Westminster Committee launches public survey on fraud

The Home Affairs Committee is inviting members of the public to take part in a survey to inform its inquiry into fraud.

The cross-party committee of MPs wants to find out more about the different types of fraud that people are experiencing in the UK. They also want to hear about the impact this has had and what support people have received. 

Fraud is the most common form of crime in England and Wales, accounting for 40% of reported offences and costing UK households over £1 billion every year. It can take many forms including phishing scams, identity theft and romance fraud. Fraud increasing takes place using digital technologies and online platforms; and perpetrators can often be based outside the UK making detection and protection more difficult. 

The quick-to-complete survey consists of multiple choice questions, with the option for people to provide more information if they would like to. Everyone is welcome to take part, but they should note that the Committee is unable to take action on individual cases.  

Launching the survey, Dame Diana Johnson said: “Fraud is the most common form of crime in this country with over 3 million cases recorded every year, and probably millions more going unreported.

“But behind these figures are individual victims of all ages and backgrounds, many of whom will have suffered h long-lasting financial and emotional consequences. 

“We have launched this survey to find out what types of fraud people experience in the UK. The information you give us will help us understand how well current fraud strategies are working.

“It will also help us to learn what gaps there may be in the support that victims of fraud receive, and to identify where improvements can be made.” 

Where to get help

We understand that the issues raised in this work may be sensitive or upsetting. If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this inquiry, you may wish to contact your GP, local MP or the following organisations:  

Police Scotland – call 101

Reporting fraud and cyber crime | Action Fraud  Call 0300 123 2040 Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm. Action Fraud will guide you through simple questions to identify what has happened and their advisors are available twenty four hours to give you help and advice if you need it. 

Report a scam – Citizens Advice  Support and advice on reporting fraud.  

Samaritans Support and guidance for everyone.  Call: 116 123 – 24 hours a day, every day or Email jo@samaritans.org

5th November disorder: More Arrests

Eight further people have been charged in connection with bonfire night disorder seen in Edinburgh on Sunday, 5 November.

Two male youths, both aged 15, have been charged in connection with preparing petrol bombs and firing fireworks at police in the Niddrie area.

Six other male youths, all aged between 14 and 16, have been charged in connection with possession of fireworks and associated disorder in the Southhouse/Gracemount areas.

Work remains ongoing to establish the identities of others involved and a number of others have been identified.

Officers continue to appeal to the public to provide any information that can help with ongoing enquiries.

There is a Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) that allows members of the public to send information directly to the police that can be accessed as follows: https://mipp.police.uk/operation/SCOT23S38-PO1

Chief Inspector Kieran Dougal said: “The disorder seen in the capital on bonfire night was completely unacceptable and these charges show our continued commitment to identifying and tracing those involved in the incidents.

“Our investigation continues and I would urge the public to continue to help us with that by reporting any information to 101, or send it to the portal link. Alternatively you can call Crimstoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.”

Greendykes gunshots two weeks on: Can you help?

Officers investigating shots being fired in Edinburgh have revisited the scene two weeks on.

Around 10.15am on Thursday, 2 November, 2023, Police were called to a report of shots being fired at a block of flats on Greendykes Road in the city.

Officers carried out enquiries at the time and identified shots were also fired towards the same building, about 4.30am the same morning.

There were no injuries during either incident, however windows were damaged.

This continues to be treated as a targeted attack.

Yesterday morning, officers from Gayfield CID returned to the area as part of their enquiries.

Detectives spoke to a number of motorists and pedestrians in an attempt to jog their memories and gain additional information that could help trace two people on bicycles in the area around the time of both incidents.

Detective Sergeant Gavin Howat said: “The response from the public has been encouraging and information gained yesterday, and over the last two weeks, will no doubt assist in our enquiry to identify the suspects.

“I am again appealing to anyone who has any information which may assist us and who hasn’t already spoken to police to get in touch.

“Any piece of information, no matter how small, could be relevant.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact 101 quoting incident 0961 of 2 November, 2023. Alternatively, information can be passed to Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111.

Bonfire Night disorder: More Arrests

POLICE investigating the violent disorder in both Edinburgh and Glasgow on Bonfire Night have arrested a further seven people and identified as least 14 others.

Two arrests had already been made on the night, bringing the total to nine since Sunday, 5 November, 2023.

In relation to the disorder in the Niddrie area, a 31-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman were arrested and charged with fireworks offences and were released on an undertaking to appear in court at a later date.

An 18-year-old man and a 13-year-old boy were also both arrested and charged with culpable and reckless conduct and being in possession of a weapon. The 18-year-old will appear in court at a later date and the 13-year-old was reported to the relevant authorities.

Fourteen others have also been identified for the disorder in the Edinburgh area, and work is ongoing to establish the identities of others.

In Glasgow, a 17-year-old man was arrested and charged with assault and being in possession of a weapon. Two men, aged 16 and 17, were also arrested and charged with assault. Reports will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Enquiries continue into both incidents and further arrests are expected. We continue to appeal for information from the public with major incident portals set up for both Glasgow and Edinburgh where the public can submit information, including videos and images.

For disorder in Edinburgh there is a Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) that allows members of the public to send information directly to the police that can be accessed as follows: https://mipp.police.uk/operation/SCOT23S38-PO1

For disorder in Glasgow there is a Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) that allows members of the public to send information directly to the police that can be accessed as follows: https://mipp.police.uk/operation/SCOT23S39-PO1

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs, Gold Commander for Operation Moonbeam said: “We are continuing our enquiries into the significant disorder we experienced on bonfire night. These arrests are just the start, and we expect to make more in the coming weeks.

“We took a robust stance, and I am proud of the courage, discipline and professionalism that officers showed in the face of the violence that night.

“A number of our officers sustained minor physical injuries, however we are also aware of the mental impact that dealing with such significant levels of violence can have and will continue to support all officers affected.  Nobody deserves to be injured in this way for doing their job. An emergency worker is also someone’s son, daughter, husband or wife.”

If anyone has any information that can help us in our investigation, then please contact 101 or send it in via the respective portal link. Alternatively you can call CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.

Police: Attacks on buses

POLICE have recently received a number of reports of youths throwing objects at buses in the Craigmillar area of Edinburgh. This behaviour is extremely dangerous and has the potential to cause serious injury.

Lothian Buses provide an essential public service. Removing damaged buses from service and diverting public transport from the area has a negative impact on the local community.

Police Scotland will continue to work in partnership with Lothian Buses to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and identify those responsible.

If you see or know of anyone engaging in this reckless behaviour, please contact police on 101, or 999 in an emergency.

Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Man given Order for Lifelong Restriction for sexual abuse and online offences

A 52-year-old man has been given an Order for Lifelong Restriction, along with a custodial sentence of two years and three months, in connection with online sexual abuse and exploitation.

Mark Fordham pled guilty at the High Court in Edinburgh on Thursday, 9 November, 2023, in connection with the offences. He was arrested following an intelligence-led police operation.

Detective Inspector Bruce Ward said: “Mark Fordham is a dangerous and predatory individual who will now face the consequences of his despicable actions.

“Online offenders may think they are anonymous. They are not. No matter what steps they take to avoid detection, you cannot hide behind a computer screen. We will find you.

“We remain fully committed to protecting children and bringing anyone involved in these abhorrent crimes to justice.

“Any form of child sexual abuse is a serious criminal offence and a priority for officers. I would urge anyone with any concerns about a child at risk of abuse, or a potential victim, to contact us immediately.”

Police Scotland’s current #GetHelpOrGetCaught campaign proactively targets those who are either already offending or at risk of offending online, and provides signposts to available support.

Police appeal for information following violence on Bonfire Night

Police Scotland is appealing for information following unprecedented levels of violence directed at officers and other emergency service workers from Bonfire Night disorder.

On Sunday, 5 November, 2023, there were several serious disturbances that required a response from specially trained public order officers.

In Edinburgh officers received reports of a large group of youths and adults gathering in the Hay Avenue area in Niddrie around 4.40pm. Around 50 youths were throwing fireworks at vehicles and buildings.

When officers arrived they came under attack from youths throwing fireworks, petrol bombs and other projectiles. Four officers sustained minor injuries but did not require hospital treatment.

There is a continued police presence in the Niddrie area and enquiries are ongoing to trace those responsible.

For disorder in Edinburgh there is a Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) that allows members of the public to send information directly to the police that can be accessed here.

Around 9.05pm officers were called to a report of around 20 youths fighting and throwing fireworks at one another within in the Quarrywood Avenue area of Barmulloch in Glasgow.

Four people, including a police officer, were taken to Glasgow Royal Infirmary for treatment.

Enquiries are ongoing to trace those responsible. There is a continued police presence in the area and anyone with any concerns can approach these officers.

We have also set up a Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) for Glasgow that allows members of the public to send information directly to the police that can be accessed here.

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs, Gold Commander for Operation Moonbeam said: “Last night we experienced significant disorder, in particular in the Niddrie area of Edinburgh, and in the Quarrywood Avenue area of Glasgow.

“Our priority during the disorder was to protect our communities and our emergency workers, and now we are looking to carry on our police work and use the evidence we gathered to carry out the necessary arrests.

“The level of disorder we faced was unacceptable and looking at the evidence we have already gathered, we don’t believe this incident was spontaneous. Although many of those involved were youths, there were undoubtedly adults involved in orchestrating that behaviour.

“We took a robust stance and I am proud of the courage, discipline and professionalism that officers showed in the face of the violence last night.

“A number of our officers sustained minor physical injuries, however we are also aware of the mental impact that dealing with such significant levels of violence/disorder can have and will continue to support all officers affected.  Nobody deserves to be injured in this way for doing their job. An emergency worker is also someone’s son, daughter, husband or wife.

“If anyone has any information that can help us in our investigation then please contact 101, or send it in via the respective portal link.”

In addition, anyone with any information that can assist officers is asked to contact Police Scotland via 101 or make a call to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

‘Unprecedented levels of violence’: Serious disorder on Bonfire Night




POLICE Scotland has faced unprecedented levels of violence while protecting communities from Bonfire Night disorder.

While initial analysis suggests no rise in recorded fireworks offences, compared to last year, throughout Sunday, 5 November, 2023, there were a number of serious disturbances that required a specialist police response across the country.

In Edinburgh, officers received reports from concerned members of the public at around 4.40pm in relation to a large group of both adults and young people gathering in the Hay Avenue area,

Approximately 50 youths within this group were responsible for directing fireworks at vehicles and buildings with members of the public inside and escalated their behaviour when police arrived, attacking both uniformed and Public Order Officers with fireworks, petrol bombs and other projectiles.

Detectives investigating the attacks on officers within Niddrie are actively pursuing a number of individuals, who they believe were providing local youths with fireworks and petrol bombs to target police. Inquiries into this matter are continuing.

In Dundee, two police vehicles, that were out to provide a visible presence to the local community, were damaged after being struck by bricks in the Beauly Square area at 6.55pm.

In Glasgow, at around 9pm, police received a report of two separate groups of youths fighting and throwing fireworks at one another within the Quarrywood Avenue area of Barmulloch.

In total, eight officers sustained minor injuries during deployments in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

While only a small number of arrests were made on the evening, as a result of the significant challenges officers faced to ensure no harm came to communities, substantial pieces of evidence have already been gathered and dedicated inquiry teams have been established to progress these investigations.

It is anticipated further arrests will take place in the coming days.

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs, Gold Commander for Operation Moonbeam said: “The overwhelming majority of Scotland enjoyed Bonfire Night safely and responsibly, but once again, a minority of individuals have been responsible for an unacceptable and frankly, disgusting level of disorder that left communities alarmed and police officers injured.

“We took learning from last year’s operation and enhanced the level of Public Order resources available to local policing divisions to ensure we could get these assets into locations they were needed quicker, providing a more robust response to criminal incidents.

“The lower levels of disorder experienced in other parts of the country demonstrates that this approach was the correct one. Our partnership work ensured that there was a reduction in damage to public property and that, overall, the emergency services and wider communities were better protected.

“However, the violent nature of the situation witnessed in the Niddrie area of Edinburgh is extremely concerning, not least because it is believed young people were being actively encouraged and co-ordinated by adults to target officers while they carried out their duties.

“Investigations into the offences that arose throughout Scotland on Sunday evening are continuing and we will make every effort to ensure anyone who was involved is identified and brought to justice. If any members of the public believe they have information that can assist our inquiries, then please contact us via 101, or make an anonymous report to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

“Police Scotland officers were subjected to unprecedented levels of violence, and yet they continued to demonstrate professionalism and dedication to keeping communities safe.

“I am both proud of, and grateful to, all of those who were on duty and put themselves in harm’s way to protect the public during this very challenging time.”

Firefighters come under attack while responding to 999 calls on Bonfire night

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) has reported nine attacks during an eight-hour period. The attacks happened in Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Blantyre in South Lanarkshire and Blackburn in West Lothian.

There were no injuries reported to the crews involved however a fire appliance in West Lothian had a windscreen smashed by a brick and had to be removed from operational service.

These attacks have followed four previously reported attacks on crews in Ayrshire and Edinburgh in the week leading up to Bonfire Night, as well as two further attacks over the weekend in Troon and Glasgow.

This totals 15 attacks on firefighters over a period of one week.

Andy Watt Assistant Chief Officer for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said: “Attacks on our firefighters are completely unacceptable. 

“Our staff should be able to carry out their role without being attacked. It is disappointing that people have tried to hurt firefighters and have damaged our appliances.

“This type of behaviour not only prevents our crews from bringing any emergency to a safe and swift conclusion, but it can impact on our emergency service colleagues – including the police – when they are supporting us on scene to ensure the safety of our personnel. 

“We thank our emergency service partners Police Scotland for their continued assistance and we will continue to work in partnership with them to identify those responsible.

“This type of behaviour is, of course, carried out by a small minority within society and we once again thank our communities for their continuing support and working together with us to stay safe.”

SFRS received more than 892 calls from the public and Operations Control mobilised firefighters to approximately 355 bonfires across the country between 3.30pm and 12 Midnight on Sunday, 5 November. 

In the run up to the event, the SFRS had appealed to the public to be aware of the dangers of both fireworks and unsafe bonfires with a message to consider the impact of their actions on communities and emergency services. 

ACO Watt added: “Bonfire Night is traditionally one of our busiest nights of the year.  “We put a huge amount of planning and preparation into this evening with local partners and other emergency services in order to protect communities, which is always our top priority. 

“I would like to pay tribute to the professionalism and resilience of our frontline personnel, our Operations Control staff and our support staff who have shown incredible commitment over this busy period. 

“Their dedication has allowed us to continue to protect communities throughout Scotland on Bonfire Night.” 

City council leader Cammy Day said last night: “I’m appalled to see the scenes in Niddrie this evening. This behaviour is unacceptable.

“We’ve been working with our partners and in our communities to mitigate Bonfire Night related disruption, so it is extremely disappointing to see a minority of people behaving in this way.

“I would reassure residents that we are working closely with Police Scotland to ensure the community are safe and appeal to anyone who can help identify those responsible to contact police so they can be dealt with appropriately by the justice system.”

Police Statement 9pm Sunday 5 November:

We are currently dealing with an incident of significant disorder in the Hay Avenue area of Edinburgh, which began around 4.40pm this afternoon.

Reports were received of a large number of youths involved in the antisocial use of fireworks and local officers requested support from the #OpMoonbeam specially-trained Public Order resource.

Police in attendance are currently being subjected to attacks involving fireworks, petrol bombs and other projectiles and the public is asked to avoid the area while the response is ongoing.

There are a number of local road closures in place and we will advise when these re-open.

The public is thanked for their assistance with this matter.

AT 8.30 last night:

#OpMoonbeam resources are supporting officers in Hay Avenue to deal with significant fireworks disorder. Officers are being attacked with fireworks, petrol bombs and other projectiles. Some local roads are closed. Please avoid the area for the time-being while we respond.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service: Think Before You Act

Our crews sometimes come under attack when attending incidents. If a firefighter or fire engine is attacked they can’t help someone who needs them.


Keep everyone safe: https://firescotland.gov.uk/outdoors/fireworks-and-bonfires/…


Police Scotland hails ‘world leading’ homicide detection rate

Every homicide committed in Scotland since 2013 has been detected by Police Scotland, new figures have confirmed.

In 2022-23, all 52 homicides committed in Scotland were detected.

Latest statistics from Scottish Government, published yesterday, show the number of homicides committed in Scotland continues to reduce.

Police Scotland’s 100 per cent homicide detection rate means that every one of the 605 murders committed since the inception of the single national service in 2013, has been solved.

In addition, a significant number of ‘cold cases’, some committed many decades ago, have also been detected with the culprits identified, often using the latest technologies, and brought to trial. These have included the murders of Brenda Page (1978) and Renee MacRae (1976).

Detective Chief Superintendent Paul Livingstone, Head of Major Crime, said: “Every murder is a tragedy for individuals, families, and local communities.

“Our dedicated murder investigators bring a high level of professional practice, compassion, competence and commitment to each investigation. As a single national service we are able to bring a consistent approach, working with partners, to every investigation.

“We hope this commitment gives the public confidence in their police service.

“The pursuit of justice, regardless of the passage of time, is a core duty of policing and central to public confidence and police legitimacy. We apply the same level of commitment and professionalism to unresolved cases from the past, to provide answers and justice for families, even after decades.”

The Scottish Government Homicide Statistics can be found here.