Scotland’s 2030 climate goals ‘are no longer credible’

Continued delays to the updated climate change plan and further slippage in promised climate policies mean that the Climate Change Committee no longer believes that the Scottish Government will meet its statutory 2030 goal to reduce emissions by 75%.

There is no comprehensive strategy for Scotland to decarbonise towards Net Zero.

The Scottish Government delayed its draft Climate Change Plan last year despite the 2030 target only being six years away. This has left a significant period without sufficient actions or policies to reach the target; the required acceleration in emissions reduction in Scotland is now beyond what is credible.

Professor Piers Forster, interim Chair of the Climate Change Committee, said: “Scotland has laudable ambitions to decarbonise, but it isn’t enough to set a target; the Government must act.

“There are risks in all reviewed areas, including those with significant policy powers devolved to the Scottish Government.

“Scotland’s Climate Change Plan needs to be published urgently, so we can assess it. We need to see actions that will deliver on its future targets.”

Scotland missed its annual target for 2021. This is the eighth time in the past 12 years that they have missed a target. The only sectors to reduce emissions in 2021 were electricity supply and industry. Most key indicators of delivery progress, such as tree planting, peatland restoration rates and heat pump installations are off track.

There is a path to Scotland’s post 2030 targets, but stronger action is needed to reduce emissions across the economy.

The transport and buildings sectors will require a particularly rapid increase in the rate of emissions reduction to meet the targets set out in the last Climate Change Plan update (2020 CCPu).

  • Buildings. The 2020 CCPu requires emissions from heating buildings to decrease by 71% by 2030, meaning the annual emissions reduction rate must increase by almost a factor of ten. There are welcome bold proposals in the Heat in Buildings consultation, which if implemented could become a template for the rest of the UK. But these proposals must be delivered in practice and the planned rate of decarbonisation will not achieve those promised in 2020.
  • Transport. The 2020 CCPu requires Scotland’s transport emissions to decrease by 44% by 2030, meaning the annual emissions reduction rate must increase by almost a factor of four. Scotland has an extremely stretching target to reduce car-kilometres by 20% on 2019 levels by 2030, but a clear strategy on how this will be achieved is still missing. Practical delivery plans must focus on deploying and improving electric car charging infrastructure – and developing plans for aviation.
  • Agriculture and land use. The 2020 CCPu requires this to decrease by 11% by 2030 – a reversal of recent emissions increases is needed. On woodland creation, Scotland needs to double its recent rate. On peatland restoration a tripling of Scotland’s rate is required to reach its own target, which remains less ambitious than the CCC’s.
  • Engineered greenhouse gas removals. The Acorn carbon capture cluster has received ‘Track 2 status’, which is positive progress for engineered removals in Scotland. But the Scottish Government should assess Acorn’s deployment potential against its own aim to achieve -3.8 MtCOengineered removals by 2030. A feasibility study published by the Scottish Government estimates potential for only 2.2 MtCO2 by 2030 in Scotland.   

This is a crucial time for Net Zero in Scotland. The handling of plans to close the Grangemouth refinery underlines the risk of omitting meaningful dialogue between communities, industry and government and the important role for the Scottish Government in ensuring a just transition towards Net Zero.

Further delay to the Scottish Government’s draft Climate Change Plan will prevent further progress on these strategic issues.

The STUC commented: “This is a hammer blow and cannot go unchecked. It’s the working class who bear the brunt of climate change and a lack of action from government has let them down.

“If the Scottish Government can’t meet their climate targets, then we cannot plan and manage a just transition.”

Commenting on the Climate Change Committee’s new report, which warns that “Scotland’s 2030 climate goals are no longer credible”, Convener of Holyrood’s Net Zero, Energy & Transport CommitteeEdward Mountain MSP, said: “This report is a reality check for us all. Reaching Net Zero means drastic measures need to be taken across all sectors and amongst every community.

“To make this happen, the Scottish Government must lead from the front.

“Clearly insufficient action has been taken to date. We urge the Scottish Government to present, as soon as possible, a coherent and practical delivery plan.”

“A code red for humanity”?

How should the UK Government tackle the security threats posed by climate change?

Today the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) has launched a new inquiry, ‘Climate change and security’. The inquiry will explore the UK Government’s approach to anticipating, preventing and responding to the threats climate change poses to national security.

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned in 2021 that the global threat level posed by climate change was “a code red for humanity”. Climate change is a major source of global instability, causing and heightening tensions, prolonging conflicts, and polarising nations.

Extreme weather caused by climate change can generate insecurity in food, water and housing, potentially leading to mass displacement within and across borders. It can also threaten physical infrastructure, from naval bases to transport hubs. 

EAC is keen to explore the scale of the challenge that climate change poses to UK security. It is likely to consider how climate change will affect the UK’s national security, including access to natural resources and how the UK should respond to extreme weather events, as well as how the risks to the UK compare to those facing other countries.

The Committee will also consider possible solutions. Members will consider whether the Government’s current plans do enough to mitigate the dangers of insecurity caused by climate change.

They will also consider how the UK Government can cultivate cooperation on climate security issues, how funding can be targeted towards adaptation, and the role of technology in addressing potential security issues caused by climate change.

Environmental Audit Committee Chair, Rt Hon Philip Dunne MP, said: “February was the ninth consecutive month that global temperature records were broken; record breaking temperatures are now a regular part of our lives. At the same time, the world is also growing ever more unstable. Regional conflicts are having knock-on effects across the rest of the world.

“Many might not realise that these two trends are deeply linked. Climate change can prolong instability, and in turn, instability can stifle efforts to address climate change.

“In its next inquiry, the Environmental Audit Committee is examining the true extent of the challenge climate change poses to our national security, and how the UK should best respond. I encourage anyone with views or expertise to give evidence.”

The Committee invites written submissions addressing any or all of the issues raised in the following terms of reference, by 17:00 on Monday 29th April 2024:

Understanding the challenge

What challenges to UK national and human security are posed by climate change in the next five, ten, and twenty years? In particular:

  1. What is the relationship between climate change and population growth, and what are the effects of this relationship on displacement and population flows, both within the UK and across borders?
  2. How might climate change and its effects affect the UK’s access to natural resources such as water, food, and energy?
  3. How does climate change affect UK infrastructure and land use, including military assets, in ways that create and exacerbate insecurities?
  4. How well prepared is the UK to respond to extreme weather events, such as wildfires and flooding?
  5. How do the risks to the UK compare to those facing other countries?

Potential solutions

What is the UK Government’s current approach to anticipating, preventing and responding to the threats in part 1? How could that approach be strengthened? In particular:

  1. Which solutions would have the largest impact across the widest range of areas for the UK?
  2. What updates to Government policy and strategy documents, such as the National Adaptation Programme, the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy, and the Defence Command Paper, would improve the UK’s ability to address the security implications of climate change?
  3. How can the UK Government fully embed mitigation of security risks in its plans to achieve its targets for climate and the environment?
  4. What technological innovations could strengthen the UK Government’s approach to addressing the security implications of climate change?
  5. How best can funding be targeted towards climate adaptation and emergency response solutions?
  6. What more can the UK Government do to encourage global co-operation on climate security issues? 

Green Futures Festival this Saturday


Saturday 16th March 10am – 3pm

Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh

Join East Lothian Climate Action Network at the first ever Green Futures Festival 🌳

Take part in interactive workshops, attend inspiring talks, listen to live music and eat delicious food.

Don’t miss this opportunity to come together and celebrate the amazing climate projects across the region 🎉

Find out more 👉:…/will-you-be-at-the-first-east…/

Five areas in the running to be Scotland’s new National Park

Assessment of nominations will now begin

Five areas – in the Scottish Borders, Galloway, Lochaber, Loch Awe and Tay Forest – are in the running to be Scotland’s next National Park.

The Scottish Government committed to designating at least one new park by 2026, to join Cairngorms National Park and Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park.

Each proposal will now be appraised by the Scottish Government against the published criteria and further consultation will be held once a preferred site is identified, expected to be in the summer.

Biodiversity Minister Lorna Slater said: “The Cairngorms and Loch Lomond and the Trossachs Parks have shown how valuable National Park status can be.  Both Parks are recognised for their incredible landscapes, their outstanding natural and cultural heritage.

“National Park status has boosted their economies, supported local business and engaged communities to make the parks work for those who live and work in them. Once we have a site identified, we will engage again with the people in the area to look at determining things like park boundaries and balancing environmental protection with helping the communities and local enterprises thrive.

“I want to thank everyone who has worked so positively and proactively with their local communities to discuss and explore local priorities and the opportunities that National Park status can bring, including those who ultimately chose not to nominate their area.

“I look forward to meeting with those who have led the nominations to hear directly from each community what they would want to see from becoming a National Park.”

Kat Jones, Director of Action to Protect Rural Scotland (APRS), said: “Scotland has some of the richest and varied natural and cultural landscapes in the world and is, rightly, world famous for them.

“Of the 15 National Parks in the UK, Scotland has only two and we are pleased that, 20 years since the first Scottish National Park was designated, we will soon have another.

“National Parks in Scotland, in contrast to those in many other parts of the world, are tasked to deliver for people, nature and landscape. This recognition of how important people and livelihoods are for our landscapes, means National Parks are in a unique position to lead the way on the nature and climate crises while also supporting thriving, sustainable communities.”

John Thomson, Chair of Scottish Campaign for National Parks (SCNP), said: “The process of inviting nominations from communities has revealed widespread aspiration and interest in National Park status.

“It’s a strong signal that this should be the start of a process for creating a suite of National Parks in Scotland, so that communities can build on the fruitful discussions they have had.”  

The value of National Parks in Scotland | NatureScot

Electrical industry celebrates green skills ahead of Scottish Apprenticeship Week

Scotland’s leading electrical bodies say the industry is leading the way with skills and training to help power the technology of tomorrow – and are urging others to follow in its footsteps to ensure Scotland makes a successful transition to net zero.

SELECT, the Scottish Joint Industry Board (SJIB) and the Scottish Electrical Charitable Training Trust (SECTT) have released a new video ahead of Scottish Apprenticeship Week that reinforces the range of renewable training currently being undertaken by apprentices.

The film shows how young electricians are receiving a thorough grounding in a wide range of green skills to enable them to cater for our future heat and power needs, including working with electric vehicles, battery storage, solar panels, air source heat pumps and more.

But the bodies also insist that the government, homeowners and wider construction sector must also embrace the opportunities offered by renewables and work together to ensure that the transition to net zero becomes a reality.

Alan Wilson, Managing Director of SELECT, said: “This video aims not only to inspire young learners to become electrical apprentices but also to show that the electrical industry is at the heart of the move to the electrification of society.

“However, we also need to persuade those outwith our industry to be equally committed to the adoption and uptake of green technology to ensure that this training is not in vain and that the electricians of tomorrow emerge into a country that is willing to embrace renewables.”

Fiona Harper, Director of Employment and Skills at SELECT and The Secretary of the SJIB, added: “To ensure that there is a sustainable and healthy pipeline of work for this next generation of electricians, we need the government, the Scottish people and the construction industry to use renewable technology and join us on the transition to net zero.

“Such a transition needs to happen now and we all need to face the reality that we must do it sooner rather than later if we are to secure an energy-efficient future for our children and our children’s children.

“More incentives for the adoption and installation of green technology and clearer advice and information on funding and grants would be a big help in encouraging take-up and ensuring the renewables skills currently being taught are successfully utilised by electrical professionals in the years to come.”

Running from March 4 to 8this year’s Scottish Apprenticeship Week will again celebrate the value and importance of apprenticeships, with this year’s event focusing on skills generation.

Anne Galbraith, CEO of SECTT, said: “The electrical sector in Scotland is taking the lead in skills generation, with 2,500 young people currently receiving the training necessary to cultivate complex skill sets and lay strong foundations for a long and rewarding career.

“However, the vast depth of knowledge needed to become an electrician can only be obtained by completing the Modern Apprenticeship, and there are no short cuts to equipping electrical professionals with the skills they need to power our country for decades to come.

“If we are to make the transition to net zero safely and securely, it is of the utmost importance that the electricians of tomorrow spend a minimum of four years learning their trade properly and completing a dedicated, tailor-made apprenticeship.”

More city parks gain protected status

As part of the Council’s ongoing partnership with charity Fields in Trust, residents can now enjoy improved access to 19 newly protected parks across the city.

Culture and Communities Convener Val Walker visited one of these at Cavalry Park this week, alongside John and Gail from the Friends of Cavalry Park. The pioneering agreement takes the total of protected parks in the city to 55. This represents an area of over 500 hectares, equivalent to some 700 football pitches.

Crucially, this means that over two-thirds of our residents are now within a ten-minute walk of a protected space.

This initiative comes as pressure on existing green space is set to rise, with the population of Edinburgh predicted to increase by 10% over the next 20 years.

Protection is a legal agreement between Fields in Trust and a space’s landowner that they will retain it for use as a green space in perpetuity. Ownership and management of the space remains locally with the existing landowner, ensuring the local community remain fully involved with the space.

Culture and Communities Convener, Councillor Val Walker said: “Edinburgh is already a wonderfully green city, and we want to ensure it remains so for generations to come. We already have more trees per resident than any other city in the UK and the most Green Flag Awards in Scotland but we’re always committed to doing more.

“It was fantastic to meet John and Gail today at Cavalry Park and hear what their local protected space means to them. 

“Through our partnership with Fields in Trust we’re ensuring that a high proportion of our residents are within a ten-minute walk of a protected greenspace.

“These spaces are essential for mental health, wellbeing, leisure, and community building and remain a key priority for us as part of our response to the climate and nature emergencies. As part of our Edinburgh’s Thriving Green Spaces 2050 strategy, we are committed to doing everything we can to safeguard, preserve and improve these spaces.  

“I hope other towns and cities will follow Edinburgh’s example and work with Fields in Trust to create better greenspaces for all.”

Chief Executive of Fields in Trust, Helen Griffiths said: “Edinburgh boasts some really beautiful parks and green spaces and Fields in Trust has been incredibly proud to partner with the City of Edinburgh Council to make sure that even more of them are protected forever.

“Parks are the heart of Edinburgh, providing focal points for people from all communities to gather, relax or enjoy nature. Protecting them means they will help to fight the climate crisis and always be there to support residents’ health and wellbeing.

“The Council has done a truly remarkable thing for the people of Edinburgh, and generations will benefit from the actions they have taken today.”

The 19 newly protected parks are listed below:

  • Baronscourt Park       
  • Buckstone Park and Woods   
  • Cavalry Park   
  • Clermiston Park         
  • Cramond Walled Garden       
  • East Pilton Park          
  • Fairmilehead Park      
  • Gyle Park        
  • Inch Park        
  • Jewel Park      
  • Joppa Quarry Park     
  • Muirhouse Park         
  • Parkside Park 
  • Pikes Pool       
  • Ratho Station Park     
  • Roseburn Park
  • Seafield Recreation Ground   
  • Sighthill Park  
  • Spylaw Park    

About Fields in Trust:

Fields in Trust champions and supports our parks and green spaces by protecting them for people to enjoy in perpetuity. Because once lost, they are lost forever. Fields in Trust is an independent charity with almost 100 years’ experience of protecting parks and green spaces.

Working with landowners, community groups and policymakers, they champion the value of parks and green spaces to achieve better protection for their future at both the local and national level.

More information on how to get involved can be found on their website. 

UK to establish world’s first UN-backed centre for circular economy research

Sustainable approaches to the circular economy and resource efficiency will be developed to enable the transition to a greener future

The UK will establish the world’s first United Nations-backed International Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Resource Management in the Circular Economy, Resources Minister Robbie Moore announced today (Tuesday 27 February).

Recognising world-class British academic expertise and cutting-edge scientific research, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will support the establishment of the centre in the UK.

A circular economy is one in which resources are kept in use for as long as possible, rather than being taken from the earth, used once and disposed of in landfill.

The centre will develop sustainable approaches to the circular economy and resource efficiency to enable carbon reduction and the transition to a greener future. The UK will help countries across the world to maximise the environmental and economic opportunities the circular economy offers.

Opening formally in April 2024, the centre will comprise five institutions: University College London (UCL), University of Exeter, Brunel University London, Swansea University and the British Geological Survey.

Co-ordinated by a Government-funded UNECE research manager based in Geneva, this coalition will leverage their expertise to explore circularity in areas such as metals, construction and critical minerals to develop effective data, technological innovation, finance models and policy. The five participating institutions have together contributed £1.85 million to fund the centre’s technical activities. 

Resources Minister Robbie Moore said: “This is real recognition of the UK’s global leadership in sustainable resource management and testament to Britain’s world-leading academic expertise.

“We are delighted to host this centre, enabling our cutting-edge UK academics to develop the tools and research that will help countries across the world seize the opportunities of the circular economy, leading the way in the transition to a greener future.”

UNECE Executive Secretary Tatiana Molcean said:Making the use of our resources more sustainable and moving towards a circular economy is fundamental to sustainable development and climate action.

“Partnerships mobilising international expertise play an important role in UN cooperation to develop and share best practices. I welcome the establishment of this new Centre of Excellence, with its focus on circularity of metals, construction and critical raw materials.”

The centre will also draw heavily on the success of several of the partner institutions in the National Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Research (NICER) research and development programme, a four-year £30 million investment established by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ chief scientist in 2019 under the UK Government’s Strategic Priorities Fund.

In July 2023, the UK government announced new plans setting out its long-term aim to use fewer new resources, drive up the repair and reuse of existing materials and increase recycling.

The programme – Maximising Resources, Minimising Waste – brings together a range of measures backed by government funding which will help to keep products and materials in circulation for as long as possible and at their highest value, including through increasing reuse, repair and remanufacture, helping to grow the economy and boost employment.

Today’s announcement will help drive the programme forward and contribute to the UK’s world-leading efforts to protect the environment and improve its use of resources.

Action on single-use vapes

Sale and supply legislation published

A ban on the sale and supply of single-use vapes in Scotland is due to come into effect on 1 April 2025, under proposed legislation published today.

The move takes forward the recommendation to ban single use vapes from a consultation on ‘Creating a Smokefree Generation and Tackling Youth Vaping’, which ran across Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland last year.

The draft legislation, which is open for consultation until 8 March, is being taken forward in Scotland using powers under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. And, while separate legislation on banning the sale and supply of single use vapes will need to be introduced by each nation, the governments have worked together to agree on a date for when the ban will come into force, to provide certainty for businesses and consumers.

Circular Economy Minister, Lorna Slater said: “Legislating to ban the sale and supply of single-use vapes fulfils a Programme for Government commitment to reduce vaping among non-smokers and young people and take action to tackle their environmental impact.

“The public consultation demonstrated that there is strong support for tougher action on vaping. From causing fires in waste facilities to more than 26 million disposable vapes being consumed and thrown away in Scotland in the past year, single-use vapes are a threat to our environment as well as to our public health.

“These proposed changes to the law demonstrate our absolute commitment to further improve the wellbeing of communities and protecting our beautiful natural environment.”

The draft regulations are open for consultation until 8 March 2024.

Growing Scotland’s green economy

Seizing the business opportunities of net zero

Scotland can lead the net zero revolution, using its natural resources, world-class universities and entrepreneurial spirit to build the industries of the future, according to Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Net Zero and Energy Màiri McAllan.

Ms McAllan said the announcement of a £24.5 million grant to secure Japanese company Sumitomo Electric Industries’ investment in a new cable factory for the offshore wind sector at Nigg highlighted how net zero went hand-in-hand with economic growth. The plant will create around 330 jobs and bring £350 million inward investment to Scotland.

In her first speech since taking over the new portfolio, the Cabinet Secretary outlined her vision for delivering on the economic opportunities of Scotland’s transition to net zero. And she expressed a commitment to ensuring the key sectors on which Scotland’s economy is currently built continue to grow and thrive.

Addressing business leaders in Edinburgh, Ms McAllan said: “The future of the global economy is green – and I think it’s my job and our job collectively to make sure that Scotland can derive the greatest possible benefit from that future. Our Green Industrial Strategy will be a key tool in helping business and investors realise the enormous opportunities ahead.

“While the economic opportunities of net zero are huge, they are far from the only game in town. Today I am announcing a pilot Techscaler hub in Silicon Valley to help promising start ups from Scotland in areas from health technology to space, build contacts with international investors and customers.

“My commitment is to take an approach across the whole of government to actively listen, engage and communicate –  to help achieve business success and in turn Scotland’s economic success.”

The Wellbeing Economy Secretary’s speech.

Underwater robot to reduce costs and environmental impact for ships

Heriot-Watt University announces startup cohort for deeptech accelerator programme

A marine sector startup is developing an underwater robot that can substantially reduce fuel costs, maintenance needs and environmental impact for ships, boats and submarines by autonomously removing built-up microorganisms, plants and algae from hulls.

ScrubMarine, founded by engineer Clyne Albertelli, has been accepted into the inaugural cohort of Heriot-Watt University’s DeepTech LaunchPad, a pilot programme which is helping entrepreneurs working in robotics, AI, and advanced engineering to commercialise their innovative ideas.

Buildup of organic growth on marine vessels, known as biofouling, is a significant challenge to the world’s shipping industry and can cause damage to hull structures and propulsion systems. The accumulation of biofouling can also result in significantly increased drag of up to 60%, reducing speeds and increasing fuel consumption by up to 40%.

As part of the 6-month pilot, ScrubMarine aims to further develop complex navigation and control systems required for the real-world application of its robotic solution, utilising Heriot-Watt’s array of experts from across its three global campuses and the cross-discipline research outputs of four global research institutes – including iNetZ+, the emerging Global Research Institute for Net Zero transition and beyond.

CO-LAB ENGINEERING — Staff photoshoot for Co-Lab Engineering, at Co-Lab’s Whitehaven office in The Bus Station. Monday 9th October 2022. PHOTOGRAPHY: HARRY ATKINSON

Clyne Albertelli, founder of ScrubMarine, said: “In the vast ocean of innovation, ScrubMarine is committed to charting a cleaner and more efficient course for the marine industry.

“Our underwater robot, powered by deep-learning and supported by Heriot-Watt’s DeepTech LaunchPad, aims to scrub away biofouling challenges, reducing fuel costs and environmental impact. Together, we’re diving into a brighter and cleaner future for marine transportation.”

The DeepTech LaunchPad, supported by Barclays Eagle Labs through the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology Digital Growth Grant, is providing six organisations with access to tailored services, facilities and equipment within Heriot-Watt and the National Robotarium, the world-leading centre for robotics and artificial intelligence based at the University’s Edinburgh campus.

ScrubMarine joins five other highly innovative companies from sectors including self-care, prosthetics, and food services. These include Borobo Ltd, founded by industrial designer Alexandre Colle, which aims to advance a new robotics platform targeting enhanced power management and electronic board design. 

GI Healthcare Industries, led by entrepreneur and engineer Aswath Ganesan Indra, is revolutionising food services with semi-autonomous cooking robots for institutional catering. Infinity DPM is creating advanced upper limb prosthetics through expert engineering and biomechanics by founder and mechanical engineer David Yeudall.

Janki Group, led by architect Aisha Janki Akinola, is building an AI-powered tattoo robot system for the personal self-care industry, whilst Wynter Robotics is building mobile robotic solutions for construction industry applications such as measuring, bricklaying, and wood frame assembly.

The six successful companies will receive training and support from the university’s commercialisation team, helping them to become investment-ready with proven prototype products, industry partners and a viable route to market.

Jamie Allan is Heriot-Watt University’s Deeptech Launchpad programme leader. He said: “The DeepTech LaunchPad marks an incredibly exciting step in strengthening Scotland’s innovation ecosystem and establishing Heriot-Watt as a global leader in commercialising deep technology research.

“As an international university with campuses and partnerships spanning the world, Heriot-Watt is uniquely positioned to help entrepreneurs translate their ideas into transformative and commercially viable solutions.

“Through this pilot programme, our six-strong cohort will gain access to world-leading facilities like the National Robotarium as well as our vast network of international industry connections, experts and alumni to accelerate their cutting-edge research toward commercial success on the global stage.

“By fostering this collaboration, we empower the translation of deep science into transformative solutions ready to make real-world impact.

“We eagerly anticipate the fruits of this hands-on commercialisation experience and look forward to continued engagement with these innovators as they bring remarkable technologies to market across critical sectors like medical devices, food technology, robotics, and sustainability.”

Picture – Chris Watt Photography 07887554193

Grant Wheeler, Head of Commercialisation at Heriot-Watt University, said: “Having a deeptech accelerator is one of the missing pieces in Scotland’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and will allow our nation to create companies that can compete on an international scale.

“By giving external entrepreneurs access to the same expertise and facilities as our internal teams, the DeepTech Launchpad levels the playing field and fertilises high-growth businesses with world-changing potential.”

Applications for the next cohort open in mid-2024 following evaluation of the pilot. Heriot-Watt intends to scale up the programme and potentially expand to other Scottish universities if this first round proves successful.