UK Health Secretary offers waiting list support to Wales and Scotland

The UK Health and Social Care Secretary has invited the devolved administration for talks to discuss lessons learnt and tackle waiting lists across the UK

The UK Government Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay has written to the devolved administrations inviting them for talks about how all parts of the UK can work together to tackle long-term waiting lists in all parts of the UK.

NHS services across the UK are a devolved matter, but Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has made cutting waiting lists a priority across the UK. Although approaches taken across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland share many common features, significant variations in outcomes exist.

In Wales, more than 73,000 people are waiting over 77 weeks for treatment, and at least 21,600 people are waiting over 78 weeks for an outpatient, day case or inpatient appointment in Scotland. In England, waiting times for patients over 78 weeks have been virtually eliminated.

The Secretary of State is inviting health ministers from the devolved administrations to discuss what lessons can be learnt from the different approaches taken.

In England for example, NHS patients are offered a choice of provider at GP referral – NHS or independent sector – provided that it meets NHS costs and standards. And from October we will proactively notify patients waiting over 40 weeks for treatment of their right to choose to be treated elsewhere.

In his letter, the Secretary of State writes that he would be open to requests from the devolved administrations to allow patients in Wales and Scotland who are waiting for lengthy periods to choose to be treated at providers in England, NHS or independent sector – building on the current arrangements for cross-border healthcare.

The Secretary of State has also asked UK health ministers to discuss how health data can be made more comparable across the UK. Northern Ireland official counterparts have also been invited to the ministerial meeting.

Health and Social Care Secretary Steve Barclay said: “I hugely value being able to share knowledge and experiences on the joint challenges facing our healthcare systems. I want to support collaboration between our nations to share best practices, improve transparency and provide better accountability for patients.

“This will help to ensure we are joined up when it comes to cutting waiting lists – one of the government’s top five priorities – and will allow us to better work together to improve performance and get patients seen more quickly.”

The letter reads:

Dear Michael and Eluned,

Thank you for a constructive meeting last month.

As you know, the NHS is at the forefront of people’s minds, and the Prime Minister has made cutting waiting lists a priority to ensure people across the UK get the care they need more quickly. We must continue to take steps to support the NHS and reduce waiting times to ensure no part of the UK is left behind. I am therefore concerned by the variation in performance across NHS services.

As we look to address this issue, it is important that the UK Government and Devolved Administrations work together to ensure that no matter where you are in the country, citizens can access vital services quickly.

In England, we are delivering on the actions set out in the NHS’s Elective Recovery Implementation Plan published last February. Our target to virtually eliminate waits of longer than two years by July 2022 was achieved on time and waits for treatment of more than 78 weeks have been virtually eliminated. Although data is not collected on the same basis across the UK, recent figures show more than 73,000 people are waiting over 77 weeks for treatment in Wales, and at least 21,600 people are waiting over 78 weeks for an outpatient, daycase or inpatient appointment in Scotland.

Whilst there are common features across the approaches of England, Wales and Scotland, one area of difference relates to patient choice. In England, patients have the legal right to choose the provider for their first outpatient appointment (at the point of GP referral) for many healthcare services. Patients may choose to be treated free of charge at any provider – NHS or independent sector – provided they meet NHS standards and costs and hold a contract for the provision of services to the NHS. A Patients Association study has found that this can reduce a patient’s waiting time by up to 3 months.

From October, we will proactively notify patients in England who have been waiting over 40 weeks of their right to request to be treated at a different provider if clinically appropriate, again in the NHS or in the independent sector, provided they meet NHS standards and costs, and they hold a contract for the provision of services to the NHS.

The Secretaries of State for Scotland and Wales share my desire to see patients across the UK have the same rights when it comes to accessing treatment. I would therefore be happy to facilitate a Ministerial working group session (with NI official counterparts) to share how we are implementing this choice approach in England, and to share lessons on work across the UK to tackle the elective waiting list. I would also be open to considering any request from you for patients waiting for lengthy periods for treatment in Scotland and Wales to be able to choose from alternate providers in England – NHS or independent sector – in line with the approach we are taking here, and building on the existing arrangements for cross-border healthcare.

I also believe we need to work together to ensure that health data is more comparable across the UK. It is important that all our citizens can understand the performance of the health services they are receiving and that we can learn from what has been tried and tested in one part of the UK to improve services across the country. I welcome the work our respective teams have been doing to improve data comparability, for example through the Office for National Statistics’ work to improve key UK-wide health performance metrics.

I am very keen to see this work progress and ask for your continued support in prioritising this moving forward.

In the absence of Ministers in Northern Ireland, I am copying this letter to the Department of Health in Northern Ireland and the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.

Yours sincerely,


Financial advice where people need it


People struggling to manage their household finances can now benefit from increased support in a range of community settings thanks to a new accessible advice fund.

Almost £1 million has been distributed to partnerships between advice agencies and other local services such as schools, charities, hospitals and mental health services.

The fund will build on the success of the Welfare Advice and Health Partnerships initiative that put dedicated advisers into 180 GP practices in some of Scotland’s most deprived and rural areas – helping to reach those most in need.

Granton Information Centre launched the very first pilot in Scotland when they partnered with Muirhouse Medical Centre. Since that first successful partnership the outreach service has been expanded and GIC now delivers advice at GP practices across the city in Crewe Medical Centre, Ladywell, Barclays Medical Practice at East Craigs and Restalrig Park.

The new funding will enable Granton Information Centre to deliver new services in partnership with Pilton Community Health Project, The Ripple Project and Saheliya.

Two other Edinburgh projects have also received accessible advice funding. CHAI Edinburgh will partner with Rock Trust, and Harbour Homes (formerly Port of Leith Housing Association) with YMCA Edinburgh.

There will be a particular emphasis on providing advice to those who are traditionally hardest to help or who have not sought advice before.

Housing Minister Paul McLennan said: “The cost of living crisis is putting many households across Scotland under huge strain. Advice services play an increasingly critical role across Scotland’s communities by helping people to access support and benefits they may be entitled to, as well as helping them to understand their rights.

“This funding is part of more than £12.3 million that the Scottish Government is providing this year to support income maximisation, welfare and debt advice services. It will ensure we provide people with advice in places where they are more likely to already be, and we will focus particularly on reaching families.

“We know that early access to advice can make a dramatic difference to people’s financial situation and prevent issues – including debt – escalating.”

Grants are being distributed on behalf of the Scottish Government by Advice UK, the largest support network for independent advice organisations in the UK.

Projects with a focus on families, including disabled or single parents, those caring for a disabled person and parents from minority ethnic communities are among those which have been successful in securing funding.

The scheme is funded in part through the Scottish allocation from the Debt Advice Levy, which is raised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority by applying a levy to UK Clearing banks and consumer credit businesses.

Evidence from the Glasgow Centre for Population Health has highlighted the success of embedding welfare advice in GP surgeries. Initial findings from an interim report, conducted by the Improvement Service and covering the period between January 2022 and March 2023, showed that 89% of the almost 10,000 Welfare Advice and Health Partnership service users were ‘new’ users of advice – highlighting that the provision of welfare advice in accessible and trusted settings is allowing wider populations to engage with vital services.

The Scottish Government estimates that more than 60,000 people were supported by Scottish Government-funded debt advice services in 2022-23.

Healthy Tip: Supercharged Sandwiches

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Supercharged Sandwiches

Thought to have been invented in 1762, sandwiches have stood the test of time and are one of the nation’s favourite lunch options.

They are quick and simple to make, can be adapted to suit any dietary preference and they can be as extravagant or as basic as you wish.

Many people shy away from sandwiches when they are trying to eat more healthily, opting for salads or lighter options instead, but the humble sandwich can be a heart-healthy option when we take the time to plan out its components.

The bread

Choose wholewheat options which contain more fibre and are higher in vitamins than their white equivalent.

Fibre is an essential part of a heart-healthy diet, so it is a great idea to select higher fibre options when choosing bread. You can always switch up the bread for wholemeal pittas, wraps or bagels to add variety. Just be sure to look for lower salt options where possible.

The filling

It is important to make sure we include a source of protein in our sandwiches. Protein helps us feel fuller for longer and will keep our energy consistent throughout the day.

Avoid processed deli meats which usually contain high levels of salt, and opt for healthier options such as roasted chicken, salmon, egg, beans, lentils, or low-fat dairy options such as lighter cheddar or cottage cheese.

The veggies

No sandwich would be complete without some vegetables! It can be tempting to skip these, but adding some colour will make sure you receive a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals and add some more all-important fibre.

Ensuring we eat some plants at every meal makes it much easier to consume our five-a-day. Great options include roasted veggies, grated carrot, cucumber, pepper, spinach, rocket and any other leafy greens.

For more tips on how to stay healthy, sign up for weekly healthy tips at:

Quit Smoking: Ash Scotland lunch at Pilton Community Health Project

WEDNESDAY 16th AUGUST from 11am – 12pm

Due to popular demand, another smoking focus group in our comfy #NorthEdinburgh community hub!

Share a delicious lunch, we want to hear your stories. Ask all the questions you want with @QYWLothian and @ASHScotland





COVID-19 testing guidance update

Testing to be based on clinical need in hospitals, care homes and prisons

Routine COVID-19 testing in hospitals, care homes and prisons is to be substantially reduced following clinical and scientific advice.

Due to the success of the vaccination programme and improved treatments, Public Health Scotland and Antimicrobial Resistance & Healthcare Associated Infection Scotland have recommended a return to pre-pandemic testing.

This means testing will be based on person-centred clinical decisions, rather than a routine policy for all individuals. Routine testing will continue for patients moving from hospitals to care homes and will be reviewed based on future advice and outbreaks. Tests will also continue to be available for those eligible for antiviral treatment.

The new guidance will come into effect by 30 August 2023.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Gregor Smith said: “Due to the success of vaccines in protecting people, and the availability of improved treatments, now is the right time to revise the advice on routine COVID-19 testing across health and social care settings and prisons. This will ensure the testing regime remains effective and proportionate.

“Routine testing will remain when patients are discharged from hospital to care homes, to provide additional reassurance for these settings, and testing will still be required when clinically appropriate.

“The clinical advice tells us that focusing on the risk to individuals under general infection control procedures will allow our hospital, social care and prison staff to better protect those in their care and that there is no longer a requirement to apply separate COVID-19 guidance across the board when so many are now protected from its worst harms.”


This UK Health Security Agency fortnightly flu and COVID-19 report brings together the latest surveillance data along with the latest public health advice.

The latest report was produced on 3 August:

COVID-19 case rates continued to increase this week compared to our previous report. 5.4% of 4,396 respiratory specimens reported through the Respiratory DataMart System were identified as COVID-19. This is compared to 3.7% of 4,403 from the previous report.

The overall COVID-19 hospital admission rate for week 30 was 1.97 per 100,000 population, an increase from 1.17 per 100,000 in the previous report.

ICU admission rates have decreased to 0.05 compared to 0.07 in the previous report.

Those aged 85 years and over continue to have the highest hospital admission rates; these have increased to 20.49 per 100,000 from 9.8 per 100,000 in the previous report.

Admission rates among those aged 75 to 84 years have increased to 9.45 per 100,000 from 5.54 in the previous report.

Dr Mary Ramsay, Head of Immunisation at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), said: “We continue to see a rise in COVID-19 cases in this week’s report. We have also seen a small rise in hospital admission rates in most age groups, particularly among the elderly.

“Overall levels of admission still remain extremely low and we are not currently seeing a similar increase in ICU admissions. We will continue to monitor these rates closely.Regular and thorough hand washing helps protect you from COVID-19 and other bugs and viruses.

“If you have symptoms of a respiratory illness, we recommend staying away from others where possible.

“The NHS will be in contact in autumn 2023 when the seasonal vaccine is available for those who are eligible due to health conditions or age, and we urge everyone who is offered to take up the vaccine when offered.”

Research experts set for Scotland eye health meet

The latest research taking place to help find a cure for one of the biggest causes of blindness will take centre stage in a Scotland-wide event.

Experts in the field of macular disease research will join the talk, including leading ophthalmology researcher professor Baljean Dhillion of the University of Edinburgh.

The online talks will take place over an hour on Zoom on Wednesday 13 September, 11am-12pm.

The event is overseen by sight loss charity the Macular Society, which is the only UK charity solely dedicated to funding research for macular disease. It supports people of all ages with a macular condition, of which some conditions have treatments to help people manage their central vision, though there is no cure.

Professor of clinical ophthalmology Baljean Dhillon will discuss some of the latest treatments available, as well as ongoing research into the fight against age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

The Macular Society’s Sarah Clinton will provide an update on research projects funded by the charity, as well as the audience having the opportunity to put their questions to the experts.

To register for the event please email the Macular Society at or call 01264 560 259 who will then be able to provide the Zoom link.

Nearly 1.5 million people are currently affected by macular disease and many more are at risk. The disease can have a devastating effect on people’s lives, leaving them unable to drive, read or see faces.

Many people affected describe losing their sight as being similar to bereavement. There is still no cure and most types of the disease are not treatable. AMD is the most common form of macular disease, affecting more than 600,000 people, usually over the age of 50.

For general information on macular disease, call the Macular Society on 0300 3030 111 or email

Winter vaccination programme plans announced

Following final advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland (PHS) are finalising plans for the roll out of Scotland’s winter vaccination programme, delivered at a local level by Health Boards across the country.

This year’s programme has an increased focus on protecting those at highest risk of becoming seriously ill from flu and COVID-19. There will also be changes to call up dates to ensure maximum protection to these groups over the winter months.

Everyone over 50 and those with certain conditions will be offered a flu vaccination.

People aged 50-64 with no underlying health conditions, are now being called forward for appointments starting from 4 September.

The expansion of the flu programme to include secondary school pupils continues this winter, with all school age pupils, children aged 2-5 and children aged 6 months to under 2 years at risk being eligible.

Both flu and COVID-19 vaccines will be offered to people most vulnerable to illness and, where possible, administered at the same time.

Clinical advice and evidence shows that administration of both vaccines together is a safe and efficient way to deliver maximum protection. JCVI has advised that protection is highest in the three months following vaccination, so vaccinating those at highest risk of COVID-19 later provides greater protection over the peak winter period and into the new year.

Invitations to people aged 65-74 years of age with no underlying conditions and those aged 12-64 years in a clinical risk group (excluding those with a weakened immune system) that leaves them at greater risk from COVID-19 will be the first to receive invitations, with appointments starting from 18 September.  

Invitations for all other priority groups receiving both flu and COVID-19 vaccines will follow as the programme progresses. This includes people in care homes and those aged 75 and over who will receive invitations for appointments starting from mid-October. Both of these groups were offered vaccination during the spring COVID-19 programme, so their immunity has received a recent boost.  

People should wait for NHS Scotland to contact them with details of their appointment, or prompt to book. Depending on their selected communication preferences, this will be by email, text, or by post in a white, NHS Scotland branded envelope, which replaces the blue envelopes used previously.

Public Health Minister, Jenni Minto said: “We thank the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation for their latest independent expert clinical advice which recommends we focus on protecting those most vulnerable to serious illness from COVID-19.

“We have accepted this advice and will continue to plan and implement the vaccination programme this winter.

“Vaccination remains the best way to protect yourselves, your loved ones, and the NHS from both COVID-19 and flu viruses, and I encourage all those eligible to take up their invitations when they are offered.”

Dr Claire Cameron, Consultant in Health Protection at PHS said: “Getting vaccinated is the safest and most effective way to protect yourself against flu and COVID-19 this winter.

“This year’s programme focuses on protecting those who are at highest risk. One of the ways we’re doing this is by offering vaccination to people who are most vulnerable to illness later in the programme to ensure they have maximum protection in the peak of winter.

“Scotland’s vaccination programme has always offered vaccinations in the safest and most effective ways possible. We know that administration of both vaccines together is a safe, efficient way to deliver increased protection when it’s most needed. Last year, over 89% of flu and COVID-19 vaccines were administered at the same time.

“We hope to see most vaccinations completed by early December. Those eligible for a flu or flu and COVID-19 vaccination this winter should look out for their invitation by email, text or by post in a white NHS Scotland envelope and take up the offer to protect themselves.”

View the JCVI advice on a vaccination programme for this winter:

COVID-19: JCVI advises on eligible groups for 2023 autumn booster – GOV.UK (

Flu: JCVI statement on influenza vaccines 2023-34

The winter programme will run until 31 March 2024.

Health and social care in Scotland: Share Your Views

What are the key issues in health and social care in Scotland? What works and what doesn’t?

Do you have any questions or issues you’d like to raise with Michael Matheson MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care?

Your suggestions will help inform the Health, Social Care and Sport’s scrutiny of The Scottish Government so please get in touch.

🎙️ Your Voice Matters in Shaping Health and Social Care!

Ever wanted to put your question to the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health, and Social Care? Here’s your chance!

Michael Matheson MSP will appear before the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee on 12th September, and the Committee want to hear from you.

Whether you’re part of the public or work in health and care, submit your relevant questions on topics such as the NHS recovery from the pandemic and be part of scrutinising the work of government.

Clare Haughey MSP, Convener of the Committee, says, “This is a great opportunity… your suggested questions may help to inform our scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s approach.”

📝 Consultation is open to all – click the link to submit your question today:

(Only questions related to the Cabinet Secretary’s areas of responsibility will be considered.

Life and Death: MSP calls for a defibrillators to be installed at train stations across Lothian

Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP for Lothian Miles Briggs is calling for a defibrillator to be installed at every train station in Lothian.

Mr. Briggs’ call comes following a response received by Scottish Conservative MSP Jamie Greene from former SNP transport minister Kevin Stewart.

The Transport Minister’s response highlighted the 56 Scottish train stations that are currently equipped with a defibrillator, including some of the country’s busiest such as Central and Queen Street in Glasgow and Edinburgh Waverley.

Kevin Stewart also confirmed to Jamie Greene that plans to install further defibrillator devices across the ScotRail network are being developed.

However, with Scotland having 359 railway stations in total, Miles Briggs says it is crucial that more passengers and staff are able to access defibrillators as soon as possible.

He says having quick and easy access to the device on site at busy stations such as Livingston North could help to save lives in an emergency.

At present, the train stations in Lothian without access to a defibrillator are: Drem, Dunbar, Haddington, Longniddry, Musselburgh, North Berwiick, Prestonpans, Wallyford, Eskbank, Gorebridge, Shawfair, Wallyford, Addiewell, Armadale, Blackridge, Breich, Fauldhouse, Kirknewton, Livingston North, Uphall and West Calder.

Mr. Briggs added that he hopes that people across Scotland will get behind the campaign and ensure that stations across the country are fitted with defibrillators.

Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP Miles Briggs said: “Having easy access to a defibrillator device can often be the difference between life and death.

“While it is welcome that over 50 stations in Scotland now have them on site, this is only the beginning. It is imperative that we do what we can to ensure that stations across the country have access to a defibrillator.

“You never know when a defibrillator might be required, and the eventual goal should be to ensure that every station in Scotland can get one.

“An emergency situation might arise at any moment, so having a defibrillator on hand to use before emergency services arrive, would be of great help.

“In my region of Lothian, we have busy stations such as Livingston North and North Berwick that are without defibrillators. I believe it is common sense for devices to be installed in these areas.

“As it stands, it is not good enough that only 6 railways stations across Lothian have access to a defibrillator.

“I will continue to encourage SNP ministers to guarantee ScotRail will have the resources they need to rollout further defibrillator devices, including hopefully at each Lothian station in the near future.”