UK Government to support Scottish rural businesses at this year’s Royal Highland Show

The UK Government will show its support for Scotland’s agriculture, food and farming sectors when it takes part in the 2019 Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh later this week. Continue reading UK Government to support Scottish rural businesses at this year’s Royal Highland Show

Bright Future for Edinburgh’s parks and green spaces following £900,000 grant

Edinburgh is one of eight urban areas to share in funding worth £11 million to secure the future of the UK’s parks and greenspaces. The capital was one of 81 councils and communities from across the UK to apply for Future Parks funding – and is the only Scottish city to be successful, receiving an award of £899,500.

West Princes Street Gardens

Continue reading Bright Future for Edinburgh’s parks and green spaces following £900,000 grant

Wardie Bay beach clean this Sunday

This latest Wardie Bay Beachwatch, providing citizen science data to Marine Conservation Society, is in memory of an entangled humpback that marine life rescuers tried desperately to save. 

Members of the Marine Clean 2019 group named the whale White Fluke (or Tynae), and they are hosting a Firth of Forth-wide beach clean on Sunday 16 June to encourage everyone to make our seas a better place. Ghost Gear – fishing ropes – weighed this majestic whale down like an anchor, cutting its fluke, until it was eventually too exhausted to fight.

Let’s join forces and help mitigate the harm our careless consumerism does to marine life!

Sunday 16 June
09:30 – 12:00

Please take part in our survey, but if we get lots of people, we’re able to spread out and do a thorough sweep of the neighbouring area too.

Sign Up!