Young filmmakers SEE for themselves

Short films produced by local schoolchildren through the Cashback for Creativity initiative were premiered at North Edinburgh Arts Centre last night, and both ‘Danny’ and ‘The Clock Strikes Fate’ were real quality productions.

Participants from Broughton High School, CORE, Pilton Youth and Children’s Project and Muirhouse Youth Development Group worked with professionals from Pilton-based Screen Education Edinburgh to produce the two short films, with the young people were involved at every stage of the process – from script writing and finding locations to acting, selecting soundtracks and editing. The young filmmakers discovered that an awful lot of preparation and hard work goes into creating even a short film, but their efforts were richly rewarded with two fine short films.

Introducing the films, SEE project manager James McKenzie said: “I think you will agree that these films are remarkable, given that most of the young people involved had no experience of filmmaking. I am sure they will be very proud when they see what they have produced – these are excellent films”.

Danny dealt with the issue of schizophrenia in an unusually entertaining way, while ‘The Clock Strikes Fate’ was a silent movie, simple yet touching.

In a question and answer session with SEE engagement officer Neil Rolland after the screenings, the filmmakers were unanimous in saying that they had learned a lot from the process and all expressed a wish to go on to make more movies.

Kyle Fitzpatrick said: “I thought to begin with I would only be acting but we all got involved in lots of different aspects, things we hadn’t thought we would be doing – for me it was using film cameras, for example. It was a great experience and we learned a lot over the course of producing the films. This was the first time we’d seen the finished films and I think they look pretty good!”

The films will now be entered into film festivals and will appear on SEE’s website – – sometime soon. The young filmmakers will also get their wish for more opportunities to male movies – Screen Education Edinburgh plan to set up a North Edinburgh Young People’s Film Group in the not too distant future. So you never know, Danny Two – the full length sequel?

Cashback for Creativity film premieres next week

Criminal profits have been put to good use with the launch of two short films created by local young people. Screen Education Edinburgh (SEE) (formerly Pilton Video) will be screening ‘Danny’ and ‘The Clock Strikes Fate’ at North Edinburgh Arts Centre on Tuesday 18 September at 6.30pm.

SEE worked with young people from the outset on the projects which were made possible through funding from the Cashback for Creativity programme, a fund which takes cash confiscated from criminals and ploughs the money back into the communities they prey upon.

Cashback for Creativity (formally Creative Identities) is Creative Scotland’s programme that provides young people across Scotland with access to high quality dance, film and music activities, funded by the Scottish Government’s CashBack for Communities programme which reinvests the proceeds of crime back into communities to benefit Scotland’s young people.

As part of the scheme, Screen Education Edinburgh are running an intensive programme of short film making for young people aged 12- 19 across the City of Edinburgh, with priority given to those living in areas of deprivation.

In North Edinburgh, a series of taster workshops took place in partnership with Broughton High School, Community Organisation for Race Equality, Muirhouse Youth Development Group and Pilton Youth and Children’s Project, leading to the most interested young people moving forward to form a core filmmaking group based at SEE. Learning the skills of screenwriting, acting, camera, sound and editing, the group have completed two short film’s ‘Danny’ and ‘When The Clock Strikes Fate’.

The two films will be premiered on Tuesday 18th September at 6.30pm at North Edinburgh Arts Centre to an audience that will include the cast and crew, their families and friends, invited guests and members of the public. The event will also feature a ‘making of’ documentary and a question and answer session with the young people involved followed by a small reception.

Seats are free and available on a first come, first served basis; so turn up early on the night to guarantee a seat!

SEE’s Creative Manager Graham Fitzpatrick said: “The project was a fantastic opportunity for North Edinburgh youngsters to learn how to make films, with two outstanding and mature dramas being produced. We look forward to the premiere and supporting the group as they build on the experience to produce more shorts, whilst the programme also rolls out to East and West Edinburgh from now until Christmas.”

North Edinburgh Theatre's back!

Hello all wonderful North Edinburgh Theatre folk,

This is just a wee reminder [as if you need it!] that we start Workshops again at North Edinburgh Arts this Friday 14th September 6 – 8pm. and next Saturday 22nd September 12 noon – 2pm. We shall meet every other Friday and every other Saturday so that everyone can come to the Workshops according to their commitments. There will be a crèche for every Workshop, but please make sure you book it with Sandra beforehand 0131 315 2152 and

We have so much to talk about, so much fun to have, so many plans to make, so much theatre to create – YIPPEE  I am really looking forward to working with you all again. We also have some new participants to welcome!

Please let me know which Workshops you want to come to – Fridays and/or Saturdays. Of course you can come to both, we shall be covering the same material at the Friday and Saturday Workshops but you always create different work, so it will be really interesting.

In the meantime, if you have any questions please just get in touch. For those folk who do not have internet, please can you make sure they know what’s happening? I will also post this on Facebook.
Take care and see you soon!

Stephanie Knight
North Edinburgh Theatre project

North Edinburgh Theatre’s back!

Hello all wonderful North Edinburgh Theatre folk,

This is just a wee reminder [as if you need it!] that we start Workshops again at North Edinburgh Arts this Friday 14th September 6 – 8pm. and next Saturday 22nd September 12 noon – 2pm. We shall meet every other Friday and every other Saturday so that everyone can come to the Workshops according to their commitments. There will be a crèche for every Workshop, but please make sure you book it with Sandra beforehand 0131 315 2152 and

We have so much to talk about, so much fun to have, so many plans to make, so much theatre to create – YIPPEE  I am really looking forward to working with you all again. We also have some new participants to welcome!

Please let me know which Workshops you want to come to – Fridays and/or Saturdays. Of course you can come to both, we shall be covering the same material at the Friday and Saturday Workshops but you always create different work, so it will be really interesting.

In the meantime, if you have any questions please just get in touch. For those folk who do not have internet, please can you make sure they know what’s happening? I will also post this on Facebook.
Take care and see you soon!

Stephanie Knight
North Edinburgh Theatre project

World Premiere coming soon to North Edinburgh Arts

In their first Scottish Tour since, ‘Tonight Sandy Grierson will Lecture, Dance and BoxGreyscale are delighted to present Sylvia Dow’s ‘A Beginning, A Middle and An End’ to North Edinburgh Arts Centre on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 September.

Commissioned with the support of Creative Scotland, Glasgow University and Fenton Arts Trust and produced in association with Stellar Quines, this is the world premiere of Sylvia Dow’s first play.

A beginning, a middle and an end, that’s how things go, provided you start in the right place.

For Evelyn and Ade time passes; sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes all at once, but always away from what was and relentlessly towards what will be. 

Their little family of two, of four, of three, of one, not necessarily in that order, travels together towards a new beginning, or an old ending. Or both. Only time will tell.”

For further information and ticket availability go to North Edinburgh Arts website at:

Criminal profits from communities – no more!

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill joined the Proclaimers and young musicians who are developing their career skills thanks to cash seized from crime.

North Edinburgh Arts Centre is one of eighteen studios from across Scotland to have received investment to allow 12 to 25 year-old musicians to record their first demo tracks and allow them access to professional standard recording and rehearsal facilities.

It’s part of Creative Scotland’s Cashback for Creativity project which uses crooks’ cash to benefit young people of Scotland through a series of cultural diversionary activities. Over three years £2.25 million is being invested into dance, film and music programmes.

During 2012 in the Year of Creative Scotland, the CashBack for Creativity programme will create opportunities for over 8,000 budding young film-makers, dancers and musicians to develop their skills.

The CashBack for Communities Programme takes funds recovered from the proceeds of crime and invests them in back into communities, putting young people on a positive path in life by providing opportunities for them to take part in thousands of free activities and projects – over £46 million has been reinvested to benefit over 600,000 young people since CashBack began.

Mr MacAskill (pictured above) said: “CashBack gives young people the chance to get creative and broaden their horizons. I was delighted to meet Jack Hincks and his Band from Biggar who have been given the chance to record professional music at CP Productions in Edinburgh and develop their personal, social and career skills. And who better than the Proclaimers – one of the most successful and popular Scottish bands of all time – to be on hand to share their skills and some of the secrets of their success.

“Jack Hincks and his Band are some of scores of young musicians from across Scotland who will benefit from professional standard recording facilities – and some might follow the likes of the Proclaimers in making a successful career in the music industry.

“Providing opportunities for young people to get involved in the arts, theatre and cultural activities can help improve confidence and give them a sense of achievement whilst also demonstrating that there is more to life than petty crime. Investment in our young people and their communities will always be money well spent.”

David McDonald, Youth Arts Manager at Creative Scotland, said: ‘The CashBack for Creativity programme has allowed recording studios across the country to open their doors to over 161 young bands and acts. The experience of recording in a professional recording studio with experienced producers at such an early stage in their development will hopefully inspire them to achieve their potential in their future careers, perhaps even the music industry.

“The CashBack programme has also given thousands of young film makers and dancers the opportunity to shine and express themselves creatively. Taking part in creative activities can make a real difference to the lives of our children and young people, it can help build confidence, enable them to make friends and teach them how to work as part of a group.”

The Proclaimers’ Charlie and Craig Reid (below) added: “We are delighted to continue to support the Scottish Government’s imaginative policy on community based funding for worthwhile projects, using the confiscated funds from criminal activity.”

Views of North Edinburgh on the box

A couple of items you may have missed recently:

You may recall we gave a wee plug to Granton Youth Theatre’s Fringe debut. Well, STV covered the story here:

The BBC also aired a fascinating documentary, ‘My Lives and Times’, by Muirhouse filmmaker Garry Fraser (pictured below)last month. If you missed it, you’ll find it at:




Granton youth production's on the Fringe

Granton Youth Theatre will be performing their powerful production ‘Just Like Everybody Else’ at the Holyrood Road’s Bongo Club this weekend.

The drama was devised and developed by Granton Youth Centre participants and the group’s performance was highly praised when ‘Just Like Everybody Else’ premiered at North Edinburgh Arts Centre in April.

Jut Like Everybody Else can be seen at The Bongo Club, Holyrood Road on Saturday and Sunday at 2.30pm. Tickets are only available at the venue box office or through . The performance is suuitable for ages 12+.

Granton youth production’s on the Fringe

Granton Youth Theatre will be performing their powerful production ‘Just Like Everybody Else’ at the Holyrood Road’s Bongo Club this weekend.

The drama was devised and developed by Granton Youth Centre participants and the group’s performance was highly praised when ‘Just Like Everybody Else’ premiered at North Edinburgh Arts Centre in April.

Jut Like Everybody Else can be seen at The Bongo Club, Holyrood Road on Saturday and Sunday at 2.30pm. Tickets are only available at the venue box office or through . The performance is suuitable for ages 12+.

GYC's Fame Academy needs YOU!

Granton Youth Centre have been developing their arts provision over the last couple of years and have created two successful pieces of theatre – Split Second and Just Like Everyone Else. Fame Academy is the latest opportunity for local young people to create their own piece of theatre that could potentially become as successful as previous productions.

The project offers young people aged 12+ the chance to try out various art forms including drama, music, film and set and costume design.

Heather Marshall explained: “GYC needs you! We’re looking for young people aged 12+ who would like to create their own show. Rehearsals will take place at GYC and will include: 




Film Set

Costume design 

You can sign up to perform or help backstage:

Monday 2 July 1-4pm Thurs 5 July 1-4pm

Monday 9 July 1-4pm Thursday 12 July 1-4pm

Monday 16 July 1-4pm Thursday 19 July 1-4pm

Monday 23 July 1-4pm Thursday 26 July 1-4pm. 

This is your opportunity to create a brand new show!”