Getting Together, Making A Difference at Royston Wardieburn

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Planning and Design: It’s YOUR community

Communities to have their say in the design of their area


Communities across Scotland will have the chance to map out the future of their towns with design experts. The Scottish Government is launching two funds to allow people to have a direct role in making their towns and villages better places to live.

Funding of £300,000 is available across two grant schemes – the Design Charrettes programme and the Activating Ideas Fund.

Charrettes bring together the public, stakeholders and designers over a number of days to draw up viable proposals, while the Activating Ideas fund will support participation and empowerment initiatives in disadvantaged areas.

Minister for Local Government Kevin Stewart said: “The quality of our places has an important influence on our lives. This Government is committed to empowering communities and involving them in the planning process.

“We have already seen really good examples of this in the few years since the charrettes programme has been running. In Maybole the Community Association and Community Council sourced additional funding to modernise and improve access to the Town Hall gardens. And in Girvan there is a successful plan for a new swimming facility which is due to open in 2017 following the closure of the local pool.

“Local communities have a wealth of knowledge about their local area. Bringing communities together with design expertise will enable ideas and proposals to be developed to deliver positive change. This initiative provides a way of enabling people across Scotland to have their say on the long- term future of their community.”

Continue reading Planning and Design: It’s YOUR community

West Pilton West Granton Community Council meets on Tuesday

West pilton boost
Please find attached the agenda for our next meeting, Tuesday 2nd August at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre.
We are inviting Councillor Vicki Redpath as our Community Council’s Returning Officer to speak to us (Edinburgh’s community council elections take place this September).
Speakers will also be in attendance from the Housing Planning Department to present and outline the housing proposals for West Pilton Grove and Crewe Road Gardens.
Hope to see you there,
Barbara Robertson

Rise in racist incidents sparks community action


The North Edinburgh community will discuss a worrying rise in the number of racist incidents at this afternoon’s Living in Harmony forum at Spartans Community Football Academy. Continue reading Rise in racist incidents sparks community action

Drylaw Telford CC AGM next Wednesday

Drylaw standing stones

Please see below for agenda for Drylaw Telford Community Council’s AGM plus June 2016 monthly meeting.

The AGM will start at 7pm prompt with Monthly meeting following after AGM ends. Draft monthly minutes for May 2016 to follow.
Alex Dale
Chair, Drylaw Telford CC 


‘Bringing the area alive’: Newhaven gets gardening


A local Heritage Garden Group enlisted the help of green-fingered volunteers to help green up an area in Newhaven’s Fishmarket Square recently.  The project is part of this year’s Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Britain in Bloom, the UK’s largest community gardening campaign. Continue reading ‘Bringing the area alive’: Newhaven gets gardening

Scottish Gas staff kick off Volunteer Week in North Edinburgh


More than 350 Scottish Gas employees took part in a volunteering challenge supporting local charities and community groups across North Edinburgh yesterday. Continue reading Scottish Gas staff kick off Volunteer Week in North Edinburgh