New ‘what’s available’ guide for Parents and Carers

PACS imageAn updated programme of activities and groups for parents and carers has been produced in a handy booklet format.

Click on the link below to find out the full range of activities available across North Edinburgh and beyond:


February NEN deadline


A gentle reminder that February is fast approaching and it’s nearly time for another NEN newspaper. The deadline is THIS FRIDAY (23 January)!

So if you have any articles for the next edition – or you would like to advertise with us (see ad rate card below) – please get in touch: email

We look forward to hearing from you!

2pp A5 Rate Card NEN


Know your New Year opening times, tweets Dr Owl


Dr Owl continues his flight across Scotland as part of the Be Health-Wise This Winter encouraging people to know when their GP surgery is open over New Year.

While GP practices re-open today (Monday 29 December) after the Christmas break, the wise Dr Owl is advising people to be aware that they will follow normal opening hours until closing again on Thursday 1st January, before re-opening again on Monday 5th January.

NHS 24’s Medical Director Professor George Crooks, explained: “While NHS Scotland staff have been very busy over the Christmas period, it is important that people remember there is another period of GP practices’ closures over New Year. It’s important that people know the opening times of their local pharmacy too and make use of the next couple of days to re-stock with simple home remedies to ensure they can look after themselves and their family if needed.

“Knowing you have remedies at home to help if a winter illness does strike can make all the difference and you can use the self-help guide available at for advice on treating coughs, colds and other winter illnesses at home.”

The national Be Health-Wise this Winter campaign is supported by NHSScotland in partnership with NHS 24, the Scottish Ambulance Service, and all 14 Scottish Health Boards.

Many GPs will be working hard throughout the festive period supporting local Out of Hours services and the Be Health-Wise This Winter campaign has the backing of the British Medical Association (BMA) in Scotland.

General advice and information on how to stay healthy this winter can be found at or contact NHS inform on 0800 22 44 88.

Food Bank information

Food bank Christmas Opening Hours


Gorgie Salvation Army – South West

Monday 29 December 2-4pm
Friday 3 January 10 – 12noon
Monday 5 January 2-4pm
Friday 10 January 10 – 12noon

We also have a Christmas Day lunch and entertainment for those who are struggling alone or cannot have a Christmas lunch etc. It is from 12 noon to 3pm and places are available.

North East (not available via Advice Line)

Closed on Christmas Day and New Years Day and otherwise open as usual.

North West

Broughton DC – Christmas Eve, 10am to 12noon (note earlier finish, not usual 1pm).
Tollcross DC will be open throughout on Monday 29 December 2pm to 4pm.

South East

Closed 24th, 25th, 26th) Open on Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 December (closed 31st, 1st and 2nd). Normal hours resume on 5 January


Open Christmas eve until 12. There is then an emergency foodbank contact number on 0131 443 6223 available all throughtout Christmas and New Year and reopens first Monday in January.

Foodbank Christmas Opening Hours

A visit to Granton could improve your health – and maybe your wealth!

gic1A visit to Granton Information Centre could improve your health – and may also improve your wealth! The local advice centre received top marks from clients in a satisfaction survey conducted over the summer.

Highlights of the survey include:

• Around 71% of GIC clients have a medical condition – but almost half of them feel GIC has helped to bring about an improvement in their health

• 48% of clients received additional income following GIC’s intervention – and with another 22% awaiting decisions it’s very likely that this figure will rise to over half.  Additional income includes both one-off payments and ongoing benefits entitlements – ranging from a few pounds to five-figure sums.

• 97% of clients would recommend GIC’s services to others

• 96% found GIC assistance ‘very helpful’, 98% found staff ‘very approachable’ and 74% found the help and support they had received ‘more than expected’.

Two hundred clients were chosen at random from GIC’s live cases database and invited to participate in the Satisfaction Survey, which was carried out over the summer. The results are based on the final total of 108 respondees.

GIC manager Caroline Pickering said: “There has been an increased demand on GIC’s service over the past few years and our management committee thought this would be an ideal time to review the services we provide – to look at what we are doing, what works well and what can be improved.

“The best people to guide us in this are the people who use those services, so we are very pleased with the positive results of the survey. It’s great for staff to be recognised for the hard work they do. Some of the comments we received from grateful clients were really touching.”

GIC chairperson John Mulvey said: “We know the staff are working exceptionally hard in difficult circumstances so we’re delighted to see how much service users and the wider community appreciate their efforts. The organisation has been working in North Edinburgh for thirty years now but it’s clear that GIC’s services are needed as much today as they ever were.”

Housing Advice road show’s heading your way!

cooncilhoosesNeed housing advice? The city council is running a programme of friendly and helpful roadshows next month – and everyone is welcome!

Energy advice and support to help you save money
Council house improvements and repairs
Tenant’s groups

Local events will be held at McDonald Road Library (Wednesday 8th), Leith Library (Thursday 9th), North Local Office in West Pilton Gardens (Wenesday 15th) and the Community Shop on Pennywell Road (Friday 17th).

The roadshows run from 10am -4pm – see below for the full itinerary

Road shows

First class? More Referendum information’s heading your way

There was a brief lull in hostilities during the Commonwealth Games, but normal business will be resumed next week: the Referendum’s back.

Both Westminster and Holyrood governments will be keeping your postie busy … 

s300_AC_at_postbox Second UK Government information leaflet to be sent to Scottish households ahead of Scottish independence referendum

People across Scotland will receive a second information leaflet from the UK Government through their letterboxes next week, setting out the five main benefits of remaining part of the UK.

It will be sent to each Scottish household and follows a booklet sent out in June which made the positive and detailed case for Scotland remaining part of the UK. The move comes in response to the public’s frequent requests for more information ahead of the referendum vote on 18 September.

The latest leaflet will explain the five main benefits Scotland gains as part of the UK.

They are:

  • Keeping the UK pound – one of the strongest and most stable currencies in the world.
  • Cheaper bills – with the UK’s financial standing keeping interest rates lower than they would be otherwise and energy bills up to £189 lower each year
  • More jobs – hundreds of thousands of Scottish jobs are connected to borderless trade as part of the UK
  • More support for public services – Scotland currently benefits from public spending per person that is around 10% higher than the UK average
  • With less than 50 days to go until the referendum, the UK Government is ensuring people have as much information as possible to allow them to make an informed decision

The leaflet also accompanies the UK Government’s YouDecide online tool which allows people in Scotland to explore how being part of the UK benefits their home, work and family life –

The leaflets will cost around 12p each, with a total cost of around £300,000.

Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael said: “We are only weeks away from the most important decision we will ever make as a country. A decision to leave the UK is forever and cannot be reversed. We need to make sure we get it right. People in Scotland need to have the facts before they vote on 18 September.

“With every passing week it becomes ever clearer the Scottish Government has not thought this through properly. They are blinded by their passion for independence. They have no plan on currency, no plan on pensions and no idea how much it would all cost.

“People want credible and reliable information to help them make their decision on independence. Our new leaflet highlights the five main benefits for Scotland of remaining part of the UK.

“We hold on to the pound. We keep bills lower as part of a larger UK. Public spending per person is ten per cent higher in Scotland than the UK average. Two-thirds of our trade is with the rest of the UK because we have no international border and that helps protect Scottish jobs.

“We have a Scottish Parliament that makes decisions on things like health and education. From next year, the Scottish Parliament will be getting even more powers to set tax rates and decide if and when to borrow money. Devolution brings very clear benefits that would end with independence.”

NicolaSturgeonMSP20110510[1]The Scottish Government will also send out their own short guide to the opportunities of independence.

The  new 12-page guide, which will outline the opportunities of independence, is being posted out to all 2.5 million households in Scotland from next week.

From tomorrow (Monday 4 August) every household in Scotland will receive their own copy of ‘Scotland’s Future – What Independence Means for You’, which sets out how the wealth of Scotland can be used to benefit the people who live and work here.

The short guide will also be translated into fifteen languages – with braille and audio versions also being produced – and will become available online from Sunday.

The distribution of this guide to independence follows the publication of the 670-page Scotland’s Future, which has now been ordered by over 140,000 people.

The guide will explain how:

• Scotland can more than afford to be independent – we have generated more tax per head than the UK for each of the last 33 years.
• New job opportunities can be created in an independent Scotland by tailoring economic policy for Scotland’s needs.
• Different spending decisions – such as scrapping Trident – could save £600 million a year.
• Independence will bring greater financial security for families – for example, by increasing the Minimum Wage and transforming childcare.

A separate guide will also be posted from Monday to residents of Scotland’s islands next week – setting out the opportunities of independence to empower our unique island communities.

Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon (pictured above) said: ““Independence is not a magic wand – but it is undoubtedly the greatest chance we will ever have to shift the balance of opportunity in Scotland’s favour and make our wealth work better for everyone who lives here.

“We are one of the richest countries in the world, with a higher GDP per head than France, Japan and the UK. But for far too many people in Scotland it doesn’t feel that way. This guide sets out why we’re better off with Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands.

“It is crucial that everyone in Scotland is armed with the facts and has a clear picture of the opportunities to change their lives for the better with independence.

“There is certainly an appetite for this information – with over 140,000 orders for Scotland’s Future already received – and our new guide makes it even easier to get the key facts quickly and easily.

“Scotland has the people, skills and resources to be a strong independent country, and this guide will set out how we can build on that.

“With independence we’ll have an economic policy that will put Scotland first – with a plan to reindustrialise Scotland, use the tax system to provide business with the incentives to create jobs and take advantage of our increased international profile to benefit the economy.

“The economic tools and powers to transform our employment and social policy will make it easier for parents to balance work and family life. For too long our hands have been tied by decisions made at Westminster – often by governments with no majority in Scotland.

“No one else will do a better job of running our country than the people of Scotland – because no one else has a bigger stake in its success. It is essential that all voters have the chance to make an informed choice on September 18 and this guide will help to ensure that this is the case.”They're here!

They’re here!


How do you like your news?

newspapers (3)

How do you get your information? How do you find out what’s happening in your local area? TV, radio, newspapers, social media, newsletters, posters, emails, leaflets … there are so many different ways to be kept informed, but what works best for you?

Forth and Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnerships are supporting an initiative to improve local communications, and they need your help to get things right!

How do you currently access information and how would you prefer to receive communications? Please complete the attached online survey at:

It should only take a few minutes to complete or, if you prefer, this can also be done using the printable version (attached below).

If friends or colleagues don’t go online – and many people still don’t have access to a computer – please let them know about the survey; why not print off a copy for them?

But do it soon – the survey closes in two weeks on 31 May!

Printed Communications Questionnaire May 2014


Baby death: Police appeal for information

Police investigating the discovery of the remains of a baby in East Edinburgh are appealing to the public for information that can assist their inquiries.

The remains were discovered in undergrowth around 5pm on Sunday (July 29), by a member of the public who was walking his dog on Restalrig Path, near Seafield Cemetery.

Inquiries are underway in order to identify the remains and establish how they came to be located in the area, which has been cordoned off while forensic and other inquiries take place at the scene. Officers are also carrying out inquiries in the local community to gather further information.

Detective Chief Inspector David McLaren said: “Our investigation to establish the identity of the baby and how it came to be on Restalrig Path is at a very early stage.

“However regardless of the circumstances surrounding this baby’s death there is clearly a mother out there who may be in need of either medical attention or emotional support.

“Our priority at this time is to locate her and provide her with all the help and support we can. If the mother reads this appeal then I would urge her to get in touch, and I want to reassure her that we have her welfare at heart.

“In addition, I would urge anyone who has used Restalrig Path in the last few days or weeks, who has seen something suspicious or unusual that may assist our investigation, to contact us.”

Anyone with information should contact Police Scotland on 101, or make an anonymous report through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
