Get together, make a difference on International Women’s Day

 IWD rwcc

I am writing to  invite you to this year’s International Women’s Day event which takes place next Tuesday (8 March) in Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre, Pilton Drive North. We have decided to combine this year’s event with our third Getting Together Making a Difference event.

As you will see from the leaflet there will be films, poetry, music, stories, discussion and food – all the ingredients  for a nice  get together with friends and neighbours!   We have organised a  crèche for pre-school children to allow as many women as possible to take part.  Please book a crèche place in advance as the crèche is likely to be very busy  (tel 552 5700 or 551 1671).

Registration is at 10am  in the reception area and we will be starting at 10.15  in room F34 upstairs.  Lunch will be served at 1pm.

I would be grateful if you would  forward  the leaflet  to any local  women  you know who might be interested in joining us.


Lynn McCabe (on behalf of the planning group)

YOUth Decides in Inverleith

Time’s running out – get your vote in now!the vote

YOUth Decide! the vote

Please see poster and survey monkey link for young people to vote on three awards of up to £1000 in Inverleith.

We had a massive response of ideas from young folk and were helped in the working of the top ten choices to vote for by a young people themselves who designed an algorithm that awarded points for all the boxes each idea ticked.

And the top ten ideas for voting were (in no particular order):

1.Nets on the goalposts in Drylaw / Telford Park
2.Bouncy castle in Drylaw / Telford Park
3.A sheltered area in Drylaw / Telford Park
4.Exercise / assault course area in Drylaw Park – (May be possible for parks Dept to do this with contribution)
5.Trips – (Theme Park, Adventure golf, Ryse Trampoline, Light Water Valley, Thorpe park)
6.A Relax Zone in Stockbridge Library – books, tv, computer, rest area
7.A fair/event to bring young / old people together (eg tree planting)
8.Sports kit (Rugby / Football / Scarves and banners / Coaches uniform)
9.More sporting and leisure activities in Inverleith Park (eg tightrope, cross country, yoga, trampolining)
10.Charity run/cycle

The link to vote can be found by clicking!%20the%20vote.pdf

Please Note: This vote is open to all young folk aged twelve (P7) or older who either live or attend a school within the Inverleith area.

It’s a short voting window so if you could pass out the information and link to any young folk you work with this would be fab!

Callum McLeod, CLD Worker Inverleith


Question Time events as election looms

Local community organisations have organised two Question Time events in the run-up to May’s Holyrood elections

TUESDAY 22 MARCH 6 – 8 pm

at Craigroyston Community High School


THURSDAY 24 MARCH 10am – 12 noon

at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre


Contact Anita on 0131 551 1671 if you need childcare.

These events are being organised by Pilton Community Health Project, North Edinburgh Community Learning and Development, Craigroyston Community High School, North Edinburgh Timebank, Living in Harmony and Edinburgh and Lothian Regional Equality Council.

Ask candidates for the Scottish Parliament the questions that matter to you!

Little Miss Kickers sessions at Spartans

Spartans Community Football Academy, Ainslie Park

Fridays 2 – 3pm


Little Miss Kickers is our new girls only programme which is delivered during term time for girls aged 5-8 years. The sessions for this programme take place on Fridays (starts 26 February). Continue reading Little Miss Kickers sessions at Spartans

Pilton Central Association AGM tomorrow


Thursday 18 February at 5.30pm


We would like to invite you to our AGM this Thursday, 18th February, starting at 5.30pm. A light buffet with refreshments will be available.

Can you please let me know if you wish to attend in order that we can  organise catering.

Linda Chandler
Clerical Assistant
West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre
19 West Pilton Grove | Edinburgh | EH4 4BY
Tel 0131 551 3194
