Drama to educate pupils on fireworks danger

fireworksAn informative play about the dangers of misusing fireworks will be performed to around 1,500 pupils in schools across Edinburgh during the run up to Guy Fawkes night. TOAST shows pupils how dangerous fireworks can be, as well as raising issues such as peer pressure, bullying and managing aggression.

The production involves two actors playing 11 different characters, with the scene shifting between a hospital, a home, a school and a housing estate. The principal character is drawn into an ill-fated escapade with stolen fireworks, with ultimately tragic consequences.

The play, originally commissioned by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) in Northern Ireland, has been adapted for Edinburgh and is being staged by the Strange Theatre Company. It lasts for 30 minutes and has been organised by staff working in the City of Edinburgh Council’s West Neighbourhood Office.

It will run until Friday (1 November) and will be performed to all S2 pupils in sixteen Edinburgh schools, including locally at Craigroyston – approximately 1,500 young people aged between 12 and 13 will see the drama.

The weeks leading up to Bonfire Night are a time of increased complaints to police and councillors about excessive fireworks noise, with elderly people, the very young and domestic pets often left particularly distressed by fireworks noise.

Councillor Lesley Hinds, Environment Leader, said: “Guy Fawkes night is great fun and families enjoy the spectacle of fireworks as the nights get darker. However, fireworks can be extremely dangerous if handled improperly.

“The play ‘Toast’ is an excellent way of helping young people understand the risks and dangers of misusing fireworks. We will be carrying out test purchasing in shops where fireworks are on sale to make sure that retailers are adhering to the legislation.”

William MacDonald, Group Commander for The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, said: “Bonfire Night is the busiest time of year for the fire service and we are urging parents and carers to be mindful of the potential risks from fireworks and the need to heed fire safety advice to ensure this year’s Guy Fawkes celebrations stay safe.

“We work closely with partners agencies including the City of Edinburgh Council to raise awareness of the risks and dangers associated with bonfires and fireworks as well as delivering fire safety advice to schoolchildren across the area.  Toast, which highlights the dangers associated with fireworks, is an excellent example of this type of initiative. “Every year, hundreds of people in the UK are injured by fires and misusing fireworks which are very similar to explosives. Most at risk are unsupervised children, particularly those who play with fire or who get too close to bonfires. We want everyone to enjoy this time of year but to stay safe and advise they stick to supervised bonfires and firework displays.”


A new career in childcare?

Into Childcare Nov 13 Publicity

We are now recruiting to our Into Childcare Course which will start on Wednesday 6 November and we are holding an information drop in session this

Thursday (24 October) between 10 – 11.30am.

If anyone is interested in coming along please contact me directly to book a place.

Kim Weir (Training Administrator)

North Edinburgh Childcare, 18b Ferry Road Avenue, Edinburgh, EH4 4BL

Tel:  0131 311 6931     Fax: 0131 315 4420



Scottish Government announces more support for students

studentsCollege bursaries and undergraduate student loans will increase and support for postgraduate students on eligible courses will be made available as part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to put more money in students’ pockets.

Investment of over £100 million in college bursaries will deliver an increase in line with inflation. Undergraduate student loans will increase by £250 a year, bringing the minimum income for those from the lowest income households to £7,500.

Scottish domiciled postgraduate students undertaking  eligible supported courses, a majority of which cover STEM subjects which are in demand from employers, will be able to apply for a loan of up to £4,500 a year to help with living costs from 2015-16. This is in addition to the current loan available as a contribution towards the cost of tuition.

Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning Michael Russell said: “Providing protection from inflation for further education student support in the next academic year was a key priority for students. Our response will see the value of the total college bursaries package rise to around £105 million.

“For higher education students, we scrapped tuition fees, introduced a minimum income of £7,250 – which will now rise to £7,500 – for students from the lowest-income households and have provided what NUS describe as ‘the best package of student support in the UK.

“Today’s announcement to increase bursaries and loans builds on these commitments. College students will be better off while undergraduate students at university will have access to an extra £250 per year. Scottish domiciled postgraduate students on eligible courses will now be able to apply for a loan of up to £4,500 to help meet the cost of their living expenses.

“We want students in Scotland to be able to study for the qualification that suits their ability and ambition. These changes will help make that a reality and improve the life chances and employability of young Scots delivering real benefits to the Scottish economy in future.”


Author Matt Cartney enthralls Craigroyston

Author and adventurer Matt Cartney (pictured below) visited Craigroyston High School on Friday (4 October) to talk to the S1 pupils. 

He entertained us all for 90 minutes with tales of his adventures to Morocco and Norway that were the inspiration for his first two novels in the Danny Lansing adventure series: ‘The Sons of Rissouli’ and ‘Red, White and Black’.  Matt gave us an insight into how his love for adventure has been with him since childhood, and that he wanted to write the sort of books he loved reading as a boy.

The pupils sat enthralled for an hour, before quizzing Matt with a series of penetrating questions – we found that Tin Tin was his favourite book at school, though he also loved books by H. Rider Haggard and Arthur Ransome.  It can take him a year of researching and travelling before he starts to write a book.  He has also taken some of his childhood friends and used them as the basis for Danny’s friends.  We found out that of all the countries in the world that he has visited, his favourites are Morocco, Tibet and New Zealand.

His next novel due out in 2014 will be set in a tropical jungle and the fourth Danny Lansing adventure – which he has just started – will be set in Russia.

Well, we can’t wait to read these when they are published!

Craigroyston Community High School


Congratulations, Craigie!

New Head Teacher plans to build on best ever exam results 

Craigroyston Community High School has once again produced an excellent set of exam results – the results this year are the best ever achieved by the school.

New Head Teacher Steve Ross puts this down to a real commitment in the school towards attainment: ‘My predecessor, Margaret Russell, encouraged and motivated pupils and staff to aim high – and this is exactly what they have done.’

There were twice the number of Higher passes this year compared to 2012 and 100% of the S4 cohort achieved the minimum standard set by the Scottish Government of 5 passes at Access 3 or Foundation level, a figure that will be the envy of many other schools in the region and beyond. 

Steve Ross is excited by the positive momentum this has created within the school: ‘What a fantastic position to be in!  I have to say that I have been genuinely impressed by the standards in my new school.  In my career I have taught in, and visited, many schools.  The teaching and learning that is going on here is of a very high standard indeed.  I am so fortunate to have a staff (teaching and nonteaching) that want the very best for the pupils.

“I would like to pass on my appreciation to parents and carers for their commitment to the school uniform – on the first morning the pupils returned to school I was blown away by the standard of dress – as good as any other school and better than a fair few.’

As well as having high expectations for all pupils in the school, Steve is keen to listen to the pupil voice: ‘One of the first things I’ve done is set up meetings between myself and pupils and asked them three questions:

What’s good about the school?

What’s not good about the school?

What would you like to see changed?

I’ll be feeding back replies to all pupils, staff and parent council and from there we’ll construct an action plan to address issues raised.  It’s very important to me that the young people here feel they have a role in driving the school to even greater success in the future.’

‘I plan to hold an open evening in the school in the near future and will be inviting all parents, carers and community members to come along so we can talk about the way forward for Craigroyston Community High School and it’s young people.’

Good luck in your new post, Steve




Adult Education programme launched

AEP flier 2013

The city council’s new Adult Education programme is now available, offering lots of opportunities to learn something new!

Day, evening and weekend courses start next month and from anthropology or arts and crafts to walks or even writing children’s stories there’s surely something there for you!

For further information on what’s available, call 556 7978, visit your local library or community centre or go to www.edinburgh.gov.uk/adultcourses

adult education programme

Colleges open for business


Thousands of college places ensure opportunities for young people

College places in a wide range of courses to suit all levels and preferred modes of study are still available right across Scotland, ahead of the new term starting.

While there has been an increase in the number of young Scots being accepted into university, there are also a number of other options for young people to move forward in education or help them take their first steps into the jobs market.

As well as colleges offering hundreds of varied courses with clear career outcomes, the Scottish Government has funded 1,000 places specifically to help students to progress from further to higher education.
Cabinet Secretary for Education Michael Russell said:

“The most recent UCAS figures have been welcome news for Scotland, with two per cent more young Scots accepted to university compared to this time last year, including thousands who have taken up a place through the clearing process. Other young Scots will be pursuing their education and careers through other routes.

“Colleges deliver a wide range of top quality vocational courses and provide pathways to more advanced learning and work. In the coming weeks, thousands of young people will start a full time further education course at one of Scotland’s colleges. In recent years, the Scottish Government has sought to get the very best from our college sector and important reforms will see it become highly efficient with strong links with employers, universities and schools. Additionally, as part of a £10 million package to increase participation in higher education we have funded 1,000 additional places specifically to help college students move to university.

“We can be very proud of Scottish education. Our excellent exams results and record numbers of school leavers staying in positive destinations such as university, college, or employment are real marks of success. And we have guaranteed every 16 to 19 year old the offer of a place in education or training. Students wishing to continue with their education have plenty of options and, for many, a college course will make a huge difference to their lives and the start of their future success.”students


New classrooms for new school year

TrinityTwenty three new classrooms have opened their doors to pupils today as the City of Edinburgh Council tackles the pressing issue of rising school rolls. The Council has spent £8m on creating new classrooms at Towerbank, Corstorphine, Granton, Trinity (pictured above) and Wardie Primary Schools, while Blackhall also received an upgrade.

Additional class spaces have also been created at a further six schools where there has been increased pressure for places – this means up to 750 new pupil places have been created across the city.

Due to rising rolls £2m has been spent on the extensions to the other three primary schools. Trinity Primary School has four new classrooms, Wardie Primary School has three new classrooms and Granton Primary School has two new classrooms.

In addition to the new classrooms, the temporary units at James Gillespie’s and Blackhall have been refurbished, while extra space has been created at James Gillespie’s, Holy Cross, St Mary’s Leith, Craigour Park and Oxgangs to allow for more pupils.

The new accommodation at Granton, Trinity and Wardie Primary Schools has been carried out with partners Hub South East Scotland and Morrison Construction.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Many local authorities across the United Kingdom are struggling to find sustainable solutions to the increase in pupil numbers.

“In Edinburgh, primary school rolls are predicted to rise by 19% by 2020 – bringing our primary school population to over 31,000. That’s why the Capital Coalition has pledged an extra £15m to tackle the issue.

“The foundations we are laying here in Edinburgh demonstrate that the capital is prepared for the complex challenges that lie ahead. We believe our approach allows us the flexibility to plan much better for the future, and we are working with school communities and parent councils as we move forward. Whether or not it is traditional extensions, new built units or the refurbishment of existing space, we are committed to providing the very best educational environment for our pupils.”

Mari Smith, P6 class teacher at Trinity Primary School, said: “The classrooms are a fantastic addition to our school and provide a bright and stimulating learning environment. The children are so excited about starting the new school year in their brand new classrooms.”

Paul McGirk, Chief Executive of Hub South East Scotland, said: “We are delighted to continue our successful partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council and hope that the pupils of Granton, Trinity and Wardie Primary Schools enjoy their new classrooms.

“This is a great example of how Hub South East Scotland can work with our partners to deliver modern, innovative solutions, providing facilities more quickly, more effectively, and with more time and cost certainty than ever before.”

David Wilson, Project Director for Morrison Construction, said: “This has been an exciting and challenging project to be involved with and we would like to acknowledge the patience and understanding shown by the head teachers, the teaching and support staff, the pupils and our neighbours throughout the construction phase.

“We look forward to continuing this spirit of partnership in the future phases of the Rising Rolls project.”

The Towerbank and Corstorphine extensions have been planned for a number of years but the others are as a result of a unique approach taken by the Council to deal with rising school rolls.

When schools are identified as potentially needing extra accommodation for the next school year, the relevant design and planning permissions are taken forward however it is only when the final registration numbers are confirmed in the following January that a decision is taken to go ahead with building the new classrooms.

This means that extensions are only built when the Council is confident the extra classes will be required. Previously this decision would have been taken much earlier before final numbers were known. It also means that additional classes can be added as, and when, they are needed depending on the annual review.

Wardie Primary School now has planning permission for a further two classes and Granton Primary School has planning permission for two further phases which would deliver five more classes if and when required.

The Council has already identified five more primary schools where new extensions may be required for the 2014/15 session to meet the increased demand from catchment pupils and are already starting to plan for the delivery of these for August 2014 should they be needed.

So £8 million for emergency extensions is good news for pupils and parents  – but it does make you wonder (again) at the wisdom of closing schools like Royston prematurely …



Increase in University acceptances

Two per cent more Scots have a place confirmed on exam results day.

graduates22,770 Scots were accepted to Scottish universities on exam results day this year, an increase of two per cent. Figures released by the University and College Admissions Service (UCAS) show 550 more Scots have a place at a Scottish university for 2013-14 than at the same time last year.

Welcoming the increase, Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance said: “We’ve already delivered access to university based on the ability to learn, not the ability to pay backed up with increased university places. It is great news that some 22,770 Scots are already accepted to a Scottish University to study for a degree on exam results day.

“These students will also be among the first to benefit from the best package of support in the UK when they take up their places. While the additional places we have provided to widen access will ensure more young people from deprived areas are taking their place on our universities campuses next year.

“Of course, some young people will be disappointed today but help is at hand. We guarantee every 16-19 year old the offer of a place in education or training and I’d encourage anyone who is still considering their next steps to call the SDS helpline on 0808 100 8000 for advice.”

Exam pass rates ‘best ever’


Standard Grade and Higher results at record levels

The nervous wait is over – the 2013 exam results were published today, and Scotland’s school pupils have excelled themselves with great grades.

Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance has congratulated the 151,000 candidates who sat exams this year, and has also emphasised that help is available for those who hadn’t achieved what they’d hoped for.

Key results show:

  • Overall pass rate for Advanced Highers increased by two percentage points to 82.1 per cent
  • Overall pass rate for Highers increased by 0.5 percentage points to 77.4 per cent
  • Overall pass rates for Intermediate levels one and two increased to 77.8 and 81.8 per cent respectively
  • Overall pass rate for Standard Grades increased by 0.1 percentage points to 98.9 per cent
  • Overall pass rates for Access levels two and three increased to 71 and 93.6 per cent respectively.

Ms Constance said:

“The wait for tens of thousands of Scotland’s pupils and their families is finally over, and I am delighted that so many have come out with strong grades, leaving them well positioned for whatever they choose to do next. The exam pass rates are building on a solid record of achievement, meaning that today is a time for celebration. Record pass rates in a set of rigorously assessed exams confirm Scotland’s strong record in attainment and I wish the class of 2013 the very best of luck in their next steps, be it another year in school, or moving on to college, university, training or employment.

“For those young people out there who haven’t got what they had hoped for, did even better, or who are simply unsure what to do next, there is help available. The Skills Development Scotland exam results helpline on 0808 100 8000 offers dedicated advice on potential next steps. We have guaranteed every 16 to 19 year old the offer of a place in education or training, and I am working hard to ensure as many employers as possible are making young people their business in the ongoing difficult economic climate.

“Standard Grades have served our young people well for their academic and working lives since the 1980s. However, the introduction of National 4 and 5 courses next year are a fundamental part of Curriculum for Excellence, meaning that young Scots will be better prepared than ever to succeed in learning, life and work.”

Edinburgh’s schools shared in the national success story, enjoying a double-digit increase in the number of students scoring passes in their Highers.

City council education leader Councillor Paul Godzik said: “Early indications from the SQA exam results show that 2013 has been another really positive year for all our pupils, and I’m delighted by all their successes. Our pupils should be very proud of themselves, too – all their hard work has certainly paid off.”
