Millions would need to DOUBLE their income just to escape poverty

Hardship deepens as millions find the poverty line further out of reach

New analysis in the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) flagship UK Poverty report quantifies for the first time how many thousands of pounds are needed by families to escape poverty – and how that has got worse over time. It is now 20 years and 6 prime ministers since there was a sustained fall in poverty.

New analysis in the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) flagship UK Poverty report quantifies for the first time how many thousands of pounds are needed by families to escape poverty – and how that has got worse over time. It is now 20 years and 6 prime ministers since there was a sustained fall in poverty.

How much you would need to move out of poverty

The poverty gap, or the amount of money needed to bring the incomes of people in poverty to the poverty line, has grown wider.  Six million of the poorest people – those living in very deep poverty – would need on average to more than double their income to move out of poverty.

Analysis of the latest data shows that the average person in poverty has an income 29% below the poverty line, with the gap up from 23% in the mid-1990s. The average income of people in very deep poverty – is 59% below the poverty line.

This is equivalent to a couple with two children under 14:

  • in poverty needing an additional £6,200 per year to reach the poverty line.  In the mid 90’s, the gap was £3,300 after adjusting for inflation.
  • in very deep poverty needing a whopping £12,800 more to reach the poverty line.

Poverty increased in the latest official data, returning close to pre-pandemic levels

  • Over one in five people in the UK (22%) were in poverty in 2021/22
  • This equates to 14.4 million people in total, with 8.1 million working-age adults, 4.2 million children and 2.1 million pensioners living in poverty
  • Nearly two-thirds (64%) of working-age adults in poverty live in working households. This has increased by 3 percentage points, from 61% to 64%, between 2020/21 and 2021/22
  • The number and proportion of children and pensioners in poverty rose between 2020/21 and 2021/22, as well as overall poverty
  • Around two in every ten adults are in poverty in the UK, with about three in every ten children being in poverty
  • Around 6 million people lived in very deep poverty in 2021/22

JRF analysis of broader trends since the 1970s shows that poverty rates grew rapidly under the Thatcher Government, reaching around a quarter in the mid to late 1990s, and have remained stubbornly high since then.

Poverty fell during the first half of the New Labour administration but started to rise after 2005. Overall, poverty has barely moved since Conservative-led Governments took power in 2010, with every year’s poverty rate since then being between 20% and 22%.

At the same time, the British public is more conscious of rising poverty levels in society. Since 2017, the majority agree that the government should increase tax and spending on health, education and other social benefits.

As we approach a general election, political parties must urgently address entrenched high levels of poverty by:

  • Introducing an ‘Essentials Guarantee’ into Universal Credit, to ensure that everyone has a protected minimum amount of support to afford essentials like food and household bills.
  • Beyond this, future governments must focus on expanding the foundations of economic security to everyone in our society. People experiencing poverty, especially deep poverty, will be looking for plans from parties to ensure that they are not left unprotected when times are hard.

Paul Kissack, Group Chief Executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, says:
 “It has been almost twenty years and six Prime Ministers since the last prolonged period of falling poverty in the UK. Instead, over the last two decades, we have seen poverty deepen, with more and more families falling further and further below the poverty line.

“Little wonder that the visceral signs of hardship and destitution are all around us – from rocketing use of foodbanks to growing numbers of homeless families. This is social failure at scale. It is a story of both moral and fiscal irresponsibility – an affront to the dignity of those living in hardship, while driving up pressures on public services like the NHS.

“It’s a story which can – and must – change.  Governments are not powerless to act, as we have seen throughout our history. One way politicians can take action in the next parliament is to enshrine in law a guarantee that people will always be able to afford the essentials, such as food and household bills, through our benefits system.

“2024 will be a year of choices, and any political party wishing to form a new Government must set out a practical and ambitious plan to turn back the tide on poverty in the UK. That plan – to ensure the dignity and respect of every member of our society – will be essential for achieving any broader ambitions for the country”.

Martin Lewis, Founder of & The Money & Mental Health Policy Institute Charity said: “I warned at the start of the energy crisis that I was out of tools to help many on the lowest incomes.  “

“Now we have hit the stark reality that 100,000s of people in the UK, even after they’ve had professional help from money charities, are still deficit budgeting – so their income is less than their minimum necessary expenditure.

“Definitions of poverty are tricky, especially when based on relative incomes, but that smells like a clear indication the problem is getting worse.

“And let’s be plain, once people are in the deepest mire, it’s not a Money Saving Expert you need, its policy makers and regulators to sit up take note and address these deep rooted problems – which is exactly what I hope they do with this Joseph Rowntree Foundation report highlighting the situation and calling for change.”

Number of people in poverty and poverty rates for different groups, UK, 2021/22

GroupNumber in povertyPoverty rate (%)
Working-age adults8,100,00020%
Single pensioners1,100,00025%
Couple pensioners1,000,00014%
Single working-age adults, no children3,000,00024%
Working-age adults in a couple, no children1,900,00013%
Working-age lone parents800,00042%
Working-age parents in couple families2,400,00021%
Children in lone-parent families1,500,00044%
Children in couple families2,700,00025%

IMAGES: Miners Strike 1984

TUC: UK families suffering “worst decline” in living standards in the G7

UK is only country in G7 where household budgets have not recovered to pre-pandemic levels

  • Families would be £750 a year better off if real disposable income had grown in line with other leading economies 
  • Working people are being made poorer by Conservative failure, union body says 

The UK is suffering the worst decline in living standards of any G7 country – according to new TUC analysis published this week.

The analysis shows the UK is only G7 economy where real household disposable income per head hasn’t recovered to its pre-pandemic levels: 

Real household disposable incomes in the UK were 1.2% lower in the second quarter of 2023 than at the end of 2019. 

But over the same period they grew by 3.5%, on average, across the G7. 

The TUC estimates that if real disposable income in the UK had risen in line with the G7 average UK families would be £750 a year better off. 

More pain ahead 

The union body warned that the contraction in UK household budgets is going to get worse – despite falling inflation. 

The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) forecasts that real house disposable income per head in Britain will fall by an additional 3.4% by the end of the first quarter of 2024. 

And according to the same forecasts household budgets won’t even recover to their pre-pandemic levels until the end of 2026. 

The OBR said in November that UK households are suffering the worst period for living standards since modern records began in the 1950s. 

Households in debt 

The TUC says the Conservatives’ failure to grow the economy and deliver healthy wage growth has pushed many households further into debt. 

Analysis published by the union body at the end of December revealed that unsecured debt (credit cards, loans, hire purchase agreements) is set to rise by £1,400 per household, in real terms, this year. 

The TUC says working people have been left brutally exposed to rising costs after years of pay stagnation. 

UK workers are on course for two decades of lost living standards with real wages not forecast to recover to their 2008 level until 2028. 

The TUC estimates that the average worker has lost £14,800 since 2008 as a result of their pay not keeping up with pre-global financial crisis real wage trends. 

TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said: “The UK is the only G7 nation where living standards are worse than before the pandemic. 

“While families in other countries have seen their incomes recover – household budgets here continue to shrink. 

“This is a damning indictment on the Conservatives’ economic record.  

“Their failure to deliver decent growth and living standards over the last 13 years has left millions exposed to skyrocketing bills – and is pushing many deeper into debt. 

“We can’t go on like this. Britain cannot afford the Tories for a day longer.” 

Growth in real disposable household income in the G7 

Country change 2019Q4 to 2023Q2 
United Kingdom -1.2 
Italy 0.1 
Germany 0.2 
Japan * 0.5 
France 2.4 
Canada 3.0 
G7 3.5 
United States 6.0 
source: OECD; * Japan to 2022Q1 

– The analysis is based on OECD figures for real household disposable income per head, which extend to 2023Q2 (except for Japan, which go to 2022Q1). Looking forward, UK figures are based on Office for Budget Responsibility projections in the November 2023 Economic and Fiscal Outlook. As with the ONS outturns and OBR projections, cash figures are in 2019 prices. 

– The OBR measure living standards as real household disposable income (RDHI) per person. 

COSLA: ‘Poverty gap in Scotland will continue to grow’


COSLA has described the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget as a missed opportunity for the communities of Scotland in relation to tackling poverty.

COSLA also added that Scotland’s Council Leaders, Councillors, the Local Government Workforce and communities should be treated with the respect they deserve demonstrated through investment, not cuts.

COSLA said:  “At a special meeting just before Christmas, there was dismay and frustration from Scotland’s Council Leaders about the way Local Government and the communities we represent had been treated in the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget.  As the Budget currently stands, communities will see and feel a range of negative impacts.

“COSLA’s ‘Councils are Key’ budget lobbying campaign set out the case for fair funding that would allow Local Government to deliver for the people of Scotland, particularly around tackling poverty, one of the three shared priorities laid out in the Verity House Agreement.

“The response from the Scottish Government to our Budget ask is disappointing and will mean that the potential that councils have to prevent problems occurring will be limited severely.

“Specifically on poverty, the Budget should have had a focus on tackling the root causes of poverty, particularly its impacts on children. This would have needed a greater prioritisation of the work councils do in prevention and early support.

“The essential social supports councils provide in homes, schools, hubs and communities that aim to support and empower people will be further eroded – this has been the case for a number of years now, due to poor Local Government settlements that cut core funding.

“Services that support Local Government to Keep the Promise made to Scotland’s care experienced children and young people like family support and youth work, are under threat as a result of the proposed Scottish budget. 

“Tackling poverty in Scotland will continue to be a significant challenge when councils do not have the resources they need to support communities.

“This year’s Budget presented the opportunity prioritise prevention and tackle inequity, to invest in communities and realise our ambitions to end poverty in Scotland.

“It did not deliver. Without a fair settlement for Councils, the poverty gap in Scotland will continue to grow. Investing in Local Government is key to a fairer Scotland.”

“The proposed Council Tax Freeze means that money which could have been invested in tackling poverty upstream – in families, communities and schools – is lost, missing a real opportunity to unlock Councils’ potential.

“COSLA’s President, Vice President and political Group Leaders from all parties have written to the Deputy First Minister and are seeking an urgent meeting.  

Council Leaders will not let this lie, they simply cannot afford to because it will have such a detrimental impact on the communities they represent.”

Edinburgh Food Project: Holiday opening hours

Our foodbanks will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and Monday 1 and Tuesday 2 January.

Otherwise, the foodbanks will be open as usual, except for Craigmillar, which closes on Thursday 21 December, and reopens on Thursday 4 January.

Find out more:

Council grants £10m to support communities affected by poverty


Tackling the impact of poverty on children, families and communities is at the heart of a £10m three year grants fund approved by the City of Edinburgh Council yesterday (Monday 18 December).

In total 68 community-based organisations will benefit from the Connected Communities Edinburgh Grant Programme 2024-27 which was approved by the Education, Children and Families Committee.

Organisations were invited to apply for a grant of £10k minimum and £100k maximum per year to one of three funding strands – Learning Outcomes, Health and Wellbeing and Youth Work.

Eligibility criteria for programme included that organisations are based in Edinburgh, hold charitable status, and have an annual income under £2 million. Both NHS Lothian and Police Scotland also contributed funding to the awards.

Eighty nine applications were assessed with total bids totalling £16.7m over three years for an available budget of £10m. This was carried out by trained assessors before going to a moderation panel consisting of the Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council (EVOC), Lothian Association of Youth Clubs (LAYC) and an independent chair.

Sixty eight organisations had their bids approved either in full or partially with the new grants programme running from 1 April 2024 through to 31 March 2027.

Councillor Joan Griffiths, Convener for the Education, Children and Families Committee, said: “The Connected Communities Edinburgh grants programme aims to support vulnerable and disadvantaged young people and their families right across Edinburgh.

“The three different funding strands mean we can direct resources to deliver outcomes that best support those most impacted by poverty.

“This new programme is a really good example of partnership working at its best. We listened to third sector and voluntary organisations about their first-hand knowledge of what the need was in our communities and where funding should be directed.

“Getting to today’s decision has involved a lengthy and really robust assessment process and I want to thank everyone who has contributed.

£We will of course continue to monitor the progress of the funding over the coming three years to ensure the outcomes promised for our communities are being delivered.”

Alleviating poverty in Scotland requires investment in local government, says COSLA


Alleviating Poverty in Scotland requires investment in Local Government COSLA said today (Monday).

Commenting ahead of the Scottish Budget announcement tomorrow, Councillor Tony Buchanan, COSLA’s Children and Young People Spokesperson said: “If Scotland is to make progress towards alleviating and eradicating poverty, this year’s Scottish Budget must focus on tackling the root causes, with a greater prioritisation of local prevention and early-intervention work – and Councils are key to this.

“This means investment in the essential social supports provided everyday by Councils, in schools, in local community hubs, at the right place, at the right time.

“If the core services aimed at supporting and empowering people to reach their full potential are eroded, as they have been over the last few years as a result of cuts to our core Budgets, then tackling poverty in Scotland will continue to be a significant challenge.

“Action to address poverty and deprivation was noted as a key priority for Scotland in the concluding report on children’s services reform research published by CELCIS last week and reinforces the importance of the shared priority within the Verity House Agreement.

“For too long now, the financial settlement for Local Government has meant that Councils have had to cut spend to services which are needed to tackle poverty – whether they are youth work, social work support or breakfast clubs

This year’s Budget presents the opportunity to reverse this trend, to invest in communities and realise our ambitions to tackle poverty in Scotland.

“Without a fair settlement for Councils in tomorrow’s Budget, the poverty gap in Scotland will continue to grow.

“Investing in Local Government is key to a fairer Scotland.”

STUC Disabled Workers’ Conference: Usdaw seeks to tackle gender-based violence and poverty

Retail trade union Usdaw has a delegation of reps and officials attending the annual Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) Disabled Workers’ Conference in Glasgow, Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 December.

The union has submitted motions on tackling gender-based violence against disabled workers, along with building a movement of protest against poverty.

Tracy Gilbert – Usdaw Regional Secretary for Scotland says: “The number of disabled people living in poverty in Scotland has increased in recent years with more than half of all people in poverty living in a household with at least one disabled worker.

“We reject any suggestion that this is inevitable, poverty and the failure to tackle inequality are political decisions. The disability employment gap in Scotland remains high with disabled women facing even greater discrimination, larger pay gaps and higher unemployment.

“As well as taking action to offset the immediate impacts of the cost-of-living crisis on disabled people and their families; the Scottish and Westminster governments must also act to address the underlying historical inequalities experienced by disabled people including the disproportionate impact of austerity policies.”

Usdaw welcomes the important role the Disabled Workers Committee play setting the record straight and is asking the STUC to:

  • Support the efforts of unions and disabled people’s organisations to tackle disability discrimination and change the way disabled people are viewed, valued and included in Scottish and wider UK society.
  • Campaign for improvements to social security so that as well as protecting disabled workers from poverty, it also prevents poverty; takes into account the significant and additional costs of being disabled; and fully supports independent living.
  • Continue to build a movement of protest against the current cost of living crisis that highlights the specific impact of the current crisis on disabled people and puts their voices centre stage.

Tracy Gilbert continues: “Studies show that disabled women are disproportionately likely to experience gender-based violence but are far less likely to report it.

“Workplace trade union reps have a vital role in supporting women workers to recognise and recover from abuse and this is particularly the case for disabled women who are often less able to access appropriate support and to have their voices heard.

“Changes to domestic violence legislation to include coercive control are important in understanding how specific abuse against disabled women may manifest itself in a variety of ways, for example where the abuser controls someone through their impairment or support needs.

“We commend the work union reps are doing to support disabled survivors of domestic abuse.”

Usdaw is seeking greater recognition by employers of the challenges disabled women face in escaping abuse and is calling on the STUC to:

  • Support affiliated unions to negotiate domestic abuse policies with employers that recognise the specific needs of disabled women workers.   
  • Involve disabled women in developing the trade union and labour movement’s work on gender-based violence.

Aberlour Children’s Charity seeks support for families amid cost-of-living crisis

·        Aberlour Children’s Charity is launching a national ‘Poverty Relief Appeal’ to secure donations for its Urgent Assistance Fund 

·        The Fund, which provides emergency funding to families for essentials, is in desperate need of money to support a rise in applicants due to the cost-of-living crisis  

Aberlour Children’s Charity, one of Scotland’s largest children’s charities, is launching a national fundraising drive, to secure critical donations for its Urgent Assistance Fund which is set to run out by Christmas.

The Fund provides poverty relief to families in crisis, where they receive emergency grants, often within 48 hours, to help pay for essentials such as food, clothing, bedding, heating and lighting costs.

In the last year, the Fund has donated over £33k to people in Edinburgh and the Lothians helping almost 500 people in critical conditions.

This winter will see the highest cost of living in decades for Scots, and in many communities around the country, children are going without the basics required to feed, clothe, and heat them.

The latest research suggests that almost half of families who apply to Aberlour’s Urgent Assistance Fund do not know where their next meal is coming from, and a fifth of families who apply don’t have beds for their children.

Worryingly, around 50% of those who apply do not have the funds to purchase their children new clothing adequate for Scottish weather, which could have serious health implications as the colder months set in.

One support worker in Edinburgh said: “The cost of living crisis is a real issue. Everything has gone up in price for families who were already living in poverty. I am seeing children that have unclean bedding or sometimes no bedding. Some have broken beds. Some have no storage or anywhere to keep their clothes, because of the terrible housing problems in Edinburgh right now.

“Families have only just got enough money to pay rent and by the time they’ve paid their bills, especially with the rising costs and buying food, they don’t have money for anything else. So, if their kids need winter clothes, they have no way of buying them warm stuff.

“Families are so grateful for the financial support. If I tell them I’ve had an email through from Aberlour, so they will have money soon, they are so relieved.”

This year Aberlour has provided grants via the Urgent Assistance Fund to more than 6,986 people in Scotland, including 4,275 children, totalling over £580k. It is a vital lifetime to thousands of people for items which many of us take for granted.

The charity’s Poverty Relief Appeal launches this week across national TV, radio, press and digital. Those who can are being asked to donate to support families trapped in poverty and struggling to survive the toughest conditions faced by Scots in many years.

SallyAnn Kelly OBE, Chief Executive at Aberlour Children’s Charity, said: “This winter, as we continue to face the biggest cost of living crisis in recent memory, more and more families are turning to the charity for help. Because of this soaring demand, the emergency fund is going to run out of money by Christmas when it is needed most.  

“Too many children are going without and for many families it is a constant worry of where the next meal is coming from, and if there’ll be enough money to heat their home.  

“Aberlour’s Urgent Assistance Fund is a lifeline to disadvantaged families all over Scotland and every penny of cash donated goes directly to those who need it most. If you are in a position to donate – however big or small the amount – we would be infinitely grateful for your support.” 

Aberlour’s Urgent Assistance Fund is designed to provide immediate relief to families with children (aged 21 and under) who are suffering extreme hardship. It is a critical lifeline with money paid straight to families who apply via a sponsor (health professional, social worker, teacher, third sector organisation, clergy or other professional) to ensure that the lights stay on, homes are warm, and their children have the essentials they need. 

Donations to Aberlour’s Urgent Assistance Fund via: 

Information on the Urgent Assistance Fund:

Charity reveals 1 in 7 parents/carers won’t be buying presents for their children this Christmas

Research from national charity Family Action reveals the stark reality many families face this Christmas

Families across the UK are facing increasing financial hardship and new research from Family Action reveals that 1 in 7 parents/carers surveyed, said they won’t be able to afford to buy presents for their children this Christmas due to financial constraints.

In addition, a quarter of parents/carers surveyed said they won’t be able to afford to buy presents for their children’s grandparents, and almost a quarter of parents / carers surveyed said they won’t be able to afford to buy presents for their partner this Christmas, due to financial constraints.

  • 1 in 7 (14%) parents/carers surveyed said they won’t be able to afford to buy presents for their children this Christmas due to financial constraints.
  • A quarter (25%) of parents/carers surveyed said they won’t be able to afford to buy presents for their parents (their child/children’s grandparents), and almost a quarter (24%) of parents/carers surveyed said they won’t be able to afford to buy presents for their partner this Christmas due to financial constraints.
  • 1 in 5 (20%) parents/carers surveyed said they will go without heating their house this Christmas.
  • Over half (54%) of parents/carers surveyed agree* that Christmas is going to negatively affect their mental health this year because of worry about finances, with just over a third (34%) of parents/carers surveyed agree* that they will need to seek external support with finances.
  • Almost half of parents/carers (47%) surveyed agree* they expect to be in debt after Christmas 2023, while almost 3 in 10 (29%) parents/carers surveyed agree* they are still paying off debt from spending on Christmas 2022.

Family Action is launching its annual ‘Make Theirs Magic’ campaign to support families facing hard times this Christmas.

The charity provides emotional and practical support to over 60,000 families across the country and this Christmas it is looking once again to distribute thousands of toys to families through the Family Action Christmas Toy Appeal.

Mum, Hayley, said: “I’ve been handling Christmas a bit differently this year. I’ve even bought some presents in the January sales. I’ve got no idea how Christmas is going to look at the moment.

“I’ve cut back, but I don’t know where we’ll find the money and I don’t think we’re seeing family at Christmas. It’s still a special day, it’s a home day for us.”

David Holmes CBE, Chief Executive of Family Action, said: “Every family deserves comfort and joy at Christmas, but with the high costs of food and utilities, many will find their holiday season stressful and difficult.

“We work with thousands of families across the country, and from the research findings and feedback from our frontline staff, we know only too well the challenges families are facing.

“It is a stark reality that one in seven parents won’t be able to afford gifts for their children this Christmas, and that for over half of parents/carers, they expect that their mental health and wellbeing will be negatively affected, due to the worry of financial constraints.”

Mum, Cathryne, said: “At the moment I can’t work so I could never afford the gifts my children were given by people donating to the Toy Appeal.

“It takes away the guilt I feel as no parent wants to be in that position.”

David Holmes CBE adds: “It does seem, this year, that Christmas magic is in short supply, but this is where Family Action comes in. This Christmas we’re offering a sleigh load of practical and emotional support to families through our FOOD clubs, financial grants, FamilyLine, and our Christmas Toy Appeal.

“By supporting our ‘Make Theirs Magic’ campaign, people can help with a special gift that could bring Christmas cheer to a child and their family. Together, we can keep the magic of Christmas alive. Thank you.”  

Visit Family Action Make Theirs Magic and keep the magic of Christmas alive by donating to Family Action.

Thousands of Edinburgh employees benefit from fair pay after Living Wage campaign

Everyone deserves a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.

A campaign to boost the number of businesses which become real Living Wage accredited has led to 12,000 Edinburgh workers receiving a direct, guaranteed uplift in pay over the past decade.

Since the Scottish Real Living Wage campaign was first launched in 2013, over 700 Edinburgh businesses have made the voluntary commitment to pay the only wage rate designed to rise in line with the cost of living in the UK. 

Those commitments have meant total pay increases to the value of almost £100m over the last 10 years for the lowest paid workers in Scotland’s capital city.

Speaking at an event in Edinburgh on Wednesday to mark Living Wage Week Scotland, Councillor Jane Meagher welcomed the achievement but said fair pay must go further.

As Co-Chair of the Edinburgh Living Wage Action Group and Convener of Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work, she said:We’ve had a record-breaking few years in Edinburgh for Living Wage sign ups and it feels like we’re witnessing a real movement.

“This year alone we have seen more than 100 businesses sign up as real Living Wage employers, and eight Edinburgh employers committing to the new Living Hours standard. This needs to be celebrated, but we cannot be complacent.

“The next few months and years will be critical because we know that poverty in Edinburgh is rising. Just last week, we declared a housing emergency because we simply do not have enough adequate affordable housing in the city to meet demand. With households facing financial insecurity and Edinburgh’s rents some of the highest in the UK, secure wages are as important as ever.

“We know Edinburgh-based businesses want to help tackle low pay and insecure work, but we know that employers are under increasing pressure. They too face a cost of living crisis, high bills and recruitment challenges.

“As the rate of the Real Living Wage rises to £12 an hour, Living Wage Week and the events hosted here in Edinburgh and across the country provide an opportunity to showcase how far we’ve come, while acknowledging that more work is needed. We need to help employers to make the Real Living Wage the norm.

“Everyone deserves a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.”

Kat Brogan, Managing Director of Mercat Tours and Co-Chair of the Edinburgh Living Wage Action Group, said:To any employer who is not there yet but wants to sign up to the Real Living Wage, now has never been a more crucial time. The cost of living – particularly in Edinburgh – remains high.

“As a powerful advocate for Living Wage businesses, our Action Group can provide advice and guide you towards becoming a Real Living Wage employer. It will benefit your team, your business and Edinburgh as a thriving city which offers a fair experience for all.

“The Real Living Wage is a crucial element of ‘Real Living’ – a happy, healthy, fulfilling life – and it’s so important to highlight its importance this Living Wage Week.”

Earlier this year, over 70 delegates from 16 UK towns, boroughs and cities joined the City of Edinburgh Council to call for employers to offer ‘a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work’ at Scotland’s first Living Wage Places Network event. Edinburgh’s selection followed the Scottish Capital’s recognition as a Living Wage City in 2021. 

Christine McCaig, Projects Coordinator at Living Wage Scotland, added: “We are celebrating the continued progress toward ‘Making Edinburgh a Living Wage City’ this Living Wage Week.

“Around one fifth of the 3400 accredited Living Wage employers in Scotland are based in Edinburgh, signalling Scotland’s capital city as a significant contributor to the continued growth of the Living Wage employer movement.

“Despite the challenges facing many businesses, more employers are showing their commitment to tackling in-work poverty and demonstrating leadership and resilience at a time when workers need it most.”

The Edinburgh Living Wage Action Group was established in 2021 with the aim of building the living wage movement in Scotland’s capital city. 

Employers who would like to know more about the group, or would like information and advice on becoming accredited can contact