Child Poverty Action Group: Youth Panel members wanted

We are looking for new members to join our amazing Youth Panel!

Applications are now open!

Who is the opportunity for? Young people aged 14-18, living in London. Please click and share this paid opportunity!

Apply through the easy online form:

Heart of Newhaven: Update on our Christmas Tree Project

The tallest knitted Christmas tree in Scotland project has reached the halfway mark. The knitters are aiming for an ambitious height of between five and six metres for the tree, about the height of a giraffe, but are more than happy with progress so far.

The veritable army of knitters in Edinburgh and beyond has been busy knitting multi-toned green squares and colourful Christmas baubles and decorations for several months now, and are celebrating having reached the halfway stage. They now have 5,000 squares and need another 2,500 while the pile of decorations has reached the 1,000 mark, about half of what is needed.

The community project, based at the Heart of Newhaven Community (the old Victoria Primary School), has given people across Edinburgh a purpose for their knitting and is creating a real sense of community.

The squares are also coming from across the UK, sent by people who are happy to contribute to the imaginative project. 

The tree is being supported by knitters in Edinburgh and the surrounding area as well as from as far afield as Liverpool, Southport, Luton, Norwich, Fife and Inverness.

Children at local primary schools have been learning to knit with the help of the Tree@ The Heart supporters and in return have been handing in their green squares. Local care homes have also been getting involved.

It is hoped the ambitious project will encourage donations which will go towards improved disabled access at the Heart while Homestart is the chosen local charity that will also benefit. 

The Heart is now beginning to get ready for the official reveal on 30th November when the Tree will be the star of the show, but centred around the growing tree, there will also be a Christmas craft market and live music.

The team knows that there are many squares still out there but the Heart is open and ready to receive them all.

Apart from the current knit and natter sessions at the Heart (see the website Heart of Newhaven) there will now be new Friday afternoon sewing sessions to get the final branches ready.

They’ll be held on the following dates from 2 – 4pm:  5th July, 19th July and 2nd August.

The sewing sessions will concentrate on sewing the squares into leafy triangles ready to go on the Tree, while the trunk is being created by the craftsmen at the Men of Leith’s Men Shed, who are based at the Heart.

Everyone is invited to go along and join in at one of the knit and natter or sewing sessions. There’s always a warm welcome!

The Heart of Newhaven Community 

‘Bringing People Together’

Strengthening Communities: The Ripple Project grants £10,000 to local initiatives

Local Edinburgh organisations receive transformational grants to expand community programmes in Lochend, Craigentinny and Restalrig.

The Ripple Project celebrated local community enterprise this weekend, distributing £10,000 of vital funding grants to support community initiatives. 

Now in its third year, ‘LCR Stands Up’ is a participatory budgeting programme, which this year saw over 600 residents in the Lochend, Craigentinny and Restalrig area vote to back 6 local projects, who each received a grant of up to £2,000 each.

The grants are funded by several private donors, including Harbour Homes, who are the owners of The Ripple’s community hub in Restalrig.

This year’s chosen projects are ‘Lochend Boxing Club’, ‘Tai Chi and Tea @ Craigentinny Garden’, ‘Just Dance at Disneyland’, ‘Investing in Youth Drama’, ‘The Botanical Mural at Craigentinny Primary School’ and ‘Mindfulness for Wellbeing’.

‘LCR Stands Up’ is led by Tristan Green (above), Community Action Worker at The Ripple, who commented: ‘One of the key benefits of participatory budgeting is that our local residents have democratically chosen who receives this additional funding to enhance our community.  

‘We’re proud that over the last 3 years we’ve been able to support initiatives with almost £50,000 of funding. This year’s grants will be used across a spectrum of initiatives, including those supporting greater mental health, the creation of a new mural at a local primary school, the upgrade of fitness equipment at the local boxing gym and helping 20 children go to Disneyland Paris to take part in a performing arts programme.

‘I’d like to thank all of our amazing donors and to SCDC for their continued support of The Ripple and the LCR Stands Up programme and to our local community in North East Edinburgh for their dedication in offering vital voluntary initiatives to support and enhance the lives of residents in such a challenging financial and social climate’.  

For anyone looking to find out more about how to get involved in participatory budgeting or support future ‘LCR Stands Up’ campaigns, contact Tristan at or visit

The Poverty Alliance launches #VoteYourValues campaign

This election could be the most unequal in 60 years, with people on low incomes being shut out of our democracy.

The #VoteYourValues campaign gives our members access to tools that can help people in their communities get vote-ready.

In a democracy, everyone’s voice matters equally.

So it’s completely unjust that so many people on lower incomes get shut out from using their vote. This General Election looks set to be the most unequal for more than six decades, due to a ballooning turnout gap at elections and the growing role of money in British politics, according to a recent report from IPPR.

We can help change this.

In the run-up to July 4, we will be working with Citizens UK’s Voter Registration Champions scheme to raise awareness about how people can register to vote.

Poverty Alliance members can download PDF posters to put up in their centres, and an infographic that they can share on their social media networks.

Scottish Hindu Foundation hosts inaugural ‘Dharmocracy Works’ event

The Scottish Hindu Foundation held its inaugural ‘Dharmocracy Works’ event on May 25, 2024, at The Fred Paton Centre in Glasgow. The event aimed to engage and inspire Scottish Hindu youth to understand and actively participate in the political system.

The well-attended event featured representatives from all the major political parties, including:

  • Alison Thewliss, MP and candidate from the Glasgow Central region-Scottish National Party
  • Paul Sweeney MSP from Glasgow Region-Labour
  • Pam Gosal MSP from the West of Scotland Region and Deputy of the Scottish Conservative Party
  • Susan Murray, Councillor and MP candidate for Mid Dunbartonshire from the Liberal Democrats
  • Naveed Asghar, MP candidate for Glasgow North and Chairman from the Conservatives
  • Abdul Bostani a former refugee and councillor  from the Maryhill ward from SNP

Youth Engagement and Insights

The program kicked off with introductions and an interactive session where questions by young members of the community were posed to the panel of politicians. young aspirant Shreya Deshpande [12] asked if they had always wanted to go into politics or had other career aspirations. The panellists shared how most grew into politics after time in either the private sector or through the ranks of their respective parties.

The second question posed concerned professional skills gained in their time in politics, the politicians uniformly agreed on  – listening skills and problem-solving abilities. 

The third question that was selected for the Panel requested insights for the next five years on the Scottish economy, expected to be a central issue following the recently called general election on July 4th 2024.

Alison Thewlis shared her vision on how future industries will be connected to the environment whilst Paul Sweeny offered an integrated example referencing the Beatles record label also being an investor in Medical Technology leading to breakthroughs in CT Scans.

Mr Bostani said Scotland’s inability to borrow means we can’t put money back into the economy as we should. Naveed Asghar raised his concern on rising taxes in Scotland and supporting the best of existing industries, health care etc and ensuring that higher professional earners are not de-incentivised from staying in Scotland due to punitive taxes.

This must be controlled to make Scotland more lucrative for people to move. Pam Gosal talked about how AI as an industry can fuel growth.

All the panellists concurred that Scotland had a pivotal role to play and the next generation is capable of thriving and succeeding.

Keynote Address:

Dhrishti Bhardwaj [17], the first elected Hindu MSYP (Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament) from Dumbarton and the Vale, shared her inspiring journey into politics.

Driven by a desire to explore her Hindu and Scottish roots and a passion for public service, she gained experience with more than ten organisations and charities, from food banks to youth groups and work experience with MSP Jackie Baillie.

Importance of Hindu Representation

Dhrishti emphasised the crucial need for Hindu representation to ensure their voices and needs are considered in politics.

She highlighted the difference Scottish Hindus could make by being involved and the pride they would feel through participation. She also highlighted that professional career and politics are not mutually exclusive and can be balanced efficiently.

As the only Hindu MYSP, she proved it is possible despite the underrepresentation of Hindus in the political system. Hindu youth can make strides over the coming generations and represent the best of both Scotland and the Hindu Community. 

Closing Remarks:Dharmocracy” Concept and Voter Registration Drive

Dr. Yatish Rangappa, the Scottish Hindu Foundation’s Public Relations Officer, explained the unique ‘Dharmocracy’ concept, a compound word combining ‘Dharma’ (righteousness, truth and Justice) and ‘Democracy.’

Dr Richa Sinha, Chairperson of the Scottish Hindu Foundation, shared insights on future Dharmocracy Works engagements planned across various cities due to significant community interest.

She also highlighted their “Register to Vote” campaign to ensure Hindus, including those new to Scotland from Commonwealth countries and a large number of Indian students coming to Scotland, are registered for the upcoming July 4th elections. 

The event concluded with a networking session over chai and samosas, allowing youth to interact informally with various party leaders. Some youth were even roped in for campaigning!

*Scottish Hindu Foundation is the official representative body of Hindus with All Scottish Mandirs part of it.

SCONe project to revolutionise AMD research

The SCONe project, run by optometrists, ophthalmologists, and researchers from the University of Edinburgh, and funded by Sight Scotland, is appealing for participants to take part in a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group focused on revolutionising the detection and management of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD).​

AMD is the most common vision impairment in the older population and impacts an estimated 60,000 people in Scotland. SCONe research is seeking to find the early signs of AMD, so people can receive support earlier and adjust to living with AMD sooner.

SCONe is inviting anybody with lived experience of AMD, caregivers, friends or family of people with AMD, and regular visitors to optometry practices, to come along to take part in its PPI group.

Participants could help transform how AMD is detected and make a real difference for future generations.​

SCONe, the Scottish Collaborative Optometry-Ophthalmology Network e-research, is a new collaborative venture aiming to build a Scotland-wide retinal image resource for innovation in eye research, healthcare, and education.

SCONe is taking two complementary approaches to try and speed up the detection of AMD at an early stage. Firstly, the team is meticulously analysing the SCONe dataset to extract crucial structural information about the retina.

This involves quantifying various parameters, including the total area of drusen, fatty deposits beneath the retina that can sometimes indicate an elevated risk of AMD.​

Furthermore, the team is harnessing the power of modern machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a groundbreaking predictive model.

Unlike traditional methods that rely on manual measurements, this AI-driven approach uses raw retinal images to assess a patient’s risk of developing AMD. By automating the analysis process, this model promises to streamline screening procedures and facilitate early intervention.​

Professor Baljean Dhillon, Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, explains: “The PPI group offers a unique opportunity for participants to contribute directly to the development of new strategies and technologies aimed at combating AMD.

“Our research represents a significant step forward in the fight against AMD. By combining cutting-edge technology with comprehensive data analysis, we aim to transform how we detect and manage this debilitating condition.”​

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive of Sight Scotland, and Sight Scotland Veterans, adds: “”As advocates for the visually impaired, we understand the profound impact that AMD can have on individuals and their families.

“By investing in research focused on early detection, we aim to empower healthcare professionals with the tools and knowledge needed to intervene swiftly so hopefully less people have to suffer.”​

SCONe’s Patient and Public Involvement group focused on AMD and the impacts of AMD is taking place on 03 May 2024 at Surgeons Hall in Edinburgh.

For more information or to register to join please contact or call 07876647083. Participants in the group will be compensated for their time.​

SCONe is funded by Sight Scotland, RS MacDonald Trust and the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh.​

For more information on SCONe please visit:

For more information on Sight Scotland please visit:

Get involved in Spring Clean Scotland


The theme of this years #SpringCleanScotland is Nature, Communities, Health & Wellbeing and Marine Litter. 🌍

You can help us #KeepScotlandBeautiful by organising or joining a litter pick or by completeing a litter survey. 🚮

Find out more here 👉

UK Covid-19 Inquiry comes to Edinburgh

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry’s Module 2A hearings begin in Scotland today (Tuesday 16 January 2024). The hearings are an important stage in the Inquiry’s investigation into decision making and governance in each nation of the UK.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the hearings in Edinburgh or watch them online through the Inquiry website.

Module 2A, ‘Core UK decision-making and political governance – Scotland’, will look into core political and administrative governance and decision-making. It will include the initial response, devolved government decision making, political and civil service performance as well as the effectiveness of relationships with the UK government and local and voluntary sectors.

The Inquiry is also encouraging people in Scotland to share their pandemic experience so we can truly understand the human impact and learn lessons from it.

Find out more about the hearings, the benefits of sharing your story with the Inquiry and how to do so in our video recorded this week at the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh:

Standing next to Scotland’s memorial dedicated to NHS staff who worked through the pandemic – the award-winning ‘Your Next Breath’ – Inquiry Secretary, Ben Connah, said he was excited that the Inquiry’s hearings are soon to begin in the Scottish capital:

“It’s the start of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry’s public hearings here in Scotland. We will be holding three weeks of hearings at the International Conference Centre in Edinburgh. People in Scotland will have the opportunity to hear from politicians, advisers and scientists who were crucial to the decision-making.

“This is a UK-wide public inquiry and it’s really important that we visit the places where decisions were taken and where the impact of the pandemic was felt in different ways in different parts of the country.”

Ben also highlighted how the Scottish public can already participate via Every Story Matters, which will support the UK Covid-19 Inquiry’s investigations and help the Chair of the Inquiry make recommendations for the future.

Every Story Matters will provide evidence about the human impact of the pandemic on the UK population. It provides an opportunity for those affected by the pandemic to share their experiences online without the formality of giving evidence or attending a public hearing, as Ben explained.

“The Scottish public can already play their part in the inquiry by logging on to and sharing their experience of the pandemic.

“I am really keen that we hear stories from people right across Scotland, from Stranraer to Stornoway, to help us to build a picture of the impact the pandemic had on this beautiful country.”

Joining the Inquiry Secretary in Edinburgh this week is Hussein Patwa, an Aberdeen resident who is visually impaired and registered blind. He described lockdown as “quite tough”.

“Even to this day the pandemic has affected my independence, my ability to get out and about even in my local area. I have also found it has affected my confidence, especially in larger social situations.”

Hussein is also an enthusiastic advocate of Every Story Matters, as he explained: “Telling my story to Every Story Matters has been a cathartic experience for me.

“It has allowed me to reflect on aspects of my experience I hadn’t even thought about, and that in itself was a healing process. I would encourage everyone to share their story on the Every Story Matters website.”

Every Story Matters

Every Story Matters is your opportunity to help the UK Covid-19 Inquiry understand your experience of the pandemic.

Share your story

International Magicians and Teenage Tricksters prepare for MagicFest 2023

  • MagicFest set to start – with top performers including Kevin Quantum
  • Future Magicians introduces tomorrow’s stars of stage magic today

A multitude of magicians are putting the final touches to a vast array of mind-boggling tricks and illusions as they prepare to gather in Edinburgh for MagicFest.

They range from established stars like the city’s own Kevin Quantum to new generation of teenage performers ready to baffle and delight audiences in the Future Magicians show.

Back following a successful 2023 debut, the show is a great addition to the annual Edinburgh International Magic Festival, which runs from 20-31 December and is now in its 14th year.

This time around there will be four young performers (three of them from Edinburgh) taking to the stage.   

Each has been working with a leading magician to perfect a 10-minute act to display their skills and help them on the road to becoming a professional performer. They are:

Brooklyn-Ellis Carr from Newcastle, who at 16, has already attracted more than two million social media views for his magic videos, and who has been mentored by Edinburgh’s Elliot Bibby.

Brooklyn-Ellis said: “I’ve always wanted more opportunities to perform on stage and Future Magicians offers exactly that. With Elliot’s help I’ve managed to create a mind-blowing act that I absolutely cannot wait to share. I’m so excited to get out on that stage and give it my all.”

Jack Moodie (stage name Magic Jack) is 17 and already a veteran street magician having gone down a storm while busking during the Edinburgh Fringe.

Jack said: “I did some Fringe street performing for the last two years, which was great. But Future Magicians gives you the chance to be on stage. It’s such great opportunity for young magicians. I took part last year and it’s great to be back again.

At 15 Jamie Leonard, is the youngest of the group, but performing tricks is nothing new as he fell in love with the art when he was given a magic set aged seven.

He says: “I want to develop my skills and to really make people believe what they are seeing is magic. And I love just getting out on stage and performing for all you people. That’s the best bit.”

They will be joined by Oscar Urwin, who had an even younger start when he was given a magic set by his aunt and uncle aged three.

Describing his love of the art he said: For me card magic is the most skilful. No relying on props, it’s all on the magician in the moment. I love it.”

Festival organiser, co-founder and performer Kevin Quantum, says the festival offers great entertainment for the festive period. He said: “MagicFest has everything from small-scale children’s shows to big shows for all the family and even something for the over 18s only.

It’s a brilliant way to get away from everything have a load of fun.

The range of magicians is superb and includes some of the best in the business. But I’d also really urge people to come along to see Future Magicians.

“These guys may be young but they’re oozing with talent and I’m looking forward to the day when I can sit there and watch their TV specials.”

Kevin himself has a Christmas Special, at Church Hill Theatre, which is full of magic, variety and heaps of audience participation featuring special guests – international illusionist Oliver Tabor and local award-winning magician Fraser Stokes.

There are also new collaborations with Edinburgh Castle’s The Castle of Light, Wonder and Co (the capital’s new magic shop) and The Joker and the Thief pub.

The only event of its kind in the UK, MagicFest offers:

Kevin Quantum’s Christmas Special: Straight from sell-out shows in Edinburgh and Australia, Kevin returns with a high-energy, wonder-packed family show at the Church Hill Theatre. 

Future Magicians: A welcome return for this very special MagicFest initiative where you get to see tomorrow’s magicians today. We take a group of would-be young magicians and pair them with professional tutors to prepare a special 15-minute magic act – which they then present on stage for you. 

Vincent Gambini: This is not a magic show: What makes magic magic? Is there really a Magic Circle Emergency Hotline for magicians in distress? A critically acclaimed performance of and about sleight-of-hand magic, its invisible mechanics, clichés, and what it tells us about live theatre and make-believe. Vincent Gambini presents astonishing close-up magic that invites us to question how enchantment and wonder are made within a theatrical situation. 

Cameron Gibson and Friends: Edinburgh magician Cameron Gibson presents a fast-paced magic and variety show that will knock your proverbial socks off. From classic sleight of hand to mind-reading and comedy, it has something for everyone. Every show features special guests from the world of magic and variety – so you never quite know what wonders await… 

Richard Wiseman: Mind Magic: Enter the strange world of illusion, magic, and mystery. How do magicians produce objects from thin air and defy gravity? Does the paranormal exist? Join psychologist, best-selling author, and member of the Inner Magic Circle Professor Richard Wiseman as he explores the limits of the human mind. A fun hour for all the family. 

Elliot Bibby: The Best of Bibby: After a complete sell out at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival with the Insane Magic boys, Elliot is back with a solo hour of magic. Bringing the best he has to offer from 10 years of professional shows in this comedy magic extravaganza. 

Tricky Ricky: Festive Funtime: After sell-out performances last year, the Trickster returns with more festive fun and lots of his puns in a show starring Jingles the Reindeer and his mischievous rabbit Sonny the Bunny. It’s cabaret for kids and grown-ups. 

Gary James: Wonderland: A fast-paced family-friendly show with jaw-dropping magic inspired by wide-eyed childhood memories and a career in entertainment. Gary captures the excitement and mystery from his childhood visits to the legendary Lothian Road store called Wonderland. 

Gary Dunn: Jokes & Tricks: One of Scotland’s favourite family entertainers returns to MagicFest for another show filled with mad magic and silly jokes. 

Kevin Quantum: Edinburgh Magic: Unlock hidden Edinburgh and enjoy magic that’s fooled the greatest minds associated with the city, from Harry Houdini to King Charles. Amazing moments tied to the secret stories hidden in the cobbles and closes of the capital. Objects float before your eyes, money multiplies, time stands still… 

Vincent Gambini: Out of Thin Air: Stories about magicians at magic conventions, an attempt at presenting a show in which nothing happens, and magic poems about you, the spectator. Deft sleight of hand, strange poetry, and low-key spectacle. 

Richard Wiseman: The World’s Greatest Card Trick and Other Mysteries: The world’s greatest card trick was invented in 1942. It has been performed by many famous magicians, amazed and astounded millions of people, and made Winston Churchill late for Parliament. In this intimate show, a small group of people join magician Professor Richard Wiseman as he reveals the unknown genius behind the trick and demonstrates other jaw dropping mysteries from the mind of this master magician.

Cameron Gibson: Street Magic Masterclass:  Spend a morning with professional magician Cameron Gibson to gain hands-on experience in simple yet mind-blowing magic that you can do. You will master tricks with everyday objects that you can use to entertain and amaze your friends and family. 

Close-Up Magic at The Joker & The Thief: Astonishing close-up magic at The Joker & The Thief pub with resident magician Tim Licata, one of Scotland’s most entertaining sleight-of-hand artists. 

  • Tickets now on sale – full line up and times

Drylaw Telford Community Council meeting tonight



Drylaw Telford Community Council holds it’s last meeting of 2023 tonight in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre.

The meeting starts at 7pm.