Making music at Granton Youth


Granton Youth has an open access introduction to playing, singing, song-writing and performing for young people aged 11+. Working with youth work staff and music tutors the young people learn a variety of instruments/ vocal coaching/ song-writing as well as learning about the music industry (writes DAVE McNAB).

Beau has been attending since age 16 and fronts the band ‘Low Tide’ – who on Sunday 21st January played to a sell out crowd at Glasgows King Tuts Wah Wah Hut supporting rising star Ben Walker. 

Beau said: “Going to mixtape has honestly been the best decision I’ve ever made and I really don’t say that lightly. I have always loved music since I was tiny, but never had enough confidence in my abilities to play it or create it.

“I’ve always been incredibly shy and previously used to refuse to sing in front of people and I’ve just played to a sold out king tuts! This is entirely down to mixtape and the opportunities it has given me to learn music, learn how to record and write, learn how to perform on stage.

“Not only has it improved my skills in music but it’s taught me skills that transfer to other areas of my life specifically confidence. There are so many times I’ve refused music related opportunities due to confidence and little by little mixtape has broken this barrier down.

“In the past year I’ve really struggled with my health and mental health and mixtape has giving me something to strive for and look forward to. It’s a safe haven for creative people to work together and spend their time doing something meaningful and expressive and is such an invaluable resource for so many young people in the community. It pure escapism and is honestly the best thing I’ve ever done.”

Leon has been attending since age 15 and never had the confidence to pursue music but is now recording his own tracks and starting to build towards playing live shows. 

“When I first came to mixtape, I was very interested in music but I never had a chance to do anything with my passion. Mixtape gave me opportunities I never knew would ever be available to someone my age.

“They helped to open my eyes as to how free the world of music can be and how rewarding it can feel. It has also helped me in my day-to-day life by helping to improve my confidence.

Another young person has been attending since they were 12 and was quiet, introspective and struggled to socialise with other young people – but has blossomed into a great song writer and performer:

“I have been with mixtape for a while, in all honestly I can’t really remember how I felt about it when I first joined. It was during covid times so having any extracurricular was an excitement.

“That doesn’t mean a lot of things haven’t happened. Mixtape allowed me to go through trial and error as a musician, to slowly but surely figure out its ways with the support of others. It makes me feel proud to tell others that I can song write and feel confident enough to perform.

“The amount of opportunities I was given and still am is so eye-opening. From big festivals to small hubs, from small activities to writing in the studio to record stuff! If I told myself when I first joined this is what I had done and was doing, I know younger me would be happy to hear it, and it wouldn’t of happened without this still growing club.”

We will leave the last word with Alba who has attended since age 14 and is thriving musically and will be playing Sneaky Petes in March with her band formed with other young people she met on the project:

“I was at a school concert when I first heard about mixtape, and learnt that the girl whose singing I’d been admiring for a while had been going there and I decided to join. I’ve always loved to sing but never had much of a chance to, except in the school choir.

“I’ve met my closest friends in mixtape and my confidence performing and in general has spiralled uncontrollably. I assure you I wouldn’t be where I am or who i am today without mixtape”

Granton Youth Mixtape is funded by Children In Need and runs on a Wednesday evening 6-8 at Royston & Wardieburn Community Centre.

If interested or have any questions contact Ryan at

Burns Community Ceilidh at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

SATURDAY 27th JANUARY from 5 – 8.30pm

IT’S nearly time for our annual Burns Night Community Ceilidh!

SATURDAY 27th JANUARY, 5-8.30pm at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.

Tickets go on sale today from the Community Centre reception.

If you’d like to offer to perform or volunteer to help at the event please contact Tom:

(performers and volunteers get a free ticket)

We’re limited to 250 people for this event due to building capacity, so make sure you get your tickets if you’d like to come. £3/person, includes food: haggis neeps and tatties. (veggie/vegan option available).

With The Homecoming String Band, Bows & Bridges, Ama-zing Harmonies, Pilton Community Health Project, and many more local performers of all ages!

We’re really looking forward to it!

Tomorrow: Winter Warmer at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre


Winter Warmer: Community event at Royston Wardieburn

Winter Warmer Community Event at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Wednesday 29th November

Tea/coffee available from 9:15am

9:30am – 12noon – Information and advice stalls


Nearly new clothes, toys and books


12noon – 1pm – Community lunch

Mixing it with Granton Youth

Granton Youth, who work out of Royston & Wardieburn Community Centre, have developed a very successful ‘Mixtape’ group (writes DAVID MACNAB).

This provides opportunities to learn from volunteers and tutors who come from different backgrounds but perform music. The young people get bespoke lessons such as vocals, guitar, bass guitar, piano, and drums – along with learning music production, song writing exercises, and how to play in a band environment.

The 2023 – 2024 year looks like it is going to be a defining year for the young people who get music tuition and support from Granton Youth and Mixtape.

This year five of the young acts performed at the second North Edinburgh Community Festival, attended by over 6000 people in West Pilton Park, with Granton Youth and Tinderbox partnering on the musical end.

Kat, who plays under the name “Laurent” (french pronunciation), completed her debut EP “Modern Myths” and released this to much acclaim.

Despite being only 17, they have already been named “track of the week” on BBC introducing in Scotland with the track “News to Me” and has become one of the youngest ever people to headline Sneaky Pete’s in Edinburgh. Her other singles “Paint” and “Hunting Season” are also receiving national and US airplay. 

Tonight – Friday 1st September – the Mixtape club takes over Sneaky Pete’s again, with four young Broughton High students headlining as the newly formed band “Low Tide” and having sold out the venue in advance following the release of their debit single “Between Knuckles” – all received tutelage, rehearsal time, and recording studio hours through Granton Youth.

They have also worked closely with our school workers within Broughton High, forming meaning relationships with Granton Youth which made them feel comfortable in coming to Mixtape. 

Later this year, Mixtape has these two acts performing at Dunfermline’s “Outwith” Festival – as well as our young persons covers band “Ecliptic”, has partnered with Tinderbox again to form “North By Northwest” – a free entry gig evening in Leith showcasing young and emerging talent, and will be touring it’s young acts across Scotland in the months to come with shows already scheduled in Aberdeen and Glasgow.

A great example of how youth work can really make a difference to young lives.

Royston Wardieburn launches Autumn Programme

🍂 Now that the schools are starting back, it’s almost time for out Autumn programme to start🍂

Due to start w/c Monday 4th September

Details for each programme item will be posted soon

For more information, contact the centre on 0131 552 5700

May be subject to change



The Cost of Living Campaign Group for North Edinburgh are meeting on Tuesday 20th June, 10.30am until 1pm at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre:

“We are the Cost of Living Campaign Group, we are residents of North Edinburgh concerned with the cost of living. A major issue contributing to the cost of living is the state of housing. Our homes are filled with damp and aren’t well insulated. Reporting repairs to Repair Direct and other services doesn’t seem to solve the issues.

“Structural lack of investment in the existing housing stock is undermining the human rights of residents, impacting on health, wellbeing and our personal finances.

“We invite you to listen to our stories and contribute to our campaign to improve homes across North Edinburgh and demand Repair Direct be made fit for purpose and a comprehensive response to dampness.”