PEP seeks Trustees


 Make a difference in your local community:

PEP is overseen by a Board of Trustees who have overall responsibility and ac-countability for the Project. They set and maintain PEP’s vision, mission and values; support strategic development of services, establish and monitor policies, monitor employment procedures alongside the Manager, support the Manager and ensure good governance.

About Pilton Equalities Project:

Aims to enhance the quality of life for older people in North Edinburgh by continuing to develop services that measurably reduce isolation and which enable people and other vulnerable and isolated adults to actively participate in community life.

Experience Required:

Good independent judgement, ability to think creatively, willingness to speak your mind, an understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship, an ability to work effectively as a member of a team and to take decisions for the good of the charity.

Training Details:

PEP, 3 West Pilton Park, Edinburgh, EH4 4EL . Training will be given on commencement of volunteering.

Location/Travel Details:

Board meet once a month for 2 hours, normally meetings are held in the PEP Office.


Public transport and out of pocket expenses paid.

Accessibility Details:

Named Contact for Volunteer. Wheelchair Access/Disabled Access Toilet

Contact: or tel. 0131 315 4466


Facebook: Piltonequalitiesproject


Prime Minister to put local people in control of more than £1 billion with long-term plan for left-behind towns

  • Fifty five towns – seven in Scotland – given £20 million endowment-style funds each over 10 years to invest in local people’s priorities
  • Long-term Plan for Towns will empower communities across the UK to take back control of their future – taking long term decisions in the interests of local people 
  • Funding to be spent on local priorities; reviving high streets, tackling ASB, improving transport and growing the local economy   

The UK Government has unveiled 55 towns that will benefit from a £1.1 billion levelling up investment, as part of a long-term plan for towns that provide long-term investment in towns that have been overlooked and taken for granted. 

Towns that will be given the opportunity to develop a long-term plan supported by a Towns Board include 6 in the North East, 10 in the North West, and 4 in the West Midlands. In total, 55 towns will benefit from the UK-wide approach, including 7 towns in Scotland and 4 in Wales.  

The Government will work with local councils and the devolved administrations to determine how towns in Scotland and Wales will benefit from funding and powers under the long-term plans. In Northern Ireland, we look forward to working with a restored Executive to determine the approach to providing support there. 

Under the new approach, local people, not Whitehall-based politicians, will be put in charge, and given the tools to change their town’s long-term future. They will:   

  • Receive a ten-year £20 million endowment-style fund to be spent on local people’s priorities, like regenerating local high streets and town centres or securing public safety.    
  • Set up a Town Board to bring together community leaders, employers, local authorities, and the local MP, to deliver the Long-Term Plan for their town and put it to local people for consultation.   
  • Use a suite of regeneration powers to unlock more private sector investment by auctioning empty high street shops, reforming licensing rules on shops and restaurants, and supporting more housing in town centres.     

More than half the population live in towns, but half-empty high streets, run-down town centres and anti-social behaviour undermine towns in every part of the UK.

Yesterday’s announcement marks a change in approach that the government hopes will put an end to people feeling like their town is ignored by Westminster and empower communities to take back control of their future, taking long term decisions in the interests of local people.  

The announcement came on the eve of the Conservative party conference – perhaps the last gathering of the Tory faithful before the general election. 

This plan builds on the Government’s ‘central mission’ to level up the UK by putting more power and money in the hands of people who know their areas best to build a brighter future for their community, creating bespoke initiatives that will spark the regeneration needed.    

Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, said: “Towns are the place most of us call home and where most of us go to work. But politicians have always taken towns for granted and focused on cities.  

“The result is the half-empty high streets, run-down shopping centres and anti-social behaviour that undermine many towns’ prosperity and hold back people’s opportunity – and without a new approach, these problems will only get worse. 

“That changes today. Our Long-Term Plan for Towns puts funding in the hands of local people themselves to invest in line with their priorities, over the long-term. That is how we level up.”

Levelling Up Secretary, Michael Gove said: “We know that in our towns the values of hard work and solidarity, common sense and common purpose, endeavour and quiet patriotism have endured across generations. But for too long, too many of our great British towns have been overlooked and undervalued.  

“We are putting this right through our Long-Term Plan for Towns backed by over £1bn of levelling up funding.   

“This will empower communities in every part of the UK to take back control of their future, taking long term decisions in the interests of local people. It will mean more jobs, more opportunities and a brighter future for our towns and the people who live and work in them.”

The government’s ‘Long-Term Plan for Towns’, published today, is carefully designed to complement the wider levelling up programme, working alongside funding for specific projects across the UK, our targeted support to the places most in need through Levelling Up Partnerships, and initiatives supporting economic growth in wider city regions like investment zones.     

The Long-Term Plan for Towns will require town boards to develop their own long-term plan for their town, with funding over 10 years and aligned to the issues that research shows people want the most, including:  

  • Improving transport and connections to make travel easier for residents and increase visitor numbers in centres to boost opportunities for small businesses and create jobs
  • Tackling crime and anti social behaviour to keep residents safe and encourage visitors through better security measures and hotspot policing    
  • Enhancing town centres to make high streets more attractive and accessible, including repurposing empty shops for new housing, creating more green spaces, cleaning up streets or running market days   

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said: “I wholeheartedly welcome the launch of the UK Government’s Long Term Plan for Towns.

“It’s great to see that seven Scottish towns will benefit from £20 million each from the latest round of levelling up funding which so far has seen us invest more than £2.4 billion right across Scotland to help grow our economy and level up the country.

“I look forward to seeing these towns – and the communities within them – use this investment to breathe new life into the places where they live, work and play.”

Local people will be at the heart of decisions, through direct membership of a new Towns Board, which will include community groups, MPs, businesses, cultural and sports organisations, public sector agencies and local authorities for each town and through a requirement to engage local people on the long-term plan for each town. 

These Town Boards will have direct government support in addition to the funding and powers they receive through Long-Term Plan for Towns, and will be required to engage local people on their long-term plan. 

The Government has also announced a new ‘Towns Taskforce’, sitting in the Department for Levelling Up and reporting directly to the Prime Minister and Levelling Up Secretary. This will help town boards to develop their plans, and advise them on how best to take advantage of government policies, unlock private and philanthropic investment and work with communities.      

A new ‘High Streets and Towns Task Force’ will also be established, building on the success of the existing version, providing each selected town with bespoke, hands-on support.   

Further information 

  • Towns have been allocated funding according to the Levelling Up Needs Index which takes into account metrics covering skills, pay, productivity and health, as well as the Index of Multiple Deprivation to ensure funding goes directly to the towns which will benefit most, without new competitions or unnecessary hurdles. A full methodology note will be published.  
  • This commitment to towns follows other initiatives designed to support towns, including driving economic growth in 101 areas through the Towns Fund, and the £1 billion Future High Streets Fund, which is creating thriving high streets.
  • Local authorities will be the lead delivery partner for plans.  This programme has been developed following our work with local authorities, with funding designed to be spent flexibly over a number of years based on local and evolving needs, and distributed through an allocative rather than competitive process.      

Towns receiving funding 

  • Mansfield 
  • Boston 
  • Worksop 
  • Skegness 
  • Newark-on-Trent 
  • Chesterfield 
  • Clifton (Nottingham) 
  • Spalding 
  • Kirkby-in-Ashfield 
  • Clacton-on-Sea 
  • Great Yarmouth 
  • Eston 
  • Jarrow 
  • Washington 
  • Blyth (Northumberland) 
  • Hartlepool 
  • Spennymoor 
  • Darwen 
  • Chadderton 
  • Heywood 
  • Ashton-under-Lyne 
  • Accrington 
  • Leigh (Wigan) 
  • Farnworth 
  • Nelson (Pendle) 
  • Kirkby 
  • Burnley 
  • Hastings 
  • Bexhill-on-Sea 
  • Ryde 
  • Torquay 
  • Smethwick 
  • Darlaston 
  • Bilston (Wolverhampton) 
  • Dudley (Dudley) 
  • Grimsby 
  • Castleford 
  • Doncaster 
  • Rotherham 
  • Barnsley 
  • Scunthorpe 
  • Keighley 
  • Dewsbury 
  • Scarborough 
  • Merthyr Tydfil 
  • Cwmbrân 
  • Wrexham 
  • Barry (Vale of Glamorgan) 
  • Greenock 
  • Irvine 
  • Kilmarnock 
  • Coatbridge 
  • Clydebank 
  • Dumfries 
  • Elgin

Creating a National Care Service

Community engagement funding to ensure groups are heard

Third sector organisations are being awarded new funding to help ensure as many voices as possible are contributing to the design of the National Care Service.

The funding will facilitate contributions from minority ethnic communities, LGBTI people, children and young people and those with experience of homelessness or the justice system.

Organisations will each receive £5,000 to encourage the communities they work with to have their say on how future community healthcare and social work services should look.

Social Care Minister Maree Todd said: “As we build a National Care Service that best fits the needs of everyone in Scotland, we need to hear from people directly.

“The new National Care Service will set the standards and guidance to support the design and delivery of community healthcare and social work services locally.

“The complexities of getting this right should not be underestimated. People with experience of the current system, whether receiving health and care support or delivering it, are the experts. We need to hear those voices – and those of groups who are often overlooked.

“We know that minority ethnic communities, LGBTI people, children and young people and those with experience of homelessness or the justice system are under-represented in our co-design work to date. We also know that people affected by dementia are a key group we want to hear more from and we will benefit from partnering with an organisation with expertise in this area.

“I am confident the funding to support co-design activity with seldom heard communities will help us shape a system we can all benefit from and be proud of.”

The partner organisations are:

  • LGBT Health and Wellbeing
  • Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project (MECOPP)
  • The Simon Community
  • Scottish Association for the Care and Resettlement of offenders (SACRO) 
  • Alzheimer Scotland

Power to the People!

Unleashing the Power of the People: Holyrood Committee urges bold moves to enhance public participation

A Holyrood Committee which has been considering how the public engages with the Scottish Parliament has published a new report which makes a series of recommendations on removing barriers to participation, embedding deliberative democracy and establishing regular ‘Citizen’s Panels’ to support the scrutiny work of the Parliament.   

The Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee (CPPPC) undertook a year-long inquiry into Public Participation, recognising that the views of some groups and marginalised communities across Scotland weren’t being heard enough in the Parliament.  

The inquiry focussed on what more could be done to bring the Parliament closer to the people and how to improve wider public participation in parliamentary scrutiny.  

To assist the inquiry, the Committee established its own “Citizens’ Panel” – a group of 19 people from across Scotland who were asked: “How can the Scottish Parliament ensure that diverse voices and communities from all parts of Scotland influence our work?”  

The Panel met over two weekends in late 2022 and made 17 recommendations which were published in the Committee’s interim report.  

Following this, the Committee concluded that the Parliament should use Citizens’ Panels more regularly to help committees with scrutiny work as they give the public a greater voice and can help achieve consensus on difficult issues. 

The Committee has recommended that the Parliament should hold two further Citizens’ Panel pilots this session, one undertaking post-legislative scrutiny and the other looking at a live political issue.  

Following these panels, the Committee will then review how well they worked before seeking to suggest a more permanent model that the Parliament can adopt after the 2026 election.  

The Committee recommends that, each time a Panel is set up to help a committee with an inquiry as recommended, the subsequent report should be debated in the Parliament Chamber, with Panel members invited to watch from the public gallery. 

As well as considering how future Citizens’ Panels might work, the Committee has considered other ways that people can find out what the Parliament is doing, and how to get involved. Some of the ideas it looked at came from the recommendations made by its own Citizens’ Panel.  

The Committee agreed with the need to reduce the barriers to public participation with the Parliament and supported additional recommendations including:  

  • paying people back if they have to take time off work or pay for childcare to engage 
  • translating information into other languages, or making it easier to read 
  • making it easier for people to engage in the evenings or at weekends, or by using online tools  
  • considering a review of citizenship education in schools 

Throughout the inquiry, the CPPPC examined various mechanisms for citizen engagement and looked at how “Citizens’ Assemblies” at varying levels of government were being implemented and operated in other European countries including Belgium, France and Ireland.  

Committee members also considered suggestions for broader Parliamentary reform put forward by the Panel including changes to the Code of Conduct for MSPs, an evaluation of the Presiding Officer’s authority to ensure Ministers give adequate responses to questions, and the possibility of dedicating weekly parliamentary time for the public questioning of Ministers. 

Commenting, Convener of the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee, Jackson Carlaw MSP said: “Over the course of the past year, we’ve heard time and time again that the Parliament doesn’t hear enough from some groups and communities across Scotland. This report is therefore a significant milestone in our pursuit of a more inclusive parliamentary process.  

“The recommendations, particularly the introduction of increasingly regular Citizens’ Panels and the embedding of deliberative democracy in the work of the Parliament, underscore our commitment to amplifying diverse voices.  

“This report sets a strong foundation for a more participatory and collaborative democracy in Scotland, and we hope it will be welcomed by the Citizens’ Panel that was integral to its development, as well as Parliamentary colleagues from across the political spectrum.” 

Citizens’ Panel member, Jaya Rao, from the North East said: “Participating in the Citizens’ Panel and visiting the Scottish Parliament was a truly enlightening experience.

“Interacting with diverse individuals and witnessing the democratic process first-hand has deepened my appreciation for our shared commitment to a better future for Scotland.”

Citizens’ Panel member, John Sultman, from Glasgow added: “This experience has shown me how much difference turning up and speaking up can make.” 

Citizens’ Panel member Alan Currie, from Glasgow. said: “Our seventeen recommendations were taken seriously by MSPs and the Committee, due to the facilitators, experts and presentations, which enabled us to learn more about not just the Parliament, but the concept of deliberative democracy, improving parliaments ability to reach and engage the public.”

The full report and recommendations can be found on the Scottish Parliament website.  

Alongside this the report is being published in a longer version and a summary version, in multiple languages, in BSL and Easy Read, reflecting the range of groups who engaged in the inquiry and demonstrating the importance of making the Parliament’s work accessible to all. 

EACC: Community Engagement tops the agenda at August meeting


NEXT MEETING: Thursday 31 Aug 2023: 18.50 for 19.00 on Microsoft Teams.


Andrew Field: CEC; Head of Community Engagement and Empowerment;

Helen Bourquin: CEC; Manager, Community Engagement and Empowerment.


The roll-out of Edinburgh’s Locality Improvement Plans 2023-28.

Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, the Edinburgh Partnership is required to develop and deliver Locality Improvement Plans (LIPs) for each of the four localities in the city.

Work on this is already underway in the North-West and is building-out elsewhere.

I’ve invited Andrew and Helen to talk through:

The scope and target outcomes of the LIPs;

The community consultation process intended to shape the right priorities for each locality; and

Where the LIPs stand currently in terms of their early progress.

Here is the screen meeting link:

Microsoft Teams meeting

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 357 770 829 32

Passcode: yR9Kg8

Hope you can join us.

For the diary:

Tuesday 12 September at 19.00, on Teams.

Roger Colkett (Tollcross CC) is on the EACC Members’ Board and covers Licensing issues. He sits on the Edinburgh Licensing Forum.

He will host a one-hour screen meeting and invites all community council Licensing Leads to join him to chat through what is currently happening on the city’s Licensing front.

I’ll issue a reminder in two weeks or so, along with the meeting link. For now, please make sure your community council colleagues looking after Licensing have this message.

Ken Robertson


Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC) 

The EACC website homepage is:

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (

Community Councils Scheme Review: Important dates coming up

MEETING DATES: TWO drop-in consultation sessions on Monday 7 August and Tuesday 15 August and the Teams meeting set for Thursday 17 August.**

Community Councillors are invited to ‘make initial contributions and suggestions regarding the existing Community Council scheme and boundaries and to ‘provide feedback and recommendations for any proposed changes that you believe would be beneficial’.

This invitation was discussed at the Members’ Board last Thursday. Here are some issues we think are worth your attention:

A] Community Council Boundaries

1. New community council wards:

  • How many and where?
  • On the basis of what growth projections for city expansion?
  • What data sources are to be used?

2. Size of community council wards:

  • On what basis will the size of community council areas be reviewed and targeted?
  • What data sources are to be used?
  • What intentions are there to reduce a wide dispersion (imbalance) in community council area ‘size’ (number of residents) across the city?
  • What could be done to ‘rebalance’?

3. Boundaries:

  • Boundary changes should be fully explained and justified to residents.
  • What will be done to reshape boundaries, in order to reduce the incidence of community council ‘crossover’ into two (or even three) City Councillor electoral wards, so that the ‘mapping’ of a community council to one and only one (four-strong) group of City Councillors is tightened up? (A community council area perimeter should be bounded within a single electoral ward.)
  • What measures will then be introduced to improve liaison and coordination across electoral wards and in turn across Localities?

B] Scheme for Community Councils

1. Minimum number of ‘elected community council members’ (2019 Scheme, Para 6.24):

  • There is evident current strain on a number of community councils, stemming from a fall-away in the participation of active elected members towards or below the critical level of ‘half of the maximum permitted elected membership’.
  • In light of that, what new flexible support measures can CEC Governance introduce to the Scheme rules in order to avoid (in such circumstances) the undue lapse of community councils into an ‘inactive state’ (whereby residents are then ‘disenfranchised’)?

2. Resourcing of a community council (2019 Scheme, Paras 11.9 and 11.11):

  • Contemporary ‘support needs’ for a well-functioning community council nowadays centre on IT, on website maintenance and repair, on technical assistance with AV equipment for hybrid meetings, all alongside the minuting and reporting of community council proceedings.
  • The absence of such support blunts a community council’s effectiveness in its core role and its ambition, especially when ‘something goes wrong’.
  • The need for CEC operational support now goes well beyond ‘additional support services/resourcing, such as photocopying and distribution of community council minutes and agendas and (also) free lets of halls for community council meetings’, as offered in the 2019 Scheme Review.
  • There is a case for a (much) stronger CEC commitment to dependable, core operational back-up of community councils’ governance and administration work.
  • What new avenues of operational (and financial) assistance can CEC look to introduce in this current Scheme Review?

**Here are the dates, and the opportunity to put some meaningful questions to CEC.

Monday 7 August 2023
Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, EH8 8BG, Ground Floor, Room 15

Tuesday 15 August 2023
Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, EH8 8BG, Ground Floor, Room 15

Thursday 17 August 2023
Virtual meeting held via Microsoft Teams – if you would like to attend please make contact with CEC (by email to no later than 14.00 on 17 August 2023 to confirm your attendance and request the link to join the session. 

The EACC website homepage is:

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (


Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC)

EACC Secretary; Ken Robertson

Designing a National Care Service


Social Care Minister Maree Todd will join the first of a series of events where people can co-design the new National Care Service.

Today’s event at Stirling’s Albert Halls will allow carers, people who access and deliver care, including the workforce, and anyone with an interest to contribute to how a new National Care Service could work.

Since the regional forums were announced last month, more than 600 have signed up to take part in-person and online, with additional capacity already being made for the Glasgow event next week.

Ms Todd said: “We want everyone to have access to consistently high-quality social care support across Scotland, whenever they might need it.

“There are unique demands across the country, which is why we’re going to different areas over the next 18 months, ensuring communities across Scotland can help design a National Care Service tailored to local needs.

“Having listened to people who access and deliver care support – both paid and unpaid – as well as care providers, unions and the third sector during the parliamentary process, these meetings will allow us to work with people who access care support, have a loved one that receives care, or works in the sector to think about how to meet the needs we have heard about. This will help us ensure the legislation reflects what people need and know as it progresses through Parliament.”

“I am pleased that there has been such interest in signing up, Spaces are still available, with online events providing another option for those who want to have their voices heard if they can’t make it in person.

National Care Service

Register for online events

28 June – William Quarrier Conference Centre, Glasgow

14 July – Hilltown Community Centre, Dundee

18 July – Stranraer Millennium Centre, Dumfries and Galloway

26 July – The Corran Hall, Oban

1 August – An Crùbh Community Centre, Skye

8 August – Strathpeffer Community Centre, Highland

17 August – Isleburgh Community Centre, Shetland

22 August – The Inkwell, Elgin

24 August – National online event

Make A Difference: Young people encouraged to apply to be a Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament

Are you 25 or under and passionate about issues such as climate change, equality, poverty and your community?  Or do you know someone who is?  If so, then you might be interested in the forthcoming elections for the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP). 

The SYP represents Scotland’s young people and democratically elected members listen to and recognise the issues that are most important to young people, making sure their voices are heard by decision-makers.  It is a highly rewarding role that requires passion, determination and, perhaps most importantly, commitment.

All young people aged between 14 and 25 can stand for election and anyone aged between 12 to 25 is eligible to vote.

This year’s elections will be held in November and applications are open until 31 July.

Before then, interested young people can find out more and begin the application process on the SYP website which is open until 31 July.

Information sessions will be held and there is support available from the SYP and from Edinburgh’s Youth Work Team.

Beau Johnston, Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament for Edinburgh Central, said: “I felt so well supported and was pushed out of my comfort zone constantly – but in the best possible way.

“My confidence has improved, and I have learnt many new skills. I feel grateful to have met so many inspirational people throughout this process, and to have worked with them on issues that I am so passionate about.”

Cllr Joan Griffiths, Education, Children and Families Convener, for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This is a really exciting opportunity for young people to join the Scottish Youth Parliament and make their voices heard.

“The Parliament has a proud history of delivering youth led campaigns that deliver meaningful change and have led to many improvements to the lives of young people not just here in Edinburgh but across Scotland. I would encourage anyone interested to apply and see if you can really make a difference.”

West Pilton Park development meeting


West Pilton Park Development Meeting

Tuesday 13th June, 5.30 – 7pm at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

West Pilton Park has received significant funding for development. We need your help to guide issues such as paths & access, play & leisure, nature & wildlife, and security.

Come along, get involved, and help guide the development of your local greenspace.

West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

West Pilton Parklife

West Pilton and West Granton Community Council