
Dear Editor

A hustings was arranged  at Muirhouse  Millennium Centre on Thursday 19th April . Despite prospective candidates having been invited to this event to discuss issues which effect the Forth Ward, only three candidates bothered to attend . Labour Conservative and the Green parties were represented – there was no representation from the  SNP, LibDems and the Anti-Cuts candidates .

Steve Cardownie has also indicated that he will not be able to attend a hustings on April 26 at Royston Wardieburn  Community Centre . I understand that these so called  representatives are busy however they have not  indicated that they will send anyone from their parties  to the hustings. George Gordon is also standing in the Forth Ward  along with Councillor Cardownie for the SNP; surely  one of these candidates can represent their  parties? Invitations have been sent to all prospective candidates  to attending the hustings, some have not bothered to reply to their invitations   Yet they expect people in Forth Ward to  vote for them ?  I think not !!!!!!

I hope the electorate remember this  when they vote on May 3rd

Anna Hutchison

Crewe Road West

Inverleith Hustings

Two Inverleith Ward community councils have organised hustings for the forthcoming council elections, giving you an opportunity to meet and hear the candidates and get your questions answered.

Craigleith Blackhall CC will hold their hustings on Thursday 19 April at 7.30pm in St. Columba’s Church on Queensferry Road, while Drylaw Telford CC’s election event takes place on Tuesday 24 April at 7pm in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre (off Groathill Road North).

All welcome.

Get in touch if you know of any more hustings events in Forth or Inverleith.

May 3 candidates confirmed

The following candidates will be seeking your support in the Local Government elections on 3 May. Four councillors will be elected in both the Forth and Inverleith wards from the following  lists:

4. Forth Ward 

Steve Cardownie – Scottish National Party (SNP)

Cammy Day – Scottish Labour Party

George Gordon – Scottish National Party (SNP)

Ruth Ann Henderson – Scottish Anti-Cuts Coalition

Allan George Jackson – Scottish Conservative and Unionist

Kate Joester – Scottish Green Party

Seumas Stiubhard Macmhicean – Liberal Party in Scotland

Vicki Redpath – Scottish Labour Party

Tim Wight – Scottish Liberal Democrats

5. Inverleith Ward 

Nigel Bagshaw – Scottish Green Party

Gavin Barrie – Scottish National Party (SNP)

Scott Douglas – Scottish Conservative and Unionist

Lesley Hinds – Scottish Labour Party

Tim McKay – Scottish Liberal Democrats

Iain Whyte – Scottish Conservative and Unionist

John Young – Scottish National Party (SNP).

This election uses the STV (Single Transferable Vote) system, which involves putting numbers against preferred candidates.

You must be on the register of electors to be able to vote. You can register to vote for this year’s council elections:

  • if you are 18 or over, or will be 18 on or before 3 May 2012
  • if you are a British or Commonwealth Citizen
  • if you are an EU national
  • even if you are homeless or living in temporary or long-term hostel accommodation.

A registration form is sent to homes every autumn but you can check if you are registered to vote at the Local Government Elections on 3 May 2012 by calling the Electoral Registration Office on 0131 344 2500.  But remember – you only have until Wednesday 18 April to register to vote, so check now!