Study cuts time young patients spend in intensive care

Changing the way hospital staff respond to changes in the clinical condition of young patients could help to avoid a trip to intensive care, an Edinburgh study has revealed. Most children admitted to hospital recover on hospital wards, however, some may become more unwell, at times quite rapidly – but training staff to react to early symptoms could save lives and improve patient outcomes, says the study’s lead Dr Ulf Theilen. Continue reading Study cuts time young patients spend in intensive care

Minister launches Walk Day Wednesday challenge

Transport Minister Humza Yousaf has announced a new active travel campaign which encourages people to walk for short journeys at least one day a week.

The campaign focuses on long-term behaviour change and is calling on people to walk to work or school by leaving the car so they reap the health and environmental benefits.

Continue reading Minister launches Walk Day Wednesday challenge

Make a will this May and help hearts near you

National charity Heart Research UK has partnered with McClure Solicitors in Edinburgh to promote the importance of making a Will or updating an existing Will. Throughout May 2017 McClure Solicitors in Edinburgh will join forces with Heart Research UK to provide a special Will writing service, waiving their usual fee but providing the same Will service and advice – in return for a donation to Heart Research UK. Continue reading Make a will this May and help hearts near you

PuP: easing the pressure on drug dependent dads

RESEARCHERS are to examine whether a family support programme developed in Australia can protect Scots childen and help their drug dependent dads lead fulfilling family lives. Edinburgh Napier University has been awarded £320,000 to carry out the first study of the Parents under Pressure (PuP) programme to focus on fathers and their care of young children. Continue reading PuP: easing the pressure on drug dependent dads