Locals urged to back new community pharmacy for Granton Waterfront

Lindsay & Gilmour hope to open on Waterfront

Local residents and businesses within Edinburgh’s waterfront regeneration area in Granton are being encouraged to support a bid for a new community pharmacy to serve the area, by engaging in a public consultation launched in partnership with NHS Lothian this week. Continue reading Locals urged to back new community pharmacy for Granton Waterfront

Harry Potter spends his birthday at Sick Kids!

On the run up to Harry Potter’s birthday on the 31st of July the Royal Hospital for Sick Children was transformed into The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  It wasn’t magic that caused the metamorphosis, it was the amazing effort, talent and teamwork of the staff and children which made it all come together!

Each ward’s name changed to reflect their magical purpose with ‘Diagnostic Alley’, ‘Haemogoblyn’ and ‘Surgical Snape’ to name a few. Beautiful installations were created to match including huge floating Harry Potter glasses and dragons swooping down from the ceiling. There were always more details to be discovered and enjoyed such as opportunities to free Dobby by decorating a sock.

Throughout the week the Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity’s (ECHC) Arts Programme ran lots of exciting Harry Potter themed activities. Artists used projectors to create immersive environments for flying cars and children and families were invited to take part in classic Hogwarts classes such as Transfiguration class using 3D printing pens. Potter super-fans were also taken on a virtual Potter Trail and learned all the secrets behind the creation of the books.

ECHC also gave out awards to each ward to highlight the team’s talent. ‘Best Name’ went to ‘HuffnCough’, and the ward which split their space into Hogwarts and Diagon Alley won ‘Best Narrative’ by naming each bed space after a different magical shop.

Feedback from staff has been very positive ‘[The week] has been amazing at pulling everyone together and making the hospital look great’ and ‘It has created such a positive buzz around the hospital’.

Harry’s birthday was aptly celebrated with a Magic Show with ECHC’s resident magician, Tricky Ricky.

ECHC would like to thank the staff and children who worked so hard to make the hospital a truly magical place!




Missing person reports reduced by one fifth

Missing person reports to police in Edinburgh have reduced by almost a fifth thanks to increased efforts with partners to safeguard vulnerable people. Between January and June 2018, Edinburgh Division saw an 18% reduction in the number of missing person reports they received compared to the same period last year. Continue reading Missing person reports reduced by one fifth

Pets are good for us!

Therapy pets

As a Speech and Language Therapist in Acute Medicine at the Western General Hospital (WGH), I am always looking for new ways to stimulate and encourage patients to engage and participate in the therapeutic process (writes Ros Todd). This can be easier said than done sometimes, but I think if I could bottle what my wee dog Pippin does on his weekly Therapet visit to the Stroke Unit on Ward 50, I’d be a very successful Therapist indeed! Continue reading Pets are good for us!

Homelessness Service hub earmarked for former school site

Recommendations to house a new Inclusive Homelessness Service on the site of the former Panmure St Ann’s school in the Cowgate have been approved by the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB). Continue reading Homelessness Service hub earmarked for former school site

Neigh bother! Therapy Ponies visit Royal Edinburgh Hospital

It’s well known that interaction with friendly animals has a positive impact on patients in mental health. It’s been known to uplift their spirits, reduce stress and even encourage communication.

Following a very successful one off visit last summer from the Therapy Ponies to Royal Edinburgh Hospital (REH), it was clear that it would be worth becoming a more regular event.

With the support of the Occupational Therapy Department, Edinburgh and Lothian’s Health Foundation, Therapy Ponies Scotland, Nursing team, Infection Control, Fire Officers, and Security we were able to make this happen!

During their visits the Therapy Ponies have been great at both calming and stimulating patients.

Patients, staff and carers have been able to share and engage in the moment together, which was especially beneficial for those who have limited verbal communication and find structured activity difficult. The ponies had a number of patients up and walking (as well as talking) promoting a real sense of community and fun.

Patients were delighted to have the ponies – one remarked “it has been the best day of my life” (and has repeated this since), another said they “could cry with happiness”.

The therapy ponies Wilson and Herbie and their handlers, Elaine and John, ensured everyone had enough time to get the most from the visit – we couldn’t rate them more highly!

NHS Lothian

Pics: Therapies Ponies Scotland