Creating a fairer Scotland

How do we build a more equal society?

Toffs And Toughs

People across Scotland are being asked to take part in a national discussion about how the country can be a fairer and more equal place to live.

Over the past eight years Scotland has had a rising employment rate, improved educational outcomes and people living healthier lives – now the Scottish Government wants to mobilise the nation to help tackle the scourge of intergenerational poverty and create fairer opportunities for all.

To reach more people and build on the community-led discussions of the Referendum and General Election, widespread, direct involvement of communities will take place the length and breadth of Scotland.

People will be invited to set out their vision of a fairer Scotland and suggest practical solutions, based on local and personal experience.

Capturing the voices of those with direct experience of poverty and exclusion will be vital. Voluntary organisations and public sectors, charities, councils, large and small businesses, trade unions will also play a pivotal role.


Social Justice Secretary Alex Neil launched the national discussion – which will take place over the summer and into autumn – in Kirkshaws Neighbourhood Centre in Coatbridge earlier today.

Mr Neil said: “Tackling inequality, along with building a prosperous and competitive economy, is at the heart of the Scottish Government’s commitment to creating a better country for all. The two go hand in hand.

“The Scottish Government’s vision is for a Scotland where people are healthier, happier and treated with respect, and where opportunities, wealth and power are spread more equally. We want to discuss issues like childcare, fair work and health and hear what people believe could be done to create a better Scotland.

“It is important that we are an open and accessible government. We want to tap into conversations many people and communities are already having throughout Scotland, rather than consult on whether or not people agree with a range of ready-made proposals.

“We recognise that it will take time to achieve our shared vision of a fair, equal and socially just Scotland. We are not looking for quick fixes or temporary measures but long lasting change that can benefit the whole nation.”

Conversations will take place across the country and online, including a series of events over the summer and autumn where people can discuss the issues that mean most to them. An action plan, with people and their priorities at its heart, will be published in the new year with milestones to the next Parliament and beyond to help us achieve our goals.


Sir Harry Burns, former Chief Medical Officer and now Professor of Global Public Health at Strathclyde University, said: “The Government has recognised that the days of doing things to communities are past. Instead, the new approach, outlined in ‘Creating a Fairer Scotland’ is about doing things with communities.

“By meeting and listening to the marginalised and excluded people of Scotland, they will hear in raw detail what it’s like to live with fear of violence, hunger, cold and addiction. If communities are genuinely involved in shaping solutions to their own problems, those solutions will be enduring and effective.”

Peter Kelly, Director of The Poverty Alliance, said: “Today’s launch holds out the potential for a new approach to the problems of social injustice in Scotland. For once, we are not being asked to comment on plans that have already been made, or to pass judgement on some blueprint after it has been developed. By entering into genuine dialogue with people across Scotland we can begin to develop lasting solutions together.”

Tressa Burke, Chief Executive of the Glasgow Disability Alliance, said: “Our 2500 disabled members are delighted that the Scottish Government is leading by example and building on the energy of the referendum by beginning powerful dialogues and relationships with communities across Scotland. This matters because disabled peoples’ lives are blighted by poverty, exclusion and inequality on a daily basis. By working together, we are confident that we can come up with necessary steps and actions to tackle barriers and achieve a fairer and more equal life for disabled people and for all Scotland’s people.”

How YOU can join the conversation:

  • Send an email to
  • On Twitter at: @scotgovfairer
  • On Facebook at:
  • Responses can also be sent by post to: FREEPOST FAIRER SCOTLAND”
  • Public discussion events will also take place in communities across the country over the next few months. Details will be made available through

‘Scotland must unite against austerity’

‘We need to present a united front against these measures and I would encourage every organisation working to tackle inequalities and fighting poverty, to add their voice to this debate’ – Social Justice Secretary Alex Neil

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Third sector organisations need to stand united to fight Westminster’s proposed £12 billion cuts, Social Justice Secretary Alex Neil told conference delegates yesterday.

Speaking at the Child Poverty Action Group  Scotland’s annual conference, the Cabinet Secretary encouraged delegates and welfare workers to work together to bring the UK Government’s austerity agenda to a halt.

He said the first of the cuts is the UK Government’s Full Employment and Welfare Bill which will freeze the main rates of the majority of working age benefit tax credits and child benefit for two years from 2016-17, and reduce benefit expenditure in Scotland by around £130 million.

The Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) estimate that 11 million families in the UK, including an estimated one million families in Scotland, will be affected by the plans to freeze benefits.

Mr Neil said: “The UK Government’s proposed £12 billion cuts will have a detrimental impact on Scotland and will do nothing to tackle the scourge of child poverty.

“We need to present a united front against these additional measures and I would encourage every organisation working to tackle inequalities and fighting poverty, to add their voice to this debate.

“Through our Child Poverty Strategy we are already working with partners to reduce levels of poverty amongst households with children and to break inter-generational cycles of poverty, inequality and deprivation.

“The Scottish Government, alongside CPAG and others wants a more equal society, we want to create jobs and lift people out of poverty, and we will continue to listen to the advice of organisations who are working directly with families across the country.

“However if we are having to fund mitigation then we have a much harder challenge ahead of us. Our resources should be used to take positive action and tackle existing inequalities, not fight just to keep people at a standing position.

“The Smith Commission proposals gave the Scottish Government limited powers to make real inroads into child poverty outcomes. We will work with all concerned to make sure that the new powers we have will lead to better results for people in Scotland.”

John Dickie the Director of Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland said: “With key areas of social security set to be devolved to the Scottish Parliament today’s Child Poverty Action Group conference brings together over 180 frontline advisers to get the latest details on what exactly is being proposed and share ideas on how new powers might be used to improve benefit support and tackle poverty more effectively.

“The discussion is crucial coming as it does against a backdrop of rising child poverty and the threat of further cuts to the UK benefits that families both in and out of work rely on.”

Dignity: report reveals thoughts on a Scotland without poverty

‘If there wasn’t poverty, every community would be proud, there would be no stigma associated with living in particular places. People would feel able to participate in their community; they wouldn’t be scared of going out and getting involved.’
Over twelve months The Joseph Rowntree Foundation supported the Poverty Alliance to carry out a range of activities that would help ensure that the voices and experiences of those living on low incomes in Scotland were included as part of JRF’s UK Anti-Poverty Strategies research programme.
Over the course of this piece of work, the question of what a Scotland without poverty means was put to the participants in a series of activities. These activities – including community engagement meetings, establishing a community panel and organising the Scottish Assembly for Tackling Poverty – were then supplemented with further interviews with people living on low incomes late last year.
This short report (click on link below) highlights the particpants’ views on what a Scotland without of poverty would mean to them. The report sought to identify what some of the main challenges are, and how these may be addressed over the short and longer term.  
The JRF Anti-Poverty Strategy for the UK will be published later this year.

Living Wage benefits employers too, research finds

A pay packet

Improved productivity and an enhanced company reputation have been highlighted as key benefits of organisations implementing the Living Wage according to an independent report.

The report – Wider Payment of the Living Wage in Scotland – highlights that increased productivity is also likely to outweigh the higher wage for many firms with increased pay creating a ‘feel good factor’ in the workplace.

Reduced absenteeism and reduced staff turnover have also been outlined as potential benefits by the report, which has been published ahead of tomorrow’s second meeting of the Fair Work Convention.

Cabinet Secretary for Fair Work, Skills and Training Roseanna Cunningham welcomed the report and said: “This is a fascinating report which, on the whole, offers a very positive outlook on the benefits of paying the Living Wage.

“As well as the more obvious benefits to individuals receiving higher pay, I hope the findings on improved rates of absenteeism and better productivity help convince employers, not already on board with the Living Wage, that it could be a very positive step for their business.

“A number of respondents also mentioned the reputational benefits of being a Living Wage employer, including reinforcing their positioning as ethical and socially responsible businesses.

“The Scottish Government is committed to fairness, supporting those on the lowest incomes, and we recognise the real difference the Living Wage can make to the people of Scotland. We have been working closely with the Poverty Alliance to encourage every employer to ensure all staff receive a fair level of pay. The Fair Work Convention, which meets for the second time tomorrow, is looking a number of ways to improved workplace relations and productivity, with fair pay seen as key to their work.

“Some of Scotland’s top employers already pay the Living Wage, with Aberdeenshire beer company Brewdog, fast-becoming one of our most recognisable brands becoming the 200th accredited organisation last week.

“A KPMG report from last month showed that Scotland is most Living Wage-aware region in UK with 9 out of 10 Scots having heard of the Living Wage and a higher proportion of employees paid the Living Wage than the UK as a whole.

“But employers paying the living wage is only half the story here. The tax and benefits system needs to work smarter to make sure that people on low incomes see a greater share of any increases in pay – and we will press the UK Government to make sure this happens.”

The report ‘Wider Payment of the Living Wage in Scotland’ was carried out by Ipsos MORI and Loughborough University and can be found at:

Among the main points highlighted:

Existing research from other countries suggests that payment of the Living Wage can improve employee wellbeing, including higher satisfaction at the workplace. However, the effects on reducing poverty are less clear, as a large proportion of the employee’s pay increase is often lost in increased taxes and reduced means-tested benefits.

A considerable body of evidence shows no significant reduction in labour demand and employment levels due to increased wage floors.

Although increased productivity is likely to outweigh the higher wage cost for many firms, this does not mean that all firms will experience increased productivity, or that it will fully cover the cost for all those that do experience it. Some employers reduce labour costs in other ways (e.g. non-wage benefits), suffer reduced profits and/or pass the costs on to consumers in the form of higher prices.

To improve the implementation process, the Scottish Living Wage employers interviewed suggested employers should:

• conduct feasibility studies to identify and deal with potential risks

• communicate openly with staff about the rationale for adopting the Living Wage

• create a clear action plan for working with sub-contractors

The Scottish Living Wage employers interviewed suggested the Scottish Government could:

• provide advice and guidance on all aspects of the implementation phase

• encourage dialogue between Living Wage employers and those considering it

• raise awareness among recruitment agencies about the Living Wage

• provide more information and evidence on the benefits of the Living Wage

• provide financial incentives to help small businesses implement the Living Wage

• improve communications on, and engagement in, setting the level of the Living Wage

In the US, evidence on additional contracting costs due to enforcing a Living Wage among public contractors suggests at most very modest effects. In the UK – which, unlike the US, is unable to make payment of the living wage a mandatory requirement – a number of public bodies have nevertheless successfully included living wage considerations in procurement exercises. However, no satisfactory way of dealing with social care contracts has been found, due to very tight public budgets and a cost base dominated by low-paid labour.

Scottish Government contractors identified actions that could support the use of procurement to encourage implementation of the Living Wage, including:

• some form of subsidy to help offset increases in wage costs among contractors

• making use of local government and non-departmental government bodies to provide information and support

• workshops with contractors to provide information and advice on best practice

• providing robust evidence on the impacts, and advice on addressing barriers.

Food conference follow-up tomorrow

Taking the next steps forward to tackle food poverty

PCHP new logo (1)

Pilton Community Health Project recently produced a report on December’s ‘Good Food for All’ conference which focused on food poverty in North Edinburgh.

The report identifies a number of issues that we, as people living and working in the community, cannot solve ourselves.  We need action on policy issues


–          Living wages

–          Job creation and security

–          Social security and the punitive sanctions regime

–          Better recognition of the contribution that this local community makes towards improving its own food culture and access to affordable, fresh, healthy food and further support for this

–          The role of business in the provision of food.

You are invited to a meeting on Tuesday 28 April from 10 – 12 at Pilton Community Health Project to discuss how we might go about having our voices heard on these issues.

Please let me know if you are able to attend.
Anita Aggarwal (Community Development Manager)

Pilton Community Health Project

73 Boswall Parkway, Edinburgh, EH5 2PW

Telephone 0131 551 1671

Green MSPs call for wage rises to address food poverty


Scottish Green MSPs are calling for wage rises to help address the problem of food poverty in Scotland, as new figures from the Trussell Trust show the use of food banks has risen by two-thirds over the last year.

The trust issued emergency supplies on 117,689 occasions in Scotland last year – including 18,000 times in Glasgow and 14,000 in Edinburgh.

Patrick Harvie, Scottish Green MSP for Glasgow, said: “These figures are sobering. It’s clear that the dismantling of the benefits system, the unfair sanctions regime and the low pay economy we now have are all playing a part. It’s simply unacceptable in a country with so much wealth and so much good food.

“An immediate step we could take is to stop subsidising employers who pay poverty wages. Let’s make the minimum wage a Living Wage right now.”

Alison Johnstone, Scottish Green MSP for Lothian, said: “Benefit sanctions, falling wages and an insecure jobs market are all having a big impact. Tackling in-work poverty is paramount.”

Cash to tackle inequalities in Edinburgh

Dunedin Canmore and Port of Leith Housing Associations among projects t0 receive People and Communities Fund awards


Projects which promote healthy eating, IT skills and household budgeting will receive more than £690,000 funding to tackle poverty and inequalities in Edinburgh, it was announced this morning.

Fourteen projects from across the city  have secured a share of the Scottish Government’s People and Communities Fund (PCF) to change disadvantaged communities by providing advice, training or voluntary opportunities.

These include Port of Leith Housing Association’s Canny Budgeting which will receive £35,000 to offer advice to residents on tackling fuel poverty, more than £10,000 for Dunedin Canmore Housing Ltd’s Digital Skills for All for IT workshops and £23,000 for Broomhouse Health Strategy’s healthy eating classes.

The 20 More project, will receive £37,000 through PCF to empower local people and help households save £20 a week, through training opportunities which will allow them to gain skills and qualifications in community development, and benefits and energy advice, at the project’s community shop.

Speaking on a visit to the 20 More Community Shop and Serenity Café which is also operated by Comas, Community Empowerment Minister Marco Biagi said: “Every community in Scotland has different challenges and aspirations and there is no one-size fits all approach to tackling poverty.

“That’s why our People and Communities Fund is giving communities in Edinburgh the power and confidence to shape their own futures.

“With household budgets under pressure, it’s great to see a project like 20 More looking for ways to save 600 of the area’s most vulnerable families at least £20 a week and helping to ease some of the stress of paying their bills.”

Ruth Campbell, Chief Executive of Comas said: “We are so pleased that the Scottish Government is focusing on empowering communities, as sustainable change must be community-led and start from the grassroots. This grant enables us to put local people in the driving seat and builds their capacity for community-led action.

“Training local people in benefits advice and energy saving will directly impact on wellbeing in this community. It will also help some residents gain employment in these growing sectors, so the grant will have a strong ripple effect.”

See below for the full list of projects to receive PCF awards:

One Scot in eleven now living in poverty

Having a job is no guarantee of escape from poverty –  half of children living in extreme poverty were in households where at least one adult was in full time employment

homeless piper

More than half a million people in Scotland are living in severe or extreme poverty , according to the latest data published today. Scotland’s poorest people lived on less than half the average income in 2012/13, according to a new government report.

Around 510,000 people, including 100,000 children and 80,000 pensioners, are living in severe poverty – households with an income under £11,500. A further 230,000 were classed as living in extreme poverty, which means the household had an income of lower than £9200.

A household is defined as living in relative poverty with an income below 60 per cent of the UK median income. Severe poverty is defined as living with an income lower than £11,500, or 50 per cent of UK median income, while extreme poverty is defined as lower than £9,200, 40 per cent of UK median income.

The scale of the country’s poverty levels has been exposed in the Scottish Government’s Severe Poverty in Scotland report, which shows working age adults and children are more likely to live in severe poverty than pensioners, particularly after housing costs.

Commenting on Severe Poverty in Scotland, Social Justice Secretary Alex Neil said: “It’s a disgrace that so many people live in such severe or extreme poverty, but it’s an unfortunate and inevitable result of the UK Government’s failed austerity agenda and welfare cuts that are slashing incomes for some of our poorest households.

“With employment increasing and unemployment down, Scotland is outperforming the rest of the UK, yet the statistics show that a job is no longer any guarantee against severe or extreme poverty.

“That’s why we opposed cutting in-work tax credits and why the Scottish Government and its agencies are paying the living wage, encouraging other employers to follow suit.

“We have put tackling poverty and inequality at the heart of Government, through policies like the council tax freeze, free prescriptions, expanding childcare provision, while we are mitigating the worst of the welfare cuts, by replacing income lost through the bedroom tax or council tax benefits cuts.

“That action is making a real difference and we will continue to make the argument for a fairer welfare system.”


The statistics also make clear that being in a job is not a guarantee against poverty. Being in employment does significantly reduce the risk of poverty, but 44% of working age adults in extreme poverty lived in households where at least one adult was in employment, as did 60% of children – half of children living in extreme poverty were in households where at least one adult was in full time employment.

In 2012/13, around 10% of working age adults and 10% of children were living in severe poverty, as were 8% of pensioners.

After housing costs, 16% of working age adults, 15% of children and 6% of pensioners in Scotland are living in severe poverty.

Over the last decade, while the rate of relative poverty has fallen, a greater proportion of households in poverty were in severe or extreme low income in 2012/13.


Parents and people with disabilities hardest hit by welfare reforms

‘This latest evidence shows that some of those most in need of support, namely parents and disabled people are being hardest hit. For us to be in this situation in 21st century Scotland is unacceptable.’ – Michael McMahon MSP 


Parents and people with disabilities are being hit hardest by the UK Government’s programme of welfare reform according to new research commissioned by the Scottish Parliament’s Welfare Reform Committee.

The report, published yesterday, represents the first time the impact of the UK Government’s welfare reform agenda on different household types in Scotland has been quantified.

The research for the Committee was conducted by Professors Christina Beatty and Steve Fothergill of the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University.

The new evidence shows that in Scotland, it is estimated that couples with dependent children will lose an average of more than £1,400 a year, and lone parents with dependent children stand to lose an average of around £1,800 a year from their income stream. 

In all, families with children will lose an estimated £960m a year – approaching two-thirds of the overall financial loss in Scotland.

Disabled claimants and those with health problems have also been shown to be disproportionately affected. Reductions in incapacity benefits are estimated to average £2,000 a year, and some of the same people also face big losses in Disability Living Allowance and reductions in other benefits.

Committee Convener Michael McMahon MSP said: “The Welfare Reform Committee has amassed a growing volume of evidence documenting the impact of the welfare reform agenda on Scotland’s communities. This latest evidence shows that some of those most in need of support, namely parents and disabled people are being hardest hit. For us to be in this situation in 21st century Scotland is unacceptable.”

The report also shows that almost half the reduction in benefits might be expected to fall on in-work households. 

Deputy Convener, Clare Adamson MSP said: “The Scottish Government is to be commended for introducing measures to alleviate some of the worst effects of the welfare reform agenda. New powers over a range of benefits are due to be given to Holyrood in the coming years and this research will help direct those new powers to help those most in need of support.”

Until now, there has been no way to assess the impact across the various benefits on different types of households. Because of the cumulative impact of people being affected by several different benefit streams, the overall impact of welfare reforms has been hidden.

The statistics are expected to become an essential tool for government and local authorities in shaping targeted responses and service delivery.

The research follows two previous reports which measured the financial impact of welfare reform on Scotland as a whole and by local authority area, and the impact down to ward level.

The Committee expects to hear oral evidence on this report at its meeting on 10 March. 

Professor Steve Fothergill, of the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University, said: “The figures demonstrate that the welfare reforms impact very unevenly.  The very big impact on families with children, in particular, has previously been under the radar because it is the cumulative result of several individual reforms. Coalition ministers have argued that “we’re all in it together”.  The impacts of welfare reform, documented in our report, show this is far from being the case.”

‘Shocking increase’ in food bank usage

New report shows growing demand for emergency food aid


More than 160 groups and organisations are now providing emergency food aid in Scotland. The figure is in a new report from the Poverty Alliance which states changes to the social security system and the introduction of sanctions, as well as low pay and insecure work are some of the main factors behind the growing need for emergency food.

The Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice Alex Neil launched the report at a food bank in his Airdrie constituency yesterday.

The Scottish Government has now provided the Poverty Alliance with £28,941 to carry out further work with emergency food providers. This will enable the Alliance to work with those providers to take forward research findings and to focus more strongly on the causes of food poverty and work towards ensuring people get the help needed to move them away from reliance on food aid provision.

Mr Neil said: “The Poverty Alliance report perfectly demonstrates the impact of UK welfare changes. It is unacceptable that so many have had to resort to foodbanks. Emergency food aid is not a sustainable response to the issue of food poverty and its underlying drivers and it cannot become an established feature of the welfare system in Scotland.”

“We have seen previously in figures from the The Trussell Trust, that there has been a shocking increase in food bank usage. This speaks volumes about the real poverty in our society when people can’t feed their families without help and support from food aid organisations.”

The Poverty Alliance report follows figures from The Trussell Trust which shows a rapid and dramatic rise in the number of people accessing emergency food aid in Scotland.

The Trussell Trust has reported a 12 fold increase in usage of emergency food aid in just three years – in 2011/12 5726 people in Scotland accessed food aid, while in 2013/14 that figure was 71,428.

The Poverty Alliance report concludes that more effort should be concentrated on how emergency food aid providers can better connect people with mainstream support services. Providers working in close partnership with other services have been shown to offer better support to those in need, connecting them to the advice and support required to address underlying issues which have led them to access emergency food aid in the first place.

Director of The Poverty Alliance Peter Kelly said: “We need to build on the good work that food aid providers are already doing. Volunteers are providing help to people experiencing real difficulties in often complex circumstances. There is a need to develop partnership working between emergency food aid providers to share ideas, experiences and good practice.

“In the longer term we need to ensure that we are developing policy solutions that address the root causes of food poverty. The support from the Scottish Government will help the Poverty Alliance ensure that those who are on the frontline tackling food poverty are able to contribute to finding these solutions.”

The Trussell Trust Scotland Network Manager Ewan Gurr added: “It has been a pleasure to work alongside and support the research carried out by our colleagues at the Poverty Alliance and we appreciate the consistency of the Scottish Government as they explore creative ways to tackle food poverty in Scotland.

“The voluntary sector, largely, has an openness to exploring fresh ways in which we can enhance the level of support people are offered. We welcome the report and believe it is important for us, as well as other food providers, to digest the findings. It has always been my ultimate desire that our foodbanks are places where dignity is restored, hope is revived and the support is comprehensive and robust.”

To help food aid providers develop a better understanding of the range of support available for users of emergency food aid and identify additional support, the Poverty Alliance has developed a web based resource to assist those delivering emergency food aid better link with mainstream services such as Citizen’s Advice Scotland as well as with other information and links to key support services at