Winter Warmer: Community event at Royston Wardieburn

Winter Warmer Community Event at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Wednesday 29th November

Tea/coffee available from 9:15am

9:30am – 12noon – Information and advice stalls


Nearly new clothes, toys and books


12noon – 1pm – Community lunch

Pauline makes it work at Millennium Centre!

JAMES McGINTY reports on a popular new activity at Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre …


Pauline Nicol-Bowie( Making it Work) had a fantastic response from the community as a total of 13 children & 10 mums. The mums took part in a dough-making session (substitute for Plasticine) for play with their children at home.

The day was deemed such a success Pauline now has the choice of staying in the cafe or an expansion to this service forces her to use the big hall. Congratulations Pauline!

James McGinty

What will Pauline choose: move or stay? I just dough-no … !