Exhibition puts the benefits of walking in the frame

An exhibition that captures the faces and stories of people who champion the joy of everyday walking in Scotland is launching this weekend.  The Humans of the Walk portrait photography exhibition celebrates the many ways in which walking improves physical, mental and social health, regardless of age or ability. Continue reading Exhibition puts the benefits of walking in the frame

Outdoor enthusiasts encouraged to join Scottish spring clean

Organisations unite to call for collective ownership of outdoor paths
Environmental charity, Keep Scotland Beautiful, has joined forces with Sustrans Scotland, Jog Scotland and Paths for All to encourage outdoor enthusiasts – from joggers to bungee jumpers – to take collective ownership for the paths that help to support their outdoor activities. Continue reading Outdoor enthusiasts encouraged to join Scottish spring clean

Charity launches new award to get Scotland’s workforce moving

A Scottish charity has launched a new accreditation that aims to reverse the trend of inactive workplaces. Paths for All has created the Walk at Work Award to reward employers across the country who are encouraging everyday walking in their workplace. Continue reading Charity launches new award to get Scotland’s workforce moving

Call for groups to apply for grants to improve access to greenspaces

Scotland’s walking charity Paths for All has opened two grant schemes which are offering thousands of pounds to groups looking to enhance local paths. The grants, which are offering up to £3000 for community path projects, aim to empower communities to improve access to greenspaces, helping people to be more active more often. Continue reading Call for groups to apply for grants to improve access to greenspaces

£564,000 funding to encourage walking and cycling across Edinburgh

Events aimed at encouraging more and more people to walk and cycle are to be held in each of the four Edinburgh localities for the first time this year as part of a calendar of active travel events.

Continue reading £564,000 funding to encourage walking and cycling across Edinburgh

Join dementia friendly walk at Botanic Gardens

A relaxed, informal information afternoon and dementia friendly walk day for people to learn more about services for people living with dementia, is being held at the Royal Botanical Gardens on Monday, 28 August. Continue reading Join dementia friendly walk at Botanic Gardens

Pilton group walks off with award!


Pilton o-l copy

We are delighted to announce that the Pilton Community Health Project walking volunteers have won an award from the Scottish charity Paths for All.

The award for ‘Health Walk Volunteer group of the Year’ will be presented by Shona Robison MSP at the charity’s annual celebration ceremony ‘Celebrating Scotland’s Walking Champions’ tomorrow (Tuesday 4 Novomber) at the Scottish Parliament.

The ceremony recognises the achievements of volunteers from across the country and their contribution to making Scotland more active.

The Pilton Community Health Project walking volunteers have won the award for their dedication and team spirit; this has been key to the success and expansion of the walking programme.

The team consists of eleven highly motivated volunteers who are all passionate about walking and how it can address health inequalities. Without them, the project wouldn’t be able to offer an increasingly wide range of opportunities for local people.

Together they effectively manage the walking groups and help others take steps toward improving their health and wellbeing.



Congratulations to all!