Break the grip of poverty to “truly level up” our uneven nation

Poverty’s grip on some parts of the UK, some families and among renters shows the scale of the challenge faced by the government in its attempts to “unite and level up” the UK following years of political turmoil around Brexit.



Scotland needs ‘game-changer’ policies to meet child poverty targets, says JRF

Scotland needs new “game-changer” social policies if it is to meet the government’s child poverty targets, according to new research published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation during Challenge Poverty Week. Continue reading Scotland needs ‘game-changer’ policies to meet child poverty targets, says JRF

‘Unjustifiable’ benefits freeze means another tough year ahead for low income families

Families in poverty face another year of frozen benefits amid the uncertainty of Brexit, according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

More are likely to be pulled into poverty following the Government’s decision to continue the freeze on working-age benefits and tax credits until 2020, despite declaring austerity over. Continue reading ‘Unjustifiable’ benefits freeze means another tough year ahead for low income families

People in poverty must not pay the price for Brexit, say charities

poverty family JRF

A coalition of charities have urged the Government to take urgent steps to protect people and places in poverty from the financial consequences of Brexit, including no-deal. Continue reading People in poverty must not pay the price for Brexit, say charities

Unacceptable rises in child poverty as more working parents left unable to make ends meet

Rowntree Foundation urges Universal Credit reform

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation is urging the government to reform Universal Credit (UC) so families with children can keep more of what they earn. The respected social policy charity is the latest organisation to urge the Westminster Government to rethink the controversial benefit.

Continue reading Rowntree Foundation urges Universal Credit reform

One in four Scottish children live in poverty as parents locked out of job market

Ambitious targets to reduce child poverty will stall, warns charity

In its state of the nation report, Poverty in Scotland 2018 (below), the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) warns one in four (230,000) children in Scotland live in poverty. The report comes as Challenge Poverty? Aye we can! gets underway, a campaign by the Poverty Alliance which shows how poverty in Scotland can be solved and allow everyone to take part in society. Continue reading One in four Scottish children live in poverty as parents locked out of job market

Working towards a Fairer Scotland: First year progress report launched


A year since the publication of the Fairer Scotland Action Plan, Equalities Secretary Angela Constance today launched the first progress report at WorkingRite, an Edinburgh organisation that received support from the £29 million fund to tackle poverty. Continue reading Working towards a Fairer Scotland: First year progress report launched

In-work poverty hits record levels

In 21st century Britain one in eight workers now lives in poverty 

One in every eight workers in the UK – 3.8 million people – is now living in poverty. A total of 7.4 million people, including 2.6 million children, are in poverty despite being in a working family. This means that a record high of 55 per cent of people in poverty are in working households.

Continue reading In-work poverty hits record levels