Still time to have your say on antisocial behaviour

Have your say on Edinburgh’s Antisocial Behaviour Strategy
The latest  Antisocial Behaviour Strategy for Edinburgh is being drafted, and the next phase for this project is to go out to public consultation, so we can gather the opinions of the people of Edinburgh about Antisocial Behaviour and how it affects them. The consultation will run until the 31st December and will be hosted online at:
There is also a print version of the consultation available for anyone who does not wish to respond electronically, available at Neighbourhood Council Offices and Libraries.
The more feedback we get through the Consultation the better, so if you or your organisation can support the Consultation by raising awareness through social media, having paper copies available at public offices, or through any other means it would be much appreciated.
Tom Veitch
Project Officer | Community Protection Support Unit | Services for Communities | City of Edinburgh Council | Tel No:  0131 469 3871

Cutting out cold calling in Drylaw

Scheme to be introduced in Easter Drylaw Gardens 


Drylaw Telford Community Council and Easter Drylaw Residents Association (EDRA) are to make Easter Drylaw Gardens a No Cold Calling Zone. Continue reading Cutting out cold calling in Drylaw

Council budget: have your say on ‘Transformation Programme’

Consultation period extended until 17 December


New proposals to help save the Council money over the next four years have been published for public comment. Edinburgh’s citizens can submit their views on measures, which add to a series of existing proposals on how the Council is to make an annual saving of at least £126m by 2020.

There will now also be an extra week for feedback, with the engagement period now running until 17 December.

Continue reading Council budget: have your say on ‘Transformation Programme’

Tram network back on track?

Capital Coalition stands firm to seek ‘best value for city’

tram front

Councillors have approved in principle that any tram extension should continue to Newhaven. Elected members voted today to continue consideration of an Outline Business Case (see below) until the next Council meeting in December, when a further report will be heard. Continue reading Tram network back on track?

Home truths: council acts to address housing crisis

Council plans to build an additional 5000 homes


The City of Edinburgh Council has set out plans to build 8,000 homes in an attempt to address the shortage of affordable housing and tackle the impact of soaring housing costs in the private sector.

A report to Tuesday’s Health, Social Care and Housing Committee will outline proposals to increase the Council’s house-building programme from 3,000 to 8,000 over the next decade.

The report represents a major change in the Council’s bid to meet growing demand for new affordable homes. Almost 150 households bid for every Council and housing association home available to let in Edinburgh, and the city’s population is set to grow by up to 30% over the next 20 years.

The Council has already committed to funding the construction of almost 3,000 new homes through the award-winning 21st Century Homes and working in partnership with the National Housing Trust. The proposals are part of the Council’s ongoing budget consultation details, of which can be accessed here.

Councillor Cammy Day, Housing Leader for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Expanding the Council’s award-winning house-building programme would be a bold and strategic response to the acute shortage of homes in Edinburgh. High quality, low cost, energy efficient housing is simply out of reach for far too many people in the city. We are determined to address that.”

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership to focus on performance

Blackhall Library, Monday 16 November, 6.30-8.30pm

 Blackhall Library (2)

The next meeting of the Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership is focused on PERFORMANCE – why not come along and join us for a cuppa and hear how the Inverleith Neighbourhood and its key partners are doing? 

Also, hear what you told us from the recent Edinburgh People’s Survey and what progress we are making towards the Community’s key priorities, as highlighted in our local community plan.

Please let us know if you require any assistance to attend or take part e.g. large print, disabled access requirements, travel arrangements, hearing loop etc.

Elaine Lennon, Partnership Development Officer

Tel: 0131 529 5270