Support your Community Council!

w pilton playpark

Do you care about what’s going on in your community? Would you like to help make your neighbourhood a better place to live? Yes? Then join with others who feel the same way at West Pilton West Granton Community Council’s annual general meeting on Tuesday evening!

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West Pilton West Granton Community Council AGM

Tuesday 2 June 7 – 9pm

West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

Community Council secretary Willie Black is keen to see the while community getting involved. He said: “Our AGM is an opportunity to meet with other concerned residents and tenants who are working for the improvement of the area. Do you feel you can make a difference? Come along to the meeting and have your say. With your help we can all make the area a place where everyone can be proud to live and work.”

Councillor Maureen Child, who chairs the city council’s Communities and Neighbourhoods Committee, is guest speaker at the event and will talk on ‘The Changing Role of Community Councils’.

Community councils are only as strong and effective as their members make them, so why not play your part?

For further information call Community Council secretary Willie Black on 0751 568 6421 or email

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Edinburgh prepares for a Big Lunch!


Edinburgh residents are busy with final preparations for The Big Lunch ( next Sunday (7 June), which helps people get to know their neighbours better and create closer communities.

In the seventh year of the UK-wide initiative, lots of Big Lunch events are taking place across the city, including in Willowbrae, Newhaven, Trinity and Gorgie.

The Big Lunch is the UK’s annual get-together for neighbours, an idea from the Eden Project made possible by the Big Lottery Fund and supported by Halifax and Asda. It is the perfect recipe for having fun with neighbours, feeding community spirit and helping to build stronger neighbourhoods.

Elaine, who is helping to organise a fiesta themed street party with her neighbours in Trinity, explains: “We decided to give The Big Lunch a go in 2009 when we realised we didn’t know everyone in our stair of 8 flats – we’ve now held one every year since!

“We ended up meeting people who had lived in the street for over 40 years but who I had never even seen before as they rarely come out. They had seen previous year’s events through their window and decided to come down. It has been a real icebreaker for us, bringing our community closer together, breaking down barriers and providing a chance to socialise.”


Halifax Princes Street branch will be hosting a Big Lunch at Gorgie City Farm from 10am – 3pm next Sunday.

The Halifax Edinburgh Big Lunch event will host a range of activities for the community to get involved in to raise money for Gorgie City Farm and three other local charities. There will be a gazebo with free sandwiches, music throughout the day and fun activities including face-painting, tombola, bouncy castle, a ‘beat the goalie’ event, egg and spoon races and sack races. From 11am-12pm, the Lord Provost will be attending the event.

The Halifax Edinburgh Princes Street Branch is working with Asda, who will be providing sandwiches on the day.

Esther Clark, Branch Manager at Halifax Princes Street said: “We’re really excited that Halifax Princes Street is hosting a Big Lunch event at Gorgie City Farm on Sunday 7 June. There will be lots of fun activities for all the family to raise money for charity and we are looking forward to welcoming everyone from the local community along. The Big Lunch provides a great opportunity for us to talk to people on a more personal level and really helps strengthen relationships in the community”.


It’s never too late to host a Big Lunch! Anyone who would like to host one on Sunday 7 June (or another date if they prefer) can request a free planning pack from or call 0845 850 8181.

In 2014 over 4.83 million people took part in Big Lunches across the UK, including thousands from Scotland, who held street parties, picnics in the park and community hall gatherings.


Search is on for Scotland’s Real Heroes

STV invites viewers to nominate community heroes


The search for Scotland’s most deserving community heroes is now underway with the launch today this week of the third season of RBS – Finding Scotland’s Real Heroes. 

Following the success of last year’s series, which received nominations from across Scotland, STV is calling for people from Edinburgh to nominate the friends, family or community groups who have dedicated their time and effort to helping the lives of others. The public can nominate online at, by phone and by post.

The new series, presented by Carol Smillie and sponsored by the Royal Bank of Scotland, will air on STV this autumn with viewers across Scotland encouraged to cast their vote for the heroes they believe are most deserving of an award.

Each week, shortlisted nominees will be interviewed by a range of star reporters including comedians Fred MacAulay and Sanjeev Kohli, Elaine C Smith (Burdz Eye View), River City stars Jayd Johnson and Stephen Purdon, Ron Donachie (Game of Thrones) and David Hayman (On Weir’s Way with David Hayman, Shetland) to gain some insight into the inspiring work they do within their local communities.

The overall winners will be announced at a star-studded awards ceremony with the overall final category winners in the running to collect the RBS Scotland’s Real Hero of the Year Award.

Elizabeth Partyka, deputy director of channels at STV said: “We were overwhelmed by the public’s response to the last two series of RBS – Finding Scotland’s Real Heroes and have met some truly inspiring people and groups from across Scotland. We want viewers from Edinburgh to nominate their friends, colleagues, neighbours or local groups so we can shine a light on the real heroes of Scotland that truly deserve recognition.”

RBS: Finding Scotland’s Real Heroes is sponsored by RBS. 

Debbie Pow, RBS’s Local Chief Executive Officer, Edinburgh said: “We are delighted to be supporting the third series of RBS: Finding Scotland’s Real Heroes. This is a fantastic way to recognise inspiring individuals who have generously dedicated their time and skills to helping others within our communities in Scotland. Everyone at Royal Bank of Scotland will be getting behind the series and we are all looking forward to finding out more about the finalists when the series airs on STV later this year.”

For more information, visit

Drylaw Telford CC AGM this Wednesday


Drylaw Telford Community Council’s annual general meeting will take place in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre on Wednesday 27 May at 6.30pm. All welcome.

See below for meeting papers:

Agenda DTCC AGM + Monthly mtg 27th May 2015

DTCC Minutes AGM May 2014

DTCC Minutes April 2015

DTCC A5 FLYER for New members & AGM


A busy weekend in Trinity

On *Saturday *we have our annual Trinity CC walkabout. Starts at 10 outside Wardie Primary.

What are you doing on Sunday?  How about exploring our walkway/cycle paths? Check out

What about Monday?  So much to choose from ….

If you’re interested in Crime Prevention then you might like to try this:

…but if culture (in aid of a good cause) is more your thing, then check out the attached poster – an annual concert at North Leith Parish Church featuring our very own Trinity Pipers (and others). Its in aid of Help the Heroes.


Of course, if you’re quick off the mark you might just be able to fit both in! Beats Eastenders!

Bill Rodger, Trinity Community Council

May 4 meeting for EDRA

DrylawParishChurchThe next meeting of Easter Drylaw Residents Association (EDRA) will take place on Monday 4 May from 7-9pm at Drylaw Parish Church, Groathill Road North.

Council Tenants, Home Owners & Private Let Tenants currently living in the area are all welcome to attend.

Topics for discussion include street lighting, dog fouling, vandalism and crime.

Forthcoming events at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Three important events coming up at Royston Wardieburn



Development Meeting
at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre
Thursday 30 April at 10am – 1pm

Come along and have your say on the future development of your café

Soup and fruit will be provided. All welcome.

Coral Café Development Meeting poster



Family Fun Day
Saturday 30 May 11- 3pm

Raffles, Tombolas, Bouncy Castle, face painting, Water Slide, Bungi Run, Soft Play, Familiar TV Characters, Table Top Sales. 
Food & Refreshments available & Music throughout the day.

There will be a small entrance fee and Table Hire

The Fun Day has been organised by the kids -they need to raise £2,000 for M&D’s (P5-P7) and East Links (P1-P4).

fun day poster

Clipart Illustration of a Bunch Of Floating Party Balloons With


Saturday 30 May 11am – 3pm

£5 per table

To book a table or for more information contact Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700 but HURRY! TABLES ARE LIMITED!

Table top Sale flyer

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Management Committee

Sudanese Community to hold AGM on Sunday

RWCC (2)We would like to inform you that the Sudanese Community in Scotland’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) wll take place on

 Sunday 26 April from 2 – 4pm

at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Pilton Drive North 

We have attached a copy of the annual report and a membership form for 2015-16 (below).

Annual Report 2014-2015

Membership Form 2015

We hope that you can make it. Many thanks and kind regards

The Management Committee of the
Sudanese Community in Scotland

Latest news from Trinity CC

trit cc

Trinity Community Council met on 13 April. Here are the main points – and please note the annual walkabout this Saturday:


Police have focussed considerable resource on housebreaking with one particular arrest reckoned to account for a lot of the problems. Other arrests include a youth riding his motor bike at speed through Victoria Park and a housebreaker in Lower Granton Rd.

Nothing beats good security – lock windows/doors, set alarms, light timers and motion lights in gardens. Best of all, get to know your neighbours and keep an eye out for each other’s property. Maybe set up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme? Savings on house insurance alone will repay the effort!

A high speed chase through Trinity involving an unmarked police car raised concerns about risk to pedestrians. We have received assurances that the police vehicle was driven by a trained and authorised Roads Policing Officer and the pursuit was only undertaken following a careful assessment of risk. The culprit was eventually apprehended and charged.

Is there new LED street lighting where you live? Does it properly illuminate the street? It seems it isn’t fully effective everywhere depending on the distance between lampposts. CEC are trialling adjustments as a possible remedy.


Some highlights from the first of what will be a quarterly report on the performance of local services:

Refuse collection – short of target but trending closer and showing the benefit from a new system to quickly identify missed bins.
Park maintenance – both parks still show high ratings but concern from residents about the impact of staff cutbacks on Victoria Park.
Anti Social Behaviour Complaints resolved – improved sharply in February as newly trained recruits came into service.
Overall Residents’ Satisfaction – Forth overall has a poor showing on this. We have asked for separate figures for Trinity.
We have also asked for information on road repairs. While we are concerned about how often roads are dug up CEC cannot coordinate as utilities can give almost no notice of road works.



This year’s walkabout reviewing potential issues and community investments will start outside Wardie Primary School then via Afton Terr, Netherby Rd, Boswall Rd, down Wardie Steps to Wardie Bay and Lower Granton Rd. Then Trinity Rd Lane, back to the walkway via 5-Ways Junction and finishing at Trinity Academy/Victoria Pk. Do join us!


… has been withdrawn and will be resubmitted as the Firemaster is requiring improvements to the adjoining lane.


We received an update from Granton and District CC which contained some disturbing messages about the behaviour of the developer and property management company and the patchwork nature of ownership which potentially will lead to piecemeal development and inadequate provision for road and school infrastructure.

Exacerbating everything is a lack of clarity concerning basic facts such as the applicability of planning consents. We have given our support to Cllr Jackson to convene a meeting of all interested parties to clarify matters. We support the principle of development but not at any price.


City of Edinburgh Council have now written to local residents setting out plans as described in last month’s newsletter – with one important difference. Trialling single yellow lines will NOT now be included in the 6 month monitoring period only their potential use. This appears to meet concerns emailed to us by various residents.


Trinity CC held a stimulating and productive meeting with TASC when we discussed walkway safety, bike security, litter bin provision/emptying, and renovation of the basketball and tennis courts in Victoria Park. We plan to repeat these meetings every six months with pupils also being encouraged to attend TCC meetings.


The Easter Friday event was a great success. Over 200 parents and children enjoyed the morning and a net £350 was raised. In addition, Keep Scotland Beautiful has awarded £250 to establish a fernery. Consideration is now being given to how the two annexes of the current building might be best used. Ideas such as a cafe, gallery or exhibition space (but not toilet) are all being considered.

Do you have an idea for further events in the Park? Let us know and we’ll pass it on.


… have offered their support to other similar worthy causes. Do you have an event planned? Let us know. We’ll put you in touch.


CEC are consulting on closure of up to 10 public toilets in order to save around £300,000 pa. Granton Square and Canonmills are included in the list. You can express your view at:


We are grateful to Wardie Parish Church for hosting this and our remaining meetings this year. Welcome, also, to Kevin Taylor, the new representative from Wardie Parent Council.

Next meeting will be held on Monday 11 May then AGM on Monday 8 June. Both starting at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road. Open to all. Join us if you have something to say or simply want to listen.

Did you find this useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin simply by emailing Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.

1504 ebulletin