PM to confirm Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Deal during Festival visit

£600 million to boost jobs and economic growth in Scotland to be given green light by the Prime Minister and First Minister of a city deal worth over £1 billion.

Hundreds of millions of pounds of investment for the South East of Scotland will be formally signed off by the Prime Minister and First Minister, during the Prime Minister’s visit to the Edinburgh festival today. Continue reading PM to confirm Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Deal during Festival visit

NHS Lothian has longest A&E waiting times

“Jeane Freeman should acknowledge the link between our GP crisis and the increased pressure on A&E services.” – Miles Briggs MSP

Following the recent announcement that A&E waiting targets have not been met for a year, there has been growing pressure on SNP Ministers to take action.  Continue reading NHS Lothian has longest A&E waiting times

Less than 1% of NHS waiting time funding spent on chronic pain

Only £333,000 out of £51.6 million being used to reduce chronic pain waiting times in Scotland

Research by the Scottish Conservatives has revealed that only £333,000 out of £51.6 million of funding set aside to reduce waiting times has been used for chronic pain – less than 1%. Continue reading Less than 1% of NHS waiting time funding spent on chronic pain

MSP celebrates Play Day in Edinburgh

To celebrate National Play Day today (Wednesday 1 August 2018), Edinburgh Pentlands MSP Gordon Macdonald  will be joining locals at Clovenstone Community Centre, to mark the importance of children’s right to play, with everything from loose parts play and street arts to water play and a messy baby paint zone.

National Play Day will see thousands of children and their families out and about, playing at hundreds of community events across the country. From local community events to national events organised in parks and open spaces, Playday takes many different shapes to allow everyone to take part. As well as the events, organised by Play Scotland, National Play Day is a campaign that underlines the importance of play in children’s lives.

Gordon Macdonald MSP will be joining Clovenstone Community Centre’s Play Day, from 1pm-4pm, which will bring local organisations together with loose parts play provided by the City of Edinburgh Council, pop up kitchen with tasting Change, drumming with Dads rock, sensory baby zone with Starcatchers, Street Arts, natural play with edible estates and Bookbug with Wester Hailes Library.

North Edinburgh Arts are also participating, holding a Picnic and Play event from11am to 1.15pm. The MSP is encouraging everyone to try and make it along, have fun and celebrate the benefits of play!

Commenting SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon Macdonald, said: We all have great childhood memories of playing with friends, a lot of the memories being outdoors. Playing is something you are born into, it’s how you learn and express your creativity. The benefits to the health and wellbeing of children are crystal clear – when you see the smiles and hear the laughter of children playing together.

“National Play Day’s, like the one I’m going to at Clovenstone Community Centre today, gives children and families a chance to get out and play safely in streets and local neighbourhoods – getting to know new people in your area and strengthening the community.”

Celebrate Playday with Picnic and Play at North Edinburgh Arts

Date/Time:  01/08/2018 11am to 1.15pm
Venue: North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Court, Edinburgh EH4 4TZ
Contact: Virginia Radcliffe
Open to the public: Yes

Licketyspit – Picnic & Play at North Edinburgh Arts (Local families)

Licketyspit’s fantastic Picnic & Play session for families with children under twelve.
Licketyspit actor-pedagogues introduce their unforgettable collection of games, rhymes, songs, street-play and imaginary play activities – from Witches Fingers to The Magic Ball, Dressing Up and Blanket Play, followed by a delicious Picnic and Drawing & The Magic Clap!

A chance for children & their adults to play together! Sessions are relaxed, fun, FREE and inclusive. Join Licketyspit’s Children & Families Network to hear first about Picnic & Play, Bookplay & Porridge & Play in community & arts spaces, museums, parks, galleries and castles!

We are expecting high demand for places so please email with ticket requests.

First ever First Minister’s Question Time for children and young people announced

In a landmark participation project, children and young people will have the opportunity to scrutinise the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, as First Minister’s Question Time is taken out of Holyrood and across Scotland. Continue reading First ever First Minister’s Question Time for children and young people announced

Brexit demands devolution rethink, says Westminster Committee

Westminster’s Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC) today publishes its report Devolution and Exiting the EU: Reconciling Differences and Building Strong Relationships, and sets out how the UK government must re-think devolution in the UK as the UK leaves the EU. Continue reading Brexit demands devolution rethink, says Westminster Committee

Government launches consultation to protect political debate

The government is highlighting the seriousness of the threat of intimidation of candidates and campaigners to the integrity of public life and the electoral process …

The UK Government has launched a consultation for a new electoral offence which aims to crack down on threats and abuse towards those standing for election. Continue reading Government launches consultation to protect political debate

St John’s Children’s Ward: update ‘by end of summer’

Miles Briggs MSP has written to the new Cabinet Secretary for Health, Jeane Freeman, to seek assurances that she is committed to reinstating the 24/7 model for the Children’s Ward at St. John’s Hospital. Continue reading St John’s Children’s Ward: update ‘by end of summer’