore wind resource also has the potential to position Scotland as a major exporter of renewable energy, including green hydrogen.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: ““The scale of opportunity here is truly historic. ScotWind puts Scotland at the forefront of the global development of offshore wind, represents a massive step forward in our transition to net zero, and will help deliver the supply chain investments and high quality jobs that will make the climate transition a fair one.

“It allows us to make huge progress in decarbonising our energy supply – vital if we are to reduce Scotland’s emissions – while securing investment in the Scottish supply chain of at least £1 billion for every gigawatt of power.

This will be transformational. And because Scotland’s workers are superbly placed with transferable skills to capitalise on the transition to new energy sources, we have every reason to be optimistic about the number of jobs that can be created. 

“That means, for example, that people working right now in the oil and gas sector in the North East of Scotland can be confident of opportunities for their future.  The spread of projects across our waters promises economic benefits for communities the length and breadth of the country, ensuring Scotland benefits directly from the revolution in energy generation that is coming.

“The scale of opportunity represented in today’s announcement exceeds our current planning assumption of 10GW of offshore wind – which is a massive vote of confidence in Scotland. So we will now embark on the rigorous consenting process required to make sure we can maximise the potential that clearly exists in offshore wind while also ensuring that the impacts of large scale development  – including on other marine users and the wider natural environment – are properly understood and addressed.

“While it is not yet possible to say with certainty what the scale of development will ultimately be, there is no doubt that the scale of this opportunity is transformational – both for our environment and the economy.”

The Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy  partnership taking part in the current ScotWind offshore wind leasing round is  celebrating the success of three of its bids to secure seabed leases for sites which lend  themselves to the deployment of large-scale floating wind technology in Scotland. 

Two of the partnership’s proposed projects – a site east of Aberdeen in Plan Option E1  and a site north of Fraserburgh in Plan Option NE6 have been granted leases from Crown Estate Scotland – along with a proposed site east of Caithness in Plan Option  NE3 which will be developed by a consortium of Falck Renewables, BlueFloat Energy  and Ørsted.

The three areas could accommodate a total of approximately 3.0 GW of  offshore wind capacity with the projects scheduled to be operational by the end of the  decade, subject to securing consent, commercial arrangements and grid connections. 

The successful bids combined BlueFloat Energy’s knowledge and experience in  developing, financing and executing offshore wind projects with Falck Renewables’  strong track record of global project development and over 15 years of community  engagement in Scotland. 

Carlos Martin, CEO of BlueFloat Energy, said: “The Scottish coastline is ideal for  developing offshore wind projects and our team is thrilled to be given the opportunity  to deploy our expertise to deliver these projects in Scotland.

“The potential for boosting  the economy and reinforcing Scotland’s position at the forefront of the energy transition  is huge. We have already carried out extensive work on mapping out the Scottish supply  chain and now look forward to ensuring we work with as many local companies as  possible.” 

Toni Volpe, CEO of Falck Renewables, said: “We are delighted that our applications  have won the support of Crown Estate Scotland and that our offshore wind projects will  be making a considerable contribution to providing Scotland with clean energy.

“Falck  Renewables has a worldwide renewables portfolio and with our growth strategy we are  on track to facilitate the global transition to a low carbon future.” 

Richard Dibley, Managing Director of Falck Renewables Wind Ltd, said: “We are hugely  excited about the positive impact these projects will have on the whole of Scotland in  terms of creating jobs, economic benefit and helping to achieve a net zero future.

“Over  the past 15 years we have seen communities empowered with the help of the financial  support they have received from our onshore wind farms and we look forward to sharing  the benefits of offshore wind with local communities.”  

The Falck Renewables, BlueFloat Energy, Ørsted consortium has already begun work  with community ownership experts Energy4All on a new framework which will allow  residents of Scotland and Scottish communities to share the financial benefits of the  offshore wind energy projects the consortium plans to build in the future.  

As part of the preparatory work to deliver the offshore wind projects the consortium  will collaborate with Energy Skills Partnership Scotland (ESP) to help train up a skilled  workforce in time for construction to begin.  

Research will also be carried out with the Scottish Association for Marine Science  (SAMS) to investigate the potential effects of floating offshore wind developments on  the marine environment. Projects under discussion will examine how fishing interests  and offshore wind can work together and study the interaction of fish, marine mammals  and seabirds with floating offshore wind farms.

Energy4All is a non-profit distributing co-operative social enterprise formed by the Baywind Energy Co-operative in 2002 to enable more communities to own and operate renewable energy projects.

Marna McMillin, Chief Executive of Energy4All, said: “Climate breakdown is the key environmental challenge facing our society. If we are to successfully decarbonize our economy, we must rapidly replace polluting fossil fuels with clean power. This requires us to generate much more zero carbon electricity to heat our homes and power our vehicles. 

“We need the public to support those changes, and we believe one of the best ways of ensuring that support is to allow individuals to have a share in those projects. 

“Falck Renewables has a 15-year track record of working with Energy4All having successfully set up seven co-operatives at its Scottish onshore wind farms, enabling thousands of people to buy a stake in their local wind farm. 

“We think partnerships of this sort could be a model for other offshore projects in both the UK and the rest of Europe.”

Reacting to the outcome of the application process for ScotWind leasing by Crown Estate Scotland, the ALBA Party Depute Leader and MP for East Lothian Kenny MacAskill MP said: “This offshore wind giveaway is selling the family silver cheap while Scots families face crippling energy bills this April. 

“Those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it. It looks like the Scottish Government have surrendered vast chunks of the North Sea wind resource for a relative pittance just as Westminster gave away Scotland’s oil in the 1970s.

“Instead of a one off payment of under £700 million there should be annual payments. Instead of Scottish resources being just handed over to international investment companies there should be a public stake in every single field.

“One has to question the basic competence of Crown Estate  Scotland. They think they have auctioned away 10-12 GW of power. Informed industry estimates are the real capacity from this round alone is double that. 

“Offshore wind is fast becoming the most lucrative major power source on the planet. Scotland has one quarter of the resource of Europe. It will be cold comfort to Scottish pensioners shivering in their homes facing vast fuel bills to know that the Scottish Government have given away so much of the green power of the future for so little in return.”

The STUC says that the announcement must mark the end of broken promises to Scottish workers and presage the start of a long overdue renewables jobs revolution.

Oil giants Shell and BP, alongside Scottish and Southern Energy, Scottish Power Renewables, and a number of multinational companies have all won leases to develop offshore wind farms off Scotland’s coast.

Following campaigns from trade unions in the wake of failures to secure meaningful fabrication contracts at BiFab, the ScotWind leasing round included requirements on companies to make supply chain commitments, with many bidders making public statements promising major investments in job creation. However, these statements have not yet been published and in any case they do not require a specific proportion of work to be undertaken locally.

The STUC continues to be concerned that so few successful bids are from domestic companies, with previous experience showing that multinational companies regularly offshore work to Europe and the Far East.

The STUC is calling for the Scottish Government to call a summit of successful developers to secure ongoing commitments to cooperate on delivery and work with unions and government to make the green jobs revolution a reality.

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “Over the past six months the public relations teams of the prospective bidders have been in overdrive, promising the long overdue renewables jobs revolution. Now we need to make that happen.

“The First Minister says that we have every reason to be optimistic about the number of jobs that can be created, but our skills workers in oil and gas need more than words given the experience over the past decade tells us that jobs in offshore wind are consistently offshored overseas.

“With over 1000 massive turbines to become operational over the next decade, it would be nothing short of economic vandalism if we fail to build a thriving supply chain in Scotland. Fundamental to that is building the infrastructure to enable large scale fabrication in Scottish yards, requiring local content from developers, and addressing questions of ownership through the development of a Scottish National Infrastructure company.

“Unions will work proactively and positively with employers and business to deliver the Fair Work future our workers deserve, but we will also campaign vigorously to ensure that promises are kept.”

A ‘bold and ambitious’ Budget?

Spending plans to ‘set Scotland on a new path’

The 2022-2023 Scottish Budget will help transition Scotland to becoming more prosperous, fairer and greener, Finance Secretary Kate Forbes has said.

Speaking ahead of delivering the Budget to Parliament today, Ms Forbes said the Scottish Government will deliver a bold and ambitious package of public investment that delivers on the priorities which matter most to the people of Scotland.  

Ms Forbes said: “The Scottish Budget will provide taxpayers with stability and support, set out clearly how we will accelerate our Covid recovery, and crucially, how our spending plans will set Scotland on a new ambitious path.

“It has been a challenging Budget due to the continuing impact of the pandemic, and the uncertainty and worry that Covid poses for us all. This has been confounded by the UK Government’s decision to remove necessary Covid consequential funding at a time when we undeniably need to help our public services.

“The Scottish Government has taken spending decisions that prioritise supporting people and our vital public services through the twin crises of Covid and the cost of living. It is a budget for Scotland’s future – one that will help us secure a fairer, greener and more prosperous country.”

Responding to the Scottish Budget, Tracy Black, CBI Scotland Director, said: “While the Finance Secretary has outlined some helpful interventions for business, firms that have been working tirelessly to get back on their feet after two miserable years will be left with little to get excited about.

“The removal of the business rates cliff edge in April for hospitality, retail and tourism firms will be welcomed, however many will be disappointed that the government hasn’t gone further – particularly as uncertainty around Omicron gathers pace.

“Increased funding for employability is clearly a step in the right direction but much more detail is needed on how skills funding will help firms address immediate challenges. Ultimately, greater ambition is needed on upskilling and retraining if we’re to ensure workers are equipped with the skills they need for a modern economy.

“On green investment there were some welcome announcements around green jobs and just transition. However, failing to use the non-domestic rates system to incentivise private sector investment in low carbon infrastructure feels like a missed opportunity that could have helped Scotland push-on towards its net zero target.

“Overall, business shares the Scottish Government’s vision for a fairer, greener and more prosperous economy. Firms will be keen to see how the forthcoming National Economic Transformation Strategy turns ambition into action; setting Scotland on a path towards competitiveness, dynamism and productivity growth – which is the only sustainable route to higher living standards.”

Scottish workers bitterly disappointed by pay deal as STUC insists ‘budget will result in robbing Peter to pay Paul’

The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) acknowledged the increase in public sector pay floor to £10.50 and insisted that pay rises must be fully funded by Scottish Government to avoid cash strapped councils having to make other cuts to pay the increased rate.

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “Workers across Scotland will be bitterly disappointed as they hear about the pay cuts announced today. Below inflation pay increases do nothing to help people deal with escalating costs this winter. Councils will have to rob Peter to pay Paul as services could be cut to meet the gaps in funding.

“There is a desperate need to back our public services. Huge gaps in funding in the NHS and social care have left some of the most vulnerable people in our communities without the treatment and services they urgently need. The Scottish Government have failed to take the opportunity before them to step up and back public sector workers.”

COSLA released its ‘Budget Reality’ document last night in response to the Scottish Budget.

COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson Councillor Gail Macgregor said that COSLA Leaders will meet today to discuss the implications for Local Government and respond more fully then.

In a brief statement Councillor Macgregor, said: “Our ‘Budget Reality’ document is important as it sets out the facts about the Local Government Settlement.

“It appears to be a disappointing budget for the communities that we represent, as it does not give Local Government what we need to survive and nor does it meet our campaign aspiration to help those communities to ‘Live Well Locally’,

“Once more, our core financial settlement has been hit.

“That said, we will take time to consider the finer details of today’s announcement and the full implications for both ourselves and our communities.

“As a membership organisation, our Council Leaders will come together virtually tomorrow to consider the implications, before we make a more formal response following that meeting.”

The document can be viewed here.

Responding to the Scottish Government’s budget, which was published today, Peter Kelly (Director, Poverty Alliance), said: “Today’s Scottish Government budget contains a number of welcome commitments.

“Doubling the Scottish Child Payment from April, as we and so many others across Scotland campaigned hard for, will help stem the rising tide of poverty across the country. Introducing free bus travel for young people under 22 is also a positive step toward a transport system that can tackle inequality. 

“But with over one million people in Scotland living in the grip of poverty, it is clear that we cannot let up. In 2022 we must see these actions built upon, with further steps taken to build a Scottish social security system that unlocks people from poverty.

“We must also go further in redesigning our public services, like by extending free bus travel available to all under 25s and to everyone on low incomes.”

Scottish debt help charity welcomes the doubling of the Scottish Child Payment in the Scottish Budget

Child poverty is rising in every local authority in Scotland. Even before the pandemic, one in four children in Scotland were growing up in poverty and food bank use has increased by 63% over the last five years.

The pandemic has made things even more difficult for those already struggling as it has disproportionately impacted people living on low incomes.  

CAP Scotland National Director, Emma Jackson, says, “We are delighted to hear about the Scottish Government’s commitment to double the Scottish Child Payment for families with children under the age of six.

“This is the single most impactful action that will take us four percentage points closer to reaching our interim child poverty targets and signals that ending child poverty will be a defining priority for Scotland. It is encouraging to see Scotland leading the way with this unique payment for families.

“This additional income will make a significant difference for the families we work with at Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Scotland. Families like Holly’s, who experienced problem debt after an overnight reduction in hours at work. Coupled with ill health and the challenges of being a single parent, debt began to deeply impact all aspects of Holly’s life.

“Through working with CAP Scotland, Holly was able to access the right debt solution for her and begin a debt free fresh start. The additional £40 per month will mean not having to worry as much about keeping her home warm for her and her son or buying him more food.

“Yet the very real challenges of making a low income stretch far enough to meet essential living costs remains. We welcome the news of free bus travel for those under the age of 22, the extension of free school meals to older age groups and the accelerated roll out of the Scottish Child Payment to include all children under the age of 16 by the end of next year. However, we would urge the Scottish Government to do all it can to bring the roll out of the Scottish Child Payment forward. 

“With the rising cost of living and the end to the Universal Credit uplift, many families are facing a significant struggle this winter. We’re concerned that even more people will be pushed into poverty. We are keen to hold the Scottish Government to their commitment that “we can’t leave anyone behind”.

“The announcements in today’s budget leave a risk that key groups could experience further hardship. For too many households we work with at CAP, like single adult households, there is insufficient income to cover everyday essentials – rent, food, fuel, toiletries – and borrowing money is often a necessity to survive. No one should be forced into problem debt in order to survive.”

The Scottish budget 2022-23 includes £150 million for walking, wheeling and cycling, an increase of £19.6m.   

Living Streets Scotland, part of the UK charity for everyday walking has welcomed the significant funding and the impact it will have to make cleaner and healthier forms of transport. 

The funding will put Scotland on course to ensure sustainable modes of travel get 10 per cent of resources by 2024-25. In addition, a significant increase in road safety funding is proposed. In their press release, Scottish Government says the funding aims to ‘progress ambitions to create an active travel nation, reduce car kilometres and progress towards net zero.’  

Stuart Hay, Director, Living Streets Scotland said: “Today marks a fundamental and positive change in how transport is funded with a much greater focus on people walking, wheeling and cycling.  

“Walking accounts for 22% of all trips, so it’s great to see spending levels reflecting this reality, switching from a focus on new road schemes that have resulted in congestion and emissions. 

“The £150 million investment will make it easier, safer and more attractive for more people to choose cleaner ways to travel. This is vital in the face of a climate emergency and a crisis in public health brought about by inactivity.

“This level of investment means new projects, such as national action to get more children walking to school are possible. It also makes plans to cut traffic on Scotland’s roads and streets by 20% more realistic.”  

Responding to the Scottish Government’s Budget for 2022-23, Dr Liz Cameron, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said: “Scotland’s economy is recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic faster and stronger than many expected, and this budget offered the Scottish Government an opportunity to accelerate this return to growth.

“Whilst there was much to welcome in this budget the Scottish Government should have gone further to support Scotland’s businesses, the drivers of economic growth.

“Many economic deterrents as a result of the pandemic remain in place, impacting on footfall on our town and city centre high streets, driving down demand in our vital tourism and aviation sectors, and the looming threat of a return to greater level of restrictions is holding back investment.  The Scottish Government should have provided assurances for businesses that targeted financial support will be made available to those ongoing affected sectors to deliver a clear pathway to recovery.”

On Non-Domestic Rates:

“Businesses will welcome the extension of rates reliefs afforded to properties in the retail, leisure, and hospitality sectors for an additional three months, however, this should have gone further to give businesses the time they need to recover from this incredibly challenging period.

“Scotland’s town and city centres have already lost thousands of businesses over the past twenty months and prolonged periods of home working have made the trading conditions for brick-and-mortar retailers tougher than ever, and many ratepayers will question if this extension goes far enough to support them.

“It was also disappointing that the Scottish Budget failed to confirm whether or not the long awaited NDR Revaluation due to take place in 2023 will go ahead as planned.”

Training, Skills and Supply Chain:

“Scotland’s businesses are still experiencing challenges through supply chain connectivity problems, rising cost prices, inflationary pressures, and recruitment difficulties.

“Additional funding for training interventions at all levels is welcome news and investment in Scotland’s workforce drive up business capacity and improve investment opportunities.

“Cost pressures and supply chain challenges require urgent action from government and whilst we await further details in the forthcoming National Economic Transformation Strategy, it’s important Scottish Government act now, collaborate with business and begin to resolve these issues as a priority for our economy.”

Energy and Just Transition:

“The energy sector remains a critical part of Scotland’s economy and the funding commitments in the budget to support a Just Transition are a step in the right direction.

“To meet Scotland’s Net Zero ambitions and secure the future of jobs in the energy sector and North and North-East though, this investment and funding needs to continue to be stepped up, at pace, in partnership with industry to enable businesses to pivot successfully.”

A Fairer, Greener Scotland?

First Minister lays out her Programme for Government 2021/22

Leading Scotland safely out of the pandemic, urgently confronting climate change, driving a green, fair economic recovery, and boosting opportunities for children and young people are among the core priorities in this year’s Programme for Government (PfG), published yesterday. Oh … and there’s a referendum in there, too …

The programme sets out plans for a record increase in frontline health spending, new legislation for a National Care Service, a system providing low-income families with free childcare before and after school and during holidays, and actions to drive forward Scotland’s national mission to end child poverty.

The programme also includes plans to help secure a just transition to net zero – creating opportunities for new, good and green jobs, making homes easier and greener to heat, and encouraging people to walk, wheel or cycle instead of driving.

Speaking in Parliament, the First Minister said: “This programme addresses the key challenges Scotland faces, and aims to shape a better future.

“It sets out how we will tackle the challenge of Covid, and rebuild from it. It outlines how we will address the deep-seated inequalities in our society. It shows how we will confront with urgency the climate emergency, in a way that captures maximum economic benefit. And it details the steps we will take to mitigate, as far as we can, the damaging consequences of Brexit while offering a better alternative.

“In the face of these challenges, our ambition must be bold. This programme sets out clear plans to lead Scotland out of the greatest health crisis in a century and transform our nation and the lives of those who live here.

“We will deliver a National Care Service; double the Scottish Child Payment; and invest in affordable, energy efficient homes and green travel. We will ensure that businesses have the support, and people have the skills, to succeed in the low carbon economy of the future. We will show global leadership in tackling the climate crisis. And we will offer people an informed choice on Scotland’s future.

“To that end, I can confirm that the Scottish Government will now restart work on the detailed prospectus that will guide the decision. The case for independence is a strong one and we will present it openly, frankly and with confidence and ambition.

“This programme addresses our current reality, but it also looks forward with confidence and ambition to a brighter future. It recognises that out of the many challenges we currently face, a better Scotland – as part of a better world – is waiting to be built.”

Building on the progress from the first 100 days of this government, with the co-operation agreement with the Scottish Green Party at its heart, the PfG sets the scene for the next five years.

Key commitments for over the course of this Parliament include:

  • increasing frontline health spending by 20%, leading to an increase of at least £2.5 billion by 2026-27
  • undertaking the biggest public service reform since the founding of the NHS – the creation of a National Care Service – with legislation brought forward by June next year
  • improving national wellbeing with increased direct mental health investment of at least 25%, with £120 million this year to support the recovery and transformation of services
  • investing £250 million to tackle the drugs deaths emergency over the next five years
  • expanding the Scottish Child Payment to under-16s by the end of next year and doubling it to £20 a week as soon as possible after that, with a £520 bridging payment given to every child in receipt of free school meals this year
  • investing a further £1 billion to tackle the poverty-related attainment gap and providing councils with funding to recruit 3,500 additional teachers and 500 classroom assistants
  • providing free childcare to low income families before and after school and during holidays, and expanding free early learning and childcare to one and two year olds
  • investing £100 million over the next three years to support frontline services for preventing violence against women and girls
  • providing £1.8 billion to make homes easier and greener to heat, as part of a commitment to decarbonise 1 million homes by 2030
  • ensuring that at least 10% of the total transport budget goes on active travel by 2024-25, helping more people to cycle, wheel or walk instead of drive
  • delivering a revolution in children’s rights, including across the justice system
  • supporting a just transition to a low-carbon economy for people and businesses, including a £500 million Just Transition Fund for the North East and Moray
  • investing an additional £500 million to support the new, good and green jobs of the future, including by helping people access training
  • delivering 110,000 affordable homes by 2032 and investing an additional £50 million to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping
  • taking forward the democratic mandate for a referendum on independence to be held within this Parliament and, if the Covid crisis is over, within the first half of this Parliament, while providing the people of Scotland with the information they need to make an informed choice on their future.

Programme for Government 2021-22

First Minister statement to the Scottish Parliament, 7 September 2021

Commenting on yesterday’s Programme for Government announcement, Chris Birt, Associate Director for Scotland at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation said: “Alarm bells should already be ringing in both the Scottish Government and Parliament that we are currently set to miss our child poverty targets, with no clear plan on how to achieve them. 

“The Programme for Government published today pushes that plan further down the road, both to the budget later in the year and next year’s Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan. 

“Time is running out on the targets. Families on low incomes across Scotland are experiencing growing financial pressure and uncertainty .  They will hope the commitment to double the child payment “sooner rather than later” happens very soon and that our national mission to end child poverty gathers urgency and scale.”

The STUC welcomed the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government, specifically highlighting the commitments from the First Minister to implement national bargaining in the care sector, additional funding for the health service, gender recognition reform and justice for Scotland’s miners wrongfully arrested in the 1980s.

STUC General Secretary, Roz Foyer said: “Reform of our care sector cannot come quick enough and the STUC will engage fully in this legislation, campaigning for a National Care Service based on sectoral collective bargaining and not for profit delivery.

“The commitment of the First Minister to National Bargaining is therefore very welcome. However, the £800 million additional funding announced over the course of the Parliament is less than a quarter of the expenditure which the Feeley Review said was necessary for the social care sector.

“Yet we still have concerns that the Programme of Government tries too hard be all things to all people. It is simply not credible to raise the levels of investment required to tackle climate change, reduce inequality and create jobs while at the same time boasting about the lowest business taxes in UK and freezing income tax rates for the duration of the Parliament.

“The same lack of ambition is reflected in today’s Scottish Government response to the report of the Just Transition Commission which leaves much to be desired on future job creation and ensuring the burden of climate change is not carried by workers and the less well off.

“Fighting discrimination and inequality is at the heart of trade unions, we know trans people are some of the most disadvantaged and discriminated people in Scotland and the gender recognition bill is therefore extremely welcome in enabling trans people to access their human rights.

“Finally, I welcome the proposed Miners’ Strike Pardon Bill. It has been all too clear for decades that the miners were the victims of a politically inspired political attack and that organs of the state, including the police, were used to repress their legitimate industrial action.

“This Bill will help provide some relief to the thousands of lives were wrecked by wrongful arrest and is a testament to years of campaigning by working class families who refused to give up.”

GMB Scotland Secretary Louise Gilmour said: “The need to tackle the crisis in care is accepted, but the challenge is to end years of exploitation by giving care workers substantial pay increases. That’s how we’ll confront the understaffing crisis and transform the sector.

“It’s why GMB is campaigning for £15 an hour minimum for care workers. The prospect of staff remaining mired in wages of just under or over £10 an hour isn’t credible. 

“And there is a growing consensus supporting that view, including among Cabinet Secretaries as the Greens committed to a £15 minimum in their recent manifesto, so we need to make it happen. 

“If we are prepared to be bold and deliver proper value for workers across the social care sector then there is a huge opportunity to be grasped, everyone will benefit and Scotland will be fairer for it.” 

Joanne Smith, policy and public affairs manager for NSPCC Scotland, said: “Recovery and reform are very much needed as we move forward from the pandemic, and this year’s Programme for Government is the first step in this journey.  

“For children in Scotland to have the best start in life, it is vital that all families can access holistic support, where and when they need it, and so we are heartened by the Scottish Government’s announcement of a Whole Family Wellbeing Fund.

“In line with the Promise’s recommendations we would like to see that national spending prioritises early, preventative support for families, therefore stripping out demand for crisis-led services.

“We are also greatly encouraged by the Scottish Government’s commitment to review and redesign the Children’s Hearing System. Through our work with very young children and families in Glasgow, we see the limitations of current justice processes in meeting the distinct needs of infants and their families.

“Given that around a third of children who come into care in Scotland are under the age of five, we need to ensure justice processes are better aligned with infants’ developmental timescales. We look forward to working alongside the Review team to ensure that the rights of infants are upheld throughout the process.”

Mary Glasgow Chief Executive of the charity Children 1st said:  “Today’s Programme for Government has rightly prioritised the right of children and their families to know they can access the help and support they need whenever they need it.  

“Children 1st have long called for a transformation in the support available to families, which must be based on learning from the – often difficult – experiences of children and their families when they have needed practical, emotional or financial help.

“The proposed £500m investment in a ‘Whole Family Wellbeing Fund’ is a hugely welcome step forward and we are committed to working alongside children and their families, and the Scottish Government, to turn this significant investment into practical action.” 

Tracy Black, CBI Scotland Director, said: “With Glasgow hosting COP26 later this year, the Scottish Government is right to focus on its plans for a net zero economy. Yet given the need to cement Scotland’s economic recovery post-pandemic, businesses will feel there ought to have been a greater focus on boosting growth. While there were encouraging mentions of greater access to finance, the devil will be in the detail.

“Firms are already decarbonising their operations, and, by working alongside government, can help urgently transform net zero ambitions into action. Reforming the planning and business rates systems – enabling much needed in investment in low carbon infrastructure – would help achieve ambitious climate targets.  

“The First Minister is also right to highlight that COVID hasn’t gone away. Scottish firms have worked tirelessly throughout the crisis to keep staff and customers safe. Businesses are not calling for a rushed return to the workplace, though employers will rightly be speaking with their employees about a gradual return in line with the latest guidance.

“As the economy reopens, skills shortages remain a key concern, so employers will be frustrated not to hear more about plans for upskilling and retraining.

“Business investment is absolutely vital to Scotland’s economic recovery, and the government should do everything in its power to attract – not repel – investment and the very best talent. Ultimately, by working more closely with business to create sustainable economic growth, ministers will be able to achieve their goals of improving people’s living standards and public services.”

STUC takes CBI to task for ‘highly irresponsible’ call for workers to return to offices

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer has written to CBI Scotland calling on the organisation to reconsider its public call for a return to offices for non-essential workers.

The letter takes the business organisation to task for contradicting the Scottish Government’s view (shared by the STUC) that there should be a pause in any return to offices where working from home is possible:

A Parcel of Rogues: Pandemic Profiteers

STUC Online Event

Covid-19 has had a profound impact on Scotland’s economy, but the cost of the crisis has not been shared evenly. What can we do about it?

About this event

Join us on Tuesday the 24th of August to hear from leading economists and trade unionists about the parts of Scotland’s economy that have prospered during the Covid-19 pandemic, the potential long-term economic impacts, and how trade unions and policymakers can respond.

Speakers will include:

• Laurie Macfarlane, Economics Editor at openDemocracy and Head of Finance at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose. Prior to this Laurie was Senior Economist at the New Economics Foundation.

• Christine Berry, economist, writer, and co-author of ‘People Get Ready! Preparing for a Corbyn Government’. Christine was recently appointed as Director of the thinktank IPPR North.

• Jennifer McCarey, Chair of Glasgow Trades Council.

• Richard Hardy, National Secretary of Prospect, a Commissioner on the Scottish Government’s Just Transition Commission, and sits on the STUC General Council.

Open to all, free to attend.