Investigations are being carried out at the Western General Hospital following detection of Legionella bacteria in water supplying parts of the radiotherapy treatment area.
The source has been isolated and there have been no cases of infection in patients or staff. The type of Legionella detected does not usually cause infection in humans.
In line with national guidance, a thorough programme of disinfection and cleaning is being carried out and services temporarily relocated to minimise any potential risk.
Essential patient services are continuing to be provided in other areas of the building.
Two specialist radiotherapy treatment machines (Linacs) have been temporarily closed while remedial works continue. Patients who are normally treated on these Linacs will be reallocated to one of the other five treatment machines at the Western General Hospital which are not affected.
The remaining radiotherapy machines will be run for extended hours to ensure patient appointments continue to be allocated and carried out as quickly as possible.
Alison MacDonald, Nurse Director, NHS Lothian said: “Legionella bacteria was detected during routine water sampling as part of our building monitoring and hygiene vigilance measures.”
“The risk to patients and staff is low but we’ve enhanced infection and control measures across the building as a precaution.
“We assure patients that radiotherapy treatments will continue to be carried out as quickly as possible and apologise to anyone who has been affected or had their appointment rescheduled.”
The situation is being closely monitored and continuously assessed. Patients will be kept informed of any changes and should speak to their treatment team if they have any concerns.
More medical training posts have been accepted at this stage of the recruitment year than ever before – exceeding last year’s record by 100 posts.
NHS Education for Scotland data as of 25 July 2023 shows that 1,061 posts have been filled so far this year from 1,137 advertised.
This includes 100% fill rates at entry level in General Practice, Psychiatry, Anaesthetics, Radiology and Emergency Medicine.
These trainee doctors will take up post in August 2023. Another recruitment round will be held before the end of the year for those taking up post in February 2024.
Minister for Public Health Jenni Minto said: “I am delighted to see that Scotland continues to be recognised as a highly desirable place both to live and pursue a career in medicine.
“This is testament to our world-class medical education and training system as well as those working hard to prepare the next generation of doctors who will look after us in the future.
“These results show that NHS Scotland continues to grow accordingly to meet the needs of its patients and I look forward to welcoming these new doctors into the health service.”
NHS Education for Scotland Medical Director Dr Emma Watson said: “As of today, 93% of posts advertised for August 2023 start dates in Scotland are filled.
“Many programmes have filled at 100% and in programmes which have not filled, we are working to understand why. There has also been a significant expansion of training posts across Scotland, particularly in General Practice which has a current fill rate of 100%.”
NHSGGC has emphasised the importance of being vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella following an increase in cases across the UK and Europe.
Measles is one of the most highly infectious diseases and can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications if it is not treated. Symptoms of measles include a high fever, rash, cough, runny nose and watery eyes. In the most severe of cases, measles can develop into more threatening conditions such as pneumonia, especially in those with a weakened immune system.
To combat this, NHSGGC strongly recommends members of the public are up to date with their vaccines to ensure protection against the disease. The normal course is two doses of MMR vaccine in childhood. It can also be given to adults, and if you have missed a dose, for whatever reason, you remain eligible and your GP can refer you in to one of the health board’s vaccine clinics.
The immunisation is provided from the health board free of charge and can be administered at a range of healthcare facilities across the city and at other locations in the NHSGGC area.
Iain Kennedy, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, said: “Getting vaccinated against measles helps prevent the spread of the disease and by increasing vaccination coverage, we can create a shield of immunity that safeguards individuals and the wider community.
“As we have noticed an increase in cases across the UK, it is important to ensure the safety of each other and in particular, young children.
“Measles can spread easily and quickly though droplets from the nose and mouth when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
“We would encourage all parents to ensure their child has had two doses of the MMR vaccine before they start school to help reduce the spread of infection.
“The best way to stay safe and healthy is to get vaccinated against the disease and collectively reduce the risks of outbreaks.”
For more information on measles and how you can stay protected, please visit NHS Inform.
Professor Linda Bauld OBE, who has been at the forefront of public health research in Scotland for the best part of 30 years, has been awarded an Honorary Degree from Robert Gordon University (RGU).
During RGU’s graduation ceremony at P&J Live in Aberdeen on Thursday 6 July, Professor Bauld was awarded a Doctor of Science (DSc) in recognition of her extensive research within public health, particularly in alcohol use and smoking cessation.
The University acknowledges Professor Bauld’s continued work on the Covid-19 pandemic as the Scottish Government’s Chief Social Policy Adviser.
Professor Steve Olivier, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of RGU, said: “Professor Bauld has made an immense contribution to helping improve public health with her crucial research which has an impact on all our lives.
“This work is continuing with her role as an advisor to the Scottish Government as we continue to adapt and recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.
“It is a real honour for the University to be able to recognise a scientist whose inspiring research career is dedicated to finding ways to make us all live happier and healthier by tackling major issues such as cancer, diabetes, and smoking.”
Professor Bauld is a familiar face to many people as she regularly appeared on television during the pandemic using her scientific knowledge to communicate with the public through numerous media appearances to help us all make sense of the latest developments during the pandemic.
The Bruce and John Usher Chair in Public Health in the Usher Institute, College of Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, she is a behavioural scientist who research looks at two main areas, the evaluation of complex interventions to improve health, and how research can inform public health policy.
She has undertaken many major advisory roles for government and worked with charities as part of efforts to keep public health at the forefront of the minds of policy makers.
Professor Bauld was scientific adviser on tobacco control to the UK government between 2006 and 2010; Cancer Research UK’s cancer prevention champion from July 2014 to July 2021; and adviser to the Covid-19 committee of the Scottish parliament.
She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, the Academy of Social Sciences, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and the Faculty of Public Health; and was awarded an OBE in the 2021 Queens Birthday Honours.
BOYACK: ‘Delayed discharge is piling pressure on our hospitals’
Scottish Labour MSP Sarah Boyack has warned that delayed discharge in Lothian is “piling pressure on hospitals” as a new report reveals the issue cost NHS Lothian more that £28million in 2022/23.
Delayed discharge figures monitor the number of days patients spend in hospital despite being fit to leave, typically because of a lack of social care services in their area.
Over the course of the year, a total of 97,118 bed days in NHS Lothian were lost to delayed discharge, as rates across Scotland hit a record high.
This includes 70,208 bed days in the City of Edinburgh.
Analysis by Scottish Labour has revealed that the approximate cost of delayed discharge to NHS Lothian in 2022/23 was an eye-watering £28,368,168.
Scottish Labour MSP Sarah Boyack said: “Delayed discharge in Edinburgh is piling pressure on our hospitals and threatening patients’ recovery.
“Our NHS is at breaking point and every penny matters, and it is a scandal that NHS Lothian has been forced to foot a £28million bill for SNP incompetence.
“Social care in Edinburgh and the Lothian is crying out for help, but the SNP’s botched National Care Service plans will do nothing but centralise local services.
“It is high time for the Scottish Government to step up and provide unwavering support for our social care services and increase pay for the sector’s dedicated workers, so no-one is left languishing in hospital waiting for a care package.”
Report concludes policy has saved lives and cut hospital admissions
Public Health Scotland (PHS) has today published the final report on the independent evaluation of the impact of minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol in Scotland. Evidence shows that MUP has had a positive impact on health outcomes, including addressing alcohol-related health inequalities.
It has reduced deaths directly caused by alcohol consumption by an estimated 13.4% and hospital admissions by 4.1%, with the largest reductions seen in men and those living in the 40% most deprived areas.
MUP led to a 3% reduction in alcohol consumption at a population level, as measured by retail sales. The reduction was particularly driven by sales of cider and spirits through the off-trade (supermarkets and shops) products that increased the most in price. Evidence from a range of data sources shows that the greatest reductions were amongst those households purchasing the most alcohol, with little impact on households purchasing at lower levels.
For those people with alcohol dependence there was limited evidence of any reduction in consumption and there is some evidence of consequences for those with established alcohol dependence on low incomes, that led them to prioritise spending on alcohol over food. At a population level there is no clear evidence of substantial negative impacts on social harms such as alcohol-related crime or illicit drug use.
The evaluation report shows that while the impact on alcoholic drink producers and retailers varied depending on the mix of products made or sold, there is no clear evidence of substantial negative impacts on the alcoholic drinks industry in Scotland as a whole.
Clare Beeston, Lead for the evaluation of MUP, Public Health Scotland said: “We have seen reductions in deaths and hospital admissions directly caused by sustained, high levels of alcohol consumption, and this is further evidence that those drinking at harmful and hazardous levels have reduced their consumption.
“MUP alone is not enough to address the specific and complex needs of those with alcohol dependence who will often prioritise alcohol over other needs, and it is important to continue to provide services and any wider support that addresses the root cause of their dependence.
“Those living in the most socioeconomically deprived areas in Scotland experience alcohol-specific death rates at least five times greater than those living in the least deprived areas. Alcohol-related disorders are a leading contributor to health inequalities in Scotland.
“Overall, the evidence shows that MUP has had a positive impact on improving health outcomes, including alcohol-related health inequalities, and can play a part in addressing the preventable harm that affect far too many people, families and communities.”
Dr Nick Phin, Director of Public Health Science, Public Health Scotland said: “Public Health Scotland is committed to evidence-informed policy, and we are confident in the validity of the robust research published today. The evidence in our report is consistent with earlier research on minimum pricing elsewhere.
“Public Health Scotland is confident that MUP is an effective mechanism to reduce alcohol-related harm in Scotland and we support the continuation of MUP beyond April 2024.”
Drugs and Alcohol Policy Minister Elena Whitham has welcomed research from Public Health Scotland which concludes that Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) has saved lives, reduced hospital admissions and had a ‘positive impact’ on health.
In their final report of a series, researchers said that ‘robust, independent evaluation’ and the best-available, wide-ranging evidence drawing on 40 independent research publications, showed that MUP has been effective in its main goal of reducing alcohol harm with the reduction in deaths and hospital admissions specific to the timing of MUP implementation.
This follows a study published in March by PHS and University of Glasgow showing MUP reduced alcohol consumption by 3%, deaths directly caused by alcohol consumption by 13.4% and hospital admissions by 4.1%. compared to what would have happened if MUP had not been in place.
Ms Whitham said: ““We’re determined to do all we can to reduce alcohol-related harm and, as this research demonstrates, our world-leading policy is saving lives, reducing alcohol harms and hospital admissions. Just one life lost to alcohol-related harm is one too many and my sympathy goes to all those who have lost a loved one.
“MUP has also contributed to reducing health inequalities. The study found the largest reductions in deaths and hospital admissions wholly attributable to alcohol consumption were seen in men and those living in the 40% most deprived areas.
“We know that additional support is needed for some groups, including those dealing with alcohol dependence and issues such as homelessness. That’s why, alongside MUP, last year £106.8 million was made available to Alcohol and Drugs Partnerships to support local and national initiatives. We will now carefully consider this research as part of ongoing work on reviewing MUP.”
Social Care Minister Maree Todd will join the first of a series of events where people can co-design the new National Care Service.
Today’s event at Stirling’s Albert Halls will allow carers, people who access and deliver care, including the workforce, and anyone with an interest to contribute to how a new National Care Service could work.
Since the regional forums were announced last month, more than 600 have signed up to take part in-person and online, with additional capacity already being made for the Glasgow event next week.
Ms Todd said: “We want everyone to have access to consistently high-quality social care support across Scotland, whenever they might need it.
“There are unique demands across the country, which is why we’re going to different areas over the next 18 months, ensuring communities across Scotland can help design a National Care Service tailored to local needs.
“Having listened to people who access and deliver care support – both paid and unpaid – as well as care providers, unions and the third sector during the parliamentary process, these meetings will allow us to work with people who access care support, have a loved one that receives care, or works in the sector to think about how to meet the needs we have heard about. This will help us ensure the legislation reflects what people need and know as it progresses through Parliament.”
“I am pleased that there has been such interest in signing up, Spaces are still available, with online events providing another option for those who want to have their voices heard if they can’t make it in person.
A new 10-year Cancer Strategy aims to significantly cut the number of people diagnosed with later stage cancer and to reduce the health inequalities associated with the disease.
Currently around 42% of cancers are diagnosed at the later stages but through continued investment in the Detect Cancer Earlier (DCE) Programme the ambition is to reduce the number diagnosed at stages III and IV in year 10 of the plan to 24%. That would mean around 5,000 fewer people diagnosed with later stage disease in the year 2033.
The strategy is underpinned by a three-year Cancer Action Plan that contains 136 actions. Both documents focus on improving all areas of cancer services, from prevention and diagnosis through to treatment and post-treatment care, with a particular focus on the currently less-survivable cancers.
Health Secretary Michael Matheson, launched the plan at the Cancer Centre at Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, where he met staff delivering the Single Point of Contact service, which helps ensure patients have dedicated person-centred support throughout their treatment.
Mr Matheson said: “Our absolute focus is to improve cancer survival and make sure everyone gets excellent and accessible care. The pandemic had a significant impact on all aspects of health and social care, and cancer services were no exception. This Cancer Strategy will make sure we are properly delivering these vital services and clearly directing future investments.
“The strategy takes a strong public health approach, which means more cancers will be prevented. Those who require diagnostics and treatment will have prompt access to quality services. As well as being able to cure more people, we also recognise the importance of treatment to extend good quality life and the provision of excellent palliative care.
“The Scottish Cancer Network will be at the heart of our strategic ambitions, setting out agreed best clinical practice and assuring people with cancer of common standards of care, no matter where they live.
“We will continue to work closely alongside the NHS, third sector, and industry to deliver quality cancer services for the people of Scotland. The new Scottish Cancer Strategic Board will provide oversight of the strategy and action plan.”
Chair of the Scottish Cancer Coalition and Public Affairs Manager for Cancer Research UK in Scotland Dr Sorcha Hume said: “The Scottish Cancer Coalition works with the Scottish Government to ensure that the voice of cancer charities and patients is heard. We therefore welcome the publication of the new Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023-2033.
“Our NHS is under more pressure than ever, and it is our sincere hope that this strategy is the first step towards better cancer services for the people of Scotland. It is vital however that implementation is swift, and that the strategy is adequately funded.
“We look forward to continuing our work with the Scottish Government to realise our shared ambition of improving cancer outcomes for everyone in Scotland.”
Lorraine Dallas, Chair of the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce Scotland and Director of Information, Prevention and Support at the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, said: “The new Cancer Strategy for Scotland is a big step in the right direction for people diagnosed with one of the less survivable cancers.
“Those include cancers of the pancreas, lung, stomach, liver, brain and oesophagus (the less survivable cancers) which have an average five-year survival of just 16% from diagnosis. Lung cancer remains Scotland’s single biggest cause of cancer death and a continued focus and action to address this should be an urgent priority.
“We’re encouraged to see a clear commitment to taking action on those cancer types that have the poorest survival. We now need significant investment in research and action to improve cancer diagnostic and treatment services.
“Early diagnosis is crucial when it comes to cancer survival. We know that less survivable cancers are far more likely to be diagnosed in the later stages of the disease and this has a significant impact on treatment options.
“We will work closely with the Government, patients and clinicians to ensure that we now see action to give people who are diagnosed with these cancers a better chance of survival.”
The UK Covid-19 Inquiry began hearing evidence for its first investigation into the UK’s preparedness and resilience for a pandemic this morning (Tuesday 13 June 2023) at 10:00.
These public hearings are when the Chair, Baroness Heather Hallett, begins formally listening to evidence. Six weeks of hearings are planned for Module 1, which will run until Thursday 20 July.
The hearing opened with a statement from the Chair, followed by a short film showing the impact of the pandemic, featuring people from across the UK, sharing their experiences of loss.
The voices of some of those who suffered most during the pandemic are heard through the film. Some people may find the film difficult to watch.
This was followed by opening statements from Core Participants to the first investigation. The Inquiry then heard testimony from first witnesses.
The hearings are open to the public and will be held at the Inquiry’s hearing centre, Dorland House, 121 Westbourne Terrace, London, W2 6BU. Seating at the hearing centre is limited and will be reserved on a first come first served basis.
The hearings will also be available to view on our YouTube channel, subject to a three minute delay.
The Inquiry is expected to last three years.
The first four panels of the UK Covid Inquiry’s commemorative tapestry have been unveiled at the Inquiry’s hearing centre in Dorland House.
The tapestry hopes to capture the experiences and emotions of people across the UK during the pandemic, helping to ensure that people who suffered hardship and loss remain at the heart of the Inquiry.
The panels are inspired by the experiences of organisations and individuals from across the UK.
Each panel is based on an illustration by a different artist, following conversations with individuals and communities impacted in different ways by the pandemic.
“Broken Hearts” is a collaboration between artist Andrew Crummy and the Scottish Covid Bereaved group, one of the Inquiry’s Core Participants, and expresses the grief and sadness felt by so many at the loss of loved ones.
“Little Comfort” was created by Daniel Freaker, and is his interpretation of some of the emotions and experiences of those with Long Covid, following conversations with members of several Long Covid support and advocacy organisations.
“Eyes Forced Shut” was created by Catherine Chinatree. It explores the disempowerment and loss of freedoms experienced by patients and their relatives in care homes, and follows conversations between the artist and members of Care Campaign for the Vulnerable.
“The Important Thing Is That You Care” was created by artist Marie Jones, following a series of conversations with a bereaved individual in Wales, grieving the loss of her father.
Last month, the Inquiry announced that renowned art curator Ekow Eshun had been appointed to oversee the first phase of the project, with further panels to be developed over the coming months.
The Inquiry will be sharing further information about each of the panels, including from the artists, and those whose experiences helped shape the artwork, and the digital version of the tapestry will be available next month.
The tapestry will also be shown in different locations throughout the UK whilst the Inquiry’s work is ongoing. We plan to add more panels over time, so this tapestry reflects the scale and impact the pandemic had on different communities.
The UK Covid Inquiry’s commemorative tapestry is one of a growing number of sculptures, creative installations, and community initiatives being developed as the county (and the world) comes to terms with the enormity of the pandemic and its effect on the lives of countless millions of people. Each of these projects brings a unique perspective and adds a powerful new layer of value to the richness of our collective memory.
TUC: Inquiry must examine how “unchecked growth” of insecure work left millions vulnerable to the virus
NEW ANALYSIS: numbers in insecure work grew by a fifth in the decade preceding the pandemic – with half a million more in insecure work by the end of the decade
Insecure workers were TWICE as likely to die from Covid-19 during the pandemic
TUC says Tory failure on workers’ rights had devastating consequences for workers
The TUC has today (Monday) called on the Covid public inquiry to look at how the “unchecked growth” of insecure work left millions of low-paid and frontline workers vulnerable to the pandemic.
New analysis by the TUC shows that between 2011 and the end of 2019, the number of people in insecure work grew by a fifth – with half a million more in insecure jobs by the end of the decade.
In 2011, the numbers in insecure work were 3.2 million. By the end of the decade, the numbers were 3.7 million.
This growth is disproportionate compared to the growth of the labour market in this period (the proportion of those in insecure work grew from 10.7% to 11.2%).
The call by the union body comes as the Covid public inquiry prepares to take witness evidence from Tuesday 13 June.
Higher mortality rates
TUC analysis during the pandemic showed that those in insecure occupations faced mortality rates which were twice as high as those in more secure jobs.
The analysis showed that:
The Covid-19 male mortality rate in insecure occupations was 51 per 100,000 people aged 20-64, compared to 24 per 100,000 people in less insecure occupations.
The Covid-19 female mortality rate in insecure occupations was 25 per 100,000 people, compared to 13 per 100,000 in less insecure occupations.
BME and low-paid workers “forced to shoulder most risk”
The TUC says workers in insecure jobs were forced to shoulder more risk of infection during this pandemic, while facing the “triple whammy” of a lack of sick pay, fewer rights and endemic low pay.
TUC polling from 2022 showed that three in four (76%) in insecure jobs get the “miserly” statutory sick pay, or nothing, when off sick.
Insecure workers are markedly less likely to benefit from the full range of employment rights that permanent, more secure workers are entitled to, including vital safeguards such as unfair dismissal and redundancy protections.
Sectors such as care, leisure, and the elementary occupations have high rates of insecure work – compared to managerial, professional and admin sectors which have some of the lowest.
Those in insecure occupations largely continued to work outside the home during the pandemic – and many were key workers.
A government study suggested that agency workers at care homes – often employed on zero-hours contracts – unwittingly spread the infection as the pandemic grew.
During the pandemic, insecure workers accounted for one in nine workers – with women, disabled workers and BME workers more likely to be in precarious work.
Recent TUC research showed BME women are twice as likely to be on zero-hours contracts as white men.
Dismal record on workers’ rights
The TUC says that the government’s record on workers’ rights has been dismal.
Instead of “getting a grip of insecure work” as it grew from 2010 onwards, the Conservative government “let it flourish on their watch”.
This was despite government promises to boost employment rights.
The Taylor Review reported on 11 July 2017, promising “good work for all”. However, the following years have seen few of the review’s proposals implemented.
And since the pandemic, ministers have failed to learn lessons – instead repeating the same mistakes.
Ministers ditched the long-promised employment bill – and they are now backsliding on promised protections for workers from sexual harassment, as well as attacking workers’ right to strike.
TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said: “The Covid public inquiry must look at how the unchecked growth of insecure work left millions vulnerable to the pandemic.
“Ministers let insecure work flourish on their watch – instead of clamping down on the worst employment practices.
“That failure had devastating – and even fatal – consequences for workers.
“Those in insecure work faced markedly higher Covid infections and death rates. And they were hit by a triple whammy of endemic low pay, few workplace rights and low or no sick pay.
“Lots of them were the key workers we all applauded – like care workers, delivery drivers and coronavirus testing staff.
“For years ministers promised working people improved rights and protections. But they repeatedly failed to deliver.
“It’s time for the government to learn the lessons of the pandemic and stamp out the scourge of insecure work for good.”
On the Conservative government refusing to hand over unredacted evidence to the inquiry Paul added: “Ministers seem more interested in playing political games than learning lessons from the pandemic.
“It’s time they fully cooperated with the inquiry and stopped dragging their feet.”
A new national digital dermatology programme will be launched to help speed up treatment and reduce waiting lists.
By capturing quality digital images of a patient’s skin concern when they visit their GP or primary care provider the programme will, where clinically appropriate, allow a senior dermatologist to triage, diagnose and assess some skin conditions without the need for patients to attend an appointment.
People will then either be treated by their GP, directed to a more suitable service for their skin concern like an acne clinic or be offered a face-to-face appointment at a dermatology clinic, with those who need it directly scheduled for treatment or surgery.
Dermatology is one of the biggest outpatient specialties with over 46,000 patients on the waiting list for a first appointment at the end of March 2023. This new programme, backed by £1.8 million of funding, could potentially reduce demand for outpatient dermatology appointments by up to 50 per cent with the potential for up to 90 percent of referrals across Scotland to include a digital image.
Health Secretary Michael Matheson said: “The Scottish Government is determined to reduce waiting times across all specialities, and we know that dermatology is one of the busiest when it comes to demand for outpatient appointments.This new programme will lead to a better and quicker service for patients – allowing clinicians to see patients in the right place sooner. It has the potential to significantly reduce waiting times.
“Innovation like this is vital for the future of our healthcare service and I am excited to see the real benefits that will come from programmes like this in the years to come.”
Fiona Macdonald, Consultant Dermatologist and Centre for Sustainable Delivery (CfSD) Clinical Lead for Dermatology said: “Managing referrals during the pandemic highlighted to Dermatologists how important a good quality image is to a Dermatology referral.
“It can help us prioritise the most urgent referrals, choose the right treatment pathway or offer advice to support care provided in Primary care”.
Dr Stuart Sutton, GP and clinical lead for primary and secondary care interface working, said: “Having a fast, effective and secure way for Primary Care teams to send images of our patient’s skin conditions to specialist colleagues will ensure more rapid and most appropriate advice and treatment is available – a picture provides a level of detail that cannot be conveyed in a traditional referral letter.”