Specialist support for health and social care staff

Confidential mental health workforce service

Health and social care professionals will have access to a new specialist service offering confidential mental health assessment and treatment.

The Workforce Specialist Service will be delivered by experts with experience in treating a range of issues such as stress, anxiety, depression or addiction, with a focus on the impact this may have on a person’s work.

A multidisciplinary team will support anyone who belongs to one of the regulated professions within health and social care. 

It is the latest part of a package of resources available to the workforce, including the National Wellbeing Hub, the National Wellbeing Helpline and specific psychological services provided by health boards at a local level.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said: “We are doing our best to support health and social care staff to ensure that they have the resources they require to look after themselves, and that they can get the help they need at an early stage. This is especially important given the challenges of responding to the pandemic in the past year.

“We know that some health and social care professionals can find it difficult to access mental health or addictions services due to concerns about receiving a confidential service or the professional implications of seeking support.

“Our Wellbeing and Mental Health Network offers a broad package of wellbeing and mental health support that is available for all health and social services staff, their families and unpaid carers and volunteers.

“The Workforce Specialist Service is the most comprehensive of its kind in the UK and has been established to ensure that people who access the service are afforded maximum confidentiality. We have worked closely with the professions regulators to ensure appropriate agreements are in place.”

Dr Jude Halford, Lead for Clinician Mental Health at the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland said:

“We welcome the development of a much-needed specialist mental health service for Scotland’s health and social care staff.

“Currently, there are barriers which stop some health and social care professionals from accessing mental health services including stigma, fears for their careers, concerns they will be treated by colleagues and worries about confidentiality. They may feel unable to seek the help they need.

“Improvement in staff mental health is essential. It benefits them and keeps health and social care services running for the public.

“The pandemic has caused extra demands, stress and pressure for staff making the requirement for mental health care even greater.

“The need for a specialist service predated the pandemic, was compounded by it, and will persist beyond it. It is very positive to see the Workforce Specialist Service being developed to address these needs.”

Lorraine Gray, Chief Executive, Scottish Social Services Council said:

“The Workforce Specialist Service is a great resource and I welcome the support it will give to the social service and health workforce, their families and colleagues.

“Their roles are demanding and they are working tirelessly to support our communities in the midst of the pandemic response. And, perhaps even more importantly, this support will be vital for our workforce in the longer term as we move from the crisis response towards normality.”

If you are a regulated practitioner working in Scotland, find out more about what the service provides and how to refer yourself by visiting:

The Workforce Specialist Service (WSS) – PRoMIS | National Wellbeing Hub for those working in Health and Social Care or you can also email prac.health@nhs.net or call 0300 0303 300.

The National Wellbeing Hub – www.promis.scot – contains a broad range of advice and evidence-based resources including digital apps to help staff and unpaid carers cope with issues such as stress, anxiety, sleep problems, and to enhance personal resilience. It also signposts to a range of other national and local services.

The National Wellbeing Helpline – 0800 111 4191 – provides a 24/7 service to those who require psychological support and can offer advice, signposting and onward referral to local services where required.

NSPCC helpline referrals about parental substance misuse DOUBLE in Scotland

Referrals about parents’ use of drugs and alcohol by the NSPCC helpline to Scottish agencies have more than DOUBLED since the start of the pandemic.

New data reveals that the average monthly number of referrals concerning this issue increased from 26 during the first three months of last year to 63 between April 1 and January 31, 2021. Over the 10-month period there was a total of 626 referrals made in Scotland.

Referrals are made to external agencies such as the police and local authorities when concerns reported to the helpline are considered to be serious enough to warrant further investigation or if it is felt a family needs support.

The number of people from across the UK calling the NSPCC helpline with concerns about parents’ use of drugs and alcohol has increased by 66% since the start of the pandemic.1

Parental substance misuse is the misuse of drugs and/or alcohol by a parent or carer. This includes adults who consume harmful amounts of alcohol, are dependent on alcohol, use prescription drugs excessively or are using illegal drugs, any of which impacts their ability to care for a child.

Living in a household where a parent or carer misuses substances does not necessarily mean a child will experience abuse, but it can make it more difficult for parents to provide safe and consistent care and this can lead to abuse or neglect. It can also have a serious impact on children’s emotional well-being.

Due to the pandemic, children are much more immersed in the problems they are facing at home. Schools have stayed open for vulnerable children and those of key workers but many remain at home meaning there is no escape for those living with parental substance misuse.

As numbers of contacts to the helpline continue to rise, it is vital that local substance misuse services are accessible during the pandemic. Last month, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced new investment into improving and increasing services for people affected by drug addiction in the country.

It is crucial that these and alcohol addiction services take a ‘whole family approach’, recognising the impact of substance misuse on children and the need to support adults as parents.

The NSPCC service centre in Glasgow runs a programme called Parents under Pressure TM, which supports parents and carers with substance misuse or mental health difficulties. The programme2 provides advice to parents on how to develop good relationships with their children and deal with challenging behaviour, as well as their own emotions.

Laura* was referred to the programme in Glasgow by her health visitor almost two years ago. Now in her 30s, Laura* began drinking regularly as a teenager in a bid to help her cope with bullying at school and domestic and substance abuse at home.

When she was 18 years old, she was sexually assaulted by a stranger in the street. She then went on to have a series of abusive relationships and had three children. She suffered with post-natal depression and was drinking heavily. Her three children were removed from her care, when the youngest was just a baby. It was following the birth of her fourth child that she finally received the help and support she needed to recover from her addiction to alcohol. She has now been sober for over 18 months.

Speaking about her experience, Laura* said: “When drink has got hold of you, you don’t feel like anything is worth it. Addiction makes you remain in the same place, while everything else moves on, and you end up isolated and alone. At the time, I thought the addiction just affected me but it doesn’t, it affects everyone around you, especially your children because they rely on you for everything.

“I think the Parents under Pressure programme is so good, as it makes you realise that at the centre of many addictions there is a child, who is suffering.  My recovery has not been easy; I have had to delve into boxes, which have been locked in my head for many years. I don’t bottle things up anymore and I feel free; like I can breathe again. If I hadn’t had this help, I wouldn’t be here today. I would be dead or in jail and I would have left my children without a mother.”

Some of the signs to look out for that show families might be struggling with parental substance misuse during the lockdown and need support include:

  • parents may be visually under the influence of alcohol or drugs over video chat or in public
  • a change in the parent’s behaviour as they may have difficulty controlling their emotions or act irrationally or unpredictably
  • a child may become withdrawn or develop behavioural, emotional or mental health problems
  • aggressive or repeated shouting at home
  • children may have taken on the responsibility of caring for their parents or siblings
  • children showing signs of neglect, such as regularly looking dirty or being unsupervised

Kam Thandi, head of NSPCC helpline, explained: “Parental substance misuse can have a seriously detrimental impact on the whole family. The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have created a perfect storm for families affected by this problem.

“At the NSPCC helpline we’ve not only seen a rise in contacts and referrals but we’re also seeing families who weren’t previously known to children’s services requiring help and support for substance misuse.

“The pressures on families at the moment are unprecedented and it is no surprise that our helpline is hearing that parents and carers are struggling with substance misuse. To keep our children safe it’s vital that those who are relying on drugs and alcohol, to the extent that the care of their children is being compromised, must seek help.

“The Scottish Government must also invest more in local services. Our frontline practitioners have told us that many parents and carers are struggling to access specialist support services which will help them recover from the impact of the pandemic.”

The NSPCC’s concerns are being backed by Adfam, a charity which provides support to families affected by drug, alcohol or gambling addiction.

Vivienne Evans OBE, Chief Executive, Adfam, said: “We are seeing that the usual daily challenges associated with a parent or family member’s alcohol or drug problem – fear, domestic abuse, isolation, loneliness, and mental stress – are being exacerbated by the lockdown measures.

“A staggering 88% of the families that we surveyed in our ‘Families in Lockdown’ survey told us that the first lockdown negatively impacted on their family member’s alcohol, drug or gambling problem. A third of families experienced an increase in verbal abuse from their family member and 13% feel more concerned than usual for their safety.

“As drug and alcohol misuse is so stigmatised, we know that many young people are scared to seek support, and for many children affected by parental substance use, the lockdown impedes them from the safety of the school environment. We know that with the right kind of support, children and young people can navigate this challenging time. We urge families not to wait until breaking point.”

The NSPCC is calling on anyone who is concerned a child is at risk due to parental substance misuse to contact the helpline. Trained professionals can offer advice to make sure everyone in the family receives the support they need – both parents and children.

If anyone is concerned about their own drug or alcohol intake and that it is affecting their family, support can be accessed by contacting the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 or visit www.Adfam.org.uk to find your nearest online support group.

Increase in NSPCC referrals to police and councils about children suffering in violent homes

  • The charity warns referrals are likely to rise further under current lockdown restrictions
  • NSPCC urges people to speak out if they have concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing

Referrals from the NSPCC helpline to agencies in Scotland about children living with domestic abuse have increased by more than 30% during the pandemic.

The latest figures reveal that the average monthly number of referrals about this issue to Scottish agencies, such as police and local authorities, has risen from 32 in the first three months of last year to 42 in the remainder months.  A total of 377 referrals were made between April 1 and December 31.

Across the UK, the average monthly number of contacts to the NSPCC helpline about this issue has increased by more than 50%. Concerned neighbours have increasingly reported hearing non-stop arguing and kids crying to the charity’s confidential helpline for adults worried about children.

The NSPCC’s frontline teams are concerned that the risk of young people suffering the toxic consequences of domestic abuse has been heightened.

One member of the public who called the Helpline for advice said: “For the past few weeks, I’ve been hearing loud and aggressive shouting between a man and woman who live a few doors away from me.

They’re at it pretty much every day and it generally lasts a couple of hours. Sometimes I hear their children crying when the parents are arguing. I’ve only really noticed this since I’ve been at home on furlough. I’m worried the kids aren’t being looked after properly.”

Left unaddressed this form of abuse can have profound and long-term impacts on children’s physical and mental wellbeing that can last into adulthood.

Joanna Barrett, NSPCC Scotland Policy and Public Affairs Manager, said: “With families facing increased pressure behind closed doors, lockdown restrictions have made some children more vulnerable to experiencing domestic abuse, as well as other forms of abuse and neglect.

“It is vital that no child becomes invisible at this time, and support is available and provided now to all children and families who need it.

“It is also so important that people speak out if they are concerned about a child. Our helpline experts are there to answer any questions and concerns, provide reassurance or take quick action if we feel a child is in danger.”

Young people who experience domestic abuse can have trouble learning, depression or suicidal thoughts, or develop eating disorders drugs or alcohol problems.

One 13-year-old told Childline: “Recently my mum has been yelling at me and calling me names for no apparent reason. My parents fight a lot, like really a lot.  My dad overreacts but mum makes the situation worse.

Today my parents got in a huge argument that included a lot of shouting and my dad was throwing things at my mum.  I was shocked because none of their fights have got physical before, and now I am wondering how bad things could get.

My parents don’t talk anymore and they treat me like their little messenger passing comments between them. It is really affecting me as I constantly feel anxious and cry myself to sleep. I really need help.”

Anyone who is experiencing domestic abuse or has concerns that someone else may be can contact the NSPCC’s Helpline for information and advice on 0808 800 5000, email help@nspcc.org.uk or fill in our online form.

Funeral directors launch free emotional support helpline

Losing a loved one is one of the hardest experiences anyone could face, but during this period of social distancing, families are facing additional anxiety over not being able to say their goodbyes. 

Charityrun funeral directors Caledonia Cremation has responded to the crisis by launching a dedicated emotional support line for anyone anywhere in Scotland who has just lost a parent, child, sibling or partner. 

“We promise that if we can help even a little we will do everything we can,” said John Halliday, co-founder of Caledonia Cremation.  

The service launched followed their concerns for people’s wellbeing after conversations with families who lost loved ones to Covid-19. This was subsequently part-funded by a new grant from Foundation Scotland from their Response Fund meaning that the helpline can employ a reained pyschtherapist who can provide much needed support during these unprecedented times. 

Caledonia Cremation was set up in 2018 by the charity Community Renewal to fight funeral poverty in Scotland and is the only not-for-profit funeral directors in the countryThey offer not-for-profit cremations to anyone in mainland Scotland and since they began, they have saved bereaved Scottish families nearly £1million in funeral costs.

John Halliday explained why they took their decision to launch this emotional support helpline: 

We heard from one family whose grandfather died in intensive care last week. They were unable to visit him and upon his passing there was no wake and they were unable to attend his funeral. We offered all the support we could but we felt we needed to do more to help others.

“Acharityowned social enterpriseour priority is first and foremost to support people in Scotland. Up until now that has been by providing dignified, caring, notfor profit funerals which don’t push families into funeral debt.

“We have always provided a caring service, but these are unprecedented times and we felt we needed to increase our capacity to provide emotional support – even if that person hasn’t used our services.

“We are grateful for the funding from Foundation Scotland as it has allowed us to employ a highly experienced counsellor and psychotherapist. This frees up the rest of the team who are working hard online and by phone, advising clients on how they can still say their goodbyes in this period of social distancing and helping people in poverty to claim funeral benefits.

“We always said it was important that there was a not-for-profit funeral director like us, someone who genuinely does not profit a penny from a loss. This is something we can do to really give back to society with everything we have got while also bringing prices down. 

“Grieving people need support right now, and they can trust us to put their care first.”

The service is now up and running so anyone who needs help, please do get in touch by calling 03000 11 33 01.

Good listeners sought by Edinburgh-based helpline



An Edinburgh based helpline for stressed parents and carers is looking for volunteer call takers. ParentLine Scotland took more than 4000 calls from anxious mums, dads and carers from across the country last year.

The charity offers a helpline, email and web-chat service, for anyone caring for or concerned about a child. It is run by CHILDREN 1ST which works to ensure every child and young person in Scotland has a happy, healthy, safe and secure childhood.

Helpline Manager Jill Cook said: “Our volunteers make an enormous difference to the lives of mums, dads, carers, and professionals just by being there to listen and reassure. It’s a vital service and we ensure they’re ready for the role with 40 hours of high quality training. They also have back-up from a supervisor.”

Volunteers at ParentLine Scotland give a minimum commitment to a year after training. The charity says it’s looking for caring, non-judgemental people who are interested in the wellbeing of children and young people.  Calls can be about all sorts of issues from bullying to separating families, teenage behaviour and toddlers tantrums.

Volunteer Janin Pohl (40) said: “Whatever people call with we take it seriously, it’s not trivial. In that time they are valued. You don’t often find out how things go but at the time you have that sense that there is now a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.”

The next volunteer training course starts on 31 January. To find out more contact parentlinescotland@children1st.org.uk

ParentLine Scotland is open 365 days a year on 08000 28 22 33. You can also get in touch by web-chat at www.children1st.org.uk/parentlineor by email parentlinescotland@children1st.org.uk 


Volunteer Profile

Janin Pohl (40) from Edinburgh has been a ParentLine Scotland volunteer for three and a half years. She was born in Germany and travelled before settling in Edinburgh seven years ago. She is trained in counselling and shiatsu massage. Janin is blind.

How did you get involved?

“When I saw the advert for ParentLine Scotland I came at it from the perspective of a child. There are so many things that aren’t talked about in families. They’re swept under the carpet or people never say how they are feeling and I thought maybe it’s like that for adults too. Plus I’d done counselling training and this was a way I could use my skills. I’d been volunteering from home and I thought it would be good to go to an office with a team and a supervisor and be with people.”

Why do you think ParentLine can help even when friends and family can’t?

“You can decide when you want to talk and the caller is in control. They can say things they would never say at home. Some people do have support but find it easier to talk to a stranger who will not judge them or their situation.”

How do you cope with calls that are upsetting?

“If I have a difficult call the most important thing is to acknowledge how it is making me feel. If I feel sad then I am sad. If I need to I can get support from the supervisor and we can talk about it.”

What would you say to someone considering volunteering?

“I’d say it’s always good to give something a try. You don’t need to have a family of your own. As someone from outside of the family you have perspective. It’s about being there with them accompanying the person in what they are going through.”