Council initiates emergency facility for lost and delayed postal votes

The City of Edinburgh Council is taking urgent steps to ensure all residents can cast their vote in next Thursday’s UK Parliament General Election.

From today, (28 June), and over the weekend, voters who have yet to receive their postal votes, and will not be at home next week, can go to the City Chambers and have their voting pack re-issued. A polling booth will be set up for those wishing to cast their vote there and then in privacy.

The facility will be open until 5pm today and then from 9am to 5pm tomorrow and Sunday. Voters should come to the City Chambers on the High Street, with photo ID, and a replacement pack can be issued. 

The distribution of postal votes nationally has been hit by delays, but the Royal Mail has confirmed that all packs should be delivered today or tomorrow.

We’re prioritising those who will not be at home next week. If you will be at home next week, please be wait for delivery and only contact us early next week if you are still without your pack.

Please contact in the first instance or call the helpline on 0131 200 2315. As above we will be open for re-issues Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 5pm and into next week if necessary. 

We’ll be putting extra resources into our Customer Team over the weekend to deal with these enquiries.

We’re encouraging everyone else to make their way on foot or by public transport, but Blue Badge holders will be able to park in the City Chambers quadrangle this weekend.

Returning Officer for Edinburgh, Paul Lawrence said: “I appreciate the concerns of voters on this issue and my absolute priority is to ensure everyone has the opportunity to exercise their democratic right to vote in this General Election.

“That’s why we’ve taken the decision to put in extra resources and open the City Chambers this weekend. Please only attend if you haven’t received your postal vote and you’re going on holiday or won’t be at home next week.

“I’d encourage anyone who has already received their postal vote to return it as soon as possible, through Royal Mail.

“The timing of this election has been challenging as have other circumstances beyond our control, but our teams are working hard to ensure it passes off as smoothly and successfully as possible.”

Improving the planning and regulation of processions

Action to ensure safe and peaceful assembly  

New proposals to improve the planning and regulation of public processions and marches are to be introduced to uphold the rights of safe and peaceful assembly. 

An Action Group, set up to consider how to better facilitate processions, has set out six recommendations in a newly published report, which have been accepted by the Scottish Government, the local authority group COSLA, and Police Scotland. 

The recommendations include: 

  • extending a pilot programme – following successful evaluation in April 2024 – to train stewards and marshalls to build their capacity to plan, prepare and manage processions and other forms of public gathering in a safe way 
  • developing a minimum standard for information provided on the notification process for processions
  • providing consistent information on local authority websites that ensures transparency and confidentiality
  • statutory organisations, including local authorities, Police Scotland and the Scottish Government, to work together so information they provide relating to marches is clear and easy to understand
  • developing or improving training packages for local authority officials and elected members to enable the sharing of good practice to facilitate peaceful public processions and on how to protect human rights
  • consideration of an annual review mechanism that contributes to the sharing of best practice and learning of the management of processions. 

Community Safety Minister Siobhian Brown said: “The Scottish Government established the Action Group to ensure that processions are conducted safely and peacefully across the country.

“I am grateful to the members of the group for these carefully considered recommendations, which represent the culmination of extensive work by partners. 

“The freedom of peaceful assembly is a cornerstone of a democratic society and it is vital that the right training, planning and regulations are in place so processions run smoothly, while ensuring those attending and surrounding communities are kept safe. 

 “In accepting the recommendations of the Action Group’s report in full, what is clear is that achieving success must be a joint endeavour. We will work with Police Scotland, COSLA and members of the Group to implement the recommendations as quickly as possible.” 

A COSLA spokesperson said: “COSLA has worked collaboratively with the Scottish Government and Police Scotland through the Action Group on Processions, to work through the conclusions and recommendations of the Report for the Short Life Working Group on Facilitating Peaceful Assembles. 

“In April, the COSLA Community Wellbeing Board endorsed the recommendations of the Action Group, and COSLA Officers will continue to work with partners of the group to deliver these actions.” 

Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie said: “Police Scotland is a rights based organisation.

“We welcome this report as we continue to work with our communities and partners to continually improve our practices and the awareness and visibility of the rights of those who wish to take part in processions.” 

The Poverty Alliance launches #VoteYourValues campaign

This election could be the most unequal in 60 years, with people on low incomes being shut out of our democracy.

The #VoteYourValues campaign gives our members access to tools that can help people in their communities get vote-ready.

In a democracy, everyone’s voice matters equally.

So it’s completely unjust that so many people on lower incomes get shut out from using their vote. This General Election looks set to be the most unequal for more than six decades, due to a ballooning turnout gap at elections and the growing role of money in British politics, according to a recent report from IPPR.

We can help change this.

In the run-up to July 4, we will be working with Citizens UK’s Voter Registration Champions scheme to raise awareness about how people can register to vote.

Poverty Alliance members can download PDF posters to put up in their centres, and an infographic that they can share on their social media networks.

Greenpeace bring Project Climate Vote to Edinburgh

LOCAL Greenpeace volunteers were door-knocking in Bruntsfield yesterday to spread the word about Greenpeace’s current UK-wide campaign Project Climate Vote.

Project Climate Vote aims to recruit one million climate voters ahead of the next general election, in order to pressure all political parties to commit to bolder action on climate change. Climate voters pledge to show visible support for climate policies and vote with the planet in mind.

Edinburgh volunteers went door to door in Bruntsfield having conversations with residents about their concerns about the climate crisis and wider connected issues. As climate voters, locals were asked to place a poster in their window and to voice their concerns about the climate crisis should local candidates come to their door in the run-up to the election.

Sue, a volunteer from Bruntsfield said: “The conversations we’re having show that the climate crisis is a key concern for the majority of people and they want bolder action from our leaders. It’s encouraging that so many people want to sign up…the hardest part is finding folk in on a sunny afternoon!”

Today follows numerous other door-knocking sessions Greenpeace volunteers have carried out in Edinburgh since September 2023, including in Pilton in North Edinburgh in February. The group will be out canvassing again during future weekends, right up until the general election, which is currently expected to take place in the latter half of this year.

Zoë, a volunteer from Newington said: “Project Climate Vote is a very exciting and crucial campaign aiming to hold politicians to account on delivering the action that we need in order to ensure a liveable future.

The climate crisis is already happening up and down the country. People can see it with their own eyes and are playing their part to mitigate their own impact on the environment. What we need now are our leaders to step up to the plate.”

Greenpeace UK are hosting weekly online training sessions for those interested in taking part in the canvassing campaigns in their local areas. Anyone is welcome to join a canvassing team, regardless of if they have any past experience with Greenpeace.

UK voters can sign up to be a Climate Voters and order their posters on the Greenpeace website.

Nominations open for the 2024 Cllr Awards

Nominations open for the 2024 Cllr Awards

Do you know a councillor whose unwavering dedication deserves national recognition? Nominations are now open for the 2024 Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) and CCLA Cllr Awards – the only ceremony that celebrates the outstanding contributions of councillors across England, Wales, and Scotland.

The Cllr Awards shine a light on the achievements of local elected representatives who have made a tangible impact in their communities. Winners in England & Wales will be announced at the illustrious Guildhall in London while winners in Scotland will be revealed at the esteemed City Chambers in Edinburgh this winter. 

The 2024 Cllr Awards feature five categories: Community Champion, Leader of the Year, Young Councillor of the Year, Innovator of the Year and Lifetime Legend.

Nominations are open to anyone – whether you’re a member of the public, a fellow councillor, or a council officer – who wishes to acknowledge a councillor’s exceptional commitment to improving their community and achieving remarkable results over the past year.

Submitting a nomination is free and takes just seven minutes. Applicants must provide details about the nominated councillor, outlining why they deserve recognition and how their initiatives have positively impacted the community.

Nominations close on Friday 13 September 2024, and the shortlisted candidates will be announced in the autumn.

Once again this year, the awards will also shine a spotlight on the remarkable contributions of councillors from around the world through the Global Local Cllr Showcase. This special presentation celebrates councillors worldwide whose projects, engagement, and representation have made a significant difference in the communities they serve.

For more information and to submit your nomination, please visit the official website.

Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, LGIU, said: “The LGIU is proud to once again host the annual Cllr Awards, paying tribute to our locally elected representatives and sharing examples of the innovation and dedication our councillors demonstrate day in day out.

“Local communities rely on councillors, whose positive contributions impact our daily lives in many ways, from maintaining streets to funding community projects, shaping the character of our towns.

“Often working tirelessly behind the scenes, elected members frequently go unnoticed by many, making the Cllr Awards essential in highlighting their invaluable work in 2024.

“We eagerly anticipate a wave of nominations this year and look forward to hearing the remarkable stories behind them. These awards are made possible through the generous support of founding partners, CCLA.”


Maverick humiliates mainstream parties


The veteran campaigner for Palestine targeted Labour – and Keir Starmer in particular – in his victory speech. “Keir Starmer – this is for Gaza,” he declared.

ON a dreadful night for the mainstream political parties, independent candidate DAVID TULLY, a local businessman who campaigned on local issues, came second,

Here’s how Rochdale voted:

  • GEORGE GALLOWAY (Workers Party of Britain) – 12,335
  • David Anthony Tully (Independent) – 6,638
  • Paul Ellison (Conservative) – 3,731
  • Azhar Ali (on the ballot as a Labour candidate) – 2,402
  • Iain Donaldson (Liberal Democrats) – 2,164
  • Simon Danczuk (Reform UK) – 1,968
  • William Howarth (Independent) – 523
  • Mark Coleman (Independent) – 455
  • Guy Otten (on the ballot as a Green candidate) – 436
  • Michael Howarth (Independent) – 246
  • Ravin Rodent Subortna (Monster Raving Loony Party) – 209

Turnout was 39.7%



IN a dark day for democracy a Westminster debate on calls for a ceasefire in Gaza descended into chaos after the Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle was accused of allowing it to be “hijacked” by Labour.

Sir Lindsay Hoyle sparked fury from both SNP and Conservative MPs when he broke with convention to allow a vote on a Labour motion for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire”.

SNP MPs walked out of the chamber en bloc in protest at the Speaker’s action, joined by a sizeable number of Conservative MPs.

The Speaker later apologised for his unprecedented decision, saying he had acted “with the right intentions”, but his position is increasingly seen as untenable by many.

The SNP said they had been “treated with complete and utter contempt” and have lodged a motion of no confidence in the Speaker.

They added: “Today should’ve been about a ceasefire in Gaza and protecting the lives of innocent civilians. Instead, Westminster turned it into a circus.

“Today’s shameful events show Westminster is utterly broken. This should have been the chance for the UK Parliament to do the right thing and vote for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and Israel – instead it turned into a Westminster circus.

“It is a disgrace that Sir Keir Starmer and the Speaker colluded to block Parliament voting on the SNP motion for an immediate ceasefire and against the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

“More than 29,000 Palestinian children, women and men have been killed – and huge swathes of Gaza have been obliterated while Westminster equivocates.

“People in Gaza and Israel, and voters in Scotland, have been badly let down – they deserve so much better than this.

“The SNP will continue to press the UK government and parliament to back an immediate ceasefire. The time for equivocation is over.”

Following the chaos in the Commons chamber Labour’s amendment eventually went through without a formal vote, after the government said it would not take part in protest. This meant there was no formal vote on the SNP’s motion, which called for an immediate ceasefire.

The Former leader of the Conservative Party Sir Iain Duncan Smith has said he believes Sir Lindsay Hoyle was put under ‘intolerable pressure’ from Labour to include their amendment.

Sir Iain said he believed Labour wanted their amendment ‘to try and stop some kind of rebellion’ from within their own party and has called for the vote to be rerun.

Speaking on GB News last night, Sir Iain Duncan-Smith said: “There’s never normally a second amendment to an opposition day motion. Opposition days are about giving the opposition a chance to put their motion forward. Otherwise, all they’re ever doing is reacting to government.

“That standing order gives them a shot and having a vote on their motion before it’s amended.

“Tonight, that was all put into chaos because I think, due to the intolerable pressure the Speaker was under was to add the Labour amendment in.

“We know why Labour wanted their amendment in, it wasn’t just to express their view it was to try and stop some kind of rebellion on their part.

“Under the normal saga, it would have been the SNP first and we would have voted on the SNP [motion], not theirs.

“The government withdrew and said, we’re not going to put our amendment to the motion because it’s chaotic and messy. That’s the moment when they should have reversed the process back to normal and had the SNP one first. But the Speaker was determined that the Labour one would be done first.

“That’s where the chaos arose, because in all the rows that went on, they weren’t able to do it because in the noise, the Deputy Speaker quickly passed the Labour amendment.

“The SNP have expressed a lack of confidence [in the Speaker]; I don’t know where they’ll take it. I’m very fond of the speaker, he’s been very good in many ways, and he’s defended our rights.

“I think the truth is he was put under intolerable pressure by Labour’s determination to bend the rules so they can have their own amendment.

“Many on the Labour front bench need to reflect on the position they’ve left him in.

“I think we should rerun all of this personally, because I think the public should and deserves better from Parliament and the Speaker should never have been put under that pressure.”

After all the noise, all the drama, the government does not even have to adopt Labour’s position as the vote is not binding! So a hollow victory for Labour, then – but a deeply damaging day for Westminster democracy.

Children’s engagement with the Scottish Parliament to be expanded

Children from across Scotland have joined the Presiding Officer to sign a joint commitment to increase their involvement in the work of the Scottish Parliament.

Watch on YouTube

The commitment is a working in partnership agreement between the Scottish Parliament and the Children’s Parliament. It will help develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the workings of the Scottish Parliament and support them to build the skills and confidence to inform and influence legislation.

Members of the Children’s Parliament (MCPs) including Eva and Millar from Fife, Cara, Lewis and Evie from East Lothian, Waldah and Michael from Clackmannanshire, Arden from Edinburgh and Rida from Aberdeen were invited to the Scottish Parliament to sign the agreement and to hear more about the work of the Parliament.

Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, the Rt Hon. Alison Johnstone MSP, said: “This agreement has been written with children, for children. This commitment signals our aim to ensure that children in Scotland know that they have a voice in their Parliament.

“MSPs and Parliament staff work extensively with schools, in Holyrood, in local communities and online to engage with children about the work of the Scottish Parliament. This agreement will help us to do even more. Children in Scotland should be treated as valued and equal citizens with a voice in issues that affect and impact them.”

Arden, an MCP from Edinburgh who attended the event, said: “Younger children are just bursting with creative ideas and solutions. They are just waiting to be given an opportunity where they can be listened to. It’s just about giving them the space, time and support.”

Director of the Children’s Parliament, Cathy McCulloch, said: “Having MCPs sign the partnership agreement with the Presiding Officer sets us on a path to new awareness and understanding of children’s human rights throughout the Parliament. This is another sign that Scotland takes children seriously and is committed to realising their rights to be healthy, happy and safe.”

The agreement will see information provided to help MSPs and Scottish Parliament staff increase their understanding of children’s human rights – in line with the UNCRC – and commit to ensuring Parliamentary processes create a safe and friendly environment for children to participate with dignity and respect.

Established in 1996, Children’s Parliament is dedicated to the realisation of children’s human rights in Scotland. 

‘A dark day for devolution’?


JUDGES have ruled that the UK Government’s block of Scottish gender legislation was LEGAL.

The Holyrood parliament passed legislation to make it easier for people to change their sex last year, but the UK Government blocked the law, arguing that Scotland’s gender law would impact on equality laws across all countries of the UK

The Scottish Government challenged Westminster’s action through the courts, but yesterday The Court of Session in Edinburgh upheld the UK Government’s decision.

The Scottish Government is studying the detail of the judgement and has yet to make an official statement, but First Minister said the Supreme Court judgement marks ‘a dark day for democracy’.

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack takes a different view, of course.

The Secretary of State for Scotland, Rt Hon Alister Jack MP said: “I welcome the Court’s judgment, which upholds my decision to prevent the Scottish Government’s gender recognition legislation from becoming law.

“I was clear that this legislation would have had adverse effects on the operation of the law as it applies to reserved matters, including on important Great Britain-wide equality protections. 

“Following this latest Court defeat for the Scottish Government, their ministers need to stop wasting taxpayers’ money pursuing needless legal action and focus on the real issues which matter to people in Scotland – such as growing the economy and cutting waiting lists.”

The Scottish Government is unlikely to take Mr Jack’s advice and has 21 days to decide whether to lodge an appeal.

Judiciary of Scotland Judgment Summary