Parlez-vous Francais en Stockbridge?


Would you like to learn French quickly? New ‘Speak Out!’ courses are starting at Kiss the Fish in Stockbridge next Monday.

The courses are different from traditional language courses in that they focus on communication rather than grammar and exams; courses are designed to get learners speaking with confidence within ten weeks!

As part of each course, there’s also the option of a trip to Paris…

For further information visit


Apologies for failed ‘O’ level French in headline!

Play-Base courses at North Edinburgh Arts

We have two courses coming up at North Edinburgh Arts Centre:
Our Child Safety and  storytelling courses as introductory childcare courses which benefit women  looking for a career in childcare as well mothers interested in their own  parenting.

Our Storyelling course  is especially popular with students interested in child development and speech  development in children. All students will receive a certificate for both  courses.


Jennifer Ba
Training Support Worker, Play-Base Edinburgh
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