Chancellor calls on watchdog bosses to tear down regulatory barriers that hold back growth

  • Chancellor pledges to work with regulators to develop ambitious reforms.    
  • Today’s summit marks the first in a series of meetings with the regulators ahead of publishing action plan.
  • Reeves welcomes initial ideas from regulators to boost innovation and investment, but pushes for more ambition.

The CEOs of key regulators were urged to ‘tear down regulatory barriers’ that hold back economic growth at a summit in the Treasury yesterday.    

In a meeting hosted by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Secretary of State for Business and Trade, chief executives at watchdogs covering sectors including railways, water, energy, aviation were told that economic growth is the absolute top priority for the government, as part of the Plan for Change for put more money in people’s pockets.    

The meeting was the first in a series following a joint letter from the Prime Minister, Chancellor and Secretary of State for Business and Trade in December, in which the government asked the regulators to each propose five reforms to support growth in the coming year. Over the coming weeks, 17 regulators will be called in to have their proposals scrutinised as the government leaves no stone unturned to deliver growth.    

At yesterday’s meeting, the Chancellor told the regulators that they would have a key role to play in delivering growth by helping to create a regulatory environment that unlocks innovation and investment, supports businesses to thrive and allows much needed infrastructure to be built.    

The regulators agreed with the Chancellor that they have a role to play in driving growth but highlighted that there are some barriers, including the need to balance growth with their other legal responsibilities.    

The Chancellor noted that the regulators’ responsibilities had accumulated over time and said she was open to hearing about where this was preventing them from taking clear, consistent and balance actions to drive growth.

She emphasised the importance of leadership to deliver a mindset shift on regulation, calling on each of the CEOs in the room to institute cultural change based on helping to deliver growth instead of excessively focusing on risk. 

The Chancellor also promised that the government would work with them to develop and deliver important reforms by playing its part, including by making time for legislation where it is needed or using the upcoming Spending Review, and noted the Prime Minister’s promise to rip up regulation that blocks investment to make the regulatory regime fit for the modern age.    

The Chancellor was clear that while some of the proposals already put forward were promising, she wanted to see greater ambition and urgency to drive economic growth. She emphasised that fresh ideas were needed and noted that the Government will also ask industry to come forward with their own ideas to deliver a more growth supportive regulatory environment.    

She highlighted some specific and promising ideas she had heard from the regulators today. These included: driving greater responsiveness to business demands, particularly on planning and license applications; grant funding administered by Ofwat to drive innovation in the water sector supply chain; energy tariff reform; increasing access to rail operator efficiency data and innovative drone solutions which would unlock growth in the public sector.   

The regulators agreed to continue working with the government on their proposals reform ahead of publishing an action plan in Spring, and welcomed today’s strategic discussion. 

The Chancellor finished the meeting by reiterating that leadership matters, noting that every regulator would have to play their part to improve living standards across the country.    

Following the meeting, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves said: “There’s no substitute for growth. It’s the only way to create more jobs and put more money in people’s pockets, which is why it’s at the heart of our Plan for Change.     

“Every regulator, no matter what sector, has a part to play by tearing down the regulatory barriers that hold back growth. I want to see this mission woven into the very fabric of our regulators through a cultural shift from excessively focusing on risk to helping drive growth.”

Police and Fire Chiefs meet

Chief Constable Jo Farrell and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Chief Officer Stuart Stevens met at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan, this week.

The meeting was the first since Chief Officer Stevens took command of the SFRS in November 2024 and covered collaborative opportunities, as well as ongoing and recent partnership working, including Operation Moonbeam.

Chief Officer Stevens said: “I was delighted to meet with Chief Constable Farrell. Protecting communities across Scotland remains at the heart of everything we do, and we strongly value our close working relationship with Police Scotland.

“I look forward to working together with police colleagues to explore and enhance further collaboration in the future, while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our staff and the public we serve.”

Chief Constable Farrell said: “I’m grateful to Stuart for his ongoing commitment to meeting collective challenges and working together to deliver for communities as part of what is a key partnership for policing.”

OPEN MEETING: Cramond Drama Group and our next Pantomime

Monday 28 October 7.30pm at Cramond Kirk Halls

Calling all potential actors, stagehands, costume makers and painters of scenery!

Cramond Drama Group, supported by the Cramond Association, is planning the forthcoming events for Christmas 2024 and for 2025 – including our next pantomime – and we need your help.

We have a small, strong team but still need a chair (and a person to sit in it) as well as lots of actors, helpers and friends to make it happen.

If It’s Drama You Want, Don’t Miss It !

SOS North Edinburgh Housing Emergency Update

Edinburgh Council’s Senior Housing Staff meet North Edinburgh Parents Action Group at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Last Wednesday (27th September), North Edinburgh Parents Action Group met with senior members of the Council’s housing management team and the Chair of the Housing Committee to discuss the issues raised in their report ‘SOS North Edinburgh’s Housing Emergency’ .

The group used the meeting to highlight many of the housing problems which sadly are common in most areas of North Edinburgh including mould and dampness, overcrowding, anti-social behaviour and an unacceptable repairs service. 


Group members shared their own personal stories about how these issues were impacting on their familiies’ physical and mental health. The housing staff and the chair of the Housing Committee were visibly shocked at some of the stories shared by members.

Edinburgh Council’s Senior Housing Staff’s Commitment

The senior housing staff gave a commitment to work with the parents group to address these issues as a matter of urgency.  They also agreed to work closely with local families who have been involved in the project to try to resolve their ongoing housing problems and will use this process to identify what needs to change.  

Susan Rowand, Chairperson of the Parents Group, said: “People have been waiting so long to get their housing issues fixed, many of them can’t wait any longer. We really hope that things begin to happen soon.

“A follow up meeting has been planned for the end of November to update the group on progress made.”

A group member added: ” I feel pain and anger at what my family have been through, maybe something will happen now – I don’t know.”

Next Steps

After the October break, group members will meet with Dr Olivia Swann, Clinical Lecturer in Paediatric Infectious Diseases at Edinburgh University. 

Dr Swann worked with the parents group earlier this year on their publication and told group members that “strong scientific evidence has shown that poor housing can affect someone’s physical and mental health throughout their life.” 

This is a very worrying concern for group members and highlights the need to address the area’s housing emergency now.


Drylaw Telford Community Council meeting tonight



Drylaw Telford Community Council holds it’s last meeting of 2023 tonight in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre.

The meeting starts at 7pm.


Planning gets underway for North Edinburgh Community Festival 2024

It feels like the North Edinburgh Community Festival was held merely a few weeks ago when in fact it’s been nearly 3 months and we are already starting to plan the festival for 2024!

So get this date in your diary – SATURDAY 11TH MAY 2024

I’m sure it’s a busy Summer for you all but we hope to grab some of your time!

We want to make the North Edinburgh Community Festival better but in order to do that we need your feedback. We’d really appreciate it, if you could complete this Google form and tell us what was good, what was bad and what was amazing!

Here is the link –

Secondly, we are hosting a Festival Gathering and invite you to come along and share your thoughts.

This will take place on THURSDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER 2023 AT 6PM at the West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre. We’d love to see you there. Please do RSVP to to let us know you will be attending.

And thirdly, we now have a Ko-Fi account. A Ko-Fi account lets anyone donate a minimum of £3 to the festival which will go towards providing free meals at the festival next year. We have lost some funding for next year, so any contributions to this festival cause are most welcome. Here is the link –

Please do feel free to circulate or forward this onto others that might want to be part of the festival next year.

Best wishes and hopefully see you at the Festival Gathering!

PM meets US President Joe Biden

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak welcomed US President Joe Biden to the United Kingdom for a meeting in Belfast today.

The Prime Minister welcomed US President Biden to the United Kingdom for a meeting in Belfast today.

The leaders reflected on the legacy of the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement, which was signed 25 years ago this week. They agreed that this anniversary is a moment to celebrate the progress that Northern Ireland has made over the last quarter of a century and to recommit to building an even brighter future for Northern Ireland.

The Prime Minister thanked President Biden for the role the US people and businesses have played in Northern Ireland’s prosperity, with billions of pounds of investment creating tens of thousands of jobs.

The Prime Minister and President Biden both expressed their sincere hope that the institutions in Northern Ireland will be restored as soon as possible.

The Prime Minister and President Biden discussed the wider relationship between the UK and the US.

They agreed that manipulation of global markets by authoritarian leaders demonstrates, more than ever, the need for likeminded partners to work together to support the economic health and security of our nations.

The leaders said that the thriving trade relationship between the UK and US demonstrates we are doing just that.

They looked forward to discussing the issue of economic security further during the G7 Summit next month and the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington DC in June.

They also agreed on the importance of using global forums like the G7 and G20 to challenge economic coercion and market manipulation, and promote the economic well-being of our countries.

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils to meet tomorrow

Thursday 30 March 2023: 18.50 for 19.00 on Microsoft Teams.


Cllr. Mandy Watt, Convenor of CEC Finance & Resources Committee:

Funding Edinburgh’s ambitions in an era of budget constraint.’

Angus Murdoch, CEC Neighbourhood Environmental Services:

‘Doing the dirty work: empty, clean, recycle; repeat.’

Here is the Microsoft Teams link:

Meeting ID: 345 790 606 167
Passcode: mD6VYF
Join on the web


CEC’s Spatial Policy Division is running a Workshop on five Draft Action Plans prepared in support of the City Mobility Plan.

Three dates are offered, on 18, 19 and 21 April (09.30 to 13.00).

The Action Plans cover Active Travel; Public Transport; Road Safety; Parking; Air Quality.

Contact the Placemaking and Mobility Team at to attend. The closing date is 17 March.

See more on the EACC website:
Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC)
EACC Secretary; Ken Robertson

UNISON: Tonight’s public meeting to discuss teaching of gender identity in schools should be cancelled

UNISON City of Edinburgh branch is calling on the council to cancel a ‘Schools and gender identity event’ to protect library staff and members of the trans community.

The event which its organisers say is “a group of concerned adults organised a public meeting in Portobello Community Centre to discuss the teaching of gender identity in schools” is due to be held at Portobello Library this evening (Tuesday 14 March) has already gathered national media attention and some community campaigners have also called for its cancellation.

UNISON City of Edinburgh branch has been in dialogue with the council to express safety-fears for library staff and local trans-individuals. UNISON argue that library staff are being placed at the centre of something that is going to impact their ability to provide a high quality public services to the local community, including the LGBT+ community.

UNISON City of Edinburgh branch is also concerned that the event indirectly endangers the wider safety of the UK trans community.  Should the event be allowed to continue, the branch will peacefully protest with other community activist protesters and would ask other who feel the same to join them.

UNISON City of Edinburgh branch secretary, Tom Conolly said: “UNISON Edinburgh city branch represent library staff across the city and we do not want to see them placed at the centre of something which could impact on their ability to deliver high quality public services.

“We are concerned that this event has been granted permission to go ahead. UNISON Edinburgh city branch is clear in its commitment to trans and non-binary members. We recognise the importance of supporting trans members in our local communities.”

UNISON City of Edinburgh branch equalities officer, Elaine Wishart said: “UNISON supports trans rights and wants to be at the forefront of promoting an inclusive debate.

“You don’t have to be trans to fight for trans rights, you can be a trans ally. The national debate is very divisive and harms trans-people who need our compassion and support. UNISON have produced many campaign materials around combatting the gender critical narrative.

“Trans rights are human rights and making sure our trans members are able to go to work, and just be themselves in the wider community free of fear, harassment and bullying is paramount.”

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils meets tonight

The Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC) will meet tonight (Thursday, 26 January) at 7pm 

Here is the screen meeting link:

Microsoft Teams meeting:

Meeting ID: 339 983 767 862

Passcode: hCLxPd

The Speakers

Andrew Field, Head of Community Empowerment and Engagement, and Joan Parr, Service Director for Culture and Wellbeing, from City of Edinburgh Council: Community Partnership Planning – Moving Forward

Councillor Scott Arthur, Convenor, City of Edinburgh Council Transport and Environment Committee:

Transport Priorities for a Growing City

This 26 January meeting begins our 2023 programme.

I invite you to get in touch to bring other meeting ideas to me.

 (As before, this meeting is open to the public, but due to space restrictions, priority will be given to Community Councillor attendees.

The meeting may be recorded – please note that by joining the meeting you are giving your consent in that regard.


Ken Robertson



Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC)
EACC Secretary; Ken Robertson