More power to the people

Government beefs up Community Empowerment Bill to encourage community participation in decision-making


More community involvement in the decisions of public bodies will strengthen democracy, according to  Community Empowerment Minister Marco Biagi .

A change to the Community Empowerment Bill, agreed by the Local Government and Regeneration Committee last week, encourages public bodies to promote and facilitate participation with people and communities in decision making and budget setting.

The move follows huge participation in last year’s independence referendum.
Ministers will also have powers to require public bodies to engage if they fail to do so.

Speaking at the Community Development Alliance Scotland conference in Glasgow earlier this week, Mr Biagi said: “Involving people and communities in decision-making unquestionably makes for better decisions.

“As the referendum demonstrated, people will get involved when they understand the issues at stake and know that they can make a difference. It’s my job to ensure that enthusiasm continues and make it clear that people know their voice matters.

“Participation is about more than consulting, it is about empowering communities to shape decisions and have a say on how ideas are delivered.

“18 Scottish councils have taken up the Government’s offer of training and support for participatory budgeting projects, giving communities the chance to have their say on local budgets. That helps build community capacity while ensuring the public sector understands local needs and priorities and can target budgets more effectively to improve services.

“More participation brings fresh perspectives, strengthens democracy and will help build a fairer Scotland.”

Fiona Garven, Chair of Community Development Alliance Scotland said: “CDAS welcomes the changes to the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill which will pave the way for communities to be involved in meaningful decisions about how public money is spent.

“We are encouraged that the legislation will also require processes to be put in place to support communities and community organisations to engage with public bodies to raise awareness of local issues and to contribute to more effective shaping and delivery of local services.

“Such support will be important to encourage the involvement of a diverse range of communities in local democratic processes and achieve a rebalance of power across all sections of Scottish society.”

EVOC: ‘Localities’ thinkSpace events dates

More and more local and national governments have come to the view that engaging with citizens and planning, purchasing and delivering services at a ‘sub-local’ or ‘localities’ level is the way to add value. 

In Edinburgh the City of Edinburgh Council has agreed a localities way of working, with the city divided into four quadrants, or localities, as described in the Council’s ‘Organise to Deliver’ reports.

Simultaneously, there is a drive within the legislation covering the integration of Adult Health with Social Care that services will be designed and delivered closer to communities.

What does this mean for Edinburgh? What does this mean for the city’s Voluntary Organisations? What are your hopes and your fears? What are your expectations of EVOC? 

EVOC intends to bring organisations together to consider current plans, and their implications for our communities, by means of a series of four thinkSpace events spread across the city.

This comes out to you as a request to ‘save the date’ to attend the event within the locality most relevant to your service provision: 


Tuesday 21 April 2 – 4.30pm, WHALE Arts


Thursday 30 April 10am – 12.30pm, The Halls


Wednesday 6 May 10am – 12.30pm, Methodist Church


Monday 11 May 2 – 4.30pm, Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre. 

If you have any comments or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Dianne Morrison on 0131 555 9100 in the first instance.

EVOC will continue to publish relevant documents on its ‘Organise To Deliver’ page:

Milind Kolhatkar

senior development officer – community planning


Calling the local voluntary sector: complete the survey


Can you please take a couple of minutes to complete the survey linked below?  Many thanks to those who have responded already …

The Forth and Inverleith Voluntary Sector Forum would like to carry out a short survey to ascertain what day and time best suits the majority for the Forth and Inverleith VSF meetings.

Can you please take a couple of minutes to complete?  We want to ensure that we are having these meetings at a time most convenient for the majority.

Many thanks

june details

Edinburgh Compact: Time for Action?


Compact Partnership – The Next Ten Years: Time for Action 

Help us shape a forward strategy for the Edinburgh Compact Partnership – to help make YOUR ambitions reality.

Ten years since the launch of the Edinburgh Compact Partnership, we are developing a new forward strategy – to enable the Third Sector and the Public Sector to grow Social Value together. Join us for a panel discussion to consider the draft strategy and how the Compact Partnership might support your work for the next ten years.

Find more information and book your place now.


Compact: The Next 10 Years

Take this opportunity to have a say on an early draft of the new Edinburgh Compact Partnership Strategy at this panel discussion with input from Shulah Allan, David Jack and Geoff Pearson.

Over the last 5 months, Compact 10 have consulted with over 120 Third Sector organisations to hear their hopes for the future, and their view of Compact’s role in this future. This event is your chance to see how the new strategy is shaping up, and have your views on it heard.

This will be the premier Edinburgh Compact Partnership annual event, which will open up the work of the Partnership for discussion with Edinburgh’s Third Sector.

We think the strategy reflects our shared ambitions, but come and see what YOU think.

Date: Tuesday 3 March 2015, 5-8pm

Venue: King Khalid Symposium Hall, Hill Square, EH8 9DS

Contact Sarah Wade ( for more details or click here to book your place.


Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership meets on Monday


Come join us on Monday at Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership at Blackhall Library, 6.30pm,  on Monday (23 February).

Hear about ‘Edinburgh Living Landscapes’ and have a say in creating, restoring and connecting green areas of the city. There will also be a presentation on local roads and pavements budgets – come find out how much we have and how we decide where it gets spent!

Finally, see a display of plans for Fet-Lor Youth Club’s new building, Drylaw Skatepark, and hear decisions by Board on our Community Grants Fund applications.

We’d love to see you! Full papers are now available here:

Elaine Lennon, Partnership Development Officer

City of Edinburgh Council – Services for Communities
8 West Pilton Gardens, Edinburgh, EH4 4DP
Tel: 0131 529 5270



Inverleith NP: Nature in your Neighbourhood

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership

Monday 23 February 6.30 -8.30pm, Blackhall Library

INP Nature in your Neighbourhood

You are warmly invited to the next meeting of the Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership. The main theme for this meeting is ‘Edinburgh Living Landscapes’ where you can have a say in identifying potential areas to be part of this project to create, restore and connect green areas of the city, making  attractive and biodiverse landscapes to be enjoyed by residents and visitors.

There will also be a presentation on local roads and pavements budgets – come find out how much we have and how we decide where it gets spent!

Also, come and see a display of plans for Fet-Lor Youth Club’s new building and hear decisions by Board on our Community Grants Fund applications.

We’d love to see you and full papers will be available in advance of meeting by following this link:

The meeting will take place on

Monday 23 February at Blackhall Library, 6.30 – 8.30pm.

INP ad

Elaine Lennon, Partnership Development Officer
Tel: 0131 529 5270

Making Work Pay event – a few tickets left


The Edinburgh Partnership is hosting an event at Tynecastle Stadium next Wednesday (4 February) to promote the Living Wage. Ann Budge, owner of Heart of Midlothian FC, will be keynote speaker at the ‘Making Work Pay’ breakfast event and a few tickets are still available. 

Ann Budge will be outline the reasons why Hearts have recently adopted the Living Wage, and other local Living Wage employers including Standard Life, Rabbie’s and Bluebird Care will also share their perspectives.

This is the first event to be hosted under Edinburgh Partnership’s new ‘One City’ Corporate Social Responsibility Framework. The target audience is businesses of all sizes and sectors who operate in Edinburgh.

To register, go to:

Community Regeneration: what is it all about?

Blue sky thinking: Granton Improvement Society calls for real community planning


The idea of  “community regeneration” certainly is not new but at this time in Scotland, with new Scottish government legislation on Community Empowerment, the time is now better than ever before for communities to take more control of assets. We can shape our community involving all who live, work and play within it. Now that would be real community regeneration! 

Politicians talk about regeneration but do they deliver? What does that mean for the residents of North Edinburgh? We have a badly needed housing development in Muirhouse but without complementary services. The rest of the locality is left to decay with budget cuts making it harder for politicians (the council) to regenerate the larger area.

The people of the area know what is needed to regenerate their environment and it is not just housing. The Granton on Sea project can be the corner stone of such development. A project that provides benefits across a wide spectrum of issues that have been unresolved over the past 20 years – even though the area was designated as a major regeneration area within the City of Edinburgh.

A community regeneration project requires the assets of the community to be in total, outright ownership of that community: this is not in place.

Why then, when Scottish government policy is to transfer assets to communities have EDI, chaired by Councillor Frank Ross who is also convenor of the Economic Development committee, denied the project Granton on Sea the opportunity to begin one of Scotland’s largest and most ambitious regeneration plans?

The EDI Finance Director and Waterfront manager both recommended that Granton Improvement Society be given a two year period where it would fully develop the project with the Lottery’s Growing Community Assets unit. After eighteen months it would begin to provide employment, training, tourism opportunities, visitors and more economic benefits to North Edinburgh.


How will the project bring benefit?

The acquisition of the land by the Granton Improvement Society will see the development of 54 luxury houses stopped and replaced with an International Garden Festival and create artisan studios in green space on the adjoining plot of land.

The proposal will provide upwards of 100 permanent full time and part-time jobs, training and education in horticulture and other professions and trades. It will be an opportunity for local people to start up business in affordable workspaces. The unique visitor attraction of the International Garden Festival where each year it is different will ensure returning visitors to the project. That influx of tourists both national and international will see their spending retained in the local economy.

The real main benefit that the Granton on Sea project will bring is a local charity The Granton Improvement Society, whose main objective is the regeneration of the North Edinburgh area. It will manage the income from the artisan village and the Garden Festival for the benefit of other projects throughout the North Edinburgh area.

 What do we need from you, the community?

This community has waited for regeneration benefits for decades with the community being told that the benefits are coming, this has clearly not happened. We are not giving up! We are asking you to join the Granton Improvement Society and create a place for people to live work and play!

Application forms for the Granton Improvement Society can be downloaded at

and are available from the secretary, email



News from Trinity Community Council

tromotyTrinity Community Council met on 12 January – these are some of the issues raised at the meeting:

Working with the neighbours

Twelve Neighbourhood Partnerships (NPs) cover Edinburgh. Trinity lies within Forth Neighbourhood Partnership. Peter Strong (Manager of Forth and Inverleith NPs) presented proposals to monitor City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) performance locally but first gave a broad description of how CEC’s organisation is planned to change.

NPs were set up by CEC to find better ways of planning and delivering services across the public sector – so only only CEC but also police, NHS and voluntary organisations such as community councils. Forth NP currently has direct responsibility for Services for Communities while other CEC services (e.g. education, health) remain centralised. Part of CEC’s latest organisational planning is to devolve further services across four localities to align with NHS, Police etc and make all more jointly answerable to local communities.

Monitoring is proposed based on the 4 key priorities in the Forth Local Community Plan. Of those, “Improve the way we engage with and support our communities” has the most developed local statistics. Local statistics need to be jointly developed for the others e.g. NHS Lothian is leading on “Healthy Lifestyles”. Monthly/quarterly statistics suggested to monitor “Improve the way we engage with and support our communities” include:

• Street Cleaning – random checks by Keep Scotland Beautiful (KSB) grade streets for litter, dog fouling etc. This will be supplemented by statistics on walkways.

• Refuse Collection – complaint volumes, by reason.

• Parks – grading versus standards and Green Flags.

• Council Houses – Time to let, repair speed and rent collection rates (though less relevant for Trinity)

• Roads & Transport– Officials are drawing up indicators

It was also agreed to maintain a rolling status update of all items identified during the annual TCC Walkabout.

Do you have thoughts about the information you would like to see about public services in our area? Let us know.

Contact in the Capital

You may have received a paper copy of the December North Edinburgh News (NEN). The final edition of this trial will be issued in February and decisions on its future taken thereafter. Do you have a view? Let us know.

East Trinity Road

CEC councillors are to be briefed on the results of the East Trinity Rd/Lower Granton Rd traffic study, following which the data should become available for discussion with TCC.

Proposed Sainsbury’s Local in Craighall Road

CEC Planning Committee undertook a visit to the site on 15 January and we expect a decision very shortly now.

Planning Application – 127 Trinity Road

Many will be aware of this application for 5 new town houses on the site of the disused car repair garage just off the lower end of Trinity Road. While the site needs development, we have concerns about the number of dwellings being fitted into the site, their height and access arrangements and are submitting an objection reflecting that.

North Edinburgh Transport Review?

Regular readers will know that we have been pushing for a North Edinburgh traffic and transport review given the extensive development since the previous review (2008), removal of trams to North Edinburgh from that plan, and the considerable housing/commercial development planned.

It is beginning to look like this might be getting somewhere as a meeting with the CEC Director of Transport has now been scheduled. We hope that this will consider the full range of ways to reduce congestion including car clubs, parking zones and the impact of the 20mph limit extension.

Fancy Improving Our Environment?

We have been asked by one resident if there might be interest in setting up an Improvement District which would fund enhancements to a specific amenity e.g. a park, over and above what CEC has responsibility for undertaking. It would involve a small annual contribution from all nearby residents if approved in a ballot.
What do you think?

New Trinity Community Council website

We’ve set up a new, uncluttered website at

Take a look – let us know what you think and how we might improve it.

Liz Grant

Sadly Liz Grant, a community councillor until very recently and former Chair of TCC, has passed away. Liz was a well known and loved face in our community and she will be missed for her contribution and easygoing personality. Her funeral was at Warriston on 15 January.

Next Trinity Community Council meeting will be held on Monday 9 February at 7pm in St Serfs Church Hall, Clark Road on the question of PARKING. Join us if you have something to say or simply want to listen.

Did you find this useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin by emailing

Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better!

Voluntary Sector Forum meets on Wednesday

EVOClogoForth and Inverleith Vountary Sector Forum will meet next Wednesday (21 January) from 10am – 12pm in North Edinburgh Arts.


  1. Present and Apologies
  2. Minutes of the last meeting

  3. Matters arising

  4. Election papers for new Chair – discussion

  5. New Local Community Plan – hard copies of plan and discussion

  6. CEC Budget

  7. Childcare

  8. Training opportunities

  9. Information Exchange

  10. A.O.B.

  11. Date of next meeting

For further information contact EVOC Community Planning development worker June Dickson on 555 9114, email

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