A young boy who sadly passed away due to a rare medical condition is being honoured through the creation of a fund held by Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity in his name. West Lothian youngster Paul James Cockburn – who was universally known as PJ – was just 12, when he died as a result of his condition, Short Bowel Syndrome. Continue reading Family set up fund with charity in memory of tragic loss of PJ
Tag: charity
Oh yes they are: Panto stars team up to help Cash for Kids
Two of Scotland’s best known Panto stars are swapping the stage for charity as they team up to champion Cash for Kids. Grant Stott will join Andy Gray as the official patrons for the charity, which operates throughout Scotland. Continue reading Oh yes they are: Panto stars team up to help Cash for Kids
Derby Days: Edinburgh College students run football fundraiser for mental health charity
Not one but two Edinburgh derbies this weekend. Hibs face Hearts tonight at Easter Road – but Events Management students from Edinburgh College are also hosting a charity football game at Spartans Football Club on Sunday (11 March)! Continue reading Derby Days: Edinburgh College students run football fundraiser for mental health charity
New group to lead fight against dementia in Edinburgh
A group of passionate volunteers whose lives have been touched by dementia have launched a fundraising group to support Alzheimer’s Research UK. Continue reading New group to lead fight against dementia in Edinburgh
Edinburgh bars join world’s biggest pub quiz
The Amber Rose, Chanter, Hanover Tap and The Southsider are joining thousands of pubs and bars across the UK in what is thought to be the world’s biggest pub quiz – and it’s all in aid of charity. Continue reading Edinburgh bars join world’s biggest pub quiz
Could you be a Snow Angel during Storm Emma?
The dangers of icy and wet footpaths can result in older and vulnerable people being left stranded in their homes during bad weather. Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, is urging councils, businesses and neighbours to be ‘Snow Angels’ and grit pavements outside of homes and on high streets as the poor weather continues. Continue reading Could you be a Snow Angel during Storm Emma?
Ann Budge is new patron of Care & Repair Edinburgh
Hearts owner and Chief Executive, Ann Budge, has been unveiled as patron to local charity Care and Repair Edinburgh which provides a vital lifeline service to older and disabled people across the city. Continue reading Ann Budge is new patron of Care & Repair Edinburgh
There but not there: Hearts’ fallen heroes honoured in national WW1 campaign launch
Ghostly figures of First World War soldiers or ‘Tommies’, have taken up their position on the Tynecastle turf today as part of a new nationwide fundraising campaign to commemorate 100 years since the end of the Great War later this year. Continue reading There but not there: Hearts’ fallen heroes honoured in national WW1 campaign launch
Kellock’s Calcutta Cup Kiltwalk team talk!
Former Scotland rugby captain Al Kellock is encouraging people to ‘scrum’ on down and take part in this year’s Royal Bank of Scotland Kiltwalk. Continue reading Kellock’s Calcutta Cup Kiltwalk team talk!
“Local treasure” Tom raises £30,000 for children’s hospital charity
A 97-YEAR-OLD fundraiser has handed over a cheque worth £30,000 to the Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity (ECHC). Continue reading “Local treasure” Tom raises £30,000 for children’s hospital charity