Glasgow 2014: Johnstone hails ‘inspirational’ Games

‘Investing in sport is money well spent’

ClydeAs Team Scotland heads toward the magical fifty medal mark Green MSP Alison Johnstone has hailed Glasow’s inspirational Commonwealth Games. The Green MSP for Lothian – and Co-convener of Holyrood’s cross-party group on sport – says the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games is sure to inspire a new wave of enthusiasm for sport.

Commenting as the Games enters its closing weekend, Ms Johnstone, a qualified athletics coach and former competitive runner, said: “Glasgow 2014 has brought people from across the globe together. While spectators cheer on their countrymen and women the applause for each and every athlete from all parts of the crowd is testament to the generous and knowledgeable Scottish audience.

“I’ve no doubt that many people, young and old, will be inspired to follow in the footsteps of those they’ve cheered on this week. We need to look at formal links with coaches and educators in our schools.

“Physical education and games aren’t the same thing and we need to invest in physical literacy for our young people as this will pay dividends in terms of long term health and well being. The challenge now, if we’re to deliver a meaningful legacy, is to make sure the facilities and coaches are in place for this to become a reality, and that no one is priced out of a more active lifestyle.

“Investing in sport is money well spent.”


Take your marks: free quiz at The Grange Sports Club

SportsQuizThe Commonwealth Games kick off tomorrow, and what better way to celebrate this sporting extravaganza than with a local sports quiz?

If you think you know your archery from your athletics, backstroke from your badminton or your cricket from your croquet (I could go on!) this 30 July event at The Grange Sports Club is for you …



Move over, Messi – it’s body slam time!

W3L2014promo1 - CopyWhat a summer of sport. Wimbledon, the World Cup, the Open Golf and Commonwealth Games still to come – and now along comes another spectacular sporting event even closer to home … wrestling!

The City Night Club is the venue for an afternoon of American Wrestling for all the family next Saturday (19 July) when the World Wide Wrestling League rolls into town!

WWWL promoter Michael Musgrave explained: ” We are a Scottish based promotion that has worked hard for over ten years to put on top quality events featuring the very best wrestlers from around the world. Our previous events in the city – at Southside Community Centre – have been met with positive reviews and we are looking to carry the family audience over to City Night Club to benefit from their lighting and production facilities, which we hope will improve our presentation and experience for our fans.”

He went on: “We want to make sure parents understand that whilst City is a night club, our event will be held in the afternoon and is 100% suitable for children. To help mark the occasion of moving to a new venue we are bringing in TNA Impact Wrestling star Doug Williams for this event – Doug can be seen on TNA Impact Wrestling every week on Challenge TV.”

Former TNA X Division champ Doug Williams faces the masked Scottish “luchador” El Technico in a match sure to entertain the city’s wrestling fans, and also on the card will be a Ladder Match featuring Edinburgh’s own Nathan Black taking on Glasgow’s Dickie Divers. W3L Heavyweight Champion Nathan Reynolds (Dundee) will also defend his title against former W3L Heavyweight Champion Mike Musso (Fife) on a top class card.

The event promises to be an afternoon of Bodyslamming action not to be missed!

World Wide Wrestling League

City Night Club, Edinburgh

Saturday 19 July 19th

Doors open: 14.30 , Bell: 15.00

Tickets: General Admission £12, Concession £10, Family of Four £35 – Available, Sportsters or Ripping Records.

visit for more information

edinb slider july 14


A sporting chance for disabled people?

Sport brings about  ‘transformation’ in attitudes to disabled people?

sportNearly 70% of the British public feel attitudes towards disabled people have improved since the London Paralympic Games in 2012, according to new statistics published by the government. But while public opinion may be changing, disability campaigners say the government itself must do more to support disabled people – in sport and in work opportunities.

The findings from the DWP survey are from one of the most detailed surveys of its kind and marks the second anniversary of the Paralympic Games in London.

It also comes as we approach the first anniversary of the ‘Disability Confident’ campaign – designed to break down barriers in employing disabled people. Disability Confident was launched by the Prime Minister David Cameron and has showcased the talents of disabled people across the country.

Minister of State for Disabled People Mike Penning said: “London 2012 helped lead to a transformation in the representation of, and attitudes towards, disabled people in Britain. It challenged mind-sets and left a positive lasting legacy. But more still needs to be done to challenge perceptions.

“Twelve million people in Britain have a disability – that’s 1 in 5 of us. Disabled people have the same aspirations as everyone else, particularly in the workplace. That is why we have travelled round the country over the past year with the likes of Sophie Christiansen and Simon Weston to speak to big business about employing more disabled people”.

The employment rate for disabled people has increased gradually over the years to 45%. The government kick-started a 2 year advertising campaign to support businesses to become more confident at recruiting disabled people, as more disabled jobseekers cite employers’ attitudes as a barrier to work than transport.

The government says changes in attitudes are already leading to positive developments for disabled people across the country:

  • Disabled people are moving into work or training at the rate of 100 placements every working day.
  • 315,000 more disabled people are playing sport regularly now than in 2005.
  • Professional football clubs are moving to make improvements to the accessibility of their stadiums, after the government called for urgent action and after the Olympic Park showed what was possible.
  • BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and BSKYB have pledged to increase the number of disabled people in the broadcasting industry.
  • Over 8,100 rail carriages now comply with modern accessibility standards and over £500m will have been spent on upgrading railway stations to become more accessible by 2019.
  • London’s 8,500 buses are now fully low-floor accessible and all of London’s 22,000 black cabs have wheelchair ramps.
  • 66 tube stations are now step-free and TFL plan to make a further 28 London Underground and Overground stations step-free over the next decade.
  • Professional institutions in the built environment for architects, town planners, surveyors, facilities management and engineers have committed to making their professionals proficient in inclusive design.

Paralympic triple-gold medallist Sophie Christiansen: said: “London 2012 not only inspired a generation, it challenged the ideas of a generation about what disabled people were capable of. Just because we might be a bit different does not mean we should be looked at any differently. We all have unique talents and deserve the opportunity to fulfil our true potential.”

Next month’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow will feature more disabled athletes than ever in the competition’s history, with 50 from Britain’s home nations alone. They will compete in 20 events covering the five core Para-Sports: athletics, lawn bowls, powerlifting, swimming and cycling.

wheelchairsCapability Scotland and Independent Living in Scotland (ILiS) have been running The Solution Series, pop up think tanks that bring people together to seek solutions to specific barriers to independent living.  One of the topics recently discussed was disabled people’s equal participation in sport.

With Wimbledon producing a British champion in the wheelchair doubles, the World Cup reaching it’s climax and the Commonwealth Games just around the corner, sport is on everyone’s minds. Disabled people’s participation in sport has received more press in recent years – the London 2012 Paralympics being the largest to date – but there is still a long way to go to ensure that disabled people equally participate in sport, according to charity Capability Scotland.

An inclusive approach to sport is key to help ensure disabled people can fully participate in society. The most recent think tank by ILiS discussed participation of disabled people in sport, and ways in which to encourage this, with five key solutions identified .

The benefits of exercise and physical activity are wide ranging, yet disabled people are often excluded from sporting activities. The latest Scottish Health Survey found that significantly less disabled people reached recommended levels of physical activity,

Eric Mitchell, Policy Projects Manager at Capability Scotland, who contributed to the think tank, said “Capability Scotland is committed to encouraging disabled people to participate in sports. Solutions that came out of the most recent think tank are an important step forward in disabled people’s full participation in society. Recent activities that have been going on across our services highlight our commitment to disabled people’s equal participation in sport.”

“As part of Commonwealth Games celebrations, our services have been holding a range of sporting activities designed to encourage customers to develop their sporting skills and try out new activities, from seated volleyball to boccia (boules). A range of different sports providers from the local communities have come in to Capability Scotland services to run taster sessions.

“As a result of the success of these events, new plans for sports and leisure activities across services have been put in place. We are looking forward to continue to work alongside ILiS to ensure that disabled people have the equal opportunities to participate in sport.”

athleteDespite advances, however, it’s no level playing field and The Federation of Disability Sport has complied statistics that illustrate that there is still some way to go in changing attitudes to disability. For example:

  • One hundred and eighty disability hate crimes are committed every day in this country.
  • Fear and loss of confidence are the most common consequences of disability harassment.
  • Prosecutions and convictions for disability hate crime fell in 2011/12 after rising three years in a row – only partly due to fewer referrals from the police

And there are other barriers to participation – the opportunity to take part in sport and other social activities is often the last thing on the mind of some disabled people. For a considerable number, keeping a roof over their head, and finding enough money to both heat their homes and eat healthily is a daily challenge.

Earlier this week a group of eighty charities published a new report which accuses the UK government of systematically violating human rights law in it’s treatment of disabled people. The Just Fair report claims the government’s austerity programme and welfare reforms have undermined the rights of disabled people,  causing ‘significant hardship.’

Professor of International Human Rights Law Aoife Nolan, who is a trustee of Just Fair, said: “Not only do these policies cause significant hardship and anxiety but they also amount to impermissable backward steps in relation to disabled peoples’ human right, contrary to the UN human rights framework.”

Unsurprisingly the government has dismissed the report, which has now been submitted to United Nations. Disability Minister Mike Penning – yes, the same man who heralded the ‘transformation’ – said the reforms are necessary to ‘fix a broken system”.

So while society’s attitudes to disabled people may be changing, there’s still a long long way to go. We’re still many miles away from awarding any gold medals. 

sportscotland announces £20 million investment

sportscotlandsportscotland today announced a new £20 million National and Regional Facilities Investment, but the Scottish Greens are urging consultation with users to ensure sport can be ‘accessible, affordable and enjoyable’ for all.

The national agency for sport has identified a number of areas in Scotland which can benefit from improved facilities and will work closely with its partners in local authorities and Scottish Governing Bodies of sport to help deliver new projects.

This new investment strand will result in large multi-purpose sports facilities, which will enhance the existing network of national and regional sports facilities across Scotland.

These new facilities will be available for communities to use as well as performance athletes at regional and national levels.

On the eve of Glasgow 2014 – the largest multi-sport event in Scotland’s history – sporting facilities in the country are the best they have ever been and are set to improve even further.

A number of centres of sporting excellence are already in place across Scotland, including Aberdeen Sports Village, the Emirates Arena, Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, and Tollcross Acquatics Centre in Glasgow, Dundee’s Dick McTaggart Gymnastics Centre and Olympia swimming centre, Edinburgh’s Royal Commonwealth Pool, The PEAK in Stirling, and the Ravenscraig Regional Facility in Motherwell.

These excellent facilities resulted from sportscotland’s previous investment of £44.3 million, as part of the National Regional Sports Facilities Strategy, complementing some £300 million capital investment from local authorities.

In addition, Scotland’s £30 million National Performance Centre for Sport will be completed by 2016 at Edinburgh’s Heriot-Watt University campus.

Today’s £20 million facilities announcement will be prioritised in areas identified as requiring improvements, ensuring more athletes have access to high quality sports facilities and services.

Highland, Tayside & Fife, Ayrshire, East (Edinburgh), Stirling, and the Scottish Borders have been identified as areas which could benefit from this strategy.

Outlining details of this new facilities investment strand, sportscotland Chief Executive Stewart Harris said: “We have capitalised on Glasgow 2014 by accelerating our plans for a world-class sporting system at every level thanks to National Lottery and Scottish Government funding, and today’s £20 million investment announcement is a significant milestone in delivering even more excellent sporting facilities for the people of Scotland and performance athletes to use.

“The standards of facilities in Scotland are the best they have ever been, and today we are outlining a new investment stream which will further enhance the existing network. The National and Regional Facilities Investment will provide more and better opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to take part in sport and physical activity.”

Welcoming today’s announcement, the Cabinet Secretary for the Commonwealth Games and Sport, Shona Robison, said: “Investing in new multi-purpose sports centres will open up even more opportunities for people to try new sports and lead healthier and more active lives. Scotland already enjoys world-class facilities and with just days until the Commonwealth Games begin, this £20 million pound investment demonstrates our long term ambitions for sport.

“We are committed to making Scotland a healthier nation, from helping people of all ages to enjoy sport to supporting athletes to compete at the highest level. By working with local authorities and sporting bodies, the National and Regional Facilities Fund will create a lasting legacy from the Games for years to come.”

Whilst also welcoming the investment, Green MSP for Lothian Alison Johnstone, who is sport spokesperson for her party, is calling for consultation with user groups to determine how the £20million should be used to improve sporting facilities.

The MSP, who is a former competitive athlete and qualified athletics coach, said: “While I welcome investment in facilities that cater for a broad range of needs, it’s vitally important that we see meaningful consultation with all user groups. In deciding where this money is spent we must listen to the needs of athletes, coaches, governing bodies and leisure facility users.

“The demise of Meadowbank stadium in Edinburgh is a classic example of what not to do. We need to ensure new and upgraded facilities come with realistic maintenance budgets and appropriately trained staff. We need to make sure no area is left behind in the race to create a Commonwealth Games legacy.

“Given the health issues our society faces from inactive lifestyles, and the growing cost to the NHS, we must take every opportunity to make sport accessible, enjoyable and affordable.”

The city council has also welcomed the sportscotland announcement of £50m investment over the next four years.

Councillor Cathy Fullerton, Vice Convener of Education, Children and Families said: “Today’s announcement by sportscotland is great news for school children in Edinburgh and I’m delighted there will be funding for another four years. 2014 is a really big year for sport in Scotland with the Commonwealth Games taking centre stage and thanks to our fantastic Active Schools team there have been some amazing sporting events taking place across the Capital.

“In May our ‘Tri-umph Triathlon’ attracted over 1,700 children and was followed by the hugely successful Games @ THE HUB. These events provide children with a great opportunity to experience a variety of different sports which they will hopefully be inspired to take up outside of school.”

Anyone for tennis? Murray mania to hit Muirhouse!

Tennis is popping up in Muirhouse!

tennis racquetMuirhouse Youth Development Group (MYDG) has been selected as part of a nationwide programme to bring Pop Up Tennis to disadvantaged young people.

The programme was established by national sports charity, StreetGames with one hundred Pop Up Tennis Clubs across the UK being funded by Lawn Tennis Association. This activity will enable the young people of Muirhouse to emulate the excitement of Wimbledon and get involved by playing tennis this summer.

Last summer, Andy Murray became Britain’s first men’s winner in 77 years and the country exploded with Murray-mania. This partnership aims to harness that excitement and help disadvantaged young
people get involved by creating clubs that are fun and vibrant. By holding the sessions on their doorsteps, the programme aims to help encourage a sporting a habit for life.

The programme follows on from the success of the 2013 partnership between StreetGames and the Lawn Tennis Association where 25 Pop-Up Tennis Clubs were created, engaging 720 young people from around the country. This year, the LTA has backed StreetGames to extend the programme so that thousands more will get the chance to play the sport with the Lawn Tennis Association funding the activity taking place in the UK, including young people from MYDG.

This partnership is a continuation of StreetGames’ work to make sport more accessible to young people living in disadvantaged communities. Currently there are 1.6 million young people who live in disadvantaged areas of the UK; recent research shows lowest-income households are most likely to have least active children, with the poorest households spending less than £2 a week on sport. StreetGames hope to combat this by getting young people engaged with Wimbledon and developing a sporting habit.

Ali Grant of MYDG said, “We’re really excited to be given a StreetGames Pop-Up Tennis Club. We now have a ‘sport-in- a- bag’ that we can take out onto the streets and green spaces of Muirhouse. Our Pop-Up Tennis Club has all the kit we need to get young people started playing tennis. So, look out for us over the summer holidays. Who knows, we might find the next Andy Murray right here in Muirhouse!”

Jane Ashworth OBE, CEO of StreetGames said, “Andy Murray’s triumph showed how sport can bring the nation together, we aim to take that inspiration and ensure disadvantaged young people can experience it on their own doorsteps. We know that the Pop-Up Tennis Clubs makes tennis fun for all and bring the excitement of Wimbledon to Muirhouse, Edinburgh.”

Michael Downey, Chief Executive of the LTA said: “Last year the StreetGames Pop-Up Tennis programme was a resounding success, bringing tennis to the doorstep to hundreds of young people across the country. We want to see more people playing more often which is why we’re very excited to extend the programme further, so even more young people can enjoy tennis this summer.”

Babolat, a leading global manufacturer of premium tennis equipment is also helping bring the Nadal touch to the young people’s lives by supplying rackets, balls and mini tennis nets for this year’s Pop Up Tennis programme.

Come on, Andy …!


Double fault: Stockbridge tennis tournament cancelled

Champions of Tennis tournament organisers go into liquidation

legends return

A showcase tennis tournament featuring former champions including superstars John McEnroe and Tim Henman has been cancelled and the organisers have gone into liquidation. The Brodies Champions of Tennis tournamentwas due to start tomorrow but the decision to scrap the event was only made yesterday.

The event has a history of controversy – last year’s Champions of Tennis event left fans furious when play was limited to a few games after an inadequate roof saw courts flooded out.

Yesterday – just two days before the event was scheduled to start – organisers Serve and Volley said the tournament had been cancelled because the new roof design could not be built in time.

Spectators who have bought tickets will be able to find information on refunds from today.

A statement on Serve and Volley’s website said: “We are disappointed to advise that we have had to take the difficult decision to cancel this week’s Champions of Tennis tournament, which was due to take place between Thursday 19 – Sunday 22 June in Edinburgh.

“Following on from last year’s event we revised the design of the roof covering the court to provide better weather protection. This resulted in a unique and complex design, which required specialists to manage and oversee the build.

“Due to unforeseen circumstances the specialist team have been unable to facilitate the build and despite extensively investigating all alternative options we have not been able to secure a solution.

“We fully appreciate the disappointment this will cause customers, sponsors and suppliers; this decision has not been taken lightly. The unavoidable cancellation resulting from the problems experienced with the roof has resulted in the organisers, Serve & Volley Ltd, entering into voluntary liquidation.

“Administrators are to be appointed over the coming days and will be in contact with all suppliers in due course. Information regarding match session ticket refunds will be available on our website from Wednesday 18 June. We would like to thank everyone that has been involved in the event to date as we fully recognise the huge amount of goodwill and support that we have received.”

Event sponsors Brodies say they will refund every ticket holder who is unable to get their money back from organisers Serve & Volley.

In a statement, the company said: “At an early morning meeting today with the organisers of Champions of Tennis, Serve & Volley Limited, we learned that the enlarged roof over the Champions of Tennis court cannot be erected effectively.

“This outcome was contrary to all assurances given to us by the organisers. The organisers advised us at the meeting that they were looking at options to reorganise the event as an open-air tournament, but we understand that this proved impractical in the time available.

“As sponsors, we are hugely disappointed that this has caused the cancellation of the tournament by Serve & Volley at this stage. We share the frustration of the many tennis fans who bought tickets expecting to see a premier sporting event.

“However, based on current weather forecasts, there is a measure of risk of a repeat of the upset caused to some spectators by disruption of some of the sessions due to rain at last year’s event, when there was a roof in place. We believe that pressing ahead with the championship under these circumstances would not be fair to ticket holders, who bought tickets expecting the additional protection this year of an extended court roof. It is also the case that Serve & Volley has run out of time to reorganise and properly re-advertise the event as an open air tournament to ticket holders.

“Our paramount concern is for these ticket holders. Although the tickets were sold by Serve & Volley, as a gesture of goodwill, Brodies will refund the cost of tickets to individual ticket holders who are unable to recover the cost of their tickets from Serve & Volley or from their credit or debit card providers. Further details will be published on our website,, on Wednesday.

“Brodies will refund the cost of tickets to all individual ticket holders who try but are unable to get their money back. We are not doing this on behalf of Serve & Volley Ltd.

“We have supported Champions of Tennis for the last two years because we believed hosting such a prestigious ATP event in Edinburgh would benefit the economy, the local community, and help cement Scotland’s reputation as a leading sporting destination. We are genuinely sorry that tennis fans have been left disappointed.”

Swinney scores with Social Growth Fund at Spartans

john swinney at the spartans2

John Swinney launches new £16 million fund at Spartans

Cabinet Secretary John Swinney and Social Investment Scotland (SIS) visited The Spartans Community Football Academy on Thursday to formally announce the launch of a new £16m Social Growth Fund.

The Social Growth Fund, run by Social Investment Scotland (SIS), brings together an investment of £8m from the Scottish Government and a further £8m from Big Society Capital, the independent financial institution set up to develop social investment in the UK.

SIS is using the fund to expand existing investment activity within Scotland’s third sector, and to launch a new risk capital product for the Scottish social investment marketplace. This will provide long-term finance from £10,000 to £1m with repayments tailored to each organisation’s needs.

Alastair Davis, chief executive of SIS, said the new fund will enable it to provide considerably more support to social enterprises and community businesses across Scotland.

He said: “This funding support will in turn help these local organisations improve the lives of people within their communities by making them much more self-sufficient and sustainable.”

John Swinney said Spartans, which currently receives SIS support, is a good example of how this kind of funding works to better communities.

The Cabinet Secretary said: “I am delighted that the new Social Growth Fund for Scotland is now open for applications. This is an exciting opportunity for third sector organisations in Scotland, allowing them to continue their vital work within our local communities.

“Today I have seen the great work that has been achieved by the Spartans Community Football Academy in the local area, with police and youth groups noting a huge reduction in call outs and antisocial behaviour. The facilities here at Spartans show what can be done with the type of funding the Social Growth Fund will provide.

“Through schemes such as this, social enterprises will be able to have a greater role going forward, bringing more benefits to the communities they serve.”

In tandem with this new funding, SIS has also launched a Great Social Enterprise Tour – visiting five cities in five days next week – to raise awareness of the Social Growth Fund amongst local social enterprises across Scotland. The events will provide social enterprises with a chance to speak directly to an investment manager about how social investment can support the sustainability of their business.

Monday 12 May – Glasgow: The Lighthouse, 10am till 12pm

Tuesday 13 May – Edinburgh: Out Of The Blue, 10.30am till 12.30pm

Wednesday 14 May – Inverness: The Spectrum Centre, 1 – 3pm

Thursday 15 May – Aberdeen: Transition Extreme, 12.30 – 2.30pm

Friday 16 May – Dundee: The Factory Skatepark – 12.30pm till 2.30pm.

Alastair Davis, Chief Executive of Social Investment Scotland, added: “The Social Growth Fund will enable us to provide considerably more support to social enterprises and community businesses across Scotland. This funding support will in turn help these local organisations improve the lives of people within their communities by making them much more self-sufficient and sustainable.

“However, we also recognise that applying for funding can be a daunting prospect for many organisations, as it frequently represents a change in the way they do business, moving from grant dependency to a mix of income streams. Our Great Social Enterprise Tour is aimed at addressing this uncertainty by providing social enterprises with the answers they need to start moving their organisations on to the next level to create longer lasting social impacts.”

Nick O’Donohoe, Chief Executive of Big Society Capital, added: “Social Investment Scotland is a leading example of how regional social finance managers can play an important role in helping charities and social enterprises to access social investment, through their deep knowledge of the needs and challenges of a local area. They have an exceptional track record of delivering social investment support to organisations in Scotland, and we are pleased to have been able to help them to continue doing this.”

Big Society Capital’s investment in Social Investment Scotland is the first of its kind in Scotland since its formation last year, and will increase Social Investment Scotland’s funds under management by a third. It is the largest investment in SIS for twelve years and the largest ever investment by an external organisation.

Organisations who are looking for investment should call a member of SIS’ investment team on 0131 558 7706 to discuss possible funding or support.


Case Study: Spartans Community Football Academy

The Spartans Community Football Academy is a social enterprise and charity located at Ainslie Park in North Edinburgh which uses sport to deliver social change. Their local community includes some of the most deprived post codes in Scotland. With support from Social Investment Scotland, the Spartans have invested £4.5m in the last 5 years to build first class facilities and services which generate commercial income, the profits from which are re-invested to deliver their charitable objectives.

In the past 15 months, Spartans business has continued to grow, enabling them to increase their social impact. Some recent highlights are:

  • Delivery of 1000+ hours of youth work based provision in 2013, including the Friday FooTEA club, where young people can enjoy a ‘hot meal’, take part in various activities and develop/grow at their own pace (a model which has been rolled-out & replicated elsewhere across the country)
  • Delivery of 850+ physical activity and coaching sessions in local schools in 2013, helping them to meet their 2 hours of PE target per week
  • Creation of 4 x Homework Clubs – using a ‘Game of 2 Halves’ model – in local primary schools, helping local schools to increase academic attainment levels
  • Over 1200 sign-ups for our community coaching programmes in 2013, catering for recreational -> elite players
  • Over 100,000 users of our range of Academy facilities in 2013
  • Runner up in the Scottish Social Enterprise of the Year 2013 awards



Raeburn Place development gains charitable status

Raeburn Place sketch

The controversial redevelopment of Edinburgh Accies’ Raeburn Place home has received a boost with news that the project has received charitable status. However campaigners are urging the club to work with the local community to make the project a success.

In a statement,  the organisation set up to progress the development said: ‘We are delighted to announce that The Raeburn Place Foundation (RPF) was officially registered as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) on Friday 25 April 2014. This is a major milestone for the Project. The Raeburn Place Foundation will build and operate the new facilities.’

Former Scotland rugby captain David Sole OBE said: “”As the Honorary Life President of the Edinburgh Academical Football Club, I am delighted that The Raeburn Place Foundation (RPF) has been granted charitable status (OSCR). I hope this will now facilitate the development, thereby helping shape the future of rugby and sport at Raeburn Place”.

The news has also been welcomed by Scottish Rugby. Chief Executive Mark said: “Congratulations to The Raeburn Place Foundation (RPF) which has been awarded charitable status by OSCR. This is a major step in securing the much needed upgrade in facilities required at Raeburn Place.

“Scottish Rugby recognises that improved facilities will help increase and attract players of all ages, both male and female, into the game, and indeed sport in general. This will also make for a more enjoyable spectator experience, leading to an increase in match attendance, thereby also helping to sustain the club game.

“It is befitting that the home of the first international will also be the location for a museum celebrating the international game”.

Local campaigners Save Stockbridge opposed the redevelopment and met last week to discuss the next steps in their fight against the scale of the Raeburn Place plans. A spokesperson for the group said: 

“We continue to be well supported with over 80 people in attendance. Supporters were updated on the critical issue of ownership of the 6 foot strip along Comely Bank Road, where the wall currently stands. Until ownership of this strip has been established, CEC will not issue final written planning approval, therefore the development may not move forward.

“Although opponents of this development, Save Stockbridge has always supported the presence of rugby on the Academicals ground. We acknowledge their need for better facilities and a good income stream to support the continued health of this historic club.

“We therefore asked Dr James Simpson to share some alternative proposals that he had been working on with the supporters. We believe there is an opportunity to develop facilities and commercial (not retail), possibly also residential, property along Portgower Place. Those present were really interested and put forward other positive suggestions.

“We would be delighted to work with the developers and share our suggestions. Sadly, this has never been encouraged despite several offers from Dr Simpson in the past.

“Regarding the award of charitable status to the Raeburn Place Development, we are aware that after initial difficulties this has now been granted. Our understanding is that the development had been having difficulty raising the necessary funds, this award will go a long way to helping them raise the necessary finance.

“To that end, it is not good news for Save Stockbridge with regards the current proposed development. However, if (as outlined above) the developers would listen to our alternative proposals and work with us, we would be delighted that they had achieved charitable status to raise funds for the mutually agreed benefit of rugby in Stockbridge.”