National Isolation Strategy ‘key to combating loneliness’

The importance of embedding a national isolation strategy across all areas of government is key to alleviating loneliness in Scotland, says Contact the Elderly’s head of service in Scotland, Morna O’May (above). Continue reading National Isolation Strategy ‘key to combating loneliness’

Celebrate Older People’s Week

Active Ageing event at Hibernian’s GameChanger Centre, Easter Road

2nd October: 12 noon – 4pm

Hosted by Port of Leith Housing Association

Activities include Body Boosting Bingo (12 noon), tour of Hibs Stadium (1pm), Tea Dance (2pm), stalls and refreshments.

For more information or to book transport, call 0131 553 2559

New physical activity guidelines issued by Chief Medical Officers

New guidance issued today by the UK Chief Medical Officers emphasises the importance of building strength and balance for adults, as well as focusing on cardiovascular exercise. Continue reading New physical activity guidelines issued by Chief Medical Officers

LifeCare Conversations: new discussion group in Stockbridge

Are you recently retired and finding yourself at a loss for what to do with your time? Fancy meeting new people and having some interesting conversations? Then come along to LifeCare Conversations, a new weekly group running at LifeCare, 2 Cheyne Street, Stockbridge, EH4 1JB. Continue reading LifeCare Conversations: new discussion group in Stockbridge

Scots prefer spending time on social media than with their older relatives

-Age Scotland launch new Share What You Love campaign to combat loneliness-

New research from charity Age Scotland has revealed a shocking communications gap between the young and old in Scotland, as they launch a new campaign to combat loneliness in the over 65s. Continue reading Scots prefer spending time on social media than with their older relatives